Peter Maximoff and Jubilee (x...

By book_lover0222

3.5K 91 17

Basically just short stories and what not about Peter Maximoff and Jubilee from the XMen universe, both have... More

Accidents happen
First date
Hand stand
Panic attacks
Netflix and chill haha not
Thanks for the memories
Snatched Part 2
Depressing. Dont read unless prepared
Romantic Healing
Use protection?
Disney love
Triple date
Quikry love
Brain Damaged Part 1
Brain damage part 2
Its not your fault
Sugar rush
Happy Birthday
maybe we have a chance
I dont even know anymore. Crossovers. Crossovers everywhere!
"I love you"
Help me please
Why won't you say it?
Plans and dreams

Catch me if you can

38 1 0
By book_lover0222

Jubilee POV

"So, your full name is Pietro?" I ask quirking an eyebrow at Peter, a smirk on my lips. He is my best friend, and I may or may not have a crush on him. I know he doesn't feel the same way though.
"N-no!" He stutters his face bright red. I don't get why he's embarrassed, I like it. It's unique, just like he is. I can't help but laugh at how cute he is though. "I-it's not funny!" I want to talk to him about it, but I don't want to make it obvious I like him.
"So, Pietro-" I start saying but am cut off.
"No! Don't call me that! I hate it!" He shouts, and I hear a small crack in his voice. Is he that upset?
"Okay okay jeez." We stand there in silence for a moment, Peter still looks just as red as he did earlier. But there is something in his eyes I don't like. Sadness? I've never seen him get upset like that before. "Why don't you like it?" I ask waiting for something stupid like I just don't, but it doesn't come. He just stands there. "Are you gonna tell me or not?"
"Is not an option?" He asks rolling his eyes.
"No." He huffs and crosses his arms. "What are you five?" He inflates his cheeks and gives me a mean look. "Just tell me!"
"No!" He yells at me looking mad and yet sad.
"Why not?" I ask trying to be calm.
"I don't wanna! Too long and boring!" He is definitely lying, but I decide not to push it.
"Okay fine, you don't wanna talk about it. Friendships go two ways though Peter." I can tell this hits him harder than I intended. "I'm sorry." No response. "Peter-" I start saying.
"Everyone used to make fun of me about it. Said it wasn't cool. They thought I was weird, that I was a loser." Says turning away.
"Which you're not." I say walking over so I can see his face.
"But that's when I started to think I was. I got tired of it after a few years and started lying about my real name." He takes a deep breath before going on. "I had this friend, she used me so much but I was too blind it see it. I just wanted a friend. When I told her about my powers, about my past, and about my name she told all of her friends. They told their friends and so on. Everyone in school thought I was a freak." I wait for him to go on but he doesn't.
"I'm sorry Peter," I put one of my hands on his back. "She wasn't your true friend. No one would do that to their friends. You aren't a freak and you are definitely not a loser." He moves before I can even tell he has, he has pulled me into a tight hug. I am completely shocked at first, but eventually I wrap my arms around him.
"Thank you," he says.
"Of course, I'm always here for you Peter." I say back.
"Why do you put up with me?" He asks curiously.
"Because I love you," I blurt out before I can tell myself not to. I pull away, put a hand over my mouth and run out of the room. What was I thinking? I feel a gust of wind and a warm tingling on my lips. I stumble backwards out of surprise, but he catches me before I fall. "Did you just kiss me?!"
"Would you like me to do it again?" He says smirking at me. Two can play at that game Maximoff!
"Maybe," I say innocently. I smirk before kissing his cheek. "You'll have to catch me first though!" I run down the steps, but not even a second later I am back right where I was. Two strong arms are wrapped around my torso.
"Oh where do you think you're going?" Peter says smirking before pressing his lips against mine. He pulls back smirking at me, and I smirk right back at him.
"Can I get another one of those?" He presses his lips against my ear.
"You'll have to catch me first," he whispers, and with a gust of wind he is gone. I laugh and run out to the main lawn and see him running around tauntingly. I ignite my hands, and shoot a firework at the ground, so a hole is created, it's not huge but big enough for him to fall on the ground at the speed he is going. He is on the ground now trying to catch his breath because it looks like he tried to stop but was too late. I walk over and kiss his lips, laughing.
"Well played Firecracker!" He yells getting up after we pull apart.
"I know!" I say turning around to walk back inside.
(3 weeks later)
"Hey Pietro!" Kurt yells walking past me and Peter studying together.
"Hey Kurt!" Peter yells no looking up from his textbook. I lookup from my book, and smile at him. He looks up at me and gives me a perplexed looked.
"Why are you smiling at me like that?" He asks laughing at my smile.
"Can't a girl just smile at her amazingly hot boyfriend?" I ask back.
"Well yeah obviously, but that was your smile of like proudness," he says laughing back.
"You told Kurt your full name, so yeah I'm proud. Why'd you do it though? I literally found out because your mom was yelling at you when I stopped by your house," I say grinning.
"Well I used to think I was a loser, that you could never like me the way I liked you. But, that all changed three weeks ago, the image of myself I had changed. I knew you thought I was good enough for you, even though you're too good for me. If you love me the way I am, than no one else matters," he says taking my hand. I blush and go back to studying. He kisses my cheek and looks down at his textbook. This relationship is gonna turn out great.

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