Fallen - hyrdas secret weapo...

By mallett64reb

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All i know is my name, it is Raven Storm. That's all I have known since hydra found me, in the desert in mex... More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4 - meet the avengers
chapter 5 - avengers tower
chapter 6 - who is she?
chapter 8 - lab descovery
chapter 9- the meeting
chapter 10 - family chat
chapter 11- cell escape part 1
chatper 12- ultrons escape plan part 1
chapter 13- code ice
chapter 14 - how i met her
chapter 15
my chacter looks like
chapter 16 - shock
author here
chapter 17 to find a witch
chapter 18 plan
chapter 19 - escape with ultron
book 2 preview . He is coming
Author's note please read

chapter 7 -jogging

49 0 0
By mallett64reb

Raven /hazel p.o.v
I turn to my clock to see it has just gone 6:00 am, I quickly change into some jogging bottoms and a top with a shattered star on it when I do I take out my brown contact lens and stare into my blue and red eyes after a while I zone out and sprint to the elevator and click floor 72 in less than a minutes I am on main living room floor and walk to the kitchen and cook bacon as its the only thing hydra let me cook on own once I finished I search the cupboards for some alcohol to drown my problems once I finish the bottle I leave a note saying gone for run be back by 8:00 and I owe tony some whiskey. I then head to the elevator to find Steve in jogging kit and looking hot.
"So why you up so early Hazel?" He asks
"Just going for my daily jog how bout you."  I ask
"Ha same thing here, hey do you want to go jogging together maybe." He asks
~crap he's on to us nyx~
"I would love to but I wish to be alone as I am going to visit my family's grave sorry captain but its very hard it happened a year ago to day." As I say that I for tears to be spilled.
"Oh I am so sorry, if you need to talk here's a phone it has all our numbers in case of emergency and we will answer." He replied shocked of what to say.
Then I hear a ding and we are on bottom floor.
"I see you late captain all probably be back around 8:00."
"Please call me Steve and I'll be back around 7:00 if you need me, I'll be by around the block."
After we say our goodbyes I sprint off towards the grave yard just in case I am being followed I then loop back to central park to think my mission over.
"Raven I think there on to you, also banner has a crush on you so use it as an advantage OK." Nyx says
~ k also what should I do if they figure it out.~
"You just let me talk to them."
After that chat we head back to the tower and I check my phone to see its 9:30 and I have 6 missed calls from half the team."Crap" I yell as I sprint to the elevator and click the main living room. As it arrives I sprint in to find all the avengers looking worried and tony is fuming.
"Hazel we were worried ." Bruce says
" I'm sorry I was at my familys grave and lost track of time." All but Steve looked shocked
"Hazel did you drink my whiskey." Tony asked
"Yes and it didn't say Tony's whisky so I have the right to drink the bottle."  I snap back.  As I say this tony crys saying " my poor baby"
"Friday could you record this before I die of laughter" Clint says.
"Oh but the way what is wrong with lady hazels eyes is it a illness are you sick?" Thor yells while hugging me in a way to protect me.
"Oh yeah I swear your eyes were brown yesterday." Loki say
"Oh shit I am so dead am if I going down I'll take Loki with me." I yell while rugby tackling Loki.
"What the hell get this mulling quim off me." He yelled while trying to get away from me.
After five minutes and vision and Thor ripping me of Loki they looked confused. "I going to take a blood test to see what's wrong?" Bruce asked while running off. A few minutes of silence he come back with a blood collection kit. " there is no need for that I know why but I'm not telling." I say
"I'll still need the blood then." He says coming closer.
"Please don't " I whimpered then all of a sudden I see red and I'm back at the lab in hydra . "oh shit no please let me out" I screamed crawling into a ball.

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