By ClichedVkookShipper

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Kim Taehyung remembers. But He does not. "Jung kook? Is that you?" "Who the hell is Jung kook?" *Inspired... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Short Hiatus // Update
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 27

86 6 0
By ClichedVkookShipper

The soldier went towards Seokjin and as the assassin noticed the case, as flicked open his walkie-talkie and talked into it, informing others around him that Jung kook found what they needed and to gather. The soldier grabbed Seokjin to the side, the blonde was saying something, protesting against Jung kook's actions. Jung kook brought Seokjin towards a concrete slab and stood behind it, clear of the rest's view. He passed the metal case to Seokjin and unbuttoned his vest, the assassin stood there, raising his eyebrow inquisitively and the younger began to rummage through the protective layers of the vest.

Once Jung kook was able to grab the envelopes, he pulled it out and passed it to Seokjin. "What is it?" Seokjin asked, setting the casing in between his boots and grabbing the envelopes from Jung kook's grip. He unravelled the strings and pulled out the crisp papers, scanning through the sentences and information printed onto the documents. With each passing moments, Seokjin's face warped into horror and disbelief. "No... no way. How did you get your hands on things like this?"

"It belonged to the case. They wanted this the most. We cannot give this to them." Jung kook explained. He took back to the two sets of envelopes and stuffed it back into the vest. He buttoned it back up and took off his mask, stuffing it into his baggy pockets. "It's either you are with me in this, or you are not. I will let the rest know by tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?! Jung kook, this is serious, we cannot let the rest know by tomorrow!" Seokjin argued, snatching the case from the dusty ground. "We have to let them know now! The documents and serums can cause mass destruction. Like I've said before, those two have changed. We don't have much time if we somehow know what this actually is supposed to be."

"I have to look through this myself." Jung kook turned and walked away, nodding silently at his other teammates. He ruffled his hair and felt the locks between his fingers, he reached for the metal keys in his pockets and took them out from the deep pockets. The metal on his skin, the hoop around his fingers. Jung kook scouted behind the building and pushed himself up with one lift of his arm. He scaled the building swiftly and reached the edge, pulling himself to the roof, landing on the gravel-filled roof. He walked towards the edge of the roof, stepping on the slight elevation of the edge. Jung kook saw the city sleeping in the snow, he spotted the small apartment that Taehyung resided in. He jumped down from the building and landing heavily on the concrete below.

Jung kook took off running, climbing on top of buildings and passing by some overhead chimney and smoke. Jung kook stopped in his tracks as he saw a misty vision to the past, it was much darker and dirtier then. However, people were roaming the streets happily, laughing and returning to their home as the sun sets. Jung kook shakes off the vision and continued to make his way back to his new home. The soldier jumped again, for the last time and landed heavily on the pavement below his boots. He let out a sigh and got towards the door, opening it as he jiggled the doorknob. The door creaked open easily, the soldier entering the two-storey apartment without much effort. He climbed up the stairs quickly, the wooden steps creaking under his boots. His hands were rubbing against the blue railing, the dust being passed onto his skin. He rubbed them off and came face to face with the black door. The metal plate on the door and the doorknob were placed at the left side. Jung kook jabbed the key into the keyhole and turned, the click was overwhelmingly loud to him. The door was unlocked and it swung open. The fear was consuming him as the darkness in the apartment was practically screaming in his ears.

He stepped in the house, the floorboards creaked as his weight pressed against it. He reached out to the side and flicked on the lights. The lightbulbs buzzed to life and Jung kook saw how the room was messy, books littered the ground and glass pieces shattered everywhere. Drawers were bring ripped through and papers were peeking out from the drawers, Jung kook closed the door behind him and he walked into the bedrooms. He saw the two small rooms and turned to what seemed like Taehyung's. He stepped inside, the scent of his friend entered his nose, he sweet yet compelling scent was bringing him back to the past yet again. Jung kook noticed his body acted on its own and he flopped onto Taehyung's bed, hugging his sides as he finally registered how lonely, and painful it was for him to stay here and mourn for something he may not be able to get back.

Jung kook sat up, and ripped open his vest, scanning the tearing open the documents before drawing up the curtains. He closed and locked the door, turning on a bedside lamp on the nightstand. The warm glow illuminated the room, casting a shadow on the opposite wall. Jung kook began reading through the papers, he eyed the information of the perfect amount of serum is injected into one's body for the best result of the super soldier. He saw ingredients that he did not recognize, and the list of names of the test subjects he watched getting the serum. Most of them died off after the effects consumed their body, Taehyung and Jung kook, along with the 12 other soldier they killed before were successful. Jung kook could only wait to see if the base would call him in for testing.

The soldier dropped the papers and stood up, unfolding himself from the cramping position. He let out a long sigh, exhaling through his nostrils. Jung kook busied himself for the next few hours, stripping off his dirty clothes and changing into Taehyung's. Needless to say, his shirt was draped over Jung kook's elbows and hanging loosely around his skinny frame. The t-shirt stretched all the way to the lower region of his hips, Jung kook playfully stretched the material over his knee, he chuckled. And slipped into comfortable knee-length pants and walked around, tidying up the whole apartment, arranging the thick books onto the shelves in subject order and pushing furniture to what seemed like the usual place.

