Kenma x Reader

By _emoghost

370K 10.5K 17.9K

(y/n) has just moved to Toyko with her best friend. They start school at Nekoma high school and are going to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4: painting disasters
Chapter 5: Hiding under the bleachers
Internet cafe
Supermarket Adventures
This is Halloween
Merry Christmas!
Inspriation (Idk i forgot what chapter we're on)
Comics are life
Ive missed you
Meeting the parents
Where do I fit in?
I got tagged???
An update
Making up
100k special
New fanfic
Will you...
Among Us
PSA from Author
I Do
Moving day
New story

Untitled Part 3

31.8K 794 5.8K
By _emoghost

Yo Author-chan here. Hope you liked my last chapter so I'm giving you another one. WOOT. ok yeah no. Anyways I'm going to be publishing more because I have writer ahead but right now I'm having major writers block. So sad I know. But I shall be publishing the parts that I have written and big shout out to @RikuWolf for helping me write this. Thanks girl. Ok I'll stop with ranting and hope you enjoy this part! Author-chan out. Peace. *puts on shades and does mic drop* walks out*


"Don't you wanna hang out with us?" She asked letting go of my wrist. She looked really hopeful.

"Uhhh..." I look behind her into the gym seeing a whole lot of boys. I let out a nervous laugh. "Fine but you owe me lunch." I say walking into the gym and sitting down on the bench pulling out my sketch book.

"Whoo!!!" (b/f/n) yelled, grabbing a clipboard and started writing a bunch of stuff in it involving volleyball. "OH NICE BLOCK TETSURO!" She yelled, cupping her hands over her mouth.

It was seriously loud in here. I was trying my best to block it out and succeeded but then as I was in my own world sketching I heard screaming and as I looked up I saw a ball fly towards me but it was too late. The ball hit my face bouncing back towards everyone as I fell the opposite direction. I hit the ground holding my nose and my pencils and sketch book and sketches flew everywhere.


"(Y/n)!" (b/f/n) yelled interrupting my thought and curse.

The whole team ran up to me.

"Omg are you ok?!" She asked, picking up all my pictures and some others were picking up her art supplies. She knew in her mind I might not want to come back after that.

"Oh I'm so sorry about that! I got a little crazy at receiving there." A short dude with light brown hair said, putting out his hand to help me up.

"I-it's fine. Where's the bathroom?"

"Oi Kenma, show the girl to the bathroom."

I looked to where bed head was speaking to and saw the pudding haired boy.

"Hey its you." I say holding my nose blood going everywhere.

The pudding haired boy looks up from his game giving me a confused look.

"I-I saw you in the hall today. I swear I'm not a stalker!" I quickly add. Everyone looks at me and I turn a deep red from embarrassment. Well ain't this just great.

"Oh. Okay. Well, come on." He started walking away with his phone in his face once again.

"Thanks Kenny!" (b/f/n) yelled, waving.

It was a silent walk to the bathroom. And a bloody one. My nose wouldn't stop bleeding and by the time we got there I had blood all over my hands and shirt.

"Hey do you mind staying here and waiting for me? I don't exactly remember how to get back. IF ITS A BOTHER I CAN FIND MY WAY BACK!" Dear lord why am I such a embarrassing idiot?

He looked up at me and lightly nodded. "Sure." He continued playing his game.

Kenma's pov

I didn't really understand why she kept yelling out of no where. But I found it a bit funny. She was like a loud version of the awkward me. I was interested in what she thought about our volleyball club. I usually can tell what other people are thinking, but she was different. She usually had this blank look on her face.

I watched as she walked into the bathroom and I went back to playing my game. After a minute she came back out with tissues stuffed in her nose. She had a look of pure shock on her face. I don't understand why though.

(y/n) pov:

As I walked out of the bathroom I saw Kenma playing his game waiting there. Honestly I thought he had left a while ago. I was completely shocked by this and really confused and I must have shown it in my facial expression because he asked me what was wrong.

