Married for his business.

By Gabie_lyon18

27.4K 924 48

Dylan Walker is one of New York city's richest business men. He has the reputation of being a ruthless busine... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Happy New Year!
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 2

1.3K 38 3
By Gabie_lyon18

"Well, I'm not interested in any of these women... Non of them match my taste"
Dylan dropped the file Xander brought him

"You have no time to choose, Dylan. The board will choose another CEO soon if they know you haven't gotten married yet and you are still without a wife"

"but if I get married now, won't they think I did It to be the CEO of the company?" Dylan asked.

"Well, they won't if you get married soon and prove to them the opposite. By that, you'll be able to be the CEO and get your inheritance and let's say in a year you can get a divorce"

"But I don't want to be tied to any women, Xander" Dylan sighed

"Easy, you just get her to sign a prenuptial agreement with you, and that's all"

Dylan let out a sigh, he was  satisfied but still worried. It all sounded good, but without a wife the whole idea was meaningless.

"I need to clear my head... I'll be back" Dylan sighed.

"Dylan, we don't have time for that" Xander explained.

"You know me too well, Xander" Dylan said Sternly "No one tells me what to do, I'll be back soon... And besides its a Saturday" he scoffed.

"Just don't go getting drunk in public. The Board and your father's lawyers might find out and they need to think that you are responsible"

"Yeah, whatever" Dylan picked his keys from the table and walked to the door.

"I need to go somewhere quiet and common, somewhere those fools wouldn't find me" He whispered to himself as he started his car.

Just the thought of finding a woman that would accept to be his wife was making him angsty,  not to mention that he's going to get married even though it's all going to be a lie.

He pulled up in Front of a bar and walked right into It.

He sat at a Table with his head buried in his Phone, he was checking his contact List when a uproar distracted him.

"What part of if you need a woman for yourself, you can go see my boss about it don't you understand! I'm a bar tender not a hooker!" The lady yelled.

She noticed that a guy just arrived and that he hasn't been attended to so she went to him with her order book to take his order but glared at the guys who were harassing her first.

"What can I get you sir?" She asked making him curious

Why didn't she react differently when she saw him, other women would have been trying their best to flirt with him, he thought. Even the men around him notice presence. He thought further...

"Errr... Neat scotch " he said finally

"Okay, I'll be right back" she nodded and still didn't make a move at him.

She got back behind the bar, "can you just imagine how much we'll make if he keeps coming here?" her colleague said nodding to Dylan's direction "even though it's strange someone like him is here" he added.

"what are you talking about?" Lorraine asked.

He had a perplexed face "what do you mean what am I talking about?"

"who is this guy?... Every one is staring at him" Lorraine wondered.

"you must be kidding me, Lorraine please tell me you are Joking"

"no I'm serious... Is he like some movie star or something" she scoffed.

"even better" he said in awe.

"oh..." she finished making his scotch and walked to his table still thinking about who he could be.

"here you go" she  dropped the glass on table and walked away leaving Dylan mesmerized by her once more.

He had never seen someone like her before and to him she was so intriguing.

Even after he paid for the drink and gave her a tip she still didn't make a move.

He left the bar dumbfounded and when he got back to his mini mansion he asked Xander a question that made him almost laugh to his death.

"Xander, have I lost my charm and hotness?"

"I wish" he said after recovering from the laugh "for all the years I've known you, both men and women have yearned for you
And besides do you think you'll have the title of you know what, if you have?"

"I don't know" Dylan sighed.

"oh I get you now... You are worried because you don't have a wife yet"

Dylan shrugged his shoulders and like a typical Dylan Walker he slowly forgot about the woman who didn't notice him

The next day, he went in search for a wife. He visited all the agencies he knew that dealt with hiring a wife but didn't find any he liked

Crimson bar as been his interest since he went there last and since he was to be seen as a responsible man.

If he was seen somewhere popular like the Blind tiger everything will go to hell for him.

Crimson bar is a bar... but it's not a place anyone will imagine Dylan Walker in.

He went into the bar and the bar was pretty empty for a normal bar, no soul was in the bar... well apart from Lorraine and her boss.

They were having a conversation more like a heated conversation and they were both yelling at each other.

Lorraine had refused the offer of one of the customers and that made him angry

He told that to her boss and he got angry as  well and flared up

He proceeded to yelling at her right there in front of everyone, an act he should have done in his office

Dylan was sure they both didn't know that customers left already

And well... As for the other employees, they just went on with their lives.

