New Student |Melanie Martinez...

By Sanitynotfound

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Y/N moved from the UK to NY. She moves to a new school where she meets and makes many new close friends, one... More

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7.8K 121 84
By Sanitynotfound

After a three hour long car ride from the airport, my family and I finally reached to our new home. As thrilled as I was, I was slightly upset that I had to move from the UK to New York, especially so sudden. I had to leave behind my friends, school and most importantly, my memories. However, this was a chance for me to meet new people and have fun. " Y/N, instead of staring out the window, help me and your father unpack." My Mum said in a tired tone. I opened the door and stepped out. I took one big breath and thought, "Damn, it's cold as hell" and smiled at the floor. I helped carry our stuff into the house and started to take my belongings into my room that I chose. I placed the last box down and flew onto my bed and landed on my back. I took a little nap and dreamt of all the possibilities I could go through.

~tImE sKEep~(don't know why I did it like that but XD)

An hour later, I woke up. I looked at my prized possession, my phone, to find it was 6 pm. I looked at my empty room and started to plan out how I wanted to decorate my room. I decided to keep the walls white and pinned up some TØP, P!ATD and MCR posters on the wall. It gave the room some emotion, I guess, and I left the room satisfied(( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). I felt hungry and decided to go downstairs and look for my parents. Thankfully, they were both in the living room watching TV. "Yo guys, what are we going to eat today?" I asked whilst sitting myself on one of the other sofa's. "'guys'?" Your Dad asked in a confused yet slightly mocking tone. "Fine, dearest mother and dearest father, what are we going to eat today?" I sarcastically asked, causing us to laugh a little. "We're not hungry but if you are, there was a corner shop down the road, you could buy yourself some snacks." Mum suggested. "Okay then. Can I have some money?" I asked. "Here is $20. Don't buy stupid stuff." I gladly accepted the money and left the house. I decided to take my time a bit so I can look for some interesting things that I could do later. On my way, I saw a park(Jimin-wot?) and it looked fun. "I need to go there later this week or somthing." I thought. Minutes later, I finally reached the corner shop and stepped inside. It was warmer than outside and I didn't really want to leave but I came here for a reason and one reason only, food.(probably the only reason why I go outside tbh XD).

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