What Have I Become? A Flash/G...

By radioactive_sarcasm

100K 1.7K 897

The always running Barry Allen, is going to need to get much faster in order to outrun his high school years... More

Who is That?
I Plead Innocent
A Meeting With The Flash
A Brief Clarification
Revelation Part 2
The Calm After The Storm
Holy Crap!
A Proclivity For Antagonism
Lies and Phone Calls
All Tied Up
Trust Issues
Supply Closet
Best Served Cold
Let's Do It
Update that i should have made a while ago

In Hiding

11.4K 196 99
By radioactive_sarcasm

  "One more thing,"  Cisco raised his index finger. "I get how he had to do the whole name change thing, but how did he know you?"

  Supergirl crinkled her forehead. "We- we were in rival glee clubs." She looked at the ground, not wanting to see their reactions. Without lifting her head she began walking out of the cortex, saying, "I'd better go find Sebastian."

  She took off from S.T.A.R Labs, on a search for orange lighting. As fate would have it, she saw some speeding towards the S.T.A.R Labs hangar. She followed it until she saw a fire break out. Flying over there she exhaled her icy breath, slowing the fire but not stopping it. The lightning raced in and out of the building, ashy people multiplying on the streets. On his final check for stray civilians, she put out the fire. Supergirl lowered herself to the ally way where The Flash had stopped.

  "How's that for training," she laughed.

  "I dunno, you were a little sloppy," he joked. "Hey," she smiled and playfully punched his arm arm. He winced and clutched it, not so playfully. "It's fine," he said with pain in his voice. "You're bleeding," panic was present in her voice. He touched his face where the blood was and shrugged. "Welcome to the life of a meta-human superhero."

  She began to look fuzzy to him, something she was unaware of. Actually everything was fuzzy to him. As he was starting to look unstable to her, Kara held out her arms, which were unexpectedly held on to for dear life. He looked up at the blurry girl unable to hear what she was saying, but knowing she was trying to say something to him. His legs gave out from underneath him and he closed his eyes, falling limp in her arms.


  Supergirl flew into S.T.A.R Labs with an unconscious Barry in her arms. "What happened," Caitlin scanned over Barry, while guiding Kara to the medical bay.

  "I think he passed out," Supergirl bit her nails. Caitlin looked at the last telemetry readings on the suit and noticed the glucose levels. She rubbed the bridge of her nose, and shook her head. "That asinine hypoglycemic," Supergirl heard Caitlin mumble to herself.

  "It's he going to be okay," she asked. Caitlin nodded her head while setting up the drip. "Good. Miss Grant gonna fire me if I don't get back to her." With that, Supergirl flew away.

  She landed behind Jitters and span around. With a extraordinary speed of red and blue, she was back in her regular clothes and glasses. As she entered the building, her eyes darted left and right for the queen of all media. Her darting blue eyes grew when she saw her sitting down with Mercedes.

  She adjusted her glasses and nervously stepped up to the pair. She knew she had no choice. She had been gone for twenty minutes, which meant for twenty minutes her boss would have noticed her absence.

  "Ah, Keira," Miss Grant waved her over. "I would like for you to get refills of Miss Jones' and my drinks." A waive of relief hit her like a forty pound hammer. She smiled at her boss and grabbed both mugs, making sure not to make eye contact with the singer. She turned away, breathing out a hardly audible sigh.


  Back at S.T.A.R Labs, Caitlin was addressing the minor cuts on the unawakened Barry's face. She was still angry at him for not getting all of his calories that morning. She knew he knew to eat a lot of food. She changed out drip bags for the twenty fourth time, no exaggerations.

  Cisco wasn't very far away, but he too was angry with Barry. He got blood on Cisco's suit. He never really could call it their's in his head. He was the one that made it and takes care of it, all Barry does is wear it. He thought to himself about how fun it would be to make Barry clean the suit. But, then again, he'd probably do it wrong, so it would be best if Cisco cleaned his suit himself.

  And they thought Barry was mad at them.


  "Keira," Cat called for her disappearing assistant yet again.

  "Yes Miss Grant," Kara quickly walked over to them, placing the coffee on the table. "Two Flashes and a complimentary cookie from Jitters." She forgot for a brief second and looked at Mercedes.

  "Hmm," Mercedes thought to herself out loud. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

  "Nope. No. I just have one of those faces," Kara tried to lower her eyes.

Mercedes squinted her eyes. "Marley Rose?"

  Kara shook her head. "Never heard that name before."

  Before anyone could say anything else, Barry came through the doors. Kara saw him and tried to come up with an excuse to go talk to him. But he came over and swept her away from them.

  "Barry, what are you doing here. It's not safe."

  "I couldn't leave you here alone."

  Her cheeks went red. Why would she be so happy to hear this from him?

  "Well, um, are you at least feeling better?"

  "Yeah, why wouldn't I b-," he remembered that he fainted into her arms. "Right. I just wasn't eating enough."

  "Why not? I mean, you know how much you should be eating per day."

  "I guess I was just nervous. Nervous about getting caught as Sebastian. Nervous that you would be caught as Marley."

  "Well you had a right to be. She is suspecting. She knows who I am, Barry. If she knows who I am then she'll figure out who you are. You need to get out of here before she sees you. Run, Barry, run."

