Lake Sirel (On Hold-Possible...

נכתב על ידי BookBirdy2404

912 131 188

Morgan met Grey. Three times. Each time she meet him, she'll have no idea the previous times existed. Which... עוד

Part One
Part Two
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Part Three


18 4 0
נכתב על ידי BookBirdy2404

The engaged in a long staring match. Never, in the history of ever, had Morgan been able to openly stare at someone. But with him, it was so easy.

He was stunning.

She felt something awakening as he held her with his stormy eyes. Something she hadn't realized was there, but took up her entire being nevertheless.

His eyes soon turned dark and he looked away. He was heaving and she wanted nothing more then to reach out and calm him. Morgan didn't want to think about the last time she felt this way. She couldn't feel this way.

She looked away quickly, down at her tea. There was a screen door slam, and when she glanced back up, he was gone. Tyler quickly excused himself and left the same way. Before she could question the strange interaction, Molly threaded her arm between the crook of her elbow.

"Come on. You're going to sit with us. I want to hear all about this free lance novelist thing you got going on here." She said, puller away. Morgan was forced to tear her glaze away from the now shut screen door. There was a boat motor in the distance as they sat down to eat.


The minute Grey slammed through the door, he cursed.

A lamp was shattered on the floor almost instantly, a table and some victimized chairs flipped over as well. He cursed, punching a wall. Tyler was surprised to see such restraint at a time like this. He visible shook, ripping at his hair as if that could subdue the pin inside him. Tyler watched on for a good half hour as the minutes ticked by and he continued to trash the house. He saw his eyes darken and lighten, and he knew better than to get in between Grey and Cole. He glanced at the clock to see how long this has been happening, only to watch horrified as the clock ticked to 12:36. Before he could say anything, there was a gasp of pain. Tyler felt the whiplash as he turned to see the eyes a startling blue.

"No. Oh no." He breathed just barely, and the blue eyes widened in pain. The blue eyes looked conflicted, battling something within himself. He knew what they were capable of. He cursed, ripping apart a cabinet looking for what he needed. He grasped the silver gleaming knife in hand. It was intricately carved, red and black and light blue gems filtered the moonlight, causing the colored light to dance in the air. Ancient symbols were carved into the gleaming silver, as well as the full moon cycle. Tyler closed his eyes, jumped, lunging it into his back.

"Forgive me Grey." He whispered, as the blue eyes slowly became silver once again. Grey collapsed to the floor, unconscious. Tyler knew he could heal from something like that in hours. He used to at least. Now? He was just a weakened shell of his former self. Tyler quickly went about bandaging him up and hauling him up the stairs and bed, where he tucked the covers around his big brother. He left, leaving the moonlight to dance around the boy with scars, inside and out. The boy who just wanted his princess to love him and to love back.


Dinner had gone as expected. Fantastic steak, to die for potatoes and a crisp salad. She said goodbye to her new found friends in the lodge. She had stayed, and watched the blinking line on her blank document.

She had done nothing but lie today.

Her first book had gone terrible. No one was buying it. No one was giving her work a chance. It had been self published of course, but no one was even picking it up. So far, she had sold 300 copies. She still needed to sell more than ten times that to pay the printer back. She felt a pull at a heart, and frowned. This had been her dream. She couldn't keep living off her mom's money.

Kate and Abby had already been ultra successful. Kate was a celebrity now that she married on of the most famous and hottest actors in the world. She was always dripping in luxury when she saw her. Abby on the other hand was inventing things worth millions to simplify lives and save the ocean. It was obvious who her mom was disappointed in. Even her mom remarried some CEO of an electronic company. Their names were known far and wide. Hers wasn't. She was just a witness. A recovering witness.

And then the pull on her heart happened again. Except, this wasn't just an emotion. Confused, she let her heart pull her up like a dog on a leash. She set her MacBook on the window seat. Her foot steps were the only ones as she walked across the lodge and out the door. Something was calling to her. She had even forgotten her leather jacket, and shivered against the cold. She looked around, confused. The smell of the forest was strangely strong tonight. She stood there for at least fifteen minutes before she was able to pull away and go back inside.

He hid in the shadows, watching her search for something. He knew what she was searching for, so he made sure to go far enough into the shadows. She was still so breathtakingly beautiful. Her hair up in a messy ponytail revealed her shoulders and neck. He could just make out the pink scar from the last time they met. He wondered what she thought it was from, how she got the bite mark on her neck. He wondered what she told people when they were-

A was hit with a wake of weakness as he was hit with a wave of anger. He stumbled, clutching onto a tree for support. It should be getting better by now. His wolf wasn't even there anymore. He couldn't shift. He knew he would die soon if he wasn't near Morgan soon. If he wasn't Morgan's focus of attention. If Morgan didn't kiss him.

But that would mean all those memories the hid away would come back. She would remember what happened.

המשך קריאה

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