The Meet & Greet - Jerrie (Co...

By nicole26horan

160K 4.7K 1.1K

Jade Thirlwall is a 21 year old British pop star, known all over the world. She loves her fans more than anyt... More

The Meet & Greet ( Jerrie )
Chapter 1 - The Show
Chapter 2 - A Dream Came True
Chapter 4 - Feelings
Chapter 5 - The Signing
Authors Note
Chapter 6 - Lovely Days
Chapter 7 - Birthday (part 1)
Chapter 8 - Birthday (part 2)
Chapter 9 - Moments
Chapter 10 - Strong
Chapter 11 - Safe
Chapter 12 - Towers
Chapter 13 - Back Together
Chapter 15 - Dream
Chapter 16 - Over Again
Chapter 17 - The Boy
Chapter 18 - Midnight Fun
Chapter 19 - Mistake
Chapter 20 - Sleepover
Chapter 21 - I know what you did last night
Chapter 22 - Double Date
Chapter 23 - Promises
Chapter 24 - Last day of the break
Chapter 25 - The Tour: Day 1
Not an update
Chapter 26 - The Tour: 1st Meet & Greet
Chapter 27 - Seperation
Chapter 28 - Did she make it?
Chapter 29 - Clubbing
Chapter 30 - Rumors
Chapter 31 - Reunited
(Final) Chapter 32 - The Surprise
Thank you!

Chapter 3 - Beach

8.3K 242 111
By nicole26horan

Jade's POV:

Today is a great day, I can tell. My concert went better than I expected and I met some lovely fans. They were all so sweet, so supportive! But that blonde girl, Perrie was stunning. I love all my fans, they are all so beautiful and amazing and I can't thank them enough for all they are doing for me. However I can't take Perrie of my mind. I've been thinking of her all day. What's happening to me? She is just a fan Jade. I even gave her my phone number AND I was being really flirty! That's not how you act with your Jadeholics, Jade. I don't know why I can't stop thinking about her. Maybe it's her eyes. Ah, those blue eyes of hers, I would have been staring into them for a lifetime, if I could. She was staring at me with so much emotion... Maybe it was her accent. It was so cute. Perrie is so different than my other fans. When I saw her, my heart started beating faster and when her eyes met mine, I felt like melting. My knees went week. Thankfully she didn't notice. Oh Jade, it's obvious that you like her. Wait, what? No! I can't like my fan...Oh I think you do. Stupid inner voice! No, no...I don't like Perrie. I better go home and take some rest.


I woke up feeling fresh and happier than ever. I rubbed my eyes and got off my bed. I take glance at my alarm clock, it's 10 AM. Wow, that's a record. The weather seems good, I will go for a walk. I decided to go to the beach. In my surprice I found my pink bikini which is my favourite. I put it on along with a white crop top and black shorts. I grabbed an apple from the kitchen and headed to my back door.

Skip the car drive...

It's a really nice day. The beach is full of people, I'm surpriced nobody has noticed me yet. I'm wearing sunglasses that's why. I'm not complaining tho...I love privacy. I just wanna lay under the sun and get tanned. Ah, I love my breaks...

"Ow!" something hit me on the head. It felt like a ball. Be nice, Jade.

"I-I'm so sorry! It was a-an a-accident!" the girl stammered. "Can I have my ball back, please? I'm sorry again" Aw...What a good kid.

"Haha, no big deal love! There you are!" I smiled throwing her ball at her. Well she looks familliar...

"Thank you Miss!" she returned me the smile. "You look a lot like Jade Thirlwall" she said.

"Ha! Thank you, I've been told that a lot!" I replied with a smirk. I really think I know this girl. "And what is your name?"

"I'm Caitlin, nice to meet you...?" she said giving me her hand. Ah yes! Caitlin Edwards, Perrie's sister. How could I forget her!?

"Amelia. I'm Amelia" I replied and shook hands with her.

"Wait, you have the same nails with Jade Thirlwall too" Caitlin looked confused but then a goofy smile was on her face. "Oh my God, you ARE JADE THIRLWALL!" she squalled in excitement.

"Hehe, it's nice to see you again sweetie. But please be more quiet." I said, smiling.

"See me again? Do you actually remember me?" she looks so happy and I couldn't help but smile at this cutie. I just love my fans!

"How could I forget you! You are adorable!" Is Perrie with her too? I hope she is. Why did I think of that? "You are not alone, are you" I asked her. She nodded her head as a no.

"No, of course not! Perrie and her friends are with me. I'm only 14"

"Oh really? Well you look a little older" I smiled at her. I wonder if Perrie's legal. Seriously I need to stop thinking about her! "How old is your sister?"

"Um..She is 18 but her friends are your age"

"Great!" Oops! "I um...mean that it's great than you have adults with you, sweetie! Go get them, they are maybe worried"

"Oh yeah ok. Can I take a selfie when I come back?" Caitlin asked me smiling.

"You can take more than one, love!" I smiled back.

