I'll find you,my love~Zane x...

By Sir-Pathetic

3.8K 87 101

This is continuing of book 1 so.. read that one first! This is exciting what things will happen to you??!? An... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter tweleve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Christmas special
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six (final)
!IMPORTANT! Three days

Chapter sixteen

118 2 3
By Sir-Pathetic

(Please read this it's important! So it seems that something glitches out... so uh, read this than skip the next chapter read until chapter twenty, go to chapter seventeen than read chapter twenty-one and continue XD sorry for any confusion!!!!)
Your P.O.V.
It's been a few weeks sense I've had that dream.
I decided to go to work today, I can't wait to see Red and Adam and basically everyone.
(Sadly Adam has stopped making Minecraft videos but he is doing what he loves, making music.)
I waved bye to Zane who was getting the kids lunches ready.
"Be careful.. ok?" He said.
I smiled up at him, "I'll be careful. Promise." I said, smiling up at him then walked out to my car.
I parked my car and walked into the offices!
Red greeted me, and I talked with him for a few minuets then headed to my office.
I shut the door behind me, and sat in my swivel chair.
"Now.. to look at my twitter.... do I want to?" I mumbled to myself.
I shrugged and looked at my twitter on my computer that sat in front of me.
Every single tweet was asking where I was.
I sighed.. another video about my disappearance again I guess.
I picked up my vlogging camera and set everything up to record me.
"Hi guys!" I started and waved to the camera.
"About my disappearance...there's...there's been a lot going on with my family at the moment so I had to bring my full attention towards that.." I said.
"You probably want me to talk about what happened but I'm not ready, but expect an upload from me today or tomorrow!!" I said and smiled.
"Cya later my internet family!~" i hummed and shut off the camera, it was quick and simple.
I edited it and uploaded it to my channel and I sighed heavily.
Soon there was a knock at the door.
"Come in." I said, the door opened revealing Red.
"I heard what happened.." he said with a frown.
"What?" I asked confused.
"About...about Cyrus." He said, shutting the door behind him.
I sighed and a frown plastered on to my face, "I'm so sorry for your loss." He said.
"It musta been hard.." Red sighed.
I nodded, wiping tears that had formed in my eyes away.
"I'm.. doing better." I said with a sad smile.
He nodded, "If you ever want to talk.. I'm here." He said comforting me.
"Thank you, Red." I smiled at him.
"I have to work now! Cya!!"Red said back into his cheerful self.
I grinned and started making a video about Pokemon showdown a game that fans suggested.
(I love that game! Go look it up if you like Pokemon and you wanna battle people! My username I can tell you if ya want! XD)
After making the video, I edited it and uploaded it.
"I'm hungry.." I mumbled getting up and walking out of my office.
I got stopped by a few people here and there but finally I made my way out of the building.
"I think..I'll walk!" I mumbled to myself.
I started heading to the nearest F/R (F/R = Favourite restaurant!)
I continued walking and soon a person wearing all blue bumped into me.
"Watch it buddy!" I said.
And looked at his face.
It was shaded by the blue hat he wore.
I shrugged it off and continued walking.
Finally I made it to F/R and ordered one of my favourite meals.
I sat down at a table while I waited.
A person in all grey clothing soon walked in, and walked up to me.
"Hi.." she said.
"Hi?" I said more like a question.
"Your sitting on my paper." She said.
I got up and there was a piece of paper under me.
"Oh! Sorry!" I said.
She just nodded and took the paper, and in a blink of an eye she was gone.
I shrugged it off.
But.. I remember.. I wasn't supposed to look at the man in blue and speak to the woman in grey..
OH NO! I can't meet up with ANYONE today.
I don't even know why I'm believing what that woman and demon man thing said.
I just sat back down and waited for my food, determined not to meet up with anyone!!!
After a full day of work I went home to get greeted by my children and husband.
Well.. child.
Zoe wasn't there to greet me.
"Where's Zoe?" I asked.
"She's in our room." Zero answered.
I nodded heading upstairs.
I knocked on the door, I heard a "Come in."
So I opened the door, Zoe was under her blankets and I couldn't see any part of her sticking out.
I yanked the blankets off of her, and hugged her.
I looked at her beautiful face.... she and a black eye.
I gasped, "Honey! What happened to you?!" I asked worriedly.
"A girl named Molly ganged up on me with a lot of other people.
Good thing they only gave me a black eye, thank Irean Ewan stepped in when he did." Zoe muttered.
I hugged her tightly.
"Let me get you some ice, ok?" I said, and she nodded.
I got up and put some ice in a ziplock bag, then held it to her eye.
"Thank you, mama." She said.
I smiled down at her, "Your Welcome. Supper will be ready soon." I said.
She nodded and I left her room.
I went downstairs, Zane was making silly faces at Zachary.
I giggled, and took my baby.
I made silly faces at him, tickled him and spun him around.
Zane soon was finished supper so we all ate and then, I got a text.
I took out my phone to see it was from an Unknown number.
It said, "Hey Y/n it's Pet I got a new phone and number. Can we meet up at this awesome new place by the maid cafe in town?"
I quickly texted her back, "Oh hey Pet! Yeah sure, when?"
Pet- "ASAP I bought something for you! :)"
Me- "Alright there shortly!"
We ended out texts and I explained to Zane.
He said he would take care of Zachary, Zero and Zoe while I was gone.
He's so good to me.
I smiled and went out the door.
I went exactly where Pet wanted me put, it was an alleyway?
I shrugged and kept walking.
I heard a muffled scream.
I'm scared now...
I kept walking, slowing down a bit.
Until a light shone at the end.
And..it happened way to fast.
Something sharp stabbed into my neck, I screamed in pain.
Soon a hand went over my mouth and then... my eyes felt heavy..
To be continued...

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