As long as we are together

By Kat_Winchester_1983

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Sabriel and Destiel high school AU Yay!!!! I apologize for any spelling and grammar mistakes Characters are... More

Chapter 1
Why is he so cute...?
The Fangirl
Mr.Watson and Mr.Holmes
I need help!
Spin the Bottle (pt.#1)
Spin The Bottle (pt.#2)
I love you.
No! (Pt.#1)
No! (Pt.#2)
Please Wake Up....I Need You...
I miss you...
Dear, Moose
He's gone...
The Wedding
Hey Samshine
Marry Me

Jody Mills and her Adoption Agency

123 3 18
By Kat_Winchester_1983

Cas' POV
I wake up in dean's arms simply thinking
Forever won't be long enough....
"I Love you Cas"Dean said
I just smiled up at him and gave him a soft kiss
"Love you too...I'm hungry!!!"
I knew that we needed to eat because we were going to meet some children who were up for adoption later today
" about IHOP?"
"Mkay!"I said smiling again
Yesterday had been the best day ever....and I would never forget it...

~time skip to the adoption site~

"Hi are You Dean and Castiel Winchester?"
"Yes that's us..."dean said smiling and interlacing his fingers with mine
"Nice to meet you! I'm Jody Mills...ok so I'll take you to see the infants, then the toddlers,ages 2-3; Children, ages 4-12; and teens, ages 13-17!"
She lead us to a room with a couple of cradles each hold a baby
"Okay, so this is Alex, this is Claire, and these are the twins Rose and Maya!"
We continue to walk to a room where the were kids and teens!
"Ok so there's Hannah and Harrison they are 7, Patrick age 4, And Madison and Michael ...and here's the teens, there's Anna age 13, Christie age 15, and John age 17...between you and me he doesn't want to get adopted, but he would benefit from it..."she said the last part quieter than the rest but we heard it all
"Ok so I'll take you down to the office so you can discuss who you would like to adopt and I will come by tomorrow with the kid or kids and do a inspection and if something is wrong I'll give you a week to fix it...if there's nothing wrong than i will let you have the kid or kids right then and there! Ok?"
"Sounds great!"Dean Answered
She lead us back to the office and went into her own room while we discussed who to adopt

"Uh...I kinda liked the twins, Rose and Maya..."
"I agree! But I kinda feel bad for John..."
"I agree...well...if we moved apartments we could adopt all three...have the twins share a room and give John his own room and by the time Rose and Maya need their own rooms John will be out of the house!"
"You're so smart!"he said smiling and kissing me.

We walked into her office and took a seat at her desk
"Ok so have the two of you decided?"
"Yep!"dean said popping the 'p' happily "you tell her..."
"Ok we will adopt the twins, Rose and Maya...and John! But we will need a week to move into a bigger apartment and get it set up...will that be a problem?"
"Nope Not at all! Okay so I will see you on....Wednesday? Will that work?"
"Mhm..." dean answered happily
" about I bring them by at around 7tonight and you can meet John and have the twins get used to you?"
"Sounds wonderful" I told her because dean was too busy staring into my eyes... he had always been overly obsessed with them

We finished up at the agency giving Jody our Address so she could come by later with the children

When we got home I started cleaning up and Dean went to the store to buy some chips and dip
(...I'm sorry I couldn't think of any other good snack foods....?) I finally finished vacuuming when Dean got home
"Honey,I'm home!!!"
"Hey..."I said giving him a quick kiss on his way to the kitchen to put away the groceries
We just finished everything when we heard to doorbell
I walked to the door nervously
"Hi!" I said smiling and opening the door
"Here let me help" I said when I saw that she was holding both of the Babies
"ThankYou! Where's Dean?"
"He had to go to the bathroom sorry!"
"'s not problem!"
"Hi John I'm Castiel"
"Hi...where's your husband?"
"In the you have a problem with me having a husband?"
"No! Sorry it did come out that way...uh...I'm actually Gay's fine..."
"Oh Ok!Well it's nice to meet you!"
"Same goes for you!" He said smiling "I'm sorry do you have any food?"
I chuckled before answering "yes, there's some chips in the kitchen."
"Ok thanks!" And with that he walked to the kitchen
Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and someone softly kiss my neck
"Dean can you help me with..."
"Oh! Sorry that's Rose and I'm holding Maya!"
"Dean can you take Rose and Maya over to the couch?"
"Of course!" He gave me a soft kiss on the cheek before taking both of the babies and taking them to the couch"

(By the way this is what the babies are in)

(Just for reference)
(Also sorry about the blackout on the bottom I just covered up the logo so I don't risk copyright)
(Anyways moving on)

By the end of the night Dean and I were exhausted but we had enjoyed the day
I just lied there in Dean's arms smiling before drifting to sleep....

