Cherry Wine {lex luthor}

נכתב על ידי angelicivory

80K 2.6K 208

How do you repay someone who has given you everything? {will contain violence, mental health issues, and stro... עוד

photobook and playlists
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
christmas eve
christmas day
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
chapter fifty three

chapter eighteen

1.4K 48 11
נכתב על ידי angelicivory

quick psa because I've gotten a lot of questions abt last chapter! The pills he gave her were birth control (come on lex) and he was withholding her cross necklace because of his issues with religion! this is an important chapter to the narrative of the story, since I've taken a little artistic liberty with the original plot :)

two weeks later

Autumn had fully set in around the mansion. The trees shed their leaves in what started as a fiery display but soon turned to a sad, brown and bare last ditch effort at life. Fog rolled in every morning, burning away with the late afternoon sun. In the fields around the mansion, the corn stubble was being burned and the fields law fallow for the winter.

I spent every night in Lex's bed, and not once did the night terrors wake me. There were occasions when I woke up in a panic, my mind foggy and unsure, but Lex held me until I calmed down. My hand healed, and although the scar remained, jagged and ugly across my palm, it was a reminder of what I could endure. It became a morning ritual for Lex to redress my now almost sealed thigh, and clip my fingernails short. I had clawed myself bloody one too many times for his liking, and so they were kept short and blunt.

It was the morning before Lex's first party in my company-he was, to my utter surprise, a grand donor to the Metropolis library. He was such a modern man-I would have expected him to scorn books for the more immediately accessible internet. But no, Lex told me, he was a big believer in the history contained in paper and ink.

I sat, wrapped in one of Lex's black knit sweaters. My hands were wrapped around a quickly cooling mug of tea, but I made no effort to drink, refusing to break eye contact with a very stern Lex.

"Absolutely not.. No drinking under my roof. " He said, for the third time.

"But it's an open bar!" I pointed out. "Everyone will be drinking!"

Lex stood up, tugging the lapels of his jacket straight.

"And everyone else will be much older than eighteen." He skirted the table to stand by me, his arms crossed firmly over his chest.

"Oh, so I can walk around with hickies all over my neck and wrists but I can't drink?" I poked him in the arm, and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Your dress is high-necked and long-sleeved, little one. Now, I suggest you run along and stay out of the way of the caterers." He caught ahold of my hand, and kissed the palm. "Be ready to greet guests by five."

I pulled my hand out of his grasp, and scowled at him. Lex merely laughed, and pointed up the stairs with one long finger.

"Scoot along and let a man get to work!"


Five came much too quickly. Lex was right-the dress hanging in my bathroom had long, fitted sleeves and a glittering collar. It was a delicate pink, and I silently cursed Lex for choosing what I was sure to be the only pale dress at the party. Still, it was the prettiest thing I had ever worn, and the fabric felt as though it had been made by angels. It was fine and silky, and fell to my knees in a shimmering wave. It was demure and modest, and with the white lacy socks and white leather buckle shoes that had been left for me, I felt about five years old.

Which, I supposed, was the point, Lex had made it very clear that he did not want men 'gazing after me', and so his attempt to dissuade that was to dress me up like a porcelain doll. Untouchable by mankind.

When I left my room, Lex was waiting in the hallway, pulling at his tie. He was in a black suit, gold cufflinks gleaming from below his suit jacket. I smiled at him, before reaching up and deftly unknotting his tie. I unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, before brushing off his shoulders and stepping back.

"Much better." I said. "Now you look like you."

Lex took a step back, his eyes raking me up and down. There was a hint of satisfaction on his face, and he stroked the roundness of my cheek.

"My sin, my soul." He breathed.

I recognized the quote immediately. Lex had taken up the habit of reading to me before bed-his latest book of interest had been Nabokov's Lolita. He had taken a fascination to it, and I caught him mumbling phrases from it on more than one occasion.

"Shouldn't we go greet the guests?" I reminded him. I could hear the clamour of the press and the rising of voices as they filed into the ballroom.

"I would rather stay here with you." Lex sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why must they all come here? I wish it were only the two of us."

