Black Luna

By Wolfy411

56.8K 4.2K 1K

"Today is not a good day Gage," Mac said. "When is a good day? Tomorrow? Maybe the next day?" Gage said he wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 39

795 55 1
By Wolfy411

"Mac, can we talk?" Jason asked meeting her at her locker.

"Can't have to get to class," Mac said closing her locker, but she put a little too much force into it and it slammed breaking off its hinges. Mac looked down at her hands surprised, she didn't mean to do that, she barely even touched it.

"What was that?" Jason asked.

"Nothing, just I think Vamp drank human blood for the first time last blood so I'm a little off," Mac said.

"Human blood?" Jason asked.

"Who drank human blood," Ethan said walking up.

"It is nothing, okay," Mac said walking away, she really did not want to talk to Jaso.

"Mac, come on," Jason said.

"Just give her time," Ethan said but he left to walk with Mac. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"Everybody has been asking me that all morning, I mean why do you think I left early?" Mac said.

"Fair enough," Ethan said glaring at Jason who was following them now. "But I meant about the whole human blood thing. What I have read about vampires they don't get super strong just like that." 

"Well I don't know what happen, It isn't like I have control of everything," Mac said.

"But you do have enough control to not talk to me," Jason replied, earning a look from both Ethan and Mac.

"Mac, can we talk?" Gage asked, Collin, following behind him.

"Of course," Mac said, she turned practically running over to Gage, she quickly waved at Ethan but ignored Jaso. Jason glared at him but turned walking to his class with Ethan. 

She looked over at him kind of surprised he was okay after scratching him yesterday, but then a flash of memory of him lying down his scar healed ran through her mind. She quickly shook her head brushing the day dream away.

"Thanks," Mac said, she didn't really want to talk but was happy to get away. She turned heading to history.

"No," Gage said stepping in front of her. "I mean, I am happy to help, but I actually did want to talk." He grabbed a bag handing it over.

"Here are some of Allen's stuff," He opened the bag. "You know if you just so happened to know where he was." Gage winked and smiled. Mac didn't smile and he could see the sadness in her eyes. "It is just some shirts, pants, boxers, and I also put in a couple of his favorite books."

"The Jittery Rabbit?" Mac asked pulling it out of the bag. It was a big book, but definitely a kids book.

"It's his favorite, be careful it is old," Gage said smiling at it. Mac nodded her head placing it back in the bag.

"I'll go put it in my car, you know if I ever see him. " Mac said.

"Here I'll help," Gage said, he grabbed the bag and walked with her to class, Collin didn't follow but headed to class himself. Mac walked in silence, she really didn't want to deal with people right now, she wanted to instead run around the forest. She woke up this morning physically feeling great, even though mentally she was sad.

"I'm sorry," Gage said, Mac looked up surprised. They had reached the parking lot and turned left walking towards her car. She woke up early asking Katie to borrow her car, she left by herself and parked in the back of the parking lot waiting last minute to go to class. She wished she had waited longer, but at last Jason was waiting for her at her locker.

"Sorry for what?" Mac asked.

"I said this would happen, but I didn't mean it like that. I actually did think you guys were mates." Gage said rambling on.

"I knew we weren't. I don't have a mate." Mac said. Gage stopped walking, causing Mac to stop and look at her.

"You may not know for sure if you have a mate or not, but don't worry you will still find somebody, wolf or even better human," Gage said.

"Maybe a vampire mate," Mac said jokingly, she started walking again, Gage didn't follow just stared at her.

"Do you think it is possible for vampires to have a mate?" Gage asked. Mac stopped to look at him.

"In our science class they talk about how the mating process works and they say vampires don't have mates but they have their beloved ones which is pretty much the same thing as a mate."

Gage nodded his headed lost in thought but continued to walk with her to her car. They were silent for a few minutes before he seemed to come back to life.

"I think you are too nice for a vampire mate," Gage said.

"Well, aren't all mates supposed to be nice," Mac said.

"Not all, some are bitchy," Gage said gruffly. Mac looked at him and burst out laughing, Gage joining in.

"Did you just call your mate a bitch?" Mac said putting air quotes around the word mate.

"I think I did," Gage said. "I don't know, we have been disagreeing about a lot of things lately and well I don't know." Gage let the sentence hang, his mind lingering on the vampire last night.

