I'll Be Their Father ( A Bran...

By calebdouglas74

115K 2.8K 245

Katie Smith is only 24 years old with 2 kids already. Isaac who is 8 and Rocky who is 5. She has been raising... More

Back Home Again
Talking to Brantley
That Night
Family Time Part 1
Family Time Part 2
Momma Becky
Telling the whole story
Brantley's Mind Pt.1
Katie's Mind Pt.2
The Day After
Martin and Court Day Pt. 1
Martin and Court Day Pt2
Finding A Job
Brantley and the boys Pt. 1
Brantley and the boys Pt.2
Long Day!
Sexy Time
Apartments To Pick From
Telling Brantley and the boy's
Dirk Peak
Farm Meeting and Getting caught
How we all feel?
Wedding dresses/Tuxes
Night before the wedding pt. 1
Night before the wedding pt. 2
4 Years Later
7 Years Later

The Wedding Day

2.1K 47 4
By calebdouglas74

What Brantley is wearing to his wedding. 

What Kate's wedding dress looks like. This dress win by one vote. It was close let me tell you. Thanks for helping me pick out there outfits y'all. 

Brantley's Pov 

Today is the day. Today is the day I'm marring the love of my life. I was up in the bedroom getting ready for my wedding. Last night after beating the shit out of Martin and going to jail for 3 hours, I didn't think Kate would still marry me after that. But she still is. We are only having about 50 people here today. Not fancy, but fancy enough for Kate and I. I walked over to my clothes laying on the bed. I smiled at what I'm wearing. No suit. Just a outfit that I wore in my music video for 'Bottom's up'. I loved the 1940's era with the gangsters. 

I looked over at the picture of my family and smiled. My life has changed so much over the past 2 years since I found Kate, Isaac and Rocky all in my bed. She is the one that open me up to see what love is really about. We have 3 beautiful sons together. What more could I ask for. My life is great. I have the second part of my tour in 3 more months. But I will be home for 4 days a week, and gone only 3 days a week. I don't care. I have a family that needs me. 

I walked over to the bathroom so I could take a shower and shave some of my beard. I was starting to look like a wild man. I know Kate likes it a little wild on my beard, so as long as she is happy with it then I am too. I took off my boxers and stepped into the shower. I was letting the hot water hit my body. I was about to start washing my body when I heard someone walking into the bedroom. I stuck my head out of the shower and I didn't see no one in the bedroom. I was washing my hair when I looked and saw someone standing in the bathroom. I think it's Kate. 

"You wanna come in here with me babe." I asked her. I saw Kate pull her shirt off and taking off her pants. Fuck I can feel my harden dick getting harder and harder by the second. Telling you what, 2 weeks of no sex was hell for me and my boys. Kate put her hand in the shower and told me to look over at the wall. 

"Okay. Okay. It's not like I'm going to fuck the shit out of you tonight once we are married babe." I told her. I moved over so I can look at the wall. I heard the shower curtain open up. 

"I've missed you babe. I can't wait until we are alone tonight. You don't know all the sexy plans I have for you baby." I told the love of my life. Kate kissed my back and was playing with my man hood with her hands. 

"I love you baby." I told her. 

"And I love you Brantley." That wasn't Kate. I looked and saw Julie Shaw in the shower with my naked as a jay bird. 

"Julie. What in the fuck are you doing here?" I asked her. I jumped out of shower and pulled a towel over my waist. 

"Why you acting like this baby? It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." Julie said to me. 

"Get out of here Julie. I'm getting married today?" I told her. I was about to walk out of the shower when I heard the bedroom door open up again. 

"But baby, you still love me. And from what I'm looking at your dick is happy to see me too." Julie said to me. 

"You need to shut your fucking mouth." I told her. Julie walked out of the shower and walked over to me. 

"Baby, you know you want me to be gagging on your long, hard, dick again." Julie said to me. 

"Dad." I looked and saw my two eldest sons looking at me. 

"Boys. What--- This isn't what it looks like? I was in the--" I was cut off when Kate walked into the bedroom. 

"There you two are. Come on. You need to get---" Kate looked right at me and Julie. 

"Baby this isn't what it looks like." I told her. 

"Isaac, Jonas go to your grandmother. Now!" Kate said to the boys. 

"Yes mama." They said to her. They ran out of the bedroom. Kate walked into the bathroom. 

"What in the fuck is going on in here Brantley? You and that slut are still messing around with each other?" Kate asked me. 

