Twisted - A Paisleywood Story

By sugarmeltsintherain_

21.9K 781 192

You'll have to read to know what the story is about, bae More

Wait, WHAT?!
Friendly Date Night?
Can't Do It No More.
Miranda Finds Out
He Cannot Wait.
A Bit Shocked
The Truth Exposed.
A Day Without Brad?
The Reality
The Reality Part II
Isn't It Surprising?
Starts With Goodbye
Starts With Goodbye Part II
Get Out Of This Town
I Know You Won't
The Next Day
A New Friend
Just Another Day
The Ellen show
This is it.
what now?
This is Just A Dream
Next step?
The Call ☎
Home Sweet Home :)
Thank God For Hometowns
I Love You
Back For You
Fun Fun Fun!
It Is A Lovely Night Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→
Stay With Me
Don't Keep Your Hopes Up
There's Good In Goodbye
Untwist It
The Future.

Remind Me

583 15 2
By sugarmeltsintherain_

My alarm went off pretty early today. Of course, I set it earlier than the usual because I have work. I immediately got out of bed and hopped in the shower.

I wore something comfortable. Just a black "I'm with stupid" tee, jeans and doll shoes. that plain and simple. Why? because Brad said we might be doing the video too today and i don't wanna take too much time changing into clothes that i'm gonna use for the video. I curled my hair and put on minimal make-up knowing that there would also be someone who'll do my make-up later. I'm just not really used to going out with my hair plain and straight.

I went downstairs and had some cereals and a vitamin water. Of course, I gave Ace his food and cleaned up the dishes for a short while then sat down on the couch. I'm just gonna rest for while since it's only 8:11 am so i still have  some time to relax.

8:30 am is when i decided to leave. I was opening the door when I got a text from Brad.


You still home?


Yep, why? do you need something?


Nah, wait for me. I'd pick you up.


yeah. sure.

Just as I finished sending the message to Brad he pulled on the driveway, peeked through the window and shouted "Ya' ready Underwood?"

"Yeah. i'd just lock the house." I shouted back. I ran towards the car and went in.  Brad greeted me with a kiss.

"Morning to you too, handsome" i said with a huge grin on my face. My day's already complete ladies and gents!

"so, you excited?" He asked.

"of course!" i replied shortly.

"okay, so here's a copy of the lyrics to our song." he said handing me a bond paper with the lyrics printed out.

I read the lyrics especially my part and boy, is this song sexy.

"oh gosh! this song is really..."

"sexy?" he continued my sentence.

"haha yes! i mean, i'm kinda nervous to what the video would be like especially in the part "We turn out the lights and we didn't just sleep" hahaha. oh golly!" i exclaimed.

"You better get ready, beautiful miss." He said as he parks the car. He opens the door for me and went inside the studio.

"Why, hello there Brad and Carrie!" Jimmy greeted as he hugged us.

"hi, Jimmy!" i greeted back.

"Morning Jim!" Brad said.

"so are we ready to record?" Jimmy asked.

"yeahbsolutely!" Brad exclaimed.

"What about you, Carrie?" Jimmy asked .

"yeah. sure. I just ran through the lyrics on my way here, so yep. Ready." i answered.

Jimmy lead us to the recording studio. Everything's already set there. The drums, guitars and everything. The only thing missing were Brad and I. We stood at our designated places. Not far from each other. But not also close to each other.

The drums started to play and so as the guitar.

  "We didn't care if people stare when we make out in a crowd somewhere. Somebody tell us to get a room. It's hard to believe that was me and you." Brad started off.    "Now we keep saying that we're okay, but  I don't wanna settle for good not great.  I miss the way that it felt back then I wanna feel that way again."  Then the chorus.

"Been so long bet you forget the way I used to kiss your neck

Remind Me.. Remind Me..

We're so on fire, we're so in love way back when we couldn't get enough..

Remind Me.. Remind Me.." Now my turn :))

"Remember the airport dropping me off, we were kissing goodbye and we couldn't stop..

I felt bad 'cause you missed your flight..

But that then we had one more night.." Brad then looked at me.. I can't help but smile. I feel like i'm gonna melt, but then I had to focus on the song.

"Do you remember how we used to be, we turn out the lights and we didn't just sleep..