"You know Gage, you aren't a horrible guy," Mac said, she half smiled at him. "But Sandy is a horrible girl," Mac said. Gage didn't say anything, just opened up Mac's door and put the backpack in. Mac slightly pushed it closed, it flew shut causing a crunching sound echo throughout the parking lot.

"Old door," Mac said, Gage nodding. Mac looked down at her hands, she barely touched it.

They walked back in silence both lost in their own thoughts. Him thinking about  Vamp, her trying to figure out how she can control her strength.

"You deserve better," Gage said to Mac right before they enter the classroom.

"So do you," Mac said. They both entered the classroom to find the room silence another pop quiz in session.

"Detention, both of you," Brody said. Mac and Gage didn't protest just went and grabbed their seats.

When Mac came up to her desk she barely dropped her books onto the desk, but it cracked breaking in two. The whole class looked up from their desk to stare at her.

"Old desk?" Mac said she didn't know what to do or how to control it.

"You can come sit up here with me," Brody said winking at her. Mac was about to protest, but Gage beat her to it.

"No, she won't," Gage said, he went grabbing her hand and pulled her onto his lap. Matt told him about what Brody said the other day and it disgusted him. He didn't want Mac anywhere near that guy.

 She didn't protest to scared to touch anything. "Will you just relax, I'm not that disgusting," Gage whispered into her ear. She half smiled at him before she gently placed her hands down on the desk. She sighed out in relief when it didn't break.

"Am I just supposed to allow this?" Brody asked annoyed.

"Yes," Gage said using his Alpha tone. Even though Brody wasn't part of his pack, he still submitted.

"First vampires now humans, don't you get around," Collin said laughing. Mac half turned towards them.

"Shut up, Mac is more like my sister and doesn't need to be next to that creep," Gage said glaring at Collins.

"Sister?" Collin asked. "I don't think sisters look like that and I really don't think you get a boner when they sit on your lap."

"I don't have a boner," Gage said angrily.

"Mac?" Collin asked. Mac moved her butt just slightly from right to left, but she could feel it instantly. She started to laugh and Collin joined in.

"Shut up," Gage said. "I was thinking of Sandy." Mac grimaced at the thought.

"Sure you weren't speaking about the vampire last night?" Collin said.

"What vampire?" Mac asked.

"The one Gage has the hots for, you should've seen the two last night going at it," Collins said.

"We didn't do anything," Gage said.

"She bit you," Collin said.

"She bit you?" Mac half turned in the seat now so she could get a better look at Gage. She could see two little puncture marks in his neck, tiny and mostly healed but still there.

"Yes a vampire bit me and I didn't die, I know it is amazing," Gage said in a sarcastic tone.

"It was you," Mac half said to herself but Gage looked up at her. He couldn't help but get lost in her eyes, they were cute when they looked so confused. He shook his head trying to get rid of the thoughts. Mac was just a friend.

A million thoughts were running through her mind, did Vamp do something to him, do they know who she was. They couldn't if they were acting this way could they? What if they did figure it out.

"What was me?" Gage asked, pulling her thoughts out of her mind.

"It was you who attacked Jason yesterday right?" Mac said trying to get off the subject.

"Yes and I'm sorry about that, but I didn't know it was him," Gage said giving her a strange look.

"He is a good fighter," Collin said rubbing the back of his head it still was a bit sore from the day before.

"Trained from the best," Mac said turning in Gage's lap to face the board.

"Who was the black wolf?" Gage whispered into her ear. She shivered, his breath tingling her ear.

"Black wolf?" Mac asked.

"Yes it was giant and a pure black wolf is really rare," Gage said.

"We have some rogues that help out the pack in exchange for a place to stay occasionally so it must have been one of them," Mac said.

"Well this rogue was huge, do you know who it was?" Collin asked.

"I don't take part of that side, Jason likes to keep me safe," Mac said. "Or at least he used to," Mac said to herself remembering Maddy and everything. She wasn't sure how her life would change but losing the guy she loved will definitely make it a different one. She felt arms go around her stomach, it was awkward but Gage was definitely hugging her.

"You will get through this," Gage said.

"Thanks," Mac said half smiling. He dropped his hands and both of them looked up to see Brody glaring at them.

"Yes, you three are still in class," Brody said annoyed.

"Sorry," Mac said looking down at her desk.

"Well, you now have a two-hour detention," Brody said only talking to Mac. She nodded her head looking down annoyed "Now everybody turn your pop quiz in, and no more talking." All three of them nodded, silent the rest of class.

