John Murphy | Imagines & Pref...

By LizzBlakeSkaikru

214K 4K 471

Imagines/Preferences for the lovely, John Murphy!! He is very underrated on Wattpad and I thought I'd create... More

Preference // How You Meet.
Imagine // Bull.
Preference // What It's Like Dating.
Imagine // Rambling Baby AU.
Preference // Deathly Ill.
Imagine // The Truth Is For Wimps.
Preference // Daddy Kink.
Imagine // Jelly Legged.
Imagine // Don't Test Me.
Imagine // Water Duty.
Imagine // Vendetta.
Preference // Sleeping With Murphy.
Imagine // Give You All.
Imagine // Temper Temper.
Imagine // Euphoria.
Imagine // Murphy & Bellamy Fighting For Your Attention.
Imagine // New Rules.
Imagine // Virus.
Imagine // You'll Find Me.
Imagine // Get Me A Drink? AU.
Imagine // Back.
Imagine // I Imagined A Heaven With You.
Imagine // I Hate You.
Preference // Eating Out.
Imagine // This Isn't The End.
Imagine // Midnight (Part 1).
Imagine // Midnight (Part 2).
Imagine // Aren't We All?
Imagine // You'll Be Screaming.
Imagine // What Took You So Long?
Imagine // Drunk Intruder.
Imagine // Chunks.
Imagine // You're Beautiful.
Imagine // Our Story.
Imagine // I'm Here.
Imagine // Monstrous Thoughts.
Imagine // Too Much Jealousy.
Imagine // I Don't Get Jealous.
Preference // Your Children.
Imagine // Everything.
Imagine // Banishment.
Imagine // Cat Got Your Tongue?
Imagine // Second in Command.
Imagine // It's Hot.
Imagine // Wanna Bet? - Part One.
Imagine // Wanna Bet? - Part Two.
Imagine // Wanna Bet? - Part Three.
Imagine // Wanna Bet? - Part Four.
Imagine // Wanna Bet? - Part Five.
Imagine // Wanna Bet? - Part Six.
Imagine // Food Shortage.
Imagine // Murphy's Law.
Imagine // Christmas Hope.
Preference // Kisses With Murphy.
Imagine // All About That Bass.
Imagine // My Symbol of Hope.
Imagine // My Guardian.
Imagine // Ignore Me?
Imagine // Can't Sleep.
Imagine // A Tough Act.
Imagine // But Her.
Imagine // Lighthouse Bunker.
Imagine // Happy Again.
Imagine // Don't Leave.
Imagine // Wanna Make $20?
Imagine // Wanna Make $20? (Part 2).
Imagine // Question Time.

Imagine // Love-Hate AU.

6K 111 55
By LizzBlakeSkaikru

-Warnings: smut, nsfw-

Jasper and Maya were the cutest thing ever.

Like, literally. Their photos would be sent to a baby seal by a baby doggy, squeaking over their cuteness. Both of them were sweet to the bone, getting all flushed and giggly and awkward around each other. Personally, I wasn't very fond of relationships, not a 'shipper' as some would say but even I thought that Maya's honeyed caring completed Jasper's funny goofiness heavenly.

The only problem was – neither of them dared to make the first step, and they were driving us mad. I've known Jasper since Elementary, he was my best friend, and now as we were at university, we were renting an apartment together, which meant I was bombarded with his rambling about how pretty and smart and cute and fantastic Maya was, and how utterly frightened Jasper felt about asking her out on a date.

"If you're so afraid, then cover it up with something," I sighed one night, getting more and more annoyed. I loved Jasper, I really did, but I was trying to do something on my laptop and he just wouldn't stop talking.

"What do you mean?" he looked up from biting his nails anxiously, his thumb still in his mouth.

"Dunno. If you're afraid of her saying no..."

"No, I'm afraid she'll say yes!"


"I mean... What if I'll go out with her to a restaurant or something, and I'll get nervous and do something really awkward and mess it all up?"

"Then ask someone to go with you as well. You know, if there are more people, it'll seem like a friendly gathering, and maybe you won't screw up, either."