"I didn't know it was her? I was thinking it you was you baby." I told her. 

"You fucking whore. Get the fuck out of my house right fucking now!" Kate said to Julie. Kate grabbed Julie by her hair and throw her on the ground. Julie looked up at Kate. 

"Don't be mad bitch. He is so over you and your fucking kids. Brantley wants a real woman. Don't you baby." Julie said to me. 

"No. I have the perfect woman in Kate. Julie get the fuck out of my house." I said to her. 

"You was okay with me last night at the bar." Julie said to me. I looked over at Kate. 

"Kate she is lying to you. I've never messed around with Julie while we was together. Ask Ashton, Kolby and Carter. They was with me the whole time we was at the bar. Kate please believe me." I said to Kate. 

"I want you both out of this house right now!" Kate yelled at us. Julie got up and smiled at Kate. 

"I'm a better lay then you are. Brantley told me all about it. I'm better at sex. Blow jobs and---" Kate shut Julie up by slapping her right in the face. 

"Bitch, you need to get out of my house right now!" Kate said to Julie. 

"Or what bitch." Julie said to Kate. 

"Honey you are so lucky my kids are here." Kate said to Julie. 

"Don't let them bastard's stop you bitch." Julie said to Kate. 

"Yo BG you ready man for the best day--- What in the hell is going on?" We all looked and saw Kolby and Mona standing there. 

"It's not what it looks like you guys." I said to my brother and sister in law. 

"Really. Because where we are standing it looks like you and the queen of sluts was in the shower together." Kolby said to me and Julie. 

"I was. But she got in the shower with me. I was thinking it was Kate. Not Julie." I told them. 

"She needs to leave right now." Kate said to everyone. 

"You got that right Kate." Kolby said to Kate. Kolby walked over to Julie and grabbed her by her hand. 

"Let go of me Kolby. Your just pissed off because I would never fuck you. I know you want me." Julie said to my brother. 

"Bitch my dick don't want your old hairy ugly pussy. Plus I like to feel the sides when I fuck." Kolby said to Julie. 

"I see black Mona is still here." Julie said to Mona. 

"Excuse me bitch." Mona said to Julie. 

"Don't be talking about my wife like that you damn whore." Kolby said to Julie. 

"You married that tall ugly bastard. Wow Mona are you that lonely you had to marry him." Julie said to Mona. 

"That's it!" Kate yelled at Julie. She grabbed her by her arm and pulled her out of the bedroom. 

"Let go of me you dumb bitch!" Julie yelled at Kate. 

"I want you to listen to me you fucking whore. I want you to stay the fuck away from my kids. My house and stay the fuck away from my husband. Because if you don't I will have you sorry, slutty ass beat. Now get the fuck out of my house and don't come back for nothing." Kate said to Julie. 

"I'll be back bitch. Brantley will come crowing back to my bed. Ask him about the tour dates when he was on the road. Ask him about Paris. I was with him the whole time. And he was fucking me long and---" Kate pouched Julie right in the mouth. 

"Carter, Kolby get this piece of trash out of my house." Kate said to them two. 

"Okay Kate." Carter said to Kate. They both grabbed Julie and walk her out fo the house naked as a jay bird. 

"Mona, make sure the boys stay outside for a while." Kate said to Mona. 

"Okay." Mona said to Kate. Kate looked over at me. 

"Bed room. Now!" Kate yelled at me. I walked into the bedroom with Kate right behind me. 

"Baby, you have to believe me. I've never cheated on you while I was with---" Kate slapped me across my face. 

"God damn it Brantley, how could you!" Kate yelled at me. 

"Baby please I've never--" Kate cut me off. 

"You need to shut your fucking mouth. I'm so pissed off right now I can't even look at you right now." Kate said to me. 

"Baby, please. I would never do that. All that shit Julie said wasn't true at all. Please you need--" Kate shut me up again by kissing me hard on my lips. 

"I hate you so much Brantley. But I know you wouldn't cheat on me. I want you so bad right now." Kate told me. I looked down at her. 

"But you wanted tonight to be special remember." I told her. 

"Screw that. I want you to fuck me right here and right now." Kate said to me pulling off her shirt. I pulled Kate to me so I could kiss her neck. 

"We only have 20 minutes okay Brantley." Kate told me. 

"Baby we have all day to get married." I told her. Kate smiled at me, as was pulling her pants down along with her camo thong. Kate laid on the bed and spread open her legs. 

"You like what you see baby." Kate ask me. Before I could say anything Kate licked her finger and rubbed her wet hand around her clit. 