Dylan definitely didn't know what to do
If he should leave or just stay entertained

Lorraine noticed him standing there and stopped

"Errr are you guys closed, cause I didn't see a closed sign" Dylan asked simply.

"oh no... Sorry Sir, for seeing this... All this, and we are definitely not closed its just, 7:30" Lewis, Lorraine's boss said with a fake smile making Lorraine give a brittle one to Dylan.

"What would you like, Sir." Lewis asked motioning his hand for Dylan to sit

He walked to the bar with Lorraine after Dylan ordered for a glass of Vieux Carré

"Treat this customer well would you,
You know he's one of New York's public figures right?"

She nodded her head like she knew. She dropped it on the table and was about leaving when Dylan stopped her

"Would you at least have a drink with me? I'm the only one here and I'm sure you've got no one to tend to"

"sorry Sir, but I'm not allowed to drink with customers. My job is to serve them drinks, that's all"

"I'm sure your boss would make an exception for you" Dylan raised a brow

"look, the thing is that I'm here just so tend to the customers not—"

"jeez calm down girl, do you even know who you are talking to?"

"well yeah... just found out actually" she pursed her lips before she continued "you are one of New York's public figure"
She said trying to imitate her boss

"true I'm infact that, I'm Dylan Walker" Dylan explained

She looked back and saw her boss staring at her actually glaring at her to sit with Dylan

She sat finally like a child who was forced to more like an adult who was forced to

"well..." she said trying not to make a nasty look

"I'm sure you don't like your job miss..."

"Lorraine" she said finally rolling her eyes

"so... Is there a Mr? He asked

"Are you are a detective and is this an interrogation?" She spat irritated

"no, not at all, I'm just trying to make a conversation since you won't talk, that's all"

"hmm... well, I'm Lorraine... Lorraine Hurst" she sighed "and I HATE my job just for the record"

"yeah I noticed that" Dylan smirked.

She leaned closer to him like she was trying to prevent any one from hearing her talk she inquired "so can you help me with that?"

His Blue eyes seemed to gain more colour at the sound of those words

Dylan being a smart and calculating guy thought of just the right job to give Lorraine

I mean yeah he had seen women who qualified for the job but didn't accept them and now he's willing on accepting her

He scanned her profile and frame carefully so as not to make her notice he was

She is tall... check
She is beautiful...check
She's definitely hot... Check
Well not blonde but black haired but seriously,
Who cares... Check
She sure needs the money... Check

He sent all this to Xander along with her name quickly so he could make a background check on her to complete the checking list

He spoke finally

"would you like to get paid to be my wife" he said noticing her green eyes

"what!" She almost yelled "I already told you I'm not a bimbo Okay! Paying me to marry you is like paying to sell my body
I won't do that, I asked you for a decent job not to be your wife!"

"what's it with you, other women will jump at the idea and marry me right here but you... You are different"

That intrigued him the more

"well you want an answer, NO!
I won't marry you for money" she spat

"which you need? It's just an agreement" he explained.

"I'm sorry but I think you'll have to go on searching for someone who will accept your agreement" She went to the bar, grabbed her bag and left

Lewis literally ran to Dylan and apologised for Lorraine's behavior

Dylan who was obviously fuming with anger didn't look at him at that point

Till he cooled off a little and said "if you respect who I am you will fire her immediately" Lewis nodded as Dylan turned around to leave

"And one more thing" He said as he turned around

"I want her to come begging me for mercy"
He brought out his wallet and gave Lewis a good sum of money. "I want her to be so helpless she'll dee Me as her only choice"

He walked out of the bar and drove off


"You what!"
Xander yelled at Dylan as he heard what he told him

"just as you heard Xander I told her boss to fire her for being rude"

"you just crossed the line
Just because she refused to be your wife
And besides what kind if man asks a woman to marry him just like that". Xander sighed

"what did you expect? For me to be romantic? You know it's not going to be a real marriage right?" Dylan said making things clear to Xander

"well if you still want to know
She's all what you sent to me yesterday
She's single
As a single mom her dad left when she was born
Her mom lives in Chicago and trust me she's not living the life
Lorraine needs the money not just to leave the boss who gets on her nerves but to take care of her mom"

"don't worry I've got that covered she'll  soon be here in my office begging me to marry her" Dylan said menacingly

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