The Bad Boy always gets his w...

By taniceforever

207K 5.2K 531

Meet Grace Smith, she's 17, she's your average high school girl, she's smart, kind, caring, she thinks that e... More

You never know who you might bump into
Meeting Mr. Bad
Jake, How could you
Why was he here
Lonesome Thoughts
Maybe more than friends?
Jake's birthday part 1
Jake's birthday part 2
Tell her or I will
Lies Hurt
Falling for her
I think I still love him
kiss or not?
Strange Feelings
Want her back
Sad moments
Beach party
With her
Sudden Tears
Break up
No more tears
A day with him
A new friend?
Little Talk
Holiday Plans
Date Plans
First Offical Date
Thank you

Winter Holidays

918 14 1
By taniceforever

Scott's outfit

Monday 8:00 am

Scott's POV:

Waking up at my usual early time, I get dressed in some comfortable clothes. I walk downstairs, opening the fridge getting some leftover pizza, putting it on a plate, warming it up. I quickly finish eating it then go back upstairs packing my suitcase full of different clothing. I walk outside putting it in the suitcase trunk. I drive over to Ryder first, making him the first one I pick up.

Finally. I'm so happy and excited. School is out and we got our winter holidays. I feel like its been forever since I've had a break from all that school work, plus the football practice I'm always having to do. Sometimes I feel like quitting because its all been too much.

  Ryders outfit

Once I reach Ryder's house I ring the doorbell. I wait a few minutes and he opens it yawning. 

"Hey man, what's up"

"Hey dude, you ready?" I ask unsure because although he is dressed he looked like he just couldn't be bothered to go out, hopefully, I'll be able to convince him, I always have been able to before.

"Are you ready"

"For what?" he asks, opening the door more inviting me in.

"Don't tell me you seriously forgot"


"We're going to my family's cabin for the whole winter. Remember?"

"Oh? Oh yeah, I remember now. Can we do it another day or a bit later, I don't feel like coming out of my house right now, it's too bright" he complains

"Oh come on man, my parents allowed me to borrow it this whole month and I super excited. Please just come, Brooklynn's coming, so is Grace and I -"

"Wait shut up!" Ryder says have a small smile on his face.

I smirk at him "Oh now you wanna come"

"Shut up!" he says, punching me in my arm harshly. I start to laugh.


Grace's outfit

We walk over to Grace's house ringing her doorbell. We wait for about 5 minutes before she opens the door.

"Oh, hey guys" she greets us with a bright warm smile, welcoming us in, as I was about to walk in first, Ryder quickly pushes me out the way so he was now in front of me. As Grace walks to the counter in the kitchen, I notice Ryder staring at her ass as she walks. I stand next to him, patting him on his back.

"I see you checking her ass out" I quietly say to him, smirking.

He begins to stutter nervously "W-What? N-No... I was just um...shut the fuck up."

I chuckle. I've never really seen him be embarrassed or stutter before. This trips going to be great.


I place Grace's luggage bags next to Ryder's suitcase. Ryder opens the backseat door for Grace to sit in, she thanks him before he closes the door then he goes around to the other side, getting in.

About 30minutes later and we reach  Brooklynn's house. I come out of the car, jogging out to the door ringing the bell twice and knocking on the door. Minutes pass and there's no answer and being the impatient self I am and especially because I'm so excited, I ring the bell again and knock on the door. She finally opens the door in her pj's.

"Hey, beautiful! Why aren't you dressed yet?"

She gives me a quick hug and giggles before letting me in, I close the door behind me.

"Do you remember that we're going to my family's cabin for the whole winter holiday, are you cool with that? Have you packed your bags yet" I ask her

"Yes, yes, and yes, I remember, let me just quickly get change." She says running up the stairs to her bedroom.


A good 30 or 40 minutes and she re-appears dressed in a boyish yet cute outfit. I stare at her in awe. She looks stunning even in those simple clothes.

She turns around and then looks back at me "What? What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?" She questions curious

I cough shaking my head, "It's nothing... um you ready, Ryder and Grace must have fallen asleep by now"

She nods her head "Yep, let's go" she says smiling, carrying her luggage. I offer to carry them for her but she declined. Shrugging it off I open the door for her, closing it behind me. Once we're seated in the car, I start up the car driving off to our destination.

Thank you for reading this chapter, hope you enjoyed it.

So sorry for the extremely slow updates, I'm going to try my best to post more and more.

Also, I'm going to be publishing another book called 'The bad boys girl' coming out soon in a couple of days.

QOTD: What's the best advice to give someone?

AOTD: Just be you. Because no matter what you try to do, no matter if you try and completely change yourself for others they will always find something to hate/dislike about you when actually your flaws are the best thing about you. So be your own person and own kind of beauty, and don't ever listen to what the haters have to say about you because YOU ARE AWESOME.


Thanks for reading this chapter, hope you enjoyed it. Please vote, comment & share. Thanks.

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