"Fuck. That's hot baby." I said to her. I ripped the towel off of my waist and laid down on the bed so I could watch my girl finger herself. 

"Oh Brantley. Your dick is so big inside of me." Kate said to me. I moved my hand over to her hand so I could help her finger herself. 

"Oh Brantley." Kate moaned my name. 

"Fuck this." I said to her. I moved her hand away from her sweet, shaved pussy. I licked her woman hood with my tongue. I opened her pussy lips so I could get deep inside of her with my tongue. I was watching Kate the whole time I was eating her out. The way she was playing with her breast and the moaning was music to my ears. I just can't get enough of this woman for nothing. She is the reason why I believe in love. She is the reason why I'm getting married today. She is the best of me. 

"Brantley, I'm going to cum." Kate said to me. I looked up at her. 

"Cum for my baby. Cum all over daddy baby." I said to her. Between my finger going in and out of her and my tongue Kate was close to her orgasm and I want to fuck her with my 9 hard inches so fucking bad. I got up and only up the tip of my dick inside of her. 

"Oh Brantley!" Kate moaned my name. 

"Fuck baby you are so tight." I said to her. I moved her legs up to my face so I could make her woman hood even tighter. Kate moved her hands over my ass. God I love this woman so much. 

"Yes. Oh my God yes!" Kate yelled out. I felt her cum all over my dick. 

"Fuck baby." I moaned out. I moved her legs so I could lay on top of her so I could kiss her hard on her lips.

"Cum for me daddy. I want you to cum all over my face." Kate said to me. My thrust went faster and faster. 

"I'm cumming." I said to her. I got off of Kate and she got on her knees. Kate put my hard man hood in her mouth, while she was playing with my balls. 

"Fuck!" I moaned out, while I shot my cum right down the back of her throat. 

"Damn." I moaned out. Kate and I laid back on the bed. 

"Wow." I said to her. 

"Fastest time yet. We still had 5 more minutes." Kate told me. I looked over at her and smiled. 

"You just wait until tonight after we get married Mrs. Gilbert." I said to her. 

"Mrs. Brantley Keith Gilbert. I love that name so much." Kate said to me. I looked over at her. 

"It's just a name baby. I love you." I said to her. 

"I love you too. Now we need to get ready. I'm getting married today and I don't need you to fuck it up for me." Kate said to me getting out of the bed. I was looking at her ass. 

"No." Kate said to me. I looked over at her. 

"No what babe." I said to her. 

"You aren't fucking my ass." Kate said to me. I looked over at her and laughed. 

"Not my thing. I just like looking at it." I said to her. 

"Well you can look at it all you want after we are married. Now get up. I need to bush my teeth again and take a shower really fast. We smell of sex." Kate said to me. 

"My favorite smell ever." Kate looked at me like I was a weirdo when I said that. 

"You are a freak you know that right." Kate told me. I got up and walked over to her. 

"Damn right I do. Plus you are just as a big freak as me baby." I told her. 

"True. Don't leave me at the alter." Kate said to me, walking in to the bathroom. 

"I'm not. Wait I need a shower too." I said to her. 

"We still got 3 minutes. Come on baby boy." Kate said to me. I ran over to the shower with my girl and we both got in. 

I was standing outside with my brother and my sons. I don't know how Carter got wrapped up into taking pictures, but so far he is doing a great job of doing it, so I'm not going to stop him. Kolby leaned over to my ear. 

"We heard you and Kate making up." Kolby told me. I looked at him. 

"What?" I asked him. 

"Kate is a loud moaner dude. She was moaning and yelling all for you man. Way to go man." Kolby said to me. I looked at him and in the corner of my eye I saw all 3 of my sons looking at me. 

"Shut up man." I said to Kolby and smiling at my sons. They all was smiling at me. 

"You boys happy that I'm marring y'all's mama." I asked them. 

"Yes sir." Isaac and Jonas said to me. 

"Yes sir daddy." Little Rocky said to me. I smiled at them. 

"Me too boys. I do love your mama so much." I told them. 

"And we love you dad." Isaac said to me. I smiled at him. I was about to say something when the music started to play. I looked over and saw Mona walking down the aisle. 

"Wow." Kolby said to his young bride. 

"Mona looks great man." I told him. Kolby couldn't keep his eyes off of Mona. 