Soon, the broken pieces of glass were swept away and dusty apartment looked brand new. Jung kook crashed into the sofa, extending his metal arm to above him. He examined it, the metal glinting in the light and the scratches could be seen, it was obvious, the deep dents from the bullets and some from explosions. Jung kook brought it done onto the face, it felt foreign, after so long, it still felt like a prosthetic to him. It just did not seem correct, yet he was not rejecting it. His fingers felt eerily cold on his face, Jung kook sighed heavily, dragging his hand down his face, feeling the ridges in his cheeks.

He did not know what to do, all the cleaning up made him exhausted, he closed his eyes, taking in everything that was around him. The air was tense, frozen in place, Jung kook smells something off in the atmosphere, he did not know what it was, but it made his mind sharp. The soldier rolled up his sleeves and rifled through some drawers, finding a loaded gun resting under some crumpled newspaper clippings. The man looked around, eyes darting around to spot the abnormal.

There was a thump at the side of the building, Jung kook turned and pointed the gun at the window, his eyes spotting a black shadow that flew across the glass. The male saw blue sparks dotting the ground and he immediately fired a bullet near the window, the sound getting trapped within the confinement of the walls and a force that seemed powerful stopped the bullet in midair. The bullet dropped and rolled on the ground, disappearing under the couch. Something hitched in Jung kook's threat, he dropped the gun and waited for an advancement.

The crackling of electricity was heard again, this time it was coming from Jung kook's left. The soldier whipped around and threw a strong kick, his leg collided with a small frame and Jung kook took a step back. The blue electricity wrapped around the bruised around of the figure's side. Jung kook recognized the light coloured hair, and he narrowed his eyes as the young boy looked up, tendrils of energy flared around his eyes. He turned into a ball of energy and he charged at Jung kook, the soldier raised his metal arm instinctively and realized that it was a bad mistake. He felt a surge of power around his system and the arm had been charged to the max.

The boy stopped at the door and he tried to charge up again, only to be met with the barrel of Jung kook's gun.

"Why are you here? I though Jimin told you to stay away." Jung kook said, pushing the barrel deeper to the forehead of the young boy's head.

"You killed the only friend I had." He whispered. Jung kook furrowed his eyebrows, instantly knowing who was he talking about.

"I didn't kill Taehyung, he rejected my help. You must understand that this ain't my fault." Jung kook tried reasoning with the enraged boy. "You must see this in both views, additionally, you are so young, too young to be doing this." The soldier removed the gun from the boy's forehead and threw it to the couch.

"I was also too young when I became like this." The boy spat. "I need those documents, I saw you take it. Where are they?"

Jung kook shook his head, stopping another sigh from escaping his lips. He ran his fingers through his hair, careful to not use his charged up one knowing that he could get a nasty shock through his mind. "I don't have it." Jung kook lied, he needed to prevent the boy from searching the whole house, he puts on a mask, shielding his real emotions. "I passed it to Seokjin in the end." Jung kook walked to his couch and leaned against the soft armrest.

The boy narrowed his eyes and from what Jung kook assumed, was studying his figure out whether he was lying through his teeth or not. But after so many years of being a spy and an assassin, he knows a thing or two to hide his emotions when lying. Jung kook folded his arms, glad that the electricity had worn off so that his skin would not tingle. The boy gave up, throwing both hands in the air as mock surrender and groaned out loud, closing his eyes as the frustration consumes him.

"I don't have the documents, you have to tell me something as a payment." Jung kook commented, trying to push his luck.

"What payment?" The boy growled, glaring at Jung kook.

"For being right." Jung kook replied.

"You don't get sh*t from me." The boy yelled, and if that he swung the door open and escaped, zipping down the stairs, leaving a trail of static lingering in the air. Jung kook shut the door and went back to the bed, there must be something that was deathly important in those documents. He shifts the papers away from each other and noticed that there was a smaller envelope hidden between the papers. The brown paper felt rough under Jung kook's fingers and the soldier ripped it open, emptying its contents. There were pictures of other test subjects from Cipher. It was those who were more recent.

Jung kook sifted through the photographs and saw four children in one of the photos. The edges were ripped and the material yellowed. The tallest one was protecting the other three, and he had silver hair, his eyes blown wide and filled with fear. Jung kook recognized the young boy he had encountered, his platinum hair matted on his forehead and grabbed the other child's arm.

Jung kook observed the other two, they seemed a tad bit older than the young boy, grime on their faces and scratched on their necks. The black haired kid was holding onto the other, they stuck close to the oldest out of the four. The soldier turned the photo around and saw scribblings on the back. The messy handwriting was all joined together but Jung kook could stop making it out.


That were the names written on the back. Something hit Jung kook's mind like a truck, the photos were in those files which meant...

"Jimin was an experiment."

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