Set It Off Scenarios

By Vertiline72

32K 945 364

COMPLETED AT THE MOMENT! Just a bunch of scenarios, maybe a oneshot here and there. But there will be no Aust... More

Quick A/N
He Learns of His Feelings for You
You Learn of Your Feelings for Him
He (finally) Asks You Out
First Date
First Kiss
Couple Nicknames:
You Get Sick!
You Wear Something of His
Your (Set It Off) Song!
You Are Loved!
Your Job in the Band (Tiny Update)
You Break Up!
How He Takes the Break Up
You Get Back Together!
Summer is Here!
You (Finally) Move In!
Dan Clermont's Song: Save the Last Dance for Me
Zach DeWall's Song: It's Raining Men
Maxx Danziger's Song: Dream a Little Dream of Me
Cody Carson's Song: I Need a Hero
Author~Chan and Animals?!
Belated Bandiversary!
You Prank Him!
Texts 1.5
He Meets Your Family
Contact Names:
Sweet Dreams
Truth or Dare!
He (Tries) to Make a Move!
Love Letters From You
OTP Questions
5K Answers
Celebrity Friend
Texts 2.0
First Thoughts
Rainy Day
He Gets Sick
The Secret Meeting
That One Thing
Mythical Creature
Halloween Drabbles
Trick or Treating
Dealing With Hate
You're Going to Hate Me
The Wedding
Wedding Details (Cody & Maxx)
Wedding Details (Zach & Dan)
Coming Home
First Snow
Search Results
Domestic Life
I lied
You Are (Still) Loved

Love Letters from Him

347 9 3
By Vertiline72

A/N So Reader, Set It Off is on tour and it looks like you got mail! (By the way I may or may not have ripped these off from another scenarios story I deleted awhile ago, so...)

Cody Carson:

Dear Princess,

What to say to you? God, there is too much for me to write it all down for you. I have soundcheck soon.

I'll start by saying you are the light of my life. You fill my days with sunshine and nights with, moonlight? Is that what it's called? Let's just go with starlight, since I can't figure out what it's called. I never thought I would ever meet someone who would make me feel as good as you do. To be honest, I never thought such a person existed. And yet, here you are.

I love how you always laugh at my jokes, no matter how cringey they are. However, you did make me change my Twitter. You always know how to make me smile by using the same stupid humor. You never cease to make me smile everyday.

I remember the first time we kissed. It was like electric shocks zigzagging throughout my whole body. I couldn't believe you were my first kiss, (A/N Just pretend) and what an impactful kiss it was. I can't imagine a better first kiss, now that I think about it.

I know this is not a very good love letter, but it's all I got. I hope you liked it. I can't wait to talk to you on Skype tomorrow, though I wish I was with you in real life. Remember I love you from the moon, no, Pluto and back ten trillion times!

With lots of love and kisses my Diamond Girl,

Cody Charles "Clarinet" Carson

Maxx Danziger:

Dear Sweetie,

In response to your letter, he's my own version.

Let me start by saying that I thank my lucky stars every night since I found you. You came into my life when everything seemed so dark and you provided the light to find my way. I've never been so certain of anything in my life like I am of us. You have totally changed my outlook on life and I thank you everyday for that. I never thought that someone could love me as much as you do, but guess what? I love you that much too.

I feel as if I'm walking on clouds just thinking about you. You make my life so complete. I know you've said we could do foolish things while in love, but you know what? With you I wouldn't mind being a fool for the rest of my life. I love you so much and I know you love me too.

I know that others looking at our relationship might think that we're saying too many lovesick things too soon but they just don't know how we feel about each other. There's nothing wrong about the things I've told you, and I meant every word I said. I love you. I would do anything for you; I love you so much. Today, I promise to you that I will do anything in my power to make you a great person, outstanding lover, and supportive partner. If you'll do the same for me, that is.

For you, Darling,

Maxx Danziger

Zach DeWall:

Dear Angel,

Hey gurl. Nope, not that. S'up baby. No, still not good. Hey sweetheart. Yeah, yeah I like that. Oh, um, sorry, I thought you'd want a laugh.

But seriously, I wanted to tell you I love you more than words could ever convey. I love your smile and laugh; they light up my day no matter what. I adore how you practically fangirl whenever I start playing guitar. Your secret love of cooking has certainly rubbed off on me, making me even more ambitious in the kitchen (even though I just make a mess).

You are my one and only and I could never replace you, nor would I want to. You've made every day worth living. I miss you every second you are not in my arms. Tour has been terrible without you. Being so far away from you has certainly impacted me negatively, but I keep counting down the hours till I get to see you again. When I say I love you I truly, from the bottom of my heart, mean it.

I'm not really good with words, so I'm sorry this sounds weird and stupid and maybe even corny. Just know that I love you and I would do anything to make you smile.

Truly yours,

Zach DeWall

Dan Clermont:

Dearest Flower,

Hello my Lovely, Baby Girl, and Flower! I just wanted to thank you for your letter and tell you that I love you and I love being with you! You have made life even more spectacular for me and I can't thank you enough for that. I can't wait to go on all these adventures with you once I come back from tour. I have been planning on places to visit with you ever since tour started. I just can't wait to start the list with you!

I know this is short, but it's sweet, just like you. Also it came straight from my heart and mind. And maybe soul, I don't know. But I hope you loved it just as much as I love you my Lovely, Baby Girl, and Flower Child!

Your Charming and Sexy,

Dan Clermont

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