"She's the best thing that ever happened to me man. I love her so much." Kolby told me. Mona smiled at me and gave Kolby a wink. I slowly moved my head up so I could watched Kate walk down the aisle with her mama. All I could do is look at Katie. Her wedding dress hugs her sexy hips and since her breast are big, all I could is stare at them. 

"You better take care of my daughter and my grandson's young man. Do you hear me boy." Mama Deb said to me. I smiled at her. 

"They are in good hands mama." I said to her. 

"Good. Love you baby." Deb said to Kate. 

"I love you too mom. Thanks for walking me down the aisle. It means a lot to me that you are here." Kate said to her mama. Deb smiled at us and sat down next to my mama. 

"We are here today for one special reason. This man and this woman love each other. I asked the good Lord to help me out on this, since I've watched this young man grow up. His mother, Ms. Becky called me up when they told her that Kate and Brantley are getting married. I knew I wanted to do this. Brantley, I've said a lot of prays for you over the years. I'm happy that you found someone like Katelyn. She is the best thing for you. God told me that last night." Rev. Sander's told me. 

"Thanks Rev." I said to him. He smiled at me. 

"Kate and Brantley have written there own wedding vowels. Katelyn, why don't you start first." Rev Sander's said to Kate. 

"Okay. Almost 3 years ago I was here with my two sons. Isaac and Rocky. I was covered in bruise's and so wasn't Isaac. That was also the day I met you Brantley for the first time. I was scared of you. Tall, tattooed, back woods country man. But you have one of the biggest hearts I've ever saw. I was slowly falling for you the second I laid eyes on you. You are the best thing to ever happened to my and my children. You saved us. And together we saved Jonas. Whatever happens from this day on, we will take care of it as husband and wife. I love you so much Brantley. The days you are gone touring state to state or county to county is murder for me. But I know you are doing what you do best. Making others happy, just like you do with me, Isaac, Jonas and Rocky. I love you so much and for the rest of my life I'm going to make you happy that you married me. I love you Brantley." Kate said to me. I had to wipe my tears falling down my eyes. 

"Wow. I love you too baby." I said to her. 

"Brantley, my boy. It's your turn." Rev. Sander's told me. 

"Yes sir." I said to her. I was holding onto Kate's hands. 

"The day I first met you I was mad at my brother. I was mad at the man who touched you and Isaac like they did. But I got to know the real you and I'm in love with the real you baby. There's not one day that has went by that you, Isaac, Rocky and now Jonas, that I'm thinking of. You are the best of me. We are here today because I fell in love with you. You opened up my heart and showed me what the word 'Love' even means. I love you. Some people think we are crazy, or freaks, but we love who we are. If you ask me right now to quit singing I would. But only for you. No one else. I love you so much and I'm going to be spending the rest of my life telling you. When we are old and the kids all moved out of the house, all I'm going to see is this young 26 year old woman that I'm marring right now. I love you Katelyn with every bone in my body. I love you." I said to her. I think everyone here is crying now. 

"Can I have the rings now boys." Rev Sander's said to our children. All 3 of them gave Rev. Sander's the rings. 

"I asked the Lord to watch over Brantley, Katelyn and their children for years and years to come. Brantley repeat after me. 

"I, Brantley Gilbert, give you, Katelyn Hall this ring with love, charm and faith. I thee wed you." Rev. Sander's said to me. 

"I, Brantley Gilbert, give you, Katelyn Hall this ring with love, charm and faith. I thee wed you." I said to Kate. She was crying. I slid the weeding band on her finger next to her engagement ring. 

"Now Katelyn, repeat after me." Rev. Sander's said to Kate.

"I, Katelyn Hall, give you Brantley Gilbert this ring with love, charm and faith. I thee wed you." Rev. Sander's said to Kate.  

"I, Katelyn Hall, give you Brantley Gilbert this ring with love, charm and faith. I thee wed you." Kate said to me. She slid the wedding band on my ring finger. 

"If there is no one here today don't think this man and this woman should be married say now or forever hold your piece." Rev Sander's said to everyone. Kate and I looked at everyone sitting there. 

"Well, then, by the state of Georgia I pronounce you man and wife. Brantley you may kiss the bride." Rev. Sander's said to me. 

"We did it." I said to her. 

"About time." Kate said to me. I picked her up, so I could kiss her hard on her lips. 

"For the first time I would like you all to meet Mr. and Mrs. Brantley Gilbert." Rev. Sander's said to everyone. Everyone was clapping. 

"You happy baby." I asked her. She looked at me. 

"More then ever." Kate said to me. 

