I Promise {Ink Sans X Reader}

By Undertale_AU_GIRL

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you are the adopted sister of Error sans. you have loving friends, a psychotic boyfriend and would do anythin... More

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548 6 14
By Undertale_AU_GIRL

Also, guys, I'm gonna update one chapter every week so I'm thinking every Tuesday I'll update a new chapter! also if you guys comment any question about me or the story I'll answer them either in an A/N or in the beginning of the chapter, also Error is 16 and has a well-paying job

"I'm soooooo bored Error!" you shouted from across the living room, you were flicking through the tv channels, the radio, the apps on your phone and you go see if there's anything interesting on your Laptop. there's nothing. you see a figure creep up behind you, you turn your attention away from it and 5 min later the figure comes on from behind you and shouts "BOO!" this made you jump and you managed to literally stick to the ceiling, the fur on your tail is standing up making this figure laugh so much. You get a clear look at this figure and you see its Error your brother.

"Error!, What was that for!?"
"I JuSt WaNtEd To StOp YoU fRoM bEiNg BoReD, nOw YoU cAn GeT yOuRsElF dOwN"

You give your brother the 'i'm gonna get you back later' glare and He gave you a pamphlet for something, You take it angrily and look at it, it's for a school, while you read your ears flatten on your head and your tail drops "n-not School!"

"UnFoRtUnAtElY, yOu AnD i HaVe To Go.... SoMeThInG aBoUt A lAw Or SoMeThInG lIkE tHaT"

Hearing he has to go as well makes your face light up because you won't be alone. You check the time and it's 9 am... you get a brilliant idea because Error hates shopping for anything BUT computer stuff you decide to torcher your brother by taking him school shopping, honestly you like shopping anyway, and you also get to drag him clothes shopping. You grab him by his arm

"hey Error, Guess What?"
"we are going shopping!"
"Oh No, WhY sHoPpInG?"
" Because! we need stationery a bag and stuff like that... Plus I need a few new outfits!" saying that makes you squeal with delight, then you drag your brother by the arm to the shopping centre.
~Time Skip after shopping~

you get home and check the time, it is now 5 pm you have about 20 bags of school and art supplies and Error has about 10 bags, sprint to your room and set your new bag in the corner of your room
Which looks like this

Not including the wallet

and you set up your desk with your art supplies
which looks like this

"Perfect," you say to yourself now all you need to do your shelves and make your bed
looks like this

you look at the room happily the notice the closet and with your OCD kicking in you tackle the mess known as your closet and within 20 min you finish it and it looks like this

you rummage through your bags and bring out a few new outfits

ignore the bag and pencil case type thing, please!

you look at your room proud and check your clock it's 7 pm, you go back through your bags and pull out a new phone case

you also pull out a new pencil case and add in some of your art supplies

you also pack a pencil case for your normal stuff and your pencils

finally, you pack your bag with ALL of your books and your art books you pack 3 art books when you finish, it's 7:30 pm and you can smell Pizza. you immediately sprint to the kitchen and shout "Error where's the Flipping pizza!?" this causes him to laugh and he points to 3 boxes of pizza one margarita, one meat lovers and one supreme and there is some garlic bread on top of the boxes

~ time skip~

after dinner, Error watches his shows on TV and you go to take back your headphones and earbuds to his room trashed. you can't help yourself and you start cleaning, after 30 min his room looks like this

you then tackle his closet finish that then packs away his 10 bags and when you finish you do something unexpected, you knock into his desk and break his laptop, he sprints in and starts yelling at you, you feel upset and sprint to your room and you shout to yourself about how stupid you were. you decide to get into bed, so you get into your pj's and grab Percy Jackson : Heroes of Olympus, Son of Neptune if you don't like that book or anyone in the series choose your own book and read until it's 9 pm then you put your phone and laptop on charge, book mark your page and call it a night, but during the night you have a weird dream

~dream time~

I was walking around with a couple of people one looked like a skeleton with a giant paintbrush and the other was human and looked really good, you call out "guys I'm gonna go in (random shop) for a bit and you did you pick out some clothes "my {random nickname} would love this. the scene shifts and your in your room, with the guy that looks really good, he asks for you to sit on your bed and he starts hitting you for taking too long, you say you're sorry and apologize a lot but it makes no difference he keeps hitting you making you bleed you go to scream out..., but no one hears you when he's had enough he decides to lick your wounds making them sting, you cry out in pain and no one comes to your rescue, you look at this person and he's smirking he's happy your bleeding and in pain, then he takes a small knife out of his pocket and gives you one cut on your, arms, face and legs making you cry more, then he stabs you in the heart.

you jolt up, you're sweating and your crying error runs in and comforts you"It'S oK (Y/n) YoUr SaFe YoUr Ok" you hug him and cry to him and explain your dream, he nods and leaves for a bit and comes back in with a hot water bottle type thing that smells like Lavender, you take it and sleepy look at the time its 3 am and you drift back to sleep hoping the next day came soon

well gys thats th End of Chater 1 hope you all enjoyed and hope to see you all next week!


word count: 1093

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