Family Ties

By wallflowerxwritings

17K 668 118

Jordyn is an undergraduate student struggling to make ends meet. She's working all types of hours and has one... More

A/N: Sorry!!


1.8K 55 5
By wallflowerxwritings


Time felt as if it were slowing down on purpose. Working and having a 10 page paper due did not go hand in hand. I just knew I had to leave soon if I wanted to be able to get my paper done in time for my class tomorrow. 

I know this wouldn't be the situation if I hadn't procrastinated, but let's be honest. Who does their homework the same day they get it? I know I don't and for that I am now paying the consequences. 

"Jo, go clean table 5 before you leave." My manager said to me. I nodded and went to do as told.

I picked up the tip they left behind and cleaned up the the table. Luckily the group of people weren't as messy as other customers I normally had to deal with. I hurried up, and went to split my tips with my team before clocking out. 

Looking at the time on my phone, I hurried up seeing as to how late it was. I locked my locker and made my way out of the restaurant. My manager had been kind enough to let me clock out early but I had to close the following day just to make up for it. 

Before going any further, I decided to stop at the coffee shop and get myself a coffee. I knew I'd need it if I wanted to get my work done in time. As I waited for my order to be ready, I got a text from my neighbor. 

Tell your roommate to lower the music or I'm calling the cops.

Rolling my eyes, I huffed knowing there was no way in hell I'd be able finish my paper now. I quickly texted back and said I wasn't home so I couldn't do anything at the moment. At this point I was glad the coffee shop stayed open all day and night. Luckily I had my laptop and the books I needed for the assignment with me, so I sat down after getting my coffee and began to work. I continued to type up my work, hoping that I could finish before my deadline. 

"Jordyn?" A familiar voice called. I looked up from the computer screen only to find my uncle standing in front of me. He was still wearing his scrubs from work.

"Hi. How are you?" I asked him as I stood up from my seat. 

"Im doing better. How about you?" He gave me a quick hug before taking the seat across from me.

"Stressing but Im okay." I smiled.


"I have this paper due tomorrow, I just got off from work and my roommate has music blasting." I tried to sound as optimistic as I could but it was harder than I thought.

"Can't you tell your roommate to turn the music down? Its about to be 1 in the morning." He said as he looked at the time.

"I can, but she won't listen." I shrugged.

"Well, if you want you can spend the night over at my place. Im probably going to knock out after I shower so there won't be anything interrupting you." He offered. 

"I don't want to intrude." I said to him.

"You won't be. Come on take my offer." He smiled at me. I looked into his brown eyes and reluctantly agreed. I began to pack my belongings away before I could follow him to his car. He didn't live too far from the college area, which caused the ride to be a lot shorter than I thought. 

"Alright, so the guest rooms are down the hall. The office is there for your use, there's plenty of Keurig coffee in the pantry or you can make your own pot of coffee if you like. Anything else you want, feel free to grab it." He said to me as we walked into his house.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

"You're welcome. Well I'm off to take a shower, so goodnight." I thanked him once more before I headed to the office so I could finish my work.

It was nearly 6 am when I finished typing up the last cited source for my paper. As I was beginning to go through the spelling check, I heard someone in the kitchen. I saved my document before making my way to the kitchen.

"Good morning." My uncle said to me. I felt as if my jaw hit the floor as I looked at him.

He was walking around the kitchen without a shirt on. He looked like a living statue carved by Michael Angelo himself. 

What the hell was I thinking?

"Morning." I regained myself and took a seat on the stool by the island.

"How's your paper going?" He asked me as he poured a cup of coffee.

"I'm done." I smiled.

"That's good, here." He handed me the cup along with the sugar and creamer.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Im about to make some pancakes. Want some?" He asked me. I began to fix my coffee. 

"Yes please." I was hungry and tired. I hadn't slept well due to work and my roommate. 

"What time is your class today?" He asked me.

"At 8. Then I have another class at 4, and work again from 6-2." I said to him.

"When do you find time to sleep?" He asked me.

"Between classes. Tomorrow I don't have class until 1 and I don't work so there's that." He nodded and began to make the pancakes for us.

He moved around the kitchen effortlessly while he made breakfast. I had to stop myself from staring at him. 

"Well if you ever need a quiet space, you're welcome to come over whenever you want." He offered.

"Again thanks. I really appreciate this." I said to him. He handed me a plate with a short stack of pancakes.

"You're welcome, if you need a ride to school or anything let me know." I began to eat breakfast. 

As soon as I was done eating, I asked for a ride back to my place. I needed to shower and change before my class began. 

"Not to be rude, but couldn't you call your boyfriend and asked to stay at his place?" He asked me as he drove to my apartment.

"I don't have a boyfriend." I said to him. He looked took a quick glance at me but didn't say anything else to me.

"Thank you." I said to him as he pulled up to the apartment complex.

"You're welcome. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I'm always here to help you." He said to me. 

Oh there is something you can do... Ugh. Stop with the inappropriate thoughts.

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