Fairy knight

By witch_of_the_night

107 0 0

Ps winx club fan fic A dark fairy will finally see her brother again. A long visit will show her how to use... More

The meet of fate
Athours note
Shall they need her
Athours note
There back
The mother
After practice
Athours note
Preparing for the party
Athours note again
Athours note


11 0 0
By witch_of_the_night

Favorite song right now *^^*
Dear spell book
The day after my dad found out of my punishment he has not talk to mom at all like I mean his phone goes off every minute but doesn't answer any
" Hey dad I got to go to practice for xc we got a meet in a week" I said xc mean cross country
" sure sweetie you can go but your brother are going to drop you off there" my dad explained
" really do they have to I can go by myself" I said trying to convince my dad I could go alone
" sorry sweetie they have to I don't want you to get hurt and they will take you to get food after ok" my dad said sternly witch mean I have no room to argue
   " fine" I said a little mad
    " good now go there waiting" my dad said
     " bye dad see you soon" I said as I walk out of the house
At the track by the school
" ok sis who are you going against?" Chase asked
" I think it is northern made" I said answering his question
" well that will be easy don't you think sis" tray said
" made there high school team is good we might win but I am not going to get to cocky like the other gfrls on this team" I told both of them
" do you think the girls are any good" they both asked then stared at each other witch made me chuckle
" they are not good they think there the best because they can start off fast but cross country is when you keep the same pace they can't keep a pace they are going to get crushed at this meet even if t is there first this year they done this for two years and have made no improvements at all" I explained to them how I feel about these girls
" damn guess they aren't going to help you guys win" chase said
" nope" a person behind me said and I jump a little
" DAKOTA don't scars me like that" by this time he is on the ground laughing his little head off
" I am sorry that was the best thing ever" he said still laughing
" Shut it dick head" I said threatening him he shots up scared out of his mind
" sorry don't hurt me" he said with a little fear in his voice
" uh let's just get ready my brother left when you came I don't think they like you or it just the fact that you are a boy that could be it"I said to him
      " eh there just to protective of you m" he said
           ( yes her nickname is the letter m get use to it)
      " yes they are but we should get are uniform on for the meet" I said explaining to him 
       " right we should do that I will tell all of the girls because they listen to me weirdly" he said
       " dude they listen to you because they think your hot" i explained to him
      " oh so you think that"  he said with a smerck on his face
       " dude I have a boyfriend and no I don't but I have a friend you dose " I said with a childish grin on my face
       " who?" He asked 
       " ARIEL dose heheheh" I said and his whole face turned a shad of bright pink
       " shhhheee dddose" he said with the biggest stutter I heard out of this man 
        " yup and so do you " I said teasing him
         " wwwwhat nooo I don't" he said trying to fool me
        " mhhhm says that to your face it is bright pink." I said still teasing him
" what no it is not" he said
" mhmm look at the screen" I said as I went to camera to show him his face
" ok it is pink well let get changed we have a meet in five" he said changing the topic
" ok go talk to the girl just be aware they might pole there shirts down" I said as I chuckle at the though but all he did was shake his head and walked off. I went to get my uniform on and when I came out Dakota was ready and some of the better girls were to but I think Dakota was only thinking about what I said about Ariel haha ugh that prick is so hard I can't even get him to talk to her ugh
Sorry this chapter is so short I am busy bye guys

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