So this is how I ended up in front of the cinema, out there, shivering in the cold, and giving my death-glare to Jonathan Murphy. The bastard smirked at me and took his cigarette into his mouth.

It's always been like this for Murphy and me. I have no idea when it started, but we just couldn't stand being around each other without barking at the other like attack-dogs. Certainly, it wasn't my fault, though – the guy was basically made to annoy the shit out of me, with that stupid smirk of his, and his stupid sassy comments and his stupid asshole-ness, not to mention the stupid challenging way his eyes glared at me...

I wasn't going to admit that I thought he looked hot. He wasn't the type you'd generally consider as sexy, but he had this unique handsomeness in him, which annoyed me even more. Octavia usually suggested we should get together, saying that the chemistry between us could burn a house to the ground, but even she didn't dare to leave us in a room alone. While technically, standing together on the street couldn't be considered leaving us alone, it was too close to that for my taste.

"So we're finally here," he spoke, blowing a puff of grey smoke into the air. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "I always knew you'd surrender to my charm, sooner or later."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I squinted at him.

"We're on a double date, aren't we?" he smirked, sending waves of hot anger through my veins.

"First of all: it's not a double date. We're just third and fourth wheeling," I corrected him, taking a step forward in a menacing manner. "Secondly: If I knew you were coming, I would have rejected."

Murphy stood my glare, and with a grin, blew the smoke at me, making me yank my head back.

"C'mon, it's not a shame to confess you were the only one out of our friends who is single thus totally free and available on a Friday night," he shrugged, stopping to fake-think for a moment before adding: "Yeah, coming to think of it, it is a shame. You suck."

"Yeah?!" I huffed, taking another step toward Murphy. "Well, I see you being here, too, am I wrong?"

"The difference is, I'm alone by my own decision."

"Why, so am I."

"Really? Because I don't see guys burning up your phone."

"Uh-huh. I bet there was a reason Emori left you, too."

That seemed to be a sensitive topic, his ex-girlfriend. They were more or less dating for a year or so, though Murphy was probably even more far away from relationships than I was. So he didn't exactly talk a lot about what they had going on (for which I was silently thankful), and she didn't really became a part of our group like Miller did when he started dating Monty or Kyle with Raven, so when once she just completely stopped being mentioned, nobody really asked about her. Murphy did not seem too wasted, either, but I guessed questioning his ability to satisfy a woman would be enough of a stab.

It worked. Murphy stared at me sharply, a probably cutting comeback on the edge of his tongue, when suddenly Jasper and Maya slid into my view, literally. Jasper, as a five year old, slid on the icy road with a huge grin while Maya followed him, laughing.

"Hey, guys!" he beamed, seemingly totally excited and nervous at the same time as he walked past us, heading toward the cinema's door. "Sorry for being a bit late... Ready for the movie?"

"No problem," I muttered with a fake, wide smile, watching as Maya ran after Jasper, and they both disappeared behind the doors. Then, I took a sharp turn toward Murphy, and poked his chest through his jacket, hard as I could. "Listen. Jasp is my best friend, and if you dare to screw up this date for him, I'm gonna kill you. Slowly and painfully. Got it?"

"Ah, keep talking, Y/N, keep talking," he smirked, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

"Kiss my ass!"

"Just admit you love me already."

"Screw you, dickhead!"

"Bite me!"



"Go to hell!"

"I'm already there!"

God, I hated him.

The movie was good, and I've managed to sit two chairs from Murphy. At the fast-food restaurant we've decided to go to afterwards, however, there were only four chairs at the table. Murphy was the first to sit down, smirking up at me.

"C'mon, sit. I dare you," he wriggled his eyebrows; I was the only one seeing it, Jasper and Maya being busy bringing the trays with our food. I huffed, and sat down across from him, taking out my phone from my pocket with a scowl; even though I fixed my gaze on the screen, I felt Murphy watching me, that annoying predatory grin on his face.

I barely said a word to any of the three in the next few minutes. Jasper was too distracted admiring Maya, who was too distracted yarning about some artwork she was currently working on; she occasionally asked something from Murphy or me, but not much, and I was fine with that. After all, I didn't come out tonight to socialize, but to help their relationship bud into a beauteous rose, or whatever Octavia said earlier. I was fine, munching on a French fry silently. That was, until my phone suddenly buzzed, slightly scaring me.

