The One I Love || Newt-TMR

By mad145

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It was all a mistake. Rosie was scheduled to be sent into Maze B, however something went wrong, and she was... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Thank you!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Nearly there!!
Chapter 42
A Celebration of Sorts
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Not an Update:
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 43

292 10 6
By mad145

"I'm going to be working with you again today," Newt chirped as he picked at some left overs from breakfast. By now, it was late morning and the sun had peaked over the cracked and worn walls, glowing down on the Glade. The smell of fresh morning dew still hung heavily in the air, hinting that it may rain. But it never would; I already knew that.

I looked up from my plate to Newt, his optimistic eyes gliding across my face. Small rays of sun broke through the canopy above us, shining in his eyes occasionally and bringing the gold flecks alive, making his usual russet brown eyes look almost chocolate. Newt's lips pulled up into a half smirk that only just showed off his teeth.

"I won't be able to focus with you in the room." I admitted through a quiet breath as I heard the crunch of the courtyard get closer. I let a smile brighten my face as I saw the pink tint flood Newt's cheeks.

"Maybe that's a good thing," Newt purred in my ear, his hot breath brushing against my cool skin, sending a tingling sensation to unfurl across my neck. Newt's hand snaked around to the back of my neck, gently pulling me closer. "you could use for a break from work," Newt noted, his deep voice rumbling in my ear delicately. I couldn't stop the blush as I contemplated what Newt was suggesting. Knots began to form in my stomach as I nervously gulped down my anxiety.

"What are you proposing we do?" I peeped, not sure if I wanted to know the answer. Newt's hand slid away from my neck, leaving a cold spot where it once was. Naturally, I sat back up straight to look up at Newt, who was smirking down at me.

"Take the day off and relax! What, did you think I meant somethin' else?" Newt broke out into a laughter as he saw the relief flood through me, and quickly changed into annoyance as I realised Newt was messing around.

"But we can't do that. Alby will get mad!" I complained fretfully. It only seemed to humour Newt further as he continued to chuckle.

"I'm Second in Command; I will allow you to take the day off, Rosie," Newt replied through a chuckle.

"Oh, right I forgot." I admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck as Minho sat across from us, his hair perfectly placed away from his face.

"Ah, my favourite couple!" He exclaimed, his eyes lighting up at the sight of our closeness.

"We're the only bloody couple here, last I checked." I laughed at the boy.

"Ya never shucking know!"

"What are you doing today, anyway?" Newt spoke up as he stuffed the last of his eggs into his mouth.

"Well since our previous plans have been ditched; nothin'," Minho smiled, leaning back to a more relaxed position.

"What plans?" I asked inquisitively, looking between the mischievous duo.

"Newt was gonna ask you out today originally, remember? And I was gonna help. But that plan got sacked," Minho answered, almost disappointed. "what do you two crazy teens plan for the day?" Minho added, keeping the conversation going. I only shrugged my shoulders, unclear of the plans, and looked to Newt for answers.

"Same as you I guess. Just having a day off." He responded

"We should all hang out today!" I proclaimed enthusiastically.

"And do what?" Minho asked in a whiny voice.

"I don't know. Doesn't this place have board games, cards to pass the time?" I asked, turning to face Newt a questioning look. His brow furrowed over his beautifully deep eyes as he thought, and I felt myself get captured by his careful gaze. My eyes began to wonder across newts face, noticing small details that I had never noticed before, like the few small freckles scattered across the bridge of his nose, or the way the corners of his lips twitch upwards just before he spoke.

"I think we have a pack of cards from a few months ago. Its gonna take some bloody luck to find 'em though."

"Find what?" Chuck's high voice sounded from behind me. His sudden appearance startled me, and with a quick yelp I jumped forward into Newt's lap. Instinctively his arms wrapped around my frame and held me closer to his warm body.

"Chuck you scared the klunk out of me!" I exclaimed, moving off of Newt's lap and back to my original seat.

"Oh, sorry. What are you looking for?" Chuck asked again as he sat beside me, making our side of the table very squished. He was clearly intimidated by Miho as his eyes flittered to him every now and then for a second, until Minho would sideways glance back at him.

"I pack of cards or somethin' to have fun." I answered as it became clear no one else would.

was Chuck really that annoying to these guys?

"Oh, can I help, please?" Chuck asked hopefully, staring up at me with wide, gleeful eyes.

"No, you have work to start doin'." Newt answered firmly, his voice filled with authority and power. It was kind of hot.

"Oh," Chuck's head hung low as he played with his food. Felling bad, I looked over to Newt and silently told him to be nice. with a dramatic eye roll, newt cleared his throat and peered over my head and down at Chuck.

