my mess

By user31082375

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it's a description of the life of a girl, what she's going through in her the middle of her twenties. How s... More

two years later


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By user31082375

Y/n's POV
It's 6 am I need to get ready and get the boys to the photo shoot. I need to hurry. I got the car from the manager last night and he also have me all the adresses for the boys and the stylist. I don't get why the boys have a different adress, they need to have one place I'll suggest that to the manager afterwards.

I got ready, went to the car and got on my way.
Well I have to get the stylist first, she's the closest to my house. Once I arrived I found her waiting for me in front of her house.
Then it's time to pick namjoon and jin they were neighbours easy task,3 down,5 to go.
They also were ready and jin even prepared some snacks for the whole team. Next was jimin and v. Jimin was waiting in front of his house but v mmmm no one has seen him. We even knocked on his door but no answer, we called him and he said that he got up early and went for a walk and can't find his way home.
Great!!! Typical v. We went on the search for him. We found him in a park 30 minutes away from his home. Such a clumsy kid he couldn't find his way back.
We're behind schedule, luckily jhope already took off and went to the photo shoot place alone.
only one's is left us suga hopefully we won't have a problem while picking him up.
It's already 8 and we need to get there in half an hour.
We're in front of suga' house, we knocked. No answer we even called him but his phone was off service.
Shot this can't be happening.
I need to get him and leave now.
Namjoon:I know where he keeps his spare keys.
Y/n:show me quick.
Namjoon just went to the garden moved a rock and got the key.
I opened the dorr and got in want straight to his bedroom. And for my surprise he was in bed.
Y/n:ya get up we're late get up now.
He didn't answer, I took a pillow and threw it on him he just looked at me annoyed and growled.
Y/n: please get up we're late everyone is waiting for you c'mon.
-suga: give me a kiss or I won't.
I said shocked by his statement.
My face was red and I swear that my soul left my body in that time I couldn't even move a muscle.
He just laughed
Suga:am joking just give me 5 minutes and I'll be ready.
I just missed and left.
The boys looked at me and were reading me cause my face and ears were red.
-jimin:did something happen up there??
-namjoon: are you okay???what did he do to you??
Y/n:nothing he'll be here in five.

Now we were on the shooting set, the boys for their makeup hair done.
They wore nice Versace outfits that they are going to wear in their first video.
It's going great. But I need to solve the transportation problem I need to call my superior and tell him about it.

Y/n: hello sir, it's y/n, bts' s manager.
Ceo:yah y/n, is there a problem?
Y/n:kind of, today while taking the boys to the shooting I wasted a lot of time picking them up one by one.I mean can't we get them in the same place??
-CEO:you drove them ??
-y/n: yeah, manager nim gave me his car to take them.
CEO: I see well when you finish come see me immediately.
-y/n: thank you sirhave a nice day
He hung up on me.

3 hours later we finished I have to take them home and go see the CEO.

While dropping off suga he winked at me.
I pretended not to see him and drove off.
I got to the company, went to see the CEO.
-CEO: y/n, come in. He said after hearing me knocking of the door.
I opened the door bowed .
CEO: sit down, well about the boys living together, I was thinking about it and you should look for a dorm for them.also I talked to the manager and he's going to leave his car at your disposition any time you need it.
-y/n: okay thank you sir. I said got up and bowed about to leave when he said.
CEO: something else, you're gonna have to live with them, I expect you to get them through their schedules and keeping them on track.
That's it you can leave now.

Big surprise, am going to have to live with the boys.
This can't be happening to me.

While going down my phone rang.
It was him....

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