Backstabbers, love and Teenag...

By happylittleland

1K 7 2

Paris Amelia Darling, is your regular teenage girl, she has a huge crush on Jaden Simons, the schools hottest... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Not a chapter
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen

Chapter twenty

51 1 0
By happylittleland

Alina's Pov..

Great, I'm now on detention for the rest of my life! Ugh! I hate miss Hen and Paris Stupid Darling! Good thing I'm leaving soon! I can't wait to leave! Mika now hates me, and the Mixers have ditched us. So it's just me and her. It serves her right anyway, don't like the hottest guy in school, but there's some new dude Chris and he's cute and I mean cute cute, but she best not start drooling over him cause he's mine. Ugh but whatever I'm leaving in 2 days I'm of to Penola high, other side of town. I'm gonna start my own Gang, and ain't no one messing with us!

Jaden's Pov..

We were all sat in the LSU, Zach still on his phone and so was Paris, they were both smiling I wonder who they were texting. Then my phone started to vibrate I got it out and it was a text from Zach.

Zach: ask her out dude, I see you staring at my sister! 👀Don't even deny it! I got proof on my phone! 📱

Great I can't believe he's got proof of me staring at her! How can I ask her out anyway, after everything I've done too her! She won't take me back.

Me: no I can't Man, she'll say no, I know she will. 😔

Zach: actually no she won't, I'm texting her right now.. She was asking do you think now trey has gone do you and her have a chance now.. ✌️

Me: whatever don't lie man! 😠

Zach: if you don't ask her, I will! 😉

Me: whatever 😒

****** end of text conversation***

"Jaden..." I heard a voice say I saw Paris in front of me bouncing on the chair like a little kid

"Yes?.." I ask while laughing..

"Did we ever go on a date.. Yanoo when we were a thing??" She asked looking confused.. She's too cute, and too funny haha.

"No, the day you ended it with me, I was gonna ask you, but then that happened.." I answered quietly.

"Wait, did you even ask me to be your girlfriend.. I mean we just did that thing In front of the office then it wasn't really official.." Paris asked

She was right we never really made it offical, but this time it would be different.. Well hopefully if I can bring myself to asking her out again..

"Actually very true.." I answered.

With that Paris just opened her bag and brought out lots of sweets. That made me laugh a lot... "Paris, I thought you said sweets were bad for you?" I asked while chuckling. "Jaden, they are, but I'm a girl.. Plus it's chocolate, you want some?" She said while stuffing chocolate and other sweets in her mouth. I just laughed at the thought of Paris, stuffing her face with chocolate that made me laugh so I slyly took a picture of her. But I then realised.. Now trey isn't comin back, Paris is back to her regular, geeky, adorable self. Which makes her perfect in every single way.. Well too me anyway. I was watching Paris eat, ye creepy I know but she's perfect! Then I felt eyes on me, I turned round to see Zach, staring at me, he mouthed "ask her or I will!" I just turned back to Paris..

Paris pov..

I feel like my life is back on track! And I still really like Jaden, but he can be a Creep sometimes, I noticed when I was eating he was staring at me, but I pretended I hadn't noticed. Then I heard him get up and sit next too me. He smiled at me. So I smiled back. I ended up leaning my head on his shoulder. I felt normal again, I felt that I was back to myself, I can now actually hang round boys without it being weird, well with Jaden it still is weird.. But Isnt it always when your around your crush..

We was all sat in silence again then I heard Jaden speak "Paris.. Can I ask you something?" He said but he sounded quiet nervous. So lifted my head up and turned towards him. "Yeh, what is it?" I asked. I wonder what he needs to ask me. I hope it isn't nothing about Trey I mean, I want to keep the past behind me. "Would you like to go on a date with me this Friday?" He asked quietly. That's when Zach looked up at Jaden and nodded, wait does Jaden like me.. Wow, I couldn't believe he likes me.. After all the drama I brought too his life..

"Yeah why not!" I answered. As I leaned towards him

We were an inch from eachother a faces by now. I saw Jaden lean in, and in leaned in too.. I knew what was about too happen next, but then the bell went. I quickly got up grabbed my stuff and headed out the door. But Jaden grabbed my arm and offered to walk me home. Zach went to go find his new girlfriend Allison, so it was just me and him. As we were walking out of school everyone was talking amongst them selves, I guess Alina and the mixers told everyone about what happened. I just rolled my eyes and carried on walking. Me and Jaden talked the whole way, about the most random subjects. We even got onto children names. Which made it a little awkward. When we got to my house I gave him a hug good-bye and a kiss on the cheek. Then walked into my house.

When I got in, my parents both tackled me into a hug my arm still hurt, but I think the love is helping it. My mum and dad both ended up talking to me about how I should tell them if someone ever hurts me again, they were lecturing me for ten minutes, but I didn't mind. I love them both after they finished I hugged them both went up to my room, and texted all my friends. I'm back, and even better than before! I guess life isn't so bad being a teenager, I got my true friends, I found who my fakes are, I got a family who loves me, I won't be getting hurt no more, and well the mixers, I can deal with them, and what ever drama they bring.. And as for Jaden, were gonna have too see where that goes,I hope this date goes well on Friday! Backstabbers, love and teenage drama.. HA! That's my life summed up but with a lot of drama.. But hey it's slowly starting to get better!

*******authors note******

Hey!! So that's it! The story is complete! I hope you enjoyed the story! Especially you Jaden! hope you didn't think it was that bad, you wouldn't do anyway you love me too much😘 anyway please vote, comment, and share or add to your library's! I would love to know what y'all think of it! Anyways

Love ya all!💕

Stay Swerg✌️


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