[From: Asshole Murphy] U thought u cud get away W dat, didn't u?

I blinked up at him, sitting across, but he seemed to be listening to Maya at the moment. I typed in my answer with a frown.

[ To: Asshole Murphy] Say what?

I didn't have to wait too long.

[From: Asshole Murphy] Staring @ your phone when u cud B staring @ me. We r on a d8, remember? U break my hart.

[To: Asshole Murphy] I'll break something Ls of yrz if u don't leave me alone.

[From: Asshole Murphy] Cmon, y u gotta B so mean? I'm bn nice here, keepn u co. Not my prob ur a spinster.

[To: Asshole Murphy] Eat me, dickhead.

[From: Asshole Murphy] Gladly. care2 go2d restroom or my car or DY want me 2 do it under d table?

I read the sentence over and over again, and the wrinkle on my forehead grew deeper by the second, my heart beating fast and warm in my chest. There was a fine line between being sexually frustrated and sexually furious. And I seemed to be crossing that line, forth and back, all the time I was with him – which was another thing that annoyed me greatly. Why, for the love of God, why was he able to make me feel this way? This... Astonished.

I looked up at Murphy, and he grinned at me mischievously. I showed up my middle finger to him, making him press his lips together, trying to hold back his laughter. When Murphy's attention went back to his phone I thought he was typing another message, but nothing came. Eventually, he stood up, surprising both me, and the lovey-dovey soon-to-be-couple by our side.

"Thanks for the invitation, dude, it was cool, but I'll get going," he smiled as if he wasn't the evil bastard he actually was, putting on his jacket. "It was good to see you, Maya. Y/N." I had no idea what he was doing, and my bafflement only grew when, whilst walking away from the table, he leaned in close to me so I was the only one hearing him whisper: "I'll wait for you."

And with that, he was gone, leaving me to float in my abashment. What the hell was he doing? I looked after him with a baffled frown, the awoken intrigue of mine slowly eating itself into my insides. No way whatsoever was I going to follow him, making him think I care about him in the first place. Nope. No chance.

On the other hand...

I wanted to go after him, see if he actually meant what he texted. Looking at Jasper and Maya, they were totally fine alone, gazing into the other's eyes... I was a disturber here. There couldn't come any harm from letting them be alone now, I could as well just walk home... And if I accidentally happen to walk through the parking lot, where I might or might not meet Murphy? It would be innocent, wouldn't it; I could finally satisfy my curiosity.

Quickly excusing myself, I gathered my things and left them, carefully slowing my hurried steps once I've reached the door leading to the parking lot.

Murphy was standing by his car, actually, leaning against it casually, chewing a gum. He was without doubt waiting for me, and when I appeared in his sight, his blue eyes darted into mine, an impish smirk curving up the sides of his lips.

I approached him at an easy pace and with raised eyebrows.

"Well, fuck me, you actually came," he grinned when I was standing in front of him.

"Alright," I sighed, squinting at the guy, my hands in the pocket of my coat. "What's your game, Murphy?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

""What are you trying to achieve? Why are you being like this? Why are you writing me those things?"

"You came here, didn't you?" He said cheekily, blowing then bursting a bubble with his bubblegum, cocking his head to the side when I remained silent. "We can't keep doing this."


"Pretending we hate each other."

"I do hate you," I emphasized, taking a bold step toward Murphy; now, I was close enough to smell his aftershave. He smelled really good, so fuck him.

"Maybe," he shrugged, looking to the side for a moment," but you love me just as much."

My lips trembled upon hearing his words. I wanted to say something mean and turn around and leave, probably have my hair hit him in the face sharply, but all I could do was gulp really hard. "Are you messing with me, dickhead?"

"Nope. I just... Duh," he rolled his eyes, coming through his hair with his fingers, messing it all up", I just had enough, We've been doing this cat-mouse game for years, don't you think it's time we decide what do we want?"

I watched his face carefully, searching for signs of lie or a glimpse of humor in his eyes, but I found none. Murphy seemed to be completely serious. I licked my lips. "Why? What do you want?"