"Oh my!! Ahh, thank you sooo much Jade! I love you!" Caitlin clapped her hands with excitement.

"I love you too Caitlin! Now, go get your sister and her friends" I hope she's quick. I want to see Perrie. Shut up inner voice! There she is, there she is! Damn her bikini is so hot. Jade stop it! But she's so...And she is legal, oh. Jade, that's not like you! She's coming closer. Why am I nervous? Stop staring. Now!

"Hello girls!" I greeted them with a smile. Perrie's friends are beautiful too but not as beautiful as Perrie. Perrie looks so pretty in that green bikini and her curves, daaamn! She's wet from swimming...She's so sexy like that! Jade, stop! And those lips...Pink and kissable...It's official. Okay, I maybe like Perrie. Oh, sure thing you do miss Thirlwall. Ugh, leave me alone! The girl with the afro said something...What was it? Jade, you are staring!

"Jade? Jaadee?" Caitlin said while moving her hand in frond of my face.

"Yeah? I'm sorry..." I looked at the ground and started playing with my hair.

"Um...Hi, Jade! I like your music, it's nice meeting you" the girl with the afro said.

"Aww, thank you! I'm in love with your hair! What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Leigh Anne, thanks" I smiled at her and turned to the other girl. She has blonde hair and she's cute. But Perrie is the cutest of them all. Ugh, stop comparing Perrie to everyone!

"Hi! And you are?"

"I'm Katherine. Call me Kat!" she smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Kat and Leigh Anne" I smiled back at Kat and turned to Caitlin.

"Selfie time?" I grinned.

"Selfie time!" she half yelled and Perrie giggled. How cute was that!

"Can we take one first? Because we're leaving" Katherine said pointing at Leigh Anne.

"Sure, no need to ask!"

We took some selfies and they left. I like those kids. They are fun. Caitlin took some selfies as well. And by some I mean that her mobile's memory card is now full. Perrie didn't talk to me and it's killing me! What did I do? She must be shy or I overacted at the Meet and Greet. Ugh...

"Caitlin, can you please bring our stuff here and take a look at them while Jade and I will be talking?" Perrie said and turned to face me. Her eyes met mine. She has the most amazing eyes ever. Wait! She wants us to talk. Alone. Yes! Oh yeah baby! Calm down, Jade.

"Sure" Caitlin said and rushed to where their stuff was.

"Sooo, hey Jade!" Perrie greeted me with a smile. What a perfect smile that was!

"Hello Perrie!" I smiled back and she blushed a little. "Nice bikini! You look se-um...good!" Damn Jade! You would almost tell her that you find her sexy!

"So I look se-good. Thanks Jade, you look se-good too" she said with a smirk. Whaaat. Where did that confidence came from?

"Thank you, I guess" I replied and she started walking towards me. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Do something! My heart is gonna explode!

"Jade, you are zoning out a lot today? What's wrong?" You is wrong. You.

"Well nothing" I said. "It's not like you care anyways" I mumbled. What the hell Jade?

"Excuse me! We need to talk, NOW!" Perrie said grabbing my hand. My stomache is full of butterflies and I can feel sparks. I love that feeling.

"Perrie, I'm sorry! Where are you taking me?"

"Just shut up okay!" she answered angrily. I better shut my mouth. I've done enough!  Why are we going at the parking?  Perrie left my hand and searched for something in her bag...She found her car keys and opened the door.

"Ladies first" she said, pointing me the passenger's seat.

"Uh, okay..."

We're sitting in the car, none of us is talking and you can tell it's awkward. What did she want?

"Jade?" Perrie broke the silence, turning to face me.


"Why do you think that I don't care? I-I was going to...Nevermind" she looked down and started crying.

"Perrie, Perrie I'm so sorry! Don't cry please. I-I didn't mean to hurt you"  I rubbed her back with my hand until she stopped.


"What is it?"

"I-I have...I....I like you! I like you, a lot! I'm sorry I didn't call you...I was just so nervous and shocked..." and with that, she burried her face into her hands and started crying again. What! She likes me and I just! Tell her! But...TELL HER! She likes me back, OH MY!

"Perrie, I...It's okay...Perrie stop crying!" I said trying to calm her down...

"Why Jade! You would never like me back! I'm just a fan to your eyes!" What. Is she stupid? I winked at her and GAVE HER MY NUMBER! And she thinks she's just a fan? Well she isn't and...Stop thinking and do something!

"Would I give my phone number to someone who's just a fan to my eyes" I said leaning closer. "You are not just a fan Perrie. I like you too" I whispered in her ear. That went well.

"W-What? Jade, I..."

"Perrie, I met you yesterday and it might sound crazy but...I can't stop thinking about you since the second I saw you...Only the thought of your name brings a smile on face a-and when you...I really wanted you to call me and I was so worried...Uh..Perrie, will you be um... my girlfriend?" I asked and Perrie frowned. Shit, what did I do.

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