"Mac will you please talk to me." Jason shouted in the hallway. It was the end of the day and everybody that was still left in school turned to stare at Jason, except Mac.

"Sorry, I have detention." Mac said over her shoulder rushing off to her history class.

"Mac" Jason said trying to follow but there were too many people in the way. Mac turned the corner running straight into Gage, her books flying everywhere, he however just stood their fine. All day she was breaking things and knocking them over, but Gage seemed fine. She gave him a quizzical look surprised.

Gage wasn't looking at her though, he looked behind her to see Jason close behind her. "Don't worry, I'll grab your books." Gage said bending down to get them. Mac half smiled at him but ran into the class room slamming the door shut behind her, it made a crunch sound but didn't fall off it's hinges, which she was thankful for.

"Are you in a hurry to see me or just excited?" Brody said.

"Just trying to avoid somebody." Mac said.

"Please take a seat." Brody said pointing to the desk in the front of class. Mac followed his finger and slowly sat down, she sighed with relief when it didn't break. She kept glancing at the door wondering if Jason was ballsy enough to follow her in. "I'm sorry to hear about the break up." Mac looked up surprised. "People talk. The human and the Alpha, no more."

"Yes, it sucks, but he found his mate. I'm happy for him." Mac said and it wasn't a lie, she wanted Jason to be as happy as possible.

"You know what can help make the pain go away?" Brody said getting close, Mac just shrugged her shoulders. "Getting on top of a new guy." He sent a wink her way but Mac just scrunched her nose.

"Yes, I've heard that can help, but that isn't my style." Mac said. He had gotten close enough to her that she was a bit creeped out.

"Are you sure?" Brody said, he went to touch her cheek but at that exact moment Gage walked into the room with all of her books. Gage stopped at the door giving them a quizzical look. "Oh joy, you made it." Brody said. He walked back to the front of the classroom taking out his cell phone to text somebody.

"Sorry I was late, I was dealing with a pest problem." Gage said, he gave Mac her books and sat next to her desk.

"I really don't care." Brody said taking a seat at his desk.

Mac opened her book from her literature class, she didn't really read anything just didn't want to look at Brody or Gage. However, Gage was making it hard for her to ignore him, he kept staring at her waiting for something.

"I have to take this." Brody said after his phone rang. "One moment boss, I have prying ears." Mac looked up at him but wished she didn't, he sent a small wink her way and she shivered with disgust. "Yes I have it and yes I'm watching it." Brody said walking out of the classroom.

"Are you okay?" Gage asked.

"Didn't you ask me that this morning." Mac said, she smiled at him. "Look I knew Jason possible had a mate out there somewhere. Didn't think he would find it so fast after we admitted our feelings, but I should've guessed it with my luck." Gage didn't say anything just kept staring at her. "I'm happy for him, I really am. It just... well it just sucks you know. I mean when am I finally going to have a happy ever after. Why do I have to deal with the bad side of everything, why me."

"I'm sorry." Gage said, he really wasn't expecting her to open up like that and truth was he didn't really know what to say. He wanted to help her just didn't know how. "Um, want some chocolate?" Gage said handing her a Hershey's bar. She just started laughing but took it.

"Weirdly enough I did, this was exactly what I wanted." Mac said smiling at him. "You know, I think we maybe becoming, dare I say it, friends." Mac bit into the candy bar smiling at Gage.

"What a fucked up universe it is then." Gage said.

Brody rushed into the room grabbing his bag from the desk drawer and started throwing his laptop and books in. "You can go." He said leaving the classroom a second later. He had the phone still in his hand and Mac could barely hear the guy who was speaking. He sounded familiar but she couldn't quite place it.

"Do you need a ride or anything?" Gage asked, bringing Mac's attention back to him.

"Thanks, but I drove myself so I should be good." Mac said grabbing her bag and books. Brody left the room in a hurry and Gage and Mac leisurely left both of them heading in opposite directions.

"Night, friend" Gage said emphasizing the word friend. Mac waved and turned to head to her car. She couldn't help but think what a weird universe this was when her and Gage were friends.

Mac didn't rush home though. She stopped by a local book store grabbing some books, careful with everything she touched, she was finally starting to be get control of it.

Once she did get home she didn't go inside, instead she decided to take a run around the lake. She didn't go in wolf form or vampire form, just plain old human form and at a slow jog.

