May We Meet Again

By earthtoemi

20.4K 407 78

It's been 6 years since Clarke and Bellamy have last seen each other, but what happened during those 2199 day... More

Author's Note
I. First Anniversary
II. Blood in My Veins
III. You Are Strong
IV. In Peace
V. No Rain
VI. Content
VII. Three Years and Counting
VIII. Fourth
IX. The Four of Us
X. Recordings
XI. Anniversary of Disappointment
XIII. Dealing
XIV. 2199
XV. May We Meet Again

XII. Reacting

1K 25 12
By earthtoemi

Bellamy's POV

"Play the most recent one," I demand, desperate to hear Clarke's voice again. She's alive... after all this time she's alive.

Raven nods and presses a few buttons. Clarke's voice fills the room and I've never heard anything sweeter in my life.

"Today is the day. It's been 1825 days. Your 5 years are up! I can't wait to see you all.
Bellamy, if you're listening. I miss you..."

I zone out after I hear Clarke say that she misses me. Five years later and she hasn't given up on us. I stiffen. But we gave up on her. You left her and gave up all hope, you idiot. She never stopped believing. You abandoned her...

I'm jolted from my thoughts when I hear Murphy laugh loudly; the others have smiles plastered on their faces. They're excited to learn that Clarke isn't dead; they're not beating themselves up over losing up. So why are you? Raven looks my way and I see her smile drop. 'Are you okay?' She mouths; I shake my head, not trusting myself to speak. She nods and mouths 'Talk later?' I nod back.

"Gosh I miss you all. Monty's moonshine party when you're down!
May we meet again."

The others cheer. I see Monty and Harper twirl around, laughing before they fall into each other's arms. I see Murphy hug Emori who has tears streaming down her face; Murphy even slyly wipes of few of his own away and my heart breaks. Why am I not reacting like this? Like them?

"Can you believe that Clarke has kids?" Yells Murphy in disbelief. Monty and Harper laugh.

"How do you say 'Mother of Death' in Trigedasleng?" Jokes Harper.

Raven and the others laugh. Emori looks confused; she doesn't know about Clarke and her nickname of Wanheda.

"Wait Clarke had kids?" I say in shock. Did I miss something?

"Yeah Blake," Raven says easily with a roll of her eyes. "Did you miss that part or something? She even wished for Murphy to be there!" The others all laugh again and Murphy does a comedic bow.

I look around and see that Echo is gone. Shit.

Raven's POV

"I think he reacted pretty well," whispers Monty. Our plan went smoothly; everyone thought we just got the radio fixed, that we just found out about Clarke.

"I don't know," I say uneasily. "I need to go talk to him." Bellamy disappeared awhile ago and the rest of us stayed to listen to the recordings. I was the only one to see Echo sneak out and I wasn't sure if Bellamy went to her or to our window.

"Let him and Echo talk first," Monty suggests. "This is going to be especially hard on Echo. What is Bellamy going to do?"

"Well it's not like him and Clarke were ever... you know," I whisper back fiercely. Monty raises his eyebrows.

"Easy tiger," Monty says softly. "We all know they weren't, but him and Clarke were the heads, they were partners. We all depended on them."

"Clarke was the head," I say with a smile, remembering a conversation I had with Bellamy.

"Uh what?"

"Nothing," I sigh. "I guess you're right; I'll go find him in like 10?"

"Yeah, works for-"

"What are you two whispering about?" Harper interrupts, bouncing on her toes as she joins us in the corner.

"Uh you know," Monty stutters. I roll my eyes.

"Just logistics about landing sites and such," I say easily. "We really need to get this plan finalized if we're going home anytime soon!" Harper beams, totally buying my lie.

"Oh of course! I'll leave you guys to it! Isn't it great that Clarke's alive?" She gushes. "Come on Monty! Let's go listen to some more recordings!" I nod at Monty and he goes with Harper to join Murphy and Emori at the table. I leave the control room, bent on finding Bellamy. Screw 10 minutes. I need to find him now.

Bellamy's POV

"So Clarke's alive," Echo says. Not a question, but a calm statement. I had found her laying on my bed and I joined her.

