
By CarrotCakeMonster

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Louis and Louise. They hate each other. They annoy each other. They can't stand each other. But they still ma... More

Chapter 2 - Bestfriends?
Chapter 3 - Detention, Kiss and Secret Crushes
Chapter 4 - Autumn Dance is back!
Chapter 5 - Dresses
Chapter 6 - A kiss that you'll regret
Chapter 7 - You can never turn back time
Chapter 8 - Two Guys, One Girl
Chapter 9 - The Date
VERY Important Author's note. Please Read!
Chapter 10 - Helium Hearts
Chapter 11 (Part 1) - Where?

Chapter 1 - Silly Arguments

6.7K 71 36
By CarrotCakeMonster

A/N so this idea just came up to me and i decided to write it! :)

x Lu :)

Lu's P.O.V. (A/N i decided to use my character cause I'm too lazy lol! I'm not conceited or anything if u wanna know, I'm just too lazy too think and besides, that's not even my real name! :P your argument is invalid!)

"Hey Jylette!" Uggh! when will he ever stop annoying the hell out of me!?

"What do you want, Tomlinson!?" I shouted at him.

His lips curled into a smirk, "What's up with you today? Are you on your period?" The whole canteen erupted in laughters.

GAH! I can't take it anymore! "Why do you keep annoying me, Tomlinson!? why? do you have a crush on me!?" The students oohed and ahhed (lol i dunno how to say that soo yeah lol!)

Tomlinson blushed, "N-no!" he stuttered "I mean who would like a gorilla face like you!" The students laughed again.

"TOMLINSON! JYLETTE! TO MY OFFICE! NOW!" Mr. Carlos, the principal shouted. Suddenly the place was so quiet it was deafening.

I quickly stood up, headed to the office. I bumped tomlinson's shoulder on the way, Well it's his fault!

I finally arrived at the office, "Ms. Jylette, Please sit down" Mr. Carlos said gesturing to the mahogany seat in front of his table.

"Mr. Carlos?" A voice said. I turned around and saw the one and only, Tomlinson. I glared my deathliest glare at him.

"Yes Mr. Tomlinson seat here" He said gesturing to the seat opposite of me.

"So--" Mr. Carlos started but we cut him off.

"It's he's fault!" "it's her fault!" We both said at the same time pointing at each other,

"It's yours!"








"SHUT UP!" Mr. Carlos shouted, we both shut up and sunk at our chair.

"You two have been reported by the teachers, You were always fighting and--"

"He started it!" I cut him off.

"No you did!"

"INTERRUPT ME ONE MORE TIME AND I'LL BOTH SUSPEND YOU!" Mr. Carlos was clearly angry, I saw smoke coming out of his ears and nose.

"As i was saying, you two are getting out og hand so we decided to give you two detention for two months."

My mouth dropped, "T-two months!?" He nodded.

"Detention!?" Tomlinson said his eyes widened like mine.

He nodded again.

"with him!?" "with her!?" we both said at the same time.

He nodded.

After sometime of silence, I finally realized what was happening


"Ouch!" Tomlinson said.

"No! it's final, you'll be starting on Monday, Every 5pm you'll be put in a room together and you cannot leave until 6pm Okay?"

We nodded.

"You may go" We both stood up and left, The classes seems to be a blur, I kept thinking of what will happen on Monday, Will Tomlinson Murder me!? or feed me to a giant dog!? or perhaps torture me!?...

"Lu!" Zyrin, My bestfriend said while waving her hand in front of my face.

"Uh What?" I said, completely lost.

"I said," she paused and turned to me, "HARRY FINALLY ASKED ME OUT!" She squealed.

"Umm who's that?" I asked her.

"Louis a.k.a. Tomlinson for you, besfriend"

"WHAT!? YOU'RE DATING A JERK!" I screamed at her, well we promised each other NOT to date jerks *cough* Tomlinson *cough*

She rolled her eyes, "he's not a jerk! it doesn't mean if he's bestfriend is a jerk means he's a jerk too"

"yes it does!" I argued, "I'm awesome, that means you're awesome too cuz you're my besfriend!"

"No! but I have to agree that I'm awesome!"

Soon enough we found ourselves laughing and joking around.

---At Lu's house----

I was watching spongebob when i heard my doorbell ring.

"Hey mom!" I said after I opened the door.

"Hey sweetie, so how's school?" She asked me

"I got detention because of Tomlinson!" I frowned.

My mom chuckled, you see my mom knows about my rivalry againts tomlinson, and she and tomlinson's mom are actually bestfriends.

"It's not funny Mom!"

"yes it is!" She said after regaining her composure.

"It's not!" I pouted.

"Whatever you say sweetie" She said then kissed my cheeks.

I just wish Monday would NEVER come


So what do you think? like it? hate it? you laughed? Comment below! ^_^ lol!

x Lu :)

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