Remind Me.. Baby, Remind Me..

We're so on fire, we're so in love. That look in your eyes that miss so much..

Remind Me..Baby, Remind Me..

I wanna feel that way.

yeah I wanna hold you close.

All if you still love me.. Don't just assume I know" I belted at that part.

Oh Baby, remind me, remind me" i can't help but smile.

"Do you remember the way it felt

you mean back when we couldn't control ourselves

Remind Me,  baby remind me.

All those things that you used to do that made me fall in love with you.

Remind me, oh baby, remind me.

Yeah you wake up in my old t-shirt. All those mornings I was late for work.

Remind me, oh baby remind me yeah.. oh. baby remind me, baby remind me.

yeah you wake  up in my old t-shirt.

Baby, remind me." and the song ends. I was looking at the ground t avoid them seeing my face because I am blushing big time. That is one great song, isn't it? *giggles

"That was uh-mazing!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"haha! thanks!" Brad chuckles, I just smiled.

"Sooo, yah ready for the music video? 'cause whether you like it or not, we're gonna shoot EVERYTHING TODAY, since it' still early." Jimmy said.

"oh well, I guess we couldn't do anything about that so yeah. haha" I replied.

"Me too." Brad seconds.

"Great! but first, we're gonna need to do Carrie's hair and make-up." He says looking at me. "And don't worry, Melissa's already here, I called her this morning knowing that you might not let just anyone touching your hair and doing your make-up Haha!" he finished off.

"oh, I wouldn't really mind ya' know haha but thanks!" I replied smiling.

"Oh and by the way, You and Brad have the same dressing room. I hope you don't mind" Jimmy says again.

"it's fine!" Brad said looking at me.

"yep. not at all a problem. Thanks Jimmy!" i second as we both head to our dressing room.

I wonder what would the music video be like.. i'm also really excited because the song is really great I just hope the music video is too :)

"Carrie!" Melissa greeted.

"Hi! how have you been? it's been a while." i said whilst hugging her.

"I've been great! I missed doing your hair and make-up! so i'm really glad Jimmy called me." she replies pulling off the hug.

"I missed you too! haha, by the way, Brad and I are gonna share the dressing room."

"oh Hi there Brad!" she says as they both shake hands. Brad smiled in reply and sat on the chair.

"So, should we start?" I asked.

"Yep." Melissa answered as she motions for me to sit and plugs the iron curler in the socket and brings out the make-ups she's going to use.

After an hour of chatting and laughing while doing my make-up, we're already done and Melissa already left.

"Brad, aren't you gonna change your clothes yet?" i asked looking through my clothes and seem like i'm gonna have a lot of costume changes!

"nah! according to Jimmy the first scene would be on the .. bed. so yeah." Brad replied.

"ohhh.. that's why there isn't any clothes here labeled for SCENE 1" I said.

"most probably.. haha. hey, isn't this gonna be awkward or?" Brad asked.

"i don't know, really. I mean.. it would be because you know, there will be a lot of cameras and people around us but we just need to act normal."

"yeah.. you're right about that. and hey, i have an idea.. i don't know if it's good but.." i raised my both my eyebrows telling him to continue "you know, we could use this music video to brush off the rumors going on about us and to dispel all those magazine issues."

"you know, that is a great idea but, do you think it'd work because the magazines got released days before we shoot this ?" i asked.

"Trust me. It would." Just as after Brad finishes his sentence one of the crews entered the dressing room telling us we only have 5 more minutes to prepare. Brad and I decided to go then.

"Sooo, ready guys?" Jimmy as as he sees us.

"yeahbsolutely!" Brad replied.

Jimmy then pointed to the bed on a corner, well not on a corner, it's actually in the middle, telling us to go there.

"Just listen to everything I say and do it good so we'll finish early." Jimmy says sitting on a chair with print at the back saying "Director" holding a microphone. "I've already oriented Brad about what's going to happen so i'm not really gonna give a lot of instructions, so Carrie, just follow his lead." I just nodded in response

So Brad knows what's going to happen and I don't? great just great.

Brad and I were awkwardly standing at the foot of the bed when Jimmy spoke again.

"Carrie sit on the bed and Brad will do his job."

