The Girl in the Purple Dress...

By wearetheavengers

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Disclaimer: We do NOT own any of these characters except HeartEye121's original characters. Everyone else bel... More

The Beautiful Pink