"I am out of shape." Mac said breathing deeply, she was on her fourth lap around the lake and even though she was in human form she could still run a lot for a human, but not a lot for a hybrid.

"Could've fooled me." Mac half turned to see a guy leaning against the tree to the right side of her. He didn't look familiar but he was cute. He had dark cocoa skin and a buzzed head, but it was his copper eyes that really made him stand out. He was shirtless and by the way he walked over to Mac she could tell that he was flaunting his abs.

"You scared me." Mac said. She stood up straight tightening her ponytail. She was happy that she kept her school disguise on, not sure who this guy was or if he went to her school. He did look older by a couple of years, but that could just because he got a lot of sun.

"You weren't scared." The guy said as a statement.

"Well, it takes a lot to scare me." Mac said. She didn't know what was up with this guy, it was almost like he new her.

"Mind if I join you for the rest of your jog?" The guy asked. He had loose shorts on and tennis shoes so he was probably out here working out himself. He wasn't on her land but the the territories next to her, she thinks it Alpha's Brett who owns the other side, or maybe Alpha Henery.

"That depends, are you going to kidnap me." Mac joked, but in all reality she was serious. The guy laughed smiling, he had a beautiful smile and Mac couldn't help but smile back.

"Don't worry I promise I wont, we can just talk." The guy said. Mac nodded her head and they started to jog, it wasn't that fast but that was because Mac was pretending to be human. "You know I have heard a lot about you." The guy said after about ten minutes of silence. Mac slowed her jog down but didn't stop.

"That's not creepy at all." Mac said.

"My beta goes to your school, has talked about the little human that put him in his place."

"Your beta?" Mac asked.

"Sorry, let me officially introduce myself. I'm Alpha Brett." He stopped and put out his hand. Mac reached out and shook it.

"Mac." She said.

"I know." The guy said and they started on their jog again. "My beta has been causing you trouble and I am sorry about that, he is strong headed."

"I'm sorry, I really don't know who you are talking about."

"His name is Rob, he is blonde kind of has a football look to him. You kicked his ass just the other day."

"Oh that douche." Mac said, Brett started to laugh.

"That exact one."

"Well you shouldn't be apologizing to me, he should be apologizing to the people he hurt."

"That he should, I keep telling him to stop, but in the end it his choice." Brett said.

"I'm pretty sure you could make him stop." Mac said.

"I'm don't like controlling people unless I have to." Brett said. Mac nodded, she understood. "You run fast for a human." Brett said.

"I live with a bunch of werewolves so I have to be fast." Mac said.

"Is that why you fight the way you do?" Brett said.


They ran in silence for awhile, one mile passed then two, by the third mile they were coming up on Mac's territory and Brett slowed down.

"Getting tired already?" Mac asked slowing down with him.

"You may go from territory to territory because you are human, but as an Alpha I have to be careful." They both stopped and Brett took a seat on a log near by.

"I should probably still be careful, especially as a human." Mac said taking a seat next to him.

"Don't worry, nobody in my pack will hurt you. We know the rules."

"Doesn't always stop people." Mac said the last part to herself.

"Very true." Brett said. "So, do you run everyday?"

"Not so much since school started." Mac said.

"How about tomorrow, we can run together again. Maybe even grab dinner afterwards." Brett said, he turned smiling at her.

"Um," Mac said hesitantly. "I'm not sure if I'm ready to date, I just got out of something. Like yesterday."

"Well, if you change your mind." Brett said handing her a piece of paper with his phone number one it. "And I hope you do." He leaned over and placing a kiss on her cheek before getting up and running in the other direction. He went faster this time and was gone within minutes.

Mac watched him leave turning the thought over in her mind. He was nice, hot, and had a gorgeous smile, but Mac knew she wasn't ready. She slipped the paper into her sweatpants pocket and decided to finish her run.

She snuck through the old kitchen back door, seeing that there was nobody in sight. She knew that she couldn't avoid him forever, his room right next to hers, but she was still going to try.

"Mac, what are you doing back?" Katie shouted once Mac reached her hallway.

"Shhhh, I don't want Jason to hear me." Mac said, but as soon as she said that she could hear a moan come from the room right next to hers. Jason's room. Mac just stood still closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath.

"Mac I am so sorry." Katie said, she went over to comfort Mac but she just raised her hand shaking her head.

"Nope, nope, nope, I'm out and so not dealing with this." Mac said, she started heading down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Katie asked.

"I am going for a run." Mac said.

