The Midnight Assassin

DaEvilBubble tarafından

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The Assassins Guild is the biggest colony of murderers in the world, there are many jobs in the guild to cons... Daha Fazla

The Midnight Assassin
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 4

163 8 0
DaEvilBubble tarafından

When I entered the stables I did, in fact, notice the new horse. He was a Shetland pony coated with a chocolate brown and a darker chestnut brown as a mane.

Well, I personally preferred my stallion.

My jet-black stallion was rearing to go, his breath hitching in he cold.

"I'm sorry Shadow," yeah that's his name. Assassins are super creative with naming things. "But I need to go. Come on." I said, strapping my travel bag to the saddle before grabbing the reins and hopping on, trotting out the door and ducking my head so I didn't slam into the top.

"Okay Shadow. Let's get those limbs working." I muttered, he whinnied an agreement before we galloped off, completely camouflaged in the darkness that surrounded us.

I was glad I wore my velvet black cloak, my black pants and a black top.

All for camouflage. The only thing that really stood out was my hair. And my eyes, constantly on the watch.

We passed the village Ecan, to my surprise there were kings men burning down the houses, stabbing the people.

I gaped.

Okay, I knew that Ecan tried to uprise against the King many months ago, but to butcher them all? The King is ruthless like that, obsessed with everyone obeying his every command without question.

This is one of the few reasons I despised him.

Quickening my pace I ignored the pleading screams of the dying and continued along the pathway, seeing a heap along the floor.

Just by the structure I could tell it was Kel.

I tripped off the horse, staggering over to him and turning him over.

"Kel?" I asked, praying against every hope he was still alive.

My prayers went unanswered. They usually were.

I examined the knife embedded in his back, it was about a dagger size.

Slightly bigger.

Not only did I notice that, I noticed there was no horse. No horse at all.

It most likely ran away, according to the hoof prints.

However... Something was on Kel's forearm.

A mark.

The longer I stared at it, the more I became entranced.

It was a strange swirl patter, like a demented backward '6' with a flick at the top, crossed with an eye.

I stared even more, tracing my finger along the top.

Well by the looks of it it was like embedded in the skin, not drawn on. Strange. It's as if the skin was naturally an ink colour...

Slinging my arms around his waist I hauled him up, the doctors and investigators can figure out the rest.

I strapped Kel to Shadow who was snorting in protest.

"Look I know you don't like dead people, but we have to get him home." I spoke calmly. I think he got the gist of it as he stopped protesting.

Well, from what little evidence there is, I'm guessing that someone was trying to stab the boy. Kel turned instead and ordered him to run while he died. He fell off the horse and died. Then that strange mark...?

I have no clue what that's about.

Curse Kel. Curse him and his infernal kind heart. Of course he risked his own life for the boy.

Goddamn it Kel.

I but my lip, forcing the tears away as I galloped back towards the Guild.

Shadow was by far the fastest horse around, but even then it was early afternoon before we arrived back, I put Shadow back in his den, pouring out food and water for the tired horse.

My ass was tired.

But I still carried on, unstrapping Kel from the saddle and handing him wearily to the guards who carried him inside.

Turns out I didn't need most if my supplies, I hardly ate anything. I guess I was too upset.

Kel should've survived. Not that wimpy kid.

Not him.

I was greeted by that kid himself, standing in the forbidden area of under-lings.

"What are you doing here? This is for Court members only. Unless you've been given permission." I sighed.

The boy turned at me, "I am allowed permission here." He said evenly.

I glared at him. "No. You're not."

"Actually Midna. He is." Said a deep voice from beside me.

"Oh. Blade. Glad you're here. Permission to execute him for breaking rules?" I yawned, rubbing an eye.

"No. Midna, meet Nix, 'Phoenix Of Flame' a court-member in training."

I gaped.

"Excuse me?" I asked, back-chatting Blade.

"Go get some rest. We will discuss the events and action needed tomorrow." He growled.

I gulped, knowing that I needed rest too.

I turned to the blond boy, who I swear was looking at me with a smug expression. I scowled. "You may be in his spot, but you'll never replace Kel."

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