I Am Pagan - Notes From A Sol...

By SummerFoovay

7.9K 185 94

I am a solitary, ecletic neopagan witch. The information I share with you here is gathered and distilled from... More

I Am Pagan
What A Long Strange Trip It's Been
Solitary Eclectic Neo-Pagan - What?
Just What DO You Believe In?
Pagan Posers
Giving Thanks
The Fey
I'm a Pixie
One Law
Daffodils For Ostara
Yer Going To Burn In Hell For Eternity
Secrets Are Power
The Apocalypse
Pagans and Astrology
Introduction to Spellcraft
How do spells work - Part One
How Do Spells Work - Part Two
Casting a Circle of Protection
Candle Magic
Color Magic
Love Spells
Crafting Spells
Introduction to Pagan Holidays
Brighid's Day
Summer Solstice
The Feast of Epona
Lammas & The Green Corn Feast
Listening and Learning


1.1K 27 4
By SummerFoovay

I am a solitary, ecletic neopagan witch. The information I share with you here is gathered and distilled from books, articles, other webpages, other Pagans, other witches, meditations, visionary journeys, and listening to my inner voice. I am not a prophetess, priestess, or the direct channeled voice of the Goddess, nor do I wish for anyone to place me on such a pedestal.

I'm afraid of heights.

But most of all, I think there is too much of that sort of posturing in Paganism these days.

This is how I celebrate and live my religion. These are the reasons why. That is what I want to share with you. You may find a grain of wisdom or truth or just the right ritual to suit you here, and put it to use in your own life. You might not. And that doesn't mean that either of us is right, or wrong, but that what is right for me may or may not be right for you, and visa versa.

The products of my creativity; poems, art, rituals or spells, I share here freely. I hope you find them enjoyable or useful. I enjoyed creating them.

However they are NOT public domain. They are copyrighted 2017 Summer Fey Foovay All Rights Reserved. 

Shared in perfect love and perfect trust.

So Mote It Be.

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