"If you behave while working, you can join us in a game on your break." Newt compromised, to which Chuck's face lit up.

"Really? You mean it?"

"Yes, now shut ya hole before he changes his mind." Minho added, staring down at Chuck with an intimidating stare. Chuck, in a much happier mood agreed and continued to fill his mouth with food.


After a good hour of searching for a pack of cards, we had finally stumbled upon some. Caked with dust and grime, Newt, Minho and I victoriously carried the pack out of the weapon's room and out to an empty table outside, under the shade of an old fig tree.

Thankfully, a thing film of plastic protected the cards from the years of dust, and they were like brand new after the plastic was removed. After deciding to play Go Fish, seeing as it was he only game we could remember how to play, Newt took the deck and began to shuffle them clumsily. I smiled as I watched him fumbled and fiddle with the deck, sending many cards flying across the table, which then lead to Minho having an outburst and snatching the deck off of Newt, having little more luck with the task. It took about another 5 minutes before he gave up and passed seven cards out to each of us.

We played for hours, making up our own games when Go Fish became too boring, and after those games became too boring for us, we began to chase each other around the Glade. Soon enough a few other boys joined in on our games, and it had turned into a big game of tag. Everyone fled from Newt in all directions as he counted.

My bright hair must of caught his eye, because soon enough Newt was eyeing me off as I ran into the Deadheads, the last thing I saw before being consumed by the darkness was his evil smirk.

My breathing remained steady for the time being as I sped through the forest, dodging low hanging branches and logs and rocks, miraculously managing to avoid any injury. I slowed my pace down to a walk to listen around. I was sure Newt would come after me, so I was on high alert; listening for a twig to snap, or the crunch of leaves to give his position away. But all I could hear was my own breathing, and the distant squeals of boys running around.

Slowly, I turned around in a full circle, my eyes adjusting to the darkness just enough to make out my surroundings. Tall tress scattered around me, their canopy thick and full; blocking any light from the sun.

I almost had a heart attack when it happened.

Two masculine arms wrapped around my frame, a sweaty hand covering my mouth before I could scream. whoever it was were tall; their strong grip around me lifting me from the ground as they stood up straight. My legs flayed around desperately as I tried to gain footing, or kick the mysterious attacker, but to no avail. Somehow, my attacker managed to hold me tight and walk through the Deadheads; which direction I wasn't positive.

Oh, where is Newt?

Muffled screams and grunts of struggle filled the silence around us as the attacker took a step forward, he had only managed to get a metre before giving up and gently putting me back down on the ground, but still keeping a strong bear-hug grip around me. I felt they're hot breath tickle the nape of my neck as they leaned close.

"You're it," he whispered. My body physically relaxed as I recognised Newt's voice. I felt the vibration of newt's chuckle through his chest, our bodies pressed tight together. "Rosie?" Newt asked, loosening his grip to turn and face me after a long pause.

"Sorry, just trying to start my heart again after someone scared me half to death." I breathed, the world around me spinning from the rollercoaster of emotions.

"Sorry love; thought it'd be fun." I felt my cheeks flare up at my new nickname, and was suddenly thankful for the darkness.

"No, I'm fine, just gotta..." I trailed off, my mind a storm of thoughts and emotions that I forgot what I was saying.

"Are you okay?" Newt asked concernedly, his hands on my shoulders as he leant down to my eye-level. I nodded my head vigorously, still unable to speak. The whirlwind of emotions spiralling through me had my head a muck; from being terrified, to relieved then flustered all in the one minute was too much for me to handle.

After I didn't respond, and Newt obviously did not see me nod, he spoke up again. "I'm taking you back to the Homestead." Newt muttered as he swept my from the ground, one arm supporting my back while the other my legs. With a sharp inhale, I let a small squeal echo through the silent Deadheads.

"What are you doing?" I asked, squirming around as Newt began to walk to the Glade.

"You weren't answering me, I thought something was wrong." Newt responded, however didn't put me down.

"I'm fine; I promise. Please put me down before you hurt yourself." I pleaded as light began to streak through the trees and lit our path up.

"Are you sure?" Newt hesitated. I nodded yet again, to which Newt obeyed and gently set me back down. Together, we both set out for the Glade as I schemed.

As the clearing came into view ahead of us, I spoke up; my voice breaking through the dense silence in the Deadheads.

"Hey Newt." I said to gain his attention.

"Yeah?" He responded, looking up at me with raise eyebrows. I felt a smirk play on my lips as I answered. "You're it!" I yelled as I tapped Newt's shoulder and broke off into a sprint to the Glade.

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