~ A New Beginning ~ A Colby B...

By VanillaBunnyxox

23.3K 587 267

Your brother Corey wants you to move out to L.A with him and his friends. You don't know if you want to at fi... More

Phonecall? Part 1
Welcome to L.A! Part 3
Can we talk? Part 4
YES!! Part 5
He Came Back! Part 6
What Makes You Feel Better? Part 7
What Makes You Feel Better? pt 2 || Part 8
For the Views! Part 9
For the Views! Pt 2 || Part 10
Finally! Part 11
"Guys.." || Part 12 ||
I Promise || Part 13 ||
I Said No! || Part 14 ||
If You're Happier ||Part 15||
Whatever || Part 16 ||
Get her back || Part 17

Decision.. Part 2

2.2K 50 11
By VanillaBunnyxox

Y/n p.o.v

I woke up on a Saturday morning to the sound of my 9:00am alarm going off. I instantly remembered the question that was running through my mind non stop.

"We all wanna know if you wanna join!"


He wants to know by at least 1:00pm today.. Do I really want to leave everything here behind? NO.
But it would be nice to see him. YOU KNOW WHAT.. I'll go.

I scrambled to find my phone and called Corey.
"Hey Corey you there?" I spoke into te phone, determined for him to answer.
"Corey's phone! Who is this?" Said sweet voice coming from the speaker. A woman's voice.
"DEVYN!" I said, I smile spreading across my face. I haven't seen her for ages.

"Y/n?! I can't believe it's you! We wanted to know if you were gonna join."
"Yea I was thinking about it and I think I will." I said, still smiling even thought I knew she couldn't see it.
"Awesome!" She said, alarmist screaming. "I'll put Corey on, he just came out of the shower."
"Ok thanks! Bye Devyn."

I heard a few shuffling noises and a couple voices before;
"Sup y/n." I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see it.
"Gee, nice to talk to you too," I said in a sarcastic voice "anyway I've been thinking and I think I wanna join." I said hesitantly into the phone.

"Ok well start packing because you're leaving tonight at 5:00pm!" He said hanging up the phone.
Great. I thought.
I walked over to the corner of my room and pulled my suitcase over. I started packing ALL my clothes, it was ALOT, but, it fit.. I grabbed another purple suitcase that was a TINY bit smaller and started packing my favourite shoes into it. I was gonna chuck all my old one I didn't wear anymore.

Once that filled up the whole suitcase I was left with two pretty big ones.. hmm what else do I need??
I asked myself walking over to my big backpack. I was gonna take this on the plane and in one of the big pockets it would have all the other little important stuff and in the other it would be the stuff like a small toiletry bag and a charger and stuff like that.

I packed everything I needed to and then put the suitcases and my back into the corner of my room. I started FaceTimeing and calling my friends and family telling them what was about to go down. I was so exhausted from packing everything and stressing out and calling everyone that u took a nap and set an alarm for 3:45pm.

3:45pm ~ The Wakeup ~

My alarm went off and I had to be at the airport by 4:45 so I had an hour. It takes about 30 minutes to get there so I just made a cup of tea and woke up a bit. b/f/n (best friend's name) was gonna drive me down to the airport so she came over a bit earlier.

"So.. you ready?" b/f/n said, jingling the keys in her hand.
"I guess. I mean, it was pretty last minute." I replied, placing my cup into the sink. I then remembered I wasn't gonna be able to wash it later so I just quickly rinsed and dried it and put it back in the cupboard.
We walked outside and I said a final goodbye to my house. I don't know when I would be coming back home.

"Oh and by the way, uhm," b/f/n hesitated to say
"what is it?" I said, getting impatient.
"You know my dog, Candy?"
"Yea?" I said, pretty confused as to why we're talking about her pet dog in the way to an airport.
"Well, you know how she had 3 puppies a few months ago and,"
"Yea.. and??"
"Y/n, I know it's last minute but I need you to take care of one." She said, rushing her words.
I decided to drive to the airport and I came to a screeching holy when she said that.

"B/f/n! We're on the way to the airport now!" I said, starting to drive again.
"Ok, sooo, just stop by my place really quick and we'll grab him." She continued.
"Well you know I'm going to have to sneak 'him' onto the plane." I was thinking really hard about this.
"PLEEEEEEEEASE..." she gave me puppy eyes.
"Ok fine omg." I said looking back on the road.

I sped to her house and we picked up the puppy which can I just say I almost died when I saw it. OK JUST LOOK AT THIS HUSKY PUPPY.

We put him in a portable dog kennel type thing and drove to the airport. I somehow managed to sneak the dog past the guards I don't even know how. I gave b/f/n a massive hug, she even started tearing up.

"Don't worry girl I'll be back soon." I said giving her one more hug.
"Passengers on flight D39 please report to room 7." Said a loud woman's voice over the speakers.

A few hours later (like a long time later)

"Ma'am the plane will land in 10 minutes." Said a man's voice, waking me up from my deep sleep.
I looked up and it was one of the flight attendants.
"Oh wow has it already been that long, ok thank you sir." I replied. He nodded and walked off.
I grabbed my things and got ready to get up.

The plane landed and I finally made it past a lot of people pushing and shoving others to get past faster.
I walked down the steps of the plane and prepared myself for a new life.

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