May We Meet Again

By earthtoemi

20.4K 407 78

It's been 6 years since Clarke and Bellamy have last seen each other, but what happened during those 2199 day... More

Author's Note
I. First Anniversary
II. Blood in My Veins
III. You Are Strong
IV. In Peace
V. No Rain
VI. Content
VII. Three Years and Counting
VIII. Fourth
IX. The Four of Us
X. Recordings
XII. Reacting
XIII. Dealing
XIV. 2199
XV. May We Meet Again

XI. Anniversary of Disappointment

1K 26 7
By earthtoemi

Raven's POV

I still haven't figured a way down. It's been five whole years and I still haven't been able to solve the problem.

"Fuckkkkkkkk," I scream as I sweep my hand across my desk. Harper appears from her spot in the corner.

"Raven," she starts.

"No Harper!" I yell. "I've had five years! I'm useless!"

"Raven, you need to calm down. We knew we would have this issue when we decided to live."

"We left Clarke to die and we're stuck up here!" I clutch my head and begin to pace. I can't take this anymore. Bellamy took the easy way out.

Monty appears in the doorway, alerted by either Harper yelling or my clearing of the table. "Raven, just take it easy. Let's go for a walk." I'm desperate for an escape so I accept.

"Harper, you go with her. I'm going to stay here and try the radio. Maybe since it's been five years the radiation will stop messing with it."

"Good plan," I whisper quietly as Harper takes my arm and leads me out into the hall.

We aren't gone for long when a breathless Monty comes racing down the hall after us. "Get.... Bell...amy... now.... an-and the.... oth-others...." He pants. Harper and I look between ourselves. "What's wrong Monty?" Harper asks, moving to his side as he gasps for breath.

He shakes his head and stands up straight, "Just go!" I look at Harper and we run down the hall to Bellamy, passing Murphy and Emori on the way.

"Get to the control room!" Harper shouts, not bothering to slow down. "Monty's orders!" We don't stay to chat, but continue to race towards Bellamy's room.

Bellamy's POV

I rewind the video player and press play; a little Clarke and Wells appear on the screen. I fast forward a little bit to my favorite video- someone, I'm guessing Abby, sneaks up behind Clarke as she's drawing at a desk. The pictures are incredible and my breath catches every time I watch this.

I look away from the screen and glance around the room, Clarke's room. Her drawings have given me solstice these past 4 years; they make me feel closer to her. I can still imagine her waking up everyday before we went to the ground, working on them.

"Hey, Bellamy," a soft voice murmurs from the doorway. I turn to see Echo. I smile at her and she prances over. Her lips meet mine and I can feel myself relaxing. "Hey you," I sigh as I run my hand through her hair.

"Still watching videos?" She teases.

"Yeah well five years today..." I whisper. Echo sits on my lap and I rest my head against her shoulder. She's become my life support these past 3 years; really everyone has become my life support. I couldn't even imagine being as close to my crew as I am now. "Don't worry," Echo is saying when I tune back in. "Raven will find a way down. Octavia could be climbing out of the bunker as we speak!"

Octavia! I smile as I think of her and hug Echo tighter to me. "The little girl under the floor is now a great Heda under the ground!" I say with a chuckle. Echo smiles in amusement and kisses my forehead. I reach up and pull her face down to me, only to be interrupted by Raven.

"Bellamy! Come with me!"

"Good timing, Reyes," I mutter at the smirking girl. Harper rolls her eyes from behind her; "Yeah Raven always had the best timing."

Raven shakes her head, exasperated. "Guys, I need you to come with me, now!!" Harper nods, bouncing on her toes. Whatever this is, it has to be good.

"Alright Raven," Echo says gamely stepping from lap and pulling me with her. I turn back and grab the video player; I don't like to let it out of my sight.

Once we reach the control room, Raven rushes to Monty's side. I notice the radio but I think nothing of it; Monty and Raven have been trying to figure out the radio since we got here. I nod at Murphy who is sitting at a table, his arm around Emori who is looking anxious. He nods back and I go to join him.

"Hey Bellamy," he says easily with a shake of his head. We all cut our hair and Murphy has yet to get used to his lack of long hair. None of us are used to Monty who is basically bald now. "Any idea as to what the hell is so important? I had plans to check on the algae farm today." I roll my eyes at his sarcasm; you can shave his head but you can't take this guy's sarcasm.

Monty clears his throats and we all look at him. Raven nods encouragingly at him, her excitement and eagerness causing her leg to shake. "So uh guys," Monty begins. "We have a radio and it works."

Emori and Echo clap in happiness, but I can tell that there's something else. "What else? I demand. Monty glances at me and I can he's hiding something, that he's afraid. He looks at Raven and she sighs.

"The radio works, but we can't transmit from it."

"So in other words, we can only listen?" Harper asks. "Why is this so important?" Raven and Monty share a look. I'm getting anxious. "Spit it out you two!"

Raven sighs. "Bellamy, please don't get mad." I see the urgency in her eyes; we all do. Echo comes closer to me and I draw her on to my lap.

"Clarke..." Raven whispers, her head bowed to avoid my eye. I notice that Monty is looking anywhere but at me also.

"For God's sake Raven!" I yell, pushing Echo off my lap and standing. I know Echo is hurt by my actions but I don't care. Why is this about Clarke? She's dead. I smack my hands on the table and Raven jumps. I glare at her and I see the fear flicker in her eyes before she turns it into a steely resolve, glaring back at me.

Raven calmly turns around to the control panel and presses a button. A voice fills the room, a voice that haunts me in my nightmares. The voice of an angel I thought was dead. "Clarke..." I whisper, falling into my seat. I hear Harper gasp, her hand covering her mouth; Monty goes to her.

"...I'm going to call every day, every single day until one of you answer and until I'm with you again.
Bellamy *sigh* I hope you're using your head.
May we meet again."

Raven shuts off the speaker. "This is the first message. There are three years worth of messages." She says sadly. Clarke isn't dead... she's alive.

"Apparently we received them all but the communicator is broken," Monty adds from the side, Harper still nestled at his side. Her cheeks are wet and she's smiling. I ignore Echo, her stare burning into the side of my face. Clarke is alive... she's alive!

"So what you're telling me," I start hoarsely, looking between Raven and Monty. "Is that Clarke is alive...? But we can't speak to her?"

They nod grimly. Fuck.

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