"We are a family now. All of us." Jonas said to Kate and I. 

"Yes we are son." I said to him. Kate and I walked down the aisle for the first time I was touching Kate as my wife. Not my girlfriend, not my fiancee. But as my wife. She, Isaac, Jonas and Rocky are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm going to spend the rest of my life letting them know that. 

Kate and I was slow dancing with each other. Just telling each other that we love one another. When I saw all 3 of my sons getting up on stage. 

"What are they doing now?" I asked my wife. Kate looked over at them. 

"I don't know, but whatever it is it's going to be sweet." Kate told me. That is for sure. 

"Hello everyone. My name is Isaac Gilbert. My brother Mitchell, but we all call him Jonas. And our little brother Rocky. We have something to say to our parents, Brantley and Katelyn Gilbert." Isaac said to everyone. He gave the mike to Jonas next. 

"Nana and Me Maw helped us write this for our parents. I've only been here for a few weeks now but I fell the love that I was missing my whole life. I can say to everyone now I have a mama that loves me and that will feed me when I'm hungry. Or hold me when I'm sad. I love my mama very much." Mitchell said to everyone. I looked down at Kate who was crying her eyes out. 

"Now to my dad. Dad is a cool name and there is no one cooler then our dad, Brantley. He might look mean to you, but Izzy, Rocks and me he is a kind man. He will be with us when we become teenagers. When we met the country girl of our dreams. He might bail us out of jail here and there, but we have a dad that will love us and not beat us like my old dad or Izzy's and Rocky's old dad would. We love you dad." Jonas said to all of us. I wiped the tear out of my eye. Jonas gave the mike to little Rocky now. 

"We got a bad ass daddy and a bad ass mommy!" Rocky said to everyone. Kate and I was laughing our asses off. Rocky gave the mike back to Isaac. 

"Well you hard it from the Gilbert boys. We love you mama and dad!" Isaac, Jonas and Rocky said all together. They jumped down the stage and ran over to Kate and I. 

"Did you like our speech dad." Isaac asked me. I bent down to my sons level. 

"I loved it buddy. That was the best present mama and I got this whole night." I said to all 3 of the boys. They all gave me a big hug. 

"Ask your grandmother's to dance." I said to all of them. They ran over to the dance floor with my mama and Kate's mama. I pulled Kate into my arms. She looked up at me. 

"You glad we got married." Kate asked me. I had the biggest smile on my face. 

"Nothing is better then this." I said to her. 

"I agree. I love you Brantley." Kate said to me. 

"And I love you baby." I said to my wife. 

"Mama, come dance with us." Rocky said to Kate. 

"You coming." Kate asked me. 

"I'll be there in a second. I'm steeping out for a quick smoke." I said to her. 

"Just hurry." Kate said to me. She ran over to the boys and they all was dancing up a storm. I walked out the back door and lite up a smoke. I walked over behind Jason's car to take a piss. I just pulled my cock out when I heard someone behind me. I looked behidne me and I didn't see no one. 

"Hello." I yelled out. I was looking around and I didn't see no one. I looked down at my cock so I could put my boys back in my pants, when I heard something again. I walked a couple of feet. 

"Who's out here!" I yelled out. I was looking around the brush when I felt something sharp on my back. 

"I told you I would be back." I looked down when I saw blood coming out of my white shirt. Martin pulled the knife out of my back and stabbed me again, in the back, this time he even went deeper then the first stab. 

"Now we are even Brantley." Martin said to me. He pulled the knife out of my back, and pushed me down on the road. I tried to yell for someone, but I couldn't speck. It was like I was frozen. I saw Martin bend down in front of me. 

"You say it was me, I'll kill Kate, Isaac and Rocky. You hear me. Go to hell." Marin said to me. He got up and kicked me in my rib cage a couple of times. I watch him walk away. I tried to get up, but I couldn't move. 

"Brantley are you out here." Kate yelled out for me. 

"Kate." I barley could say. 

"Brantley, where are you at! Come on it's late and this isn't funny at all." Kate said to me. I heard her walking.

"Kate." I said a little louder. 

"Brantley! Where are you at!" Kate yelled for me again. I need to get her over here. 

"Kate! Kate! Kate!" I yelled as loud as I could. 

"Brantley! Oh my God! Mama! Becky!" Kate yelled for them. I heard her run over to me. 

"Brantley! Oh my God. What happened?" She asked me. 

"Stabbed." Was all I could say, when I shut my eyes, and everything went black. 











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