"Are you ok?" Kenma asked.

"OH IM SORRY FOR STARING!" I bowed in apology. "I'm sorry I just thought you had left already so I was kinda shocked and confused I'm sorry if I'm rambling on and on like an idiot I'm not good with people I'm sorry!" I say really fast and my face is bright red and not from blood.

Kenma barely chuckled and lightly smiled. "It's fine." He started walking away, leading me back, phone still in his face.

I followed quietly trying to keep my head down hoping by the time we got to the gym that the blush would leave my cheeks but it failed miserably as (b/f/n) ran up to me and started pestering me asking why my face was red. "N-no reason. I'm going home now!" I quickly ran and got my bag not even checking to see if my stuff was in there. (Which it was not) and ran away.

I got home and went straight to my room and hide under the covers. I'm sooo stupid

(b/f/n) ran in and placed all my stuff on the table.

"What's with you?" She asked barging in my room like it was hers.

"I'm an embarrassing piece of trash that belongs to be thrown away like trashy artwork should be. I literally screamed in kenmas face. THREE TIMES. what's wrong with me? Whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy." My face turning redder and redder by the minute under my blanket.

"Huehuehue. I know why!" She yelled jumping in my bed.

"Why?" I say slightly bouncing because of (b/f/n) jumping next to me.


"What?!? I've barely known him a day! So shut up!" I grab her foot and pull it causin her to fall. "You love the floor that's why your always with it."

"Awe shut up!!! Anyway you think he's cute is all. No need to make that big of a deal about it. I can properly introduce you two if you want. But you can't deny your feelings."

"I always deny my feelings whatchu talkin bout?"


It was lunch time and I was sitting outside arguin-I mean talking with (b/f/n) about anime. We decided to do this everyday and have the roof as our meeting spot.

"IZAYA IS OBVIOUSLY WAY BETTER DUHHH!" She yelled, waving her hands back and forth.

"SHUT UP SHIZUO IS BETTER. AT LEAST SHIZUO DOESNT COLLECT OTHER PEOPLES HEADS!" I say screaming back. "Oh hey I forgot to ask did bed head question you asking why you ran after me? I wasn't a bother was I?"

"Oh course he asked. He's my other best friend. And no you weren't a bother at all! They all wanted to meet you for real though. AND THATS WHAT MAKES IZAYA AWESOME. HE'S A INSANE MAN."

"I can stop by practice after school just for introductions can't stay long though because I'm teaching an art class today." I take the last bite of my rice ball and pack up my bento. "Seems we've finished early today. Got any ideas on what to do until class?"

"Yay you said yes!!!" She yelled jumping up. "And let's listen to music. I brought my speaker just in case."

"What? Said yes? To what?" She ignored me and just put the music on. I didn't think much of it though. The day seemed to drag on for what seemed like forever but then that joyous last bell rang and that meant I could go and paint. Yay! The perfect ending to a boring day! I can't wait to start paintin-

"READY TO GO?!" (b/f/n) shouted at me in excitement.

Crap. I forgot. Well painting is going to have to wait just a little bit longer. Well the plus side of this is I could steal another glance at Kenma again. Geez I'm so frickin weird and creepy.

"Yes or no????" She asked again, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"O-oh yeah I'm ready." I picked my bag up and walked to the gym with (b/f/n). She seemed to be bubbling over with excitement. Honestly I don't understand why she's so excited but I guess her being really happy is better then her being really depressed. we got to the gym and I opened the door revealing the boys practicing. "I want to throw up." Just the sight of seeing that many people and having to talk to them makes me sick.

"I promise once I introduce you you can leave. I just want my friends knowing who my bffwylion is!!!!"

"O-ok." I walked in after (b/f/n) using her as a shield like you would in a game. "Honestly if these were gamers then this would be easier. Then I would be talking to them through a screen and they wouldn't see my face and oh god why the crap why are they so tall?" I am 5 foot exactly and all these guys are so much taller then me making me sick. "No one deserves to be that tall. Why?"