I pulled his sleeve, eager to see all the guests in their fancy clothes. Already, I could hear the first pull of the string quartet. Lex took my hand, and led the way down the stairs. A hush went over the crowd as we came into view. Lex clapped his hands, a charming smirk descending on his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen! So happy to have you all here! This is my lovely ward, Ruth. Be kind to her." He squeezed my hand, and disappeared into the fracas. I stayed for a moment longer, watching him mingle and flirt his way through the crowd. Jealousy tingled in my stomach as I saw him kiss a young woman on the cheek, and then kiss her knuckles with a slight bow.

Well, two could play at that game.

I watched as an older man entered. He had greying hair, and even from afar, he exuded an aura of power.


I stumbled down the stairs, tripping over my own feet in my haste. The waiters all knew not to give me champagne-but the guests didn't. Keeping my distance, I followed the man into the main room. He was muttering to himself, looking around with sharp eyes.

"She seems like our best source of information, Alfred." He was arguing with someone. "She lives in with him. She looks young, maybe nineteen."

I slipped through the throngs, trying to catch his low conversation.

"I can't get her drunk! She's tiny. A slip of a thing." There was a pause. "You're right, as ever. The good of the many, I suppose."

He took two glasses from a passing waiter, and that was when I made my move. I bit my lip, and laced my fingers together, trying to look lost and innocent. The man noticed me immediately, and stepped towards me, offering a hand.

"Bruce Wayne. I don't think we've met."

"Ruth....Ruth." I said, and took his hand. He shook mine gently, and offered me a flute of bubbling champagne.

"You're empty handed. Odd, for one of Luthor's parties. He does have the best taste in alcohol." Bruce said conversationally. I took a careful sip, the alcohol burning the back of my throat.

"I wouldn't know. This is my first one." I took another, larger sip, enjoying the way my muscles seemed to relax of their own accord. It took all my restraint not to drain the glass, but Bruce took it from me, replacing it with a glass of white wine.

"Is it? You must try the wine." He watched in satisfaction as I swallowed a mouthful. I was already feeling giddy, the combination of my empty stomach and high volume of alcohol I had consumed very suddenly. "So you live here?"

"Yep." I smiled, wobbling a little. "With Lex. He likes to be here with me rather than in the city. I get to sit on his couch in his office. Do you have an office?"

Bruce nodded, and gestured for me to drink. I drained the glass, the fire in my stomach burning brighter. The world seemed softer around the edges, and everything moved a little slower than it was meant to.

"I do. What does Lex do while you're in there?"

"I'm not supposed to tell." I giggled, and accepted the glass of wine he placed in my outstretched hand. For a split second, the sleeve of my dress rode up, revealing the bruises on my wrist. Bruce grabbed my forearm before I could react, sliding the material higher. Every inch revealed a new mark, some faded, some deep purple. In a split second, he had tugged the collar of my dress aside, revealing the bruises there, too. I pulled on my arm, and he released it, letting me pull my dress back into place.

"Jesus Christ." Bruce said. "Ruth, what are those?"

I drank deeply from my glass, but Bruce removed it from my hand. It was just as well. I was fully drunk now, and the words came out of my mouth without my brain having a say.

"They go away. I think they're pretty." I stuck out my tongue. "Why do you ask?"

I stumbled sideways, my head spinning, and a warm hand steadied me, wrapped round my waist. I tilted my head back, catching a glimpse of a familiar face.

"What's going on here?" He asked, and I struggled to place the voice. I had heard it before, had seen him before, but my brain was in no condition to think.

"Bruce Wayne, Wayne Industries. And take a look at her arms and neck. See for yourself." He gestured at me. The man slid my sleeve up, and I felt him stiffen.

"Clark Kent, Daily Planet. Who is this girl?"

The name rung a bell in my head, buried deep below a haze of sounds and bad memories that took up my first few weeks in Lex's care.

"His ward." Bruce said. "Ruth. I was trying to get her to talk, but I think that speaks for itself."