"You just went for a run."

"Vamp is going for a run." Mac said, she cracked her next side to side and morphed into Vamp. Vamp smiled up at Katie but then disappeared in a second, her teleporting away.

"What's the matter?" Trent said coming over to comfort Katie.

"Mac." Katie said. "Is it wrong for me to hate Jason?"

"Yes, because it isn't his fault. It is his mate after all." Trent said.

"Still." Katie said, she wrapped her arms around Trent.

"Maybe he should move rooms though." Trent said. "This weekend, he can go to the other side of the house with us. Allen can have his room."

"Yes, that will probably be best." Katie said.

Trent and Katie wandered down the stairs to find Allen. They decided it was best to let Jason finish before they talked to him.

"Allen." Trent kinda barked. Allen jumped out of his seat dropping his book and looking up to see Trent bent over laughing.

"That was not funny." Katie said smacking the back of his head.

"Mac use to do the same thing," Trent said through breaths. "It is why she never seems surprised by things. I'm sorry Allen, I didn't mean to scare you that badly."

"Um it's okay." Allen said, he finally stood up and grabbed the book he dropped.

"So we need you to pack up your things." Trent said. Allen dropped to his knees in front of Trent.

"Please don't send me back." He said grabbing onto Trent's legs. "Please, I'll be good, I'll do anything, just please don't make me go back there." Allen was crying at this point and quivering while holding onto Trent.

"Chill little dude, you aren't being sent back we just need you to switch rooms." Trent said patting Allen on his head.

"Yes sure of course, thank you, thank you both of you." Allen said grabbing Katie's hand.

"You can get off me now." Trent said after Allen didn't move.

"Oh sorry." Allen said standing up.

"It's okay." Trent said. "Look, because Jason and John are busy with their new mates, and Mac is well dealing with shit, I was wondering if you wanted to train with the pack tomorrow, I'm leading. It helped Mac gain her confidence back, and I think it will be good for you."

"I've never trained before." Allen said.

"That's alright, we all sucked when we first started." Trent said.

"Then sure why not." Allen said. Trent turned to leave, but stopped midway.

"But Chloe will be there." Trent said, remembering that she comes to every Tuesday and Thursday lesson.

"Then I'm not sure, she might tell somebody and then they might hunt me down." Allen said.

"I get it, how about Friday then." Trent said.

Allen nodded his head, he was actually a bit excited. He has never trained before, never even workout before. It was exciting somebody was willing to help him.

"You are so good." Katie whispered into Trent's ear while they left to head to their room.

"Does my good behavior pay off?" Trent asked winking at her.

"It does." Katie said slapping his ass and rushing into their room, Trent rushing in after her.

Vamp was wandering the woods, a certain location in mind. She wasn't rushing knowing that she had all night to do what she wanted to do and it was a beautiful night for her to roam the forest.

"Maybe I should follow a deer around?" Vamp said to herself. "No, I would much rather go to the cave." She sped up a little, but a shrill rang her in head when she was about a mile away. She could hear Mac pulling the brakes on her reins. "It is them who is attacking me..." Vamp said talking to Mac inside her head but to an outsider she looked like a crazy person. "It isn't my fault if they bite me and die.... Because I want the damn power and you know it...Fine but don't come crying to me when you aren't strong enough." Vamp said. She stormed off the other direction. Mac said no to visiting the coven. She new that Vamp wanted to be bitten by a bunch of vampires again, gaining their powers. But Mac didn't want anybody to die again. She ran in the other direction for a while, finally reaching the late. She looked up to see the crescent moon, it was beautiful with a million of stars in the sky.

She was walking around, fiddling with her pants when a piece of paper slipped out falling slowly to the ground. Vamp couldn't help the smile grow on her face. She moved her neck side to side, her phone appearing in her hand.

Hey Brett, I was thinking why don't we forget the run tomorrow and let's grab dinner and a movie? Vamp typed out. Mac may cancel in the morning, but if she knew what was good for her she would go.

Is this Mac? Brett texted back.

Do you give your number out to multiple hot girls? Vamp texted back, she thought this witty banter was stupid, but it would be what a human would do, so she played along.

Only gave it out to one hot girl tonight. He texted.

Pick you up at seven. Came the next text a second later. Vamp just replied with a kissy face emoji before she moved her neck one more time and the phone disappeared.

"This should be fun." Vamp said, she then broke off into a run going deep into the forest to hunt.

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