He hesitated before answering with a ghost of his smirk, "I want you. I mean, I want you right now, too, but... I also want you in my future."

His words made my heart beat faster, a smile threatening to curve my lips. I wasn't going to grin like a girl getting asked out for the very first time.

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend, Murphy?"

"Trying," he nodded, shrugging before looking me in the eye again hopefully. "Failing much?"

"Depends... How would you classify 'I could kiss you right now'?"

My appearing grin, provoked by the wanting flash in his eyes, soon vanished, as Murphy's lips attacked mine. Smoldering heat aroused in me as he pulled me flush against him, his hands roaming over my sides and back, reaching under my coat and squeezing my thigh.  The ferocity of his kiss didn't catch me unprepared, after all, we had years of sexual frustration to relieve. His tongue flicked over my lower lip, and with a low moan I opened my mouth slightly, and he greedily deepened the kiss.

Briskly, Murphy switched places with me and backed me up against his car, the hood poking into the curve of my back lightly. His hands went from my sides to cup my face, giving me another bruising kiss before he detached his lips from mine, and with a hum, moved to my neck. I tilted my head to the side, trying to expose the most skin possible. When Murphy bit down on my skin, I had to muffle my moan with biting in my lip.

"I still hate you," I mumbled weakly, my voice merely a breath.

"Yep-yep, sure, me too."

His carefree answer picked on my nerves, so, as to take pity revenge on him, I grinded my hips into his. A satisfied grin spread across my face when I heard Murphy's low groan, his hot breath tickling my neck. What I wasn't expecting was Murphy taking over control again, pressing his pelvis forth with need, and kissing my neck hungrily, lighting fire in my core, repeating it again and again.

If I knew making out with Murphy was this fantastic, I'd have probably made a move on him earlier. Although, that would have taken away the real essence of the situation.

The cold air against my heated skin was another exciting element; only it also constantly reminded me how we were still in public. It was dim dark outside, and Murphy's car was almost completely covered in the shadow of the cinema, and the parking lot was almost empty, still, we were outside. As engaging and amusing dry humping with Murphy was, when a headlight reflected on us for a moment, blinding the both of us, we felt we should probably move it.

Without saying a word, Murphy opened the door of his car for me, and I immediately crawled into the far side of the backseat. My legs were stretched along the seats, my head against the door, and in a moment, Murphy was hovering over me, trying to kiss me but I was faster, nipping along his jaw. His fingers slid under my unzipped coat and under my t-shirt, his surprisingly light touches leaving tiny bit of sparkles behind as he moved his fingers up and down.

"Ah, God, John," I whimpered when he squeezed my breast, stroking my nose across his cheek. Murphy's head jolted up, looking at me in surprise. "What?"

"I'm pretty sure this is the first time you've called me John," he beamed, seemingly satisfied. With a grin, he squeezed again, but I wasn't going to give him the pleasure, and bit back my moan.

"Why, what should I call you, then?" I questioned with a determined look. "Jonathan?"

Although his head went down to kiss the now exposed skin of my stomach, he looked up with a gloomy gaze.

"Don't you dare."

"Jonathan~" I called in a devilishly sing-song voice, laughing when I saw Murphy roll his eyes. My laughter died on my lips when he placed a kiss right above the line of my pants. I heard Murphy chuckle, placing a few more kisses before I tugged at his hair, pulling him up for a quick kiss. He took my lower lip between his teeth before moving to take off his jacket. I did the same and threw my coat carelessly toward the driver's seat. When I reached toward his t-shirt, he caught my wrist and shook his head.

"Not getting me naked. Nasty."

"Then what the hell are we doing?"

"Keeping my promise," he smirked, pecking my lip before moving down to kiss along my stomach, his fingers fumbling with the button and the zipper of my jeans. I lifted my lower part when he succeeded to let him slip them down and throw away somewhere. I watched with curious eyes as Murphy gripped my thigh, and spread my legs.

My back arched as he started peppering my inner thigh with wet kisses, biting and sucking occasionally, every nip of his sending a hot wave of need toward my core. I wanted him with all the annoyance I've felt for him for years, it was driving me mad, and he knew that, oh, he knew. You could see that in that impishly gleaming eyes of his.