So i did as i was instructed when the cameras started rolling. i sat on the bed as Brad started to pull my shirt and pants off. He also removed his. Dear goodness! everyone can see me in only my undies and this is gonna be shown internationally. My dad's going to kill me. Then I lay down the bed as he crawls on top of me. I put my hands on the headboard as he started kissing me...

"CUT!!!!" Jimmy yelled.

What did i do wrong? Don't tell me we're gonna start all over again!? ugh.

"Carrie! don't put your hands on the headboard, it's blocking your beautiful face." Jimmy said.

"Oh then where would I frigging put it? " I thought to myself. This is so frustrating. I mean, doing this in Front of a lot of people ?!

Oh well, i just nodded in response.

"Care, look at me. Just look at me." Brad said and I just smiled. I guess he noticed the look on my face.

"ACTION!" Jimmy yelled.

Luckily, he didn't tell

to start all over again, we just needed to catch up on where we stopped. Then Brad started kissing me again on the lips, the neck, the collar bone. His fingers intertwined with mine.

"CUT!" We heard Jimmy's irritating yell again. at least i find it irritating.

"That was great! Now go change your clothes and be back within 10 minutes." Jimmy said.

Then one crew went to me and handed me a bathrobe. I wore it, of course, then grabbed my clothes on the floor then Brad and I headed to the dressing room.

"Sooooo, uhmm.. haha. I don't know what to say." Brad spoke up.

"Me either! haha. i'm just nervous." I replied timidly.

"don't be. haha anyway do you want me to go out while you change in your next outfit?"

"nah! it's fine and it's not like you haven't seen me butt-naked! but please,no staring" i said giggling.

"haha ma'am yes ma'am!"

Then I let the bathrobe slid on the floor as  I slid into some sundress. Retouched my make-up then Brad changed his clothes too. And oh those abs again.. *droooooools. haha!

"wait, I cannot stare at you but you can? that isn't fair Miss Underwood." Brad says cutting my thoughts off.

"what? i wasn't staring!!" i protested.

"yeah you aren't. Your saliva's just dripping while STARING into my abs. yeah, you aren't."

"my saliva isn't dripping! that's just gross!"

"Then what do you call that liquid dripping on chin?"

"nothing's dripp---" i got cut off because yeah. he's right. I just wiped off the frigging saliva and stormed out. i'm not mad. I'M EMBARRASSED.

As I head back to where the set is... it's now set as a kitchen with dining table and chairs, island and everything. Then the other half is a living room, I can tell 'cause there's a couch and a TV and others that you can find on a typical living room.

"Hey! are you mad?" Brad asks holding my arm.

"nope." I replied as timid as possible.

"Care. sorry okay? just don't be mad."

"I'm not mad." i said then walk towards the fake kitchen and Brad followed.

"okay, Carrie, sit up on the island and spread your legs so Brad can go in between." And so we did.

"now Brad, put your hands on Carrie's thighs while Carrie, wrap your arms around his neck. All you'll do is make out. get it?" Jimmy finished off by the usual "ACTION!"

we were making out to what seemed like forever until we hear the magical word "CUT!"

"Moving on..." Jimmy says as he points to the couch on the fake living room. So we both went there as he gives us instructions.

"You are both just gonna lay on the couch cuddling and laughing just like what normal lovers do. get it?"

"yep!" Brad and I exclaimed then we heard the word "ACTION!" of course we did as we were told until Jimmy becomes satisfied and yells the word "CUT!"

"Okay, guys! unfortunately we couldn't finish the video today because i have so e other work to do. But tomorrow, we have another shoot and hopefully we'd finish it already. Oh and tomorrow, we'll be shooting at the park and the airport at 9am again." Jimmy said.

"okay!" I said.

"Bye Jim!" Brad said as we both head to the dressing room to change and go home.

"No staring please, it's awkward" Brad jokes.

"HA-HA Funny Paisley! really funny!"

"you know what? I'll just turn around when I change so you wouldn't be captivated by these fascinating abs of mine and to avoid saliva flooding in this dressing room." he says laughing.

"just shut it out okay? it's not funny." i said slightly yelling.

"okay, okay. Just promise you won't stare again." Brad says chuckling.

"shut up!" i said playfully punching his arm then head out and went to his car. He followed, of course, then drove home.

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