An awkward and heavy silence fills the room. I run my hand through her hair as her head lays on my chest. I'm sure she can feel how fast my heart is beating, how nervous I am. "Yeah," I say finally.

"Well that's great, right?"


"No, Bellamy. It's fine. I know you care for her," she says with a sigh.

I groan and bring my hands to my face. "I just can't believe it. I thought she was dead."

"And I was just a replacement?" Echo asks, as she sits up. Her face doesn't betray her emotions, but I'm guessing she's a little hurt.

"No. No!" I say sharply, as I too sit up. I take her hands in mine. "Echo, I care about you so much."

"But I'm not Clarke," she says simply, as she pulls her hands away. She stands and reaches for her sweater. I watch her walk towards the door and I know I should follow her, but I can't bring myself to do it. What does this mean now that Clarke is alive? Yeah, I care for her, but I care for Echo. I love Echo, right? Do I love Echo...?

"It's okay, Bellamy," she says softly from the doorway.

"Echo, wait!" I say as I stand. "It's been 5 years. You and me for 5 years."

Echo nods. "Yes, I know. But don't tell me that you didn't wish I was Clarke." I gape at her, stunned. I'm too stunned to do anything as she leaves the room. Do I really wish she was Clarke?

Raven's POV

I find Bellamy at our window. There's no telling how long he's been there but I can he's distraught. He doesn't even look at me when he says, "Echo ended... uh us. Whatever we were."

I nod. "Uh what were guys?" Bellamy turns to me, annoyance written over his freckled features. "Uh yeah right, wrong question to ask." He smiles at me and I smile back. He doesn't look annoyed anymore, just hurt.

"She's alive," he says softly. "I- I... I lost hope, Raven." His breath catches and I know he's about to lose it.

"Hey, hey," I say softly, making my way over his side. He draws me in for a hug and I feel the sobs wrack his body. "Bellamy," I say softly. I can already feel the tears prickling my eyes.

I don't know how long we stayed in that position, but eventually, he steadies himself and his tight hold on me eases.

"She once asked me if I still had hope," he says softly. "I said 'we're still breathing aren't we?'." He chuckles softly and I smile up at him.

"I lost hope when I thought she stopped breathing." And my smile disappears.

"But she didn't, Bellamy. She believed in us and knew we were alive. She misses us!"

"I-I.. I didn't miss her anymore..." he says shamefully and I can tell he's fighting back the tears.

"Hey," I whisper softly, forcing him to look at me. "You never really stopped missing her; you just learned to live without her. I did, we all did. But now she's alive, Bellamy. She's alive!"

Bellamy just stares angrily at me. "Raven... I left her. I didn't believe in her. I left her! I left her and there was a gaping hole in my chest!" Bellamy stumbles to a wall, clutching his chest. I stand dazed, unsure of how to help him.


"No Raven!" He shouts. "I moved on and now she's back! Sh-she's alive! She's alive..."

I move towards him as he clutches his head. He's muttering something but I can't make it out. A movement behind him draws my attention and I stop, but it's just Echo. She looks upset and I have no idea why- she ended things with him. I beckon for her to come closer and she creeps down the hall towards me and Bellamy, who is now crouched on the floor and still muttering.

"Hey Bellamy," I say softly. "You're going to have to speak louder if you want me to hear what you're saying."

He slowly lifts his head, his hands falling to his sides as he stands. There are tear stains down his cheeks but it's the darkness in his eyes that I haven't seen in a long time that frightens me. I step back, unsure.

"I said," he growls. "She's alive but she's been dead for me these past five years. How do I erase these past five years?"

I gasp and I can see the shock on Echo's face that I'm sure is etched onto mine. What the hell just happened? Bellamy stalks down the hall, away from Echo and I. All we can do is watch his retreating figure. What the hell have I done?

A/N: I about died having to write Bellamy's reaction like this *sobs* but I kinda feel like it's close to somewhat accurate of how he could possibly react (great sentence Emi...)
Anywayyyy you're going to hate me for making y'all wait for the next chapter but life
You're all great and I love all y'all! Xx

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