When Murphy finally kissed my core through my underwear, I let out the breath I wasn't aware I was holding back. His warm breath, ironically, sent chills and trembles through my flesh. He placed some more kisses on my underwear, poking out his tongue, before he gave in to my desperately bucking hips, and giving another tight squeeze to my thigh, he pulled down my underwear.

I threw my head back when I felt his lips on my folds – only to cry out harshly when my skull met with the car's door.

"Fuck, they always make car-sex sound so easy and comfortable," I hissed, looking accusingly at the door. Murphy looked up from between my legs, his free hand – the one he didn't use to part my lips or occasionally keep my leg in place – wandered into his own jeans, stroking his erection.

"I can stop if you want to."

"Don't you fucking dare."

He was expecting this answer, already positioning his head back between my thighs, giving a lazy lick to my pulsing heat, smirking into my flesh when a visible shiver ran across my thighs, and he had to firmly grab one of them to keep me in place. I closed my eyes tightly, fingers grabbing a handful of Murphy's dark locks, and melting into his touch. Experimentally, he sucked on my clit, earning a high whimper from me.

"Are you really this sensitive here?" he mumbled absent-mindedly. I've tried to silent him by pulling his hair. He could use his mouth for better than talking...

I don't know when or how he managed to undo his belt, unzip and unbutton his jeans and pull them down, but I didn't even care. It might have been merely two minutes, or ten, or twenty-five, I lost my sense of time when all I felt was this hot, humid lust-fog around my mound, his wet and soft mouth and tongue kissing my clit and lips, slow and fast, and fast, and then slow again... And at just the right time, when my breathy sighs started to become silent moans, he added his fingers, pushing first one and then adding another, stroking and pushing inside me, searching for that special spot – when he found it, I saw sparkles.

"Fuck, John," I muttered, yanking at his hair in surprise. It was a comical sight, really, seeing him peek up from between my thighs, looking childishly glorious.

The air was heavy and smelled of sex, all of my senses getting overwhelmed by the exceptionally strong impulses. My stomach, the lower part, started to tremble and flex, a warm knot forming inside me, and then a lightning-like shudder ran through my spine, chilly at first then becoming utterly hot, warming up my body. I felt Murphy giving a last kiss to my core before leaning back, sitting on his heels, and starting to give in to his own desires. Coming down from my high, I saw him stroking his hard cock, desperate to come; before I could've sit up to repay his favor, he shut his eyes tight, and with a stretched, deep growl, he came into his hand.

We just sat there, I half-lying hiding my eyes behind my arm, and Murphy leaning against the door, the both of us panting, trying to catch our breath. When he managed, Murphy crawled over me, reaching forward the first seats, almost falling to the floor in the attempt, and I almost choked on my spit, trying not to laugh. When he leant back, he had tissues in his hand, first cleaning me up, and then himself; meanwhile, I've managed to put my underwear back on and sat up.

He plopped down next to me, and let out a deep sigh. "Fucking hell," he muttered, blowing a sweaty stray of his hair out of his eyes. He looked at me, thinking for a moment, before falling to the side, his head in my lap, wiggling around to make himself comfortable.

"What are you doing?" I questioned with a frown, tucking my hair behind my ear. Under no circumstances, even though I was technically his girlfriend now, was I going to admit how handsome he looked all flushed and cuddling up.

"Getting comfy. You're so soft. Despite how such a cold-hearted hellcat you are."

His gleeful grin told me he wasn't serious. A part of me was kind of thankful for him to answer a question which was starting to form in the back of my mind: were we about to stop our mockery, and become lovey-dovey? I hoped not. And seemingly, Murphy didn't want that, either.

I flicked the tip of his nose, making him frown. "Don't you dare go sleeping now. You don't even have pants on... You should rather help me find my jeans..."

"Oh, sweetheart," he laughed in a ridiculing manner. "If you thought letting me eat you out on the backseat was uncomfortable, wait until you try to dress up here."

Never, ever, was I going to admit that he was right.


Author: accordingtonaomii

I LOVE this imagine. This girl is an amazing writer! Show her some love!


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