~time skip to a week later~
The Inspection was today
It was making Dean and I really Nervous
Suddenly the doorbell rang
"I got it" dean announced kissing my cheek and standing up to go to the door and Let Jody in
"Hey!"I could hear him say from the living room
I decided I would walk over there
"Hey!"I said
"Hi could one of you get one or both of the babies? They're heavy...."
"Of course"dean said and smiled while taking the babies and setting the car seats they were in on the couch
We started taking Jody to each room so she could look through it and make sure it was an acceptable environment for children to live in
We finished and walked beck into the Living Room before Jody spoke
"Ok! Everything looks fine so...I'm assuming you want the children now?"
"Yea! If that isn't a problem of course...."dean said trying to sound calm but I could tell he was either nervous or excited....I couldn't tell which but it was one of the two
"Ok I'll go get the paperwork from my car...and uh-I'll just leave the children here, if that's alright?"
"Of course!"I responded because dean was too busy playing with Rose
"So...uh...where's my room going to be?"John asked
"It's the only door on the right across from your door is Rose and Maya's room and that other door is the bathroom, and just for future reference Our bedroom is the door over there" I said gesturing over to the door to Me and Dean's bedroom

"Ok, Thanks"and with that he went to unpack, none of them had much so we were planning to take them shopping this weekend but we'd figure that out later
"Ok I'm back,here's the paperwork to make it official and here's the Adoption Certificates!" She said handing it all to us
Dean and I signed the paperwork after reading everything over we finally finished and Dean went to go put the Adoption Certificates in our bedroom before returning to sit next to me
"Ok now so...uh...I have the rights to come by and look through the house whenever I want just to make sure everything is ok and for the first year I have to come by at least once a month! Ok?"
"Ok sounds Fair! We just want the children to be ok so if that will keep them safe then you're welcome to come and move in!" Dean said and we all laughed
"Ok boys I'll call you two sometime to figure out when I'll come by next month. Have a good day!"
"ThankYou and You too!"Dean said closing and locking the door behind him before walking over to me and kissing me
"We're Dads..."he whispered to me
"Mhm...that's why I have to be a responsible adult and pull away to go put Rose and Maya in their cribs and then maybe we Can try to have a movie night with John?"I said pulling away from him
"Ok,Sounds good!"
"Ok...umm...can you get Maya I can't carry both..."
"Of course" he responded talking Maya and Walking to their Bedroom with me
I took Rose out of her car seat/carrier and rocked her in my arms for a little while,until she fell asleep.
She Finally fell asleep and I softly set her small body down in her crib before pulling the blanket over her
Dean had decided to wait for me to finish by waiting in the door way watching until I came to go walk to John's room to see if he wanted to do a movie night, when I walked by the door he interlaced our fingers before we walked to John's room
"Hey...we were wondering if you wanted to have a movie night?"
"Yea,Sure! That sounds kinda fun actually....what movie were you thinking?"
"Uh...we hadn't picked one out yet,but we have a pretty big selection if you want to come in there and help us pick out a movie!"
"Sure sounds good...."he said smiling warmly before standing up and walking with us to the living room "ok so...any movies you haven't seen that you want to see?"
"...the hunger was supposedly too violent to watch infront of younger children"
"Ok sounds good to me,Dean?"
"Whatever makes you two happy..."he said kissing my cheek
John looked at us and smiled
I had told Dean that John was gay after Jody,John and the twins had left the first time they came to the apartments so Dean knew why he was so calm about He and I being Married
It was a relief that he had been ok with it because with infants you can teach them but with a teenager let alone a 17yr old what they've been taught is what they've been taught..

Dean and I sat on the couch together and John sat in the recliner
When the movie ended Dean wanted to watch the next one but John was tired so we decided that we would watch it tomorrow
John went off to his room and Dean and I went to our bedroom and lied down together
Normally I would sleep in Dean's arms with my head on his chest but tonight he was in my arms with his head on my chest
"What's with the sudden position change?"
"I'm sorry do you wanna do what we normally do?"he said starting to get up
"No,Dean I just wanted to know if there was a reason..."
"Oh! Well in that isn't a reason I just miss being in your arms...."
"Ok! Goodnight sleep well,ok?"
"Ok,Cas. I love you..."
"Love you too Dean...."I said before kissing his forehead and shifting a bit to get comfortable before drifting off to sleep myself

Dean's POV
I woke to crying and a cold bed
I got up and walked through the apartment and into Rose and Maya's room where I saw Cas helping Maya fall back asleep...
I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist sleepily
"Hey Dean..."
Instead of responding I just kissed his neck softly
"Ok,Love you too! Now go keep the bed warm I'll back in a second ok?"
"Mmmm....I don't wanna"I mumbled
"Ok fine...just be quiet I don't wanna wake anyone else up ok?"
He finally got Maya to sleep and we made our way back to our bedroom before Cas said anything
"I Love You!"
"Love you too now Come here I want you back in my arms!"
He chuckled before lying down next to me,Tangling our legs and lying his head on my chest while I wrap my arms around him