Clark pressed me tighter to his side, and I sagged a little, sleepiness grabbing at me. Their voices lulled me into a stupor, as they talked lowly to each other.

"Can we do something?" Bruce was asking.

Clark seemed to shake his head, and I placed him.

"Hey! You were at the hospital!" I crowed. "When I was leaving!"

Both men hurried to shush me, but it was too late. Lex had spotted me across the hall. Fear boiled in my heart-in a moment of clarity, I realized I had landed myself in trouble. I was drunk, on the arm of a strange man. As I watched, Lex disengaged himself from his conversation, making his way over. Neither Bruce nor Clark had spotted him. They were conversing in low tones, something I couldn't hear.

"Clark Kent. Bruce Wayne. May I ask what you are doing with Ruth?" Lex eyes took in the scene, and his mouth set. Clark was crushing me to his side, his arms wrapped around me. I was too weak to fight my way out, but I looked pleadingly at Lex.

"May I ask what you are doing with her?" Bruce snapped. "We've seen the marks, Luthor. We know."

"Know what, exactly, boys? Ruth, come here." He asked pleasantly. Clark refused to lift his arms. "All I can see is that you have gotten her drunk and are now holding her against her will." His tone was till even, but I heard the edge below it that signalled danger.

Clark reluctantly let me go, and Lex caught me as I fell towards him. I leaned into his side, burying my face in his shirt. I was embarrassed; of the humiliating position I had been put in, of my drunkenness, of my weak body that I could not control.

"Let's go, little thing." Lex said to me. "I recommend that you two are nowhere to be found when I return." Lex threw over his shoulder, towards the gaping men.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered, still hiding my face. "I know you said not to drink. But I saw you kissing that lady and it made me mad."

Lex shushed me, maneuvering through the crowded first floor, before sweeping me up and carrying me to his room. I almost vomited at the movement, the world swirling around my head. He closed the door behind him, setting me on my own feet.

"What did you say to them?" Lex asked pushing me back so I was sitting on his bed. I tried to stand, but he tapped my knee. "Sit. I'm taking off your shoes."

He unbuckled them quickly, and rolled my lace socks down around my ankles. I lay back on the bed, singing quietly.

"Oh, Ruth." Lex appeared over me. "Darling."

"Kiss me!" I pulled my legs underneath me, and knelt on the bed. "Kiss me, kiss me!"

Lex put out a hand.

"You're drunk. I won't take advantage of you." he scolded, and I pouted. A devious thought entered my mind, and slowly, I bit my lip, tipping my head to the side and widening my eyes.

"You kissed the girl downstairs." I said again, letting a little hurt leak into my voice. "Please? Just one before bed?"

Lex shut his eyes, but I crept closer, until I could wrap my arms around his neck. He jumped a little, but remained still and silent.

"Ruth." He warned.

I kissed him, my mouth open and needy. He stayed motionless for a moment, and then, with a growl, flipped me into the bed, so he was above me. His hands pinned mine against the mattress.

"You are far too bold when you're drunk." He said. "I should teach you a lesson."

"So do it." I egged him on. I wiggled my hips and wrists, trying to break free, but he only pressed down harder.

"No. You're drunk. I'll undress you, and then I'm locking you in until I come up. I don't need you flirting with any more of my enemies." He grabbed my hands, and pulled me upright, taking the hem of my dress and lifting it, in one smooth motion, over my head.

I shivered in the draft of wind, my thin underwear the only thing protecting me from the cold. Lex sat for a moment and stared, and I brought my arms down to hug my chest.

My movement snapped him out of his trance.

"Arms back up." He said hoarsely, and slid a shirt over my head. "Now. Will you behave if I leave you in here?"

"No, I'll be a bad, bad girl." I crossed my arms. "Stay here."

"I can't, my love. It's my party. I'm locking the door. I'll be up before you even know it. You're so drunk I doubt you'll notice I'm gone."

He kissed my nose, but I turned away, not angry, just enjoying being the slighted girl.

"Goodnight, little love." He said, and closed the door. I snuggled under the mattress, and before the lock had slid home, I was asleep, dreaming of white wine and dark-haired men.

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