What Lies Ahead

By fictionwriterjordan

91.1K 2.9K 263

Book #2 in the Unplanned Series. Follow Jo through her journey after she has her twins. Things change, and th... More

What Lies Ahead Chapter 1
What Lies Ahead Chapter 2
What Lies Ahead Chapter 3
What Lies Ahead Chapter 4
What Lies Ahead Chapter 5
What Lies Ahead Chapter 6
What Lies Ahead Chapter 7
What Lies Ahead Chapter 8
What Lies Ahead Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Author's Note
The Choice

Chapter 44

965 30 2
By fictionwriterjordan

"Alright everyone, have a great Thanksgiving break, and I will see you in two weeks," Professor Clay says Friday after lab. 

We have a whole week off for Thanksgiving, and I couldn't be more excited. Ezra and I are cooking Thanksgiving dinner, and everyone will be there, including Ricky. Ezra's parents are coming, so I'll be meeting them for the first time, and I'm super nervous.  We're going to cook early though, so everyone will have time to go see their families. 

Everyone starts packing their things, and I see professor Clay looking at his phone, sighing. 

"Did you ever try to find her?" I ask professor Clay, referring to his daughter. 

"I hired an investigator, but no luck yet. I was hoping I'd find her soon, so maybe she'd want to have Thanksgiving with me," he says.

"Besides that, do you have any other plans?" I ask.

"My parents will be out of town, so I don't," he says.

"Well, Ezra and I are making dinner, so you're welcome to come. Ricky and the kids will be there," I smile.

"I'll consider it. Thank you for the invite," he smiles.

Ezra takes my hand, and we walk out to his truck. 

"I'm nervous about meeting your parents next week," I sigh. 

"They're not too bad. You might have to put up with some teasing though," he chuckles.

We head to Ricky's house to pick up the kids. I have missed them so much.

When we get there, I knock on Ricky's door and Ezra and I wait for him. 

"Hi," he smiles, opening it. 

"How are the kids?" I ask. 

"Chloe is actually sleeping right now. I think she's coming down with a cold," he says. 

We all head inside and I greet Leon, who smiles a big smile at me. 

"I missed you!" I coo, causing him to smile more. 

Ezra gently picks up a sleeping Chloe. We say bye to Ricky, load them in the truck, and head home. 

"Is she asleep yet?" Ezra asks.

"I just got her to calm down. I gave her some medicine. Poor thing isn't feeling well," I sigh. 

"She'll get better soon," Ezra says, kissing my forehead. 

I look at Leon, who's playing in his playpen, and he looks so happy.

"I hope he doesn't catch what she has," I say.

"As long as we keep them separated I'm sure he'll be fine," Ezra says. 

"I wonder how Jesse is," I sigh.

I haven't talked to him since he pushed me. He's called me a lot, but I just haven't picked up. I don't know what to say to him.

"I'm sure he's ok. Maybe you should talk to him," Ezra says, rubbing my arm.

Not wanting to talk more about it, I put on a movie for us to watch, and we spend the rest of the night in comfort with each other's company. 

"What all do we need for Thursday?" I ask Ezra on Tuesday, as we're getting ready to go grocery shopping.

We actually haven't been grocery shopping together yet. It's always been him getting things or me getting things.

"I guess we'll find out at the store," he smiles.

We load the babies in his truck and head to Ricky's. He asked to keep them since he has a break from teaching and he'll bring them when he comes for Thanksgiving. 

 After leaving Ricky's we head to Kroger, my favorite grocery store.

"So, what kind of things do you want to make, besides turkey?" I ask Ezra.

"Ham, stuffing, rolls, and pumpkin pie. You think we could handle all that?" Ezra asks.

"I think so, as long as we get up super early," I smile.

"I'm so happy we're spending Thanksgiving together," Ezra smiles.

"So am I," I grin, and he gives me a small kiss in the middle of the snacks aisle.

I blush, not being used to public affection, and we continue our shopping trip.

"I can't believe it's almost been a year," I say later, as Ezra and I are making spaghetti together.

"Since what?" he asks.

"Since the horrible wreck you, Ricky, and Jesse were in," I say.

"I can't believe we all made it out of that," Ezra sighs.

"I'm so glad you were all ok. I remember watching it, and I felt helpless," I frown.

"Everything's ok now," Ezra smiles, and he puts some garlic toast in the oven.

I think back to last Christmas. I was with Ricky, and we were in the hospital. I can't help but smile at the memories. I remember going shopping on Christmas Eve, and how hectic it was, with everyone doing last minute shopping. I remember getting back to the hospital and Ricky waking up. Ricky waking up last year was the best Christmas present of all. I remember going home, and I remember taking care of both Ricky and Ezra. I guess part of me does miss Ricky. Without Ricky, I wouldn't have my family. Ricky is part of my family. 

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