(^^^because all of you deserve some cute fanart)
I woke up with Cas still asleep
Who knows how many times he had to get up last night...he's a much lighter sleeper than I am
I carefully got up trying not to wake Cas up and walked into the kitchen pulling out two pans,a carton of eggs,pancake mix,water, and some pre cooked bacon that you just have to heat up
After I finished Cooking,the meal consisted of Scrambled eggs,Bacon,and Pancakes
I also filled two bottles about 1/4 of the way with baby formula powder before adding water and shaking the bottle to mix it before bringing it to Rose and Maya(I'm sorry if I didn't get the process of mixing the powdered formula correct but the last time I've seen someone mix that stuff was like 4yrs ago when one of my cousins were an infant) when I finished giving it to them I went and cleaned out the bottles and went to wake up John so he could have breakfast
Of course when I told him breakfast was involved he stopped arguing about it and got up and rushed into the kitchen. Next I went back into me and Cas' bedroom and gave Cas a soft kiss on his forehead
"Hey...Cas, wake up,I made breakfast..."
"Mkay...I'll get up..."
I helped him up before leading him to the kitchen where john was already eating
"Wow! That's a lot of food...what time did you get up?"
"Only about a hour ago...and don't worry about Rose and Maya I already fed them!"
"Wow! Ok! Thanks!" And with that he went to eat the food
When we finished eating we decided to go to the store
The first thing we did was go to where the baby clothes were to buy Rose and Maya...well...clothes
Meanwhile John wandered off to get some clothes and of course whatever else he needed
After we all got everything we needed we came back home and put everything away
I suddenly Heard my Phone go off
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen where it displayed the word Sammy
"Hey Sammy! What's up?"
"First of all its Sam not Sammy and Second Ruby and I are getting married!"
"What about Gabri-"
"I don't wanna talk about it..."
"Sammy...I just don't want you to get stuck with someone other than the person you want to spend the rest of your life with...ok? And to be honest I know you don't like Ruby that much you're just doing it to help yourself move on..."
" the time Ga-he even comes back...I just know it'll be a while...ok?! And I don't want to wait for something that may never happen ok?! Now are you going to come to the wedding or not?"
"How about you come by Our apartment this evening and we'll talk about it, also you can meet The three children Cas and I adopted..."
"Ok sounds good Dean...See you later"
And with that he hung up...
I had to find a way to get Gabriel back here....I'm not saying I really liked the kid but he made Sammy happy and that's all I wanted for Sammy...
"Cas!"I yelled at him from the kitchen
"Hmm?"he responded from inside our bedroom
"Sam and Ruby are coming by this evening"
"Ok! Why?"
"They want us to come to their wedding..."
"What?!"he said looking at me from the doorway
"Yea...we have to find a way to get Gabriel back..."
"Yea..."he suddenly looked really sad
"I'm sorry...I forgot how hard this is for you...Come here...."I said pulling him into my arms
Things have been hard on Cas since his brother left
"'s's going to be ok..."
"I-I know I j-just miss him..."
" you wanna take a nap?"
"Ok go lay down I'll be in in a second I'm just going to tell John we're getting a nap ok?"
After I told John I went in and checked on Rose and Maya and made sure they were asleep once I knew everything was ok I went and lied down with Cas pulling him into my arms
I was woken up by John telling me someone was at the door
I walked to the door not seeing the time
I opened the door revealing Sam and Ruby
"Hey! I'm sorry Cas and I were Napping..."
"It's no I'm assuming that's one of the children? Where are the other two?"
"Oh,The other two? They're in their cribs...they're infants..."
"Oh ok!"
"Can I See them?" Ruby asked
"Yea of course they're in their room,second door on the left down that hall!"
"Ok Thanks" she says slipping past me and walking to Rose and Maya's bedroom
"Sorry...she really likes little kids...especially babies"
"It's not a problem! So when's the wedding?"
They gave us the time and date along with the location
Later That night Cas dialed Gabriel's number and put it on speaker
"Don't you dare track this call ok...please it's for Sam's safety..."
"Gabriel we aren't tracking the call but Sammy is going to get married to Ruby if you don't stop it..."
We gave him the time,date,and location
Hopefully he'd make it...
We got off the phone and waited a couple minutes before speaking
"What I'd Gabriel doesn't make it and Sammy has to spend his life with her...I don't want that for Sammy..."I was worried and I knew the worry was evident in my voice but I had to ask...
"Dean..there's divorce..."
"But Cas they can't just get married then a day later get a divorce..."I stated
"Yea...I know...can we get some sleep?"
And with that I drifted off to sleep with him in my arms

Sorry I'm aware this was a long chapter
Word Count:3055
But I hope you enjoyed it
Have a good day

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