  "I'm not leaving without you. In fact, I will even get introduced to her, so that you're not alone."

  "It's too risky, Barry. I can't let you do that."

  "You dont need to let me do anything."

  He strode to the other two women, with Kara close at hand. She stopped a few feet behind him, noticing Sebastian mode was being turned on. To her dismay, Mercedes recognized him immediately.

  "Sebastian Smythe!"

  "The one and only," he smirked.

  "What do you think you're doing here?!"

  "Why, can't a man just go to his local coffee shop?"

  "What's behind your back," she said noticing his hands were behind his back.

  "Just my hands," he said lifting his hands. "If I had a slushy, don't you think I would have thrown it at you by now."

  She held up her hands in surrender. "I can't do this. I knew going to the town filled with metas was crazy, but this is too much."

  "Wait, just a few more questions," Cat pleaded following her out the door.

  Kara rubbed her forehead. "You have just made a very powerful enemy, with my boss."

  Barry opened his mouth to tetort, when his phone buzzed in his coat. He answered it and Barry mode was back on. "Hey Joe. I-. Triple C. On my way." He hung up the phone and looked at Kara apologetically.

  "Go," she sighed. She couldn't bare to see those emerald eyes getting so big. She stood on her toes and wispered in his ear. "Try anything like that again, and you will be seriously hurt." She kissed him on the cheek. It was just a peck, but the moment her lips touched him he knew that it was so very right.

  He walked out of the coffee house trying his best to dissemble his feelings for her. When he left she could feel a smile creeping up on her face. She couldn't think straight, even when her boss began yelling at her for scaring away her interviewee.

  "What are you so giddy about," Cat said, clearly annoyed.


  Barry arrived at Central City Cinema, with a viable lovestruck smile. He could feel something inside if him super similar to what it felt like being struck by lightning.

  "Hey. Looks like someone's having a good day," Joe pointed at Barry.

  "Yeah," he blushed.

  "Well, that makes one of us." Joe walked his son to where the dead body was. "He's been identified as Abraham Ford. It was in the middle of the previews, so it seems like the killer waisted no time."

  Barry looked at the body, the GSWs in the back of his head. Using a gun is one of the biggest mistakes a murderer can make. One of the officers handed him the two bullets that were shot into the man, in a plastic baggie marked "EVIDENCE". The scientist examined them and gave his all to guess where they came from.

  "I may need to run a few more tests, but I think the murder weapon was a Smith & Wesson .357. I can tell you for sure, this was not the work of John Wilkes Booth."

  "How do you do it," Joe smiled.

  "Well, every gun barrel is rifled during manufacture, or finished inside the barrel with rotating grooves to impart spin to a bullet in order to improve accuracy during flight. The resulting spiralling grooves and lands leave mirrored mar-," Barry snapped out of it. "You... didn't really want to know the science behind it, did you?" Joe shook his head.

  Barry looked at him straight in the eye, "We're going to need a list of people who bought tickets."

  "Hey," Joe exclaimed. "I'm the detective here!" Barry laughed off the comment and began taking photos.


  Barry sped into the cortex with a bag of pot stickers. He glanced at Eddie to acknowledging his presence, and opened the paper bag. Kara smelled the Chinese food and sat down next to him. She looked at him, enlarging her blue eyes and pouting with her lip. He rolled his eyes and gave her four of the twenty.

  "That's all," her eyebrows furrowed. "They're my favorite!"

  "Well I just got back from a crime scene, so I didn't have time to eat lunch."

  "Was it another meta-human attack," Eddie asked.

  "No just a shooting. Probably a transgression of revenge."

  "Fine," Kara reluctancy ate the lone four pot stickers. She kissed Barry on the cheek again and Eddie smiled.

  "Okay," he gave in. "Just one more. If I pass out again Caitlin will lecture me. Again."

  Cisco laughed. "Yeah, she is pretty hard on you when it comes to your safety. I could only stand to be in the room for the first ten minutes."

  Barry rubbed the back of his neck, "Have any of you seen her, by the way? I feel kind of bad how angry she was at me."

  "No," Cisco replied. "But I wouldn't sweat it. She probably just needed to cool off somewhere."

  Barry nodded eating the fifth to last pot sticker. He looked at his watch, "shoot, Singh wanted me down at the station fifteen minutes ago!" He looked at Kara, defeated. She smiled and took the bag of pot stickers.

  "Oh, Bazzy. When will you ever learn," she took him by the shoulder. Her head leaned up against his, connecting at the lips. Their eyes closed. What seemed like just a few seconds to a normal person, felt like an eternity to the both of them. As she pulled away she wispered, "Marley always wins." He gave her a goofy smile to look at before he ran off.


  "Allen," David Singh called.

  "Ye- yes sir," Barry came into his lab looking at his boss.

  "Ah, good to see your reputation is still upheld," he said sarcastically. "Do you have any suspects for the Ford case?"

  "Um, yes," Barry shuffled to his computer. He typed vigorously. "Yeah, he has a long criminal record, beginning way back at Juvinial Hall. He and Ford had a big fight a few years back that ended with the gut in the hospital. He was also there at the cinema. If there's anyone we should be looking for, it's this guy."

  "Great," the captain read over the information. "Let's have the name"

  Barry couldn't move.

  "Noah Puckerman."

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