I Don't Know When I Have Fall...

By KranthiAchanta

45K 3.2K 381

"I think what they all said is right Arjun,you deserve the best, and I am not the one, I said between my sobs... More

I am in love(Re-published)
Just do what I say..
Good morning sleeping beauty
I don't talk to a liar
Riya's engagement
Leave this house
I again saw my Angel
I love u Firebrand
Don't leave my hands
I like You Arjun
Riya's Wedding day
1K Views..It's time for celebrations🎊
Can you accept me as your brother?
Knocking the door of my heart!
Please save her!!
The big mistake of my life?
If you smile then we smile!!!
Trapped in her magic web!!
With Every Beat Of My Heart
I think you forgot your name??
Who is Rahul??
She is totally broken..
I want to become a robot
Don't Dare To Touch My Sister...
Dear Diary!!!!
Dear Diary!! Part-2
Dear Diary!! Part 3
A Family Made With Friends
The Best Ever Gift
The Stranger
The Journey
Mesmerizing beauties😍
Narrating the Past!!!
Past reveals!!
Unwanted proposal??
Confused Manu??
Face To Face
Hidden Truth??
Birthday Surprise!!
Will You Marry Me??
Author's Note!!
That's what happened!!
The Game Is Over!!??
A Little Surprise!!
You Are My Everything
The Culprit??
True Love Always Wins❀


1.3K 79 39
By KranthiAchanta

Manasa POV:

I hesitatingly stepped into the Adzi Mansion which is embellished with different kind of flowers,crystal beads and balloons.

My eyes scanned around to find my buddies but there is no sign of them,Manu I heard someone uttering my name and I turned back to see a middle aged lady in dark blue colour designer saree with patch work.

She smiled at me and I instantly plastered a smile on my face,are you searching for Arjun she asked rolling her eyes.

My legs started shivering and I don't know what to answer, how could I say to her that I  am dying to see her son.

No Aunty, not at all I am looking for Riya,may I know where is she? I answered after calming down my racing heart beat.

Oh are you sure you are looking for Riya  she asked raising her brow and I know something is sounding wrong, she is in upstairs she said leaving me in confusion.

What's going on here,I never expected that Aunty will talk to me like this after what had happened. I quickly stepped towards upstairs to know many answers for questions running in my brain.

Riya,where are you this is 10th time I am calling her name roaming all rooms in upstairs but there is no sign of her,God what happened to this guys even no one of them answering my calls.

When I entered into Arjun's room I saw something which I even didn't see in my dreams, each and every one in Adzi family standing in circular form.

The room is filled with red balloons, the path is covered with Rose petals and  different pictures of me and Arjun are hanging to the walls,it's such a awestruck sceneraio.

They all moved a side and there i saw my man standing with breath taking smile on his lips,He started moving towards me raising heart beat for every second.

Manu, he wishpered my name taking my hand into his,I stood in silence staring into his hazel eyes.

I didn't believe in love until I met you but now I am madly in love with you, your smile is the most beautiful thing i know,your happiness matter's me alot,now you are my world and I will try my best to make you happy.

Ms.Manasa Vyas will you marry me he said going on a knee down,every one around us started cheers and claps, I nodded my head with tears rolling down my eyes and he hugged me with all his heart.

Promises are meant to keep Arjun,we all witnessed this and if you break your promises in future then you will eligible for punishment Arjun's Dad said patting his shoulder.

Common Dad he giggled giving him a side hug. Today I heart fully welcoming you to our family Manasa uncle said placing his hand on my head and my heart overwhelmed with joy.

Later we all enjoyed alot in Janu and Bhai's Wedding, these are the most happiest days in my whole life.

Arjun get up you sleepy head you are getting late,get up Arjun I started hitting him with pillow snatching blanket from his hands.He became too lazy these days everyday waking him up became a touch task to me.

Please let me sleep for few more minutes firebrand he started his every day drama.No get up or else I don't talk to you whole day I declared and he opened his eyes with cute puppy expression.

Why God why you gave me this devil as a wife he mumbled which made me smile,I already told you right I am not so good as you think I said pulling him out of the bed.

Yes but that time my dumbstruck brain didn't understood your words he said hitting his head and walked into the washroom.

It has been six months I entered into Adzi Mansion as Mrs.Manasa Arjun Prasad Adzi,here everyone treating me very well and I just loved my in-laws.

I never expected my life would be this happy,I am enjoying every minute with these people and my Arjun now I am witnessing a new kind of Arjun who annoy to wake up in the morning,always do naughty things and get Jai punished behalf of him.

Who always ready to go for long drives, who stoles chocolates from the fridge and eats secretly,he is not less than kid but I am enjoying every moment with this guy.

Manu where is my blue shirt he started shouting from the bedroom which made me rush to the upstairs. How many times should I tell you don't shout when I am not around, Riya is teasing me Arjun why don't you understand I yelled picking his blue shirt from the closet.

If she want to tease you then let her tease he said wrapping his arms around my waist.Ar..jun.. I wishpered trying to move away from his grip.

You know what firebrand, I am falling more and more for you everyday,you are making me go cray with your little acts he wishpered near my ear giving goosebumps to me.

Even I am madly in love with you Arjun, I said wrapping my hands around him.

Choti Maa(mother sister)where are you Vihaan entered into our room which made us separate from each other.Maa look my car is not working properly he complained with cute pouts don't worry cham i will have a look at this you go and play with other toys I said caressing his cheeks.

No Maa I want only this car he said stubbornly crossing his hands,If my little prince want this car then I will make it work but now it's breakfast time come let's go Arjun said taking him into his hands and both walked towards the dining hall.

Vihaan Riya's little boy now grown 2 years old his naughty acts along with Arjun is unbearable.

whenever he call me choti maa my heart overwhelm with a different kind of feeling which is very difficult to put into words.

Janu is going to give birth to a baby soon and we all are waiting for that day,Bhai he is super excited for his baby.

Teju my little sister is getting married soon with a boy of her choice, I am very happy for her and My parents they pay frequent visits to Mumbai to see me.

Penny to your thoughts firebrand   come let's have some breakfast together Arjun said wrapping his hands around my shoulder. I Don't Know When I have Fallen For Him but this man entered into my dark life and coloured it with happiness.

Sometimes life may give us bitter memories but when the right person entered into our life then everything will took a right path and happiness will creep into our heart.

True love never ends but a story needs an end.....


Here is the epilogue to this beautiful love  journey....

Hope you  enjoyed reading my book.

Thanks alot to each and every one who supported me in this journey❤😘

This is the last time you will get a chance to comment and vote on my book so Please do vote and comment....

Kranthi Achanta😘😘

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