"Beats me." (b/f/n) walks up to all the boys, telling them that she wants to introduce you.

The team soon gathers around me making me turn 50 shades of red.

"H-hi. I'm (l/n) (y/n). You might have met me yesterday."

"Your that girl who got hit by the ball in the face yesterday right?" A tall male with grey hair asked. Dear god he was tall. I turned redder if possible and silently nodded. Right now I wanted to hide behind something anything just to get the eyes off me.

"S-s-so ya. T-that's me..."

"GUYS STOP SURROUNDING HER SPREAD OUT A BIT WILL YOU?" (b/f/n) yelled, causing them to back up a bit. "Anyway, this is Tetsuro Kuroo, he's the captain of this team. Also an awesome blocker if I do say so myself!"

"Oi, thanks (b/f/n)." He replied, shyly putting his hand on his neck, like he was flattered by her comment.

She continue on naming everyone else.

"This is Kenma Kozume, he's the setter. A very witty setter."

Kenma stayed silent at her introduction of him.

"Lev Haiba, middle blocker. Not very special."

"HEY!" The tall gray dude said raising his arms. Then a man with brown hair was pushed forwards by (b/f/n) for he was way far away from them.

"This is Hobuyuki Kai, the vice captain. He's a Wing Spiker. Very calm, cool and collected."

"Nice to meet you." He nodded, then he stepped back.

"The libero is the dude who hit you in the face TOTALLY ON ACCIDENT with a volleyball. Yaku Morisuke, a great libero."

Yaku got mad, "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" He yelled defending himself.

"Yeah. Sure. So this dude who's drooling over there is our Ace. Taketora Yamamoto."

The dude with the somewhat buzz cut didn't reply. "He's still drooling over how he actually got a manager. Which he didn't, Kuroo did. Anyway.... the dude laughing to himself is another Wing Spiker. Shohei Fukunaga."

"Hi." He said, then laughing again.

"Ok so another middle blocker is Sō Inuoka. He's really good too, he even caught Hinata's crazy freak set!!"

"Who? Freak set? What the crap are you talking about?" I say completely lost one what's happening.

"Oh, just someone from another team." She said. Then she continued on with the last introduction.

"Last but not least, Yūki Shibayama. Lev is definitely least."

"Hey that's mean!!!!" Lev yelled.

"Anyway, he's the other libero."

"U-uhh... I kinda don't wanna rain your parade of amazing introductions really but I don't know what any of that means."

Everyone stared at me in shock.

I turned even redder at them all just looking at me. "Heheh. Ok so I-it was nice to meet you a-all but I have to go teach a c-class." I quickly bow and run out the doors.

"Oi (b/f/n) what does she mean teach a class?" Tetsuro asked.


"I mean what class Baka." He said messing up her hair.

"Aw you messed up my perfect hair bedhead!" She whined. "She's teaching art class. Huehuehuehuehuehue."

Kuroo smiled evilly.


I decided to change because I didn't want to go to work dressed in my school uniform. I decided on wearing worn out paint stained jeans and an old white painting tee shirt. I put my (h/c) hair in a bun to keep it out of my face but couldn't do anything with my bangs which were driving me nuts. But I chose to ignore it and put on my glasses which I have forgotten to wear all week. Crap. My eyes are crap and I still forget to put them on. Whatever I quickly grab my canvas messenger bag and swing it over my side and start my walk to work.


I set everything up for my class which is due to start in five minutes. I'm almost finished when my boss walks in.

"hey you have three students who just signed up." My boss said

"oh ok."

She walks out and I quickly scramble to set up three extra places. Ugh this is going to be fun. At least it's a small class of 13. I stretch out just before everyone walks in. It's mostly couples in their late 20's early 30's. Then as the last people walk in I have a mini panic attack.

Ok so I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I have NOT proof read this I'm sorry but I ain't got time for that right now. anyways thanks for reading my terrible story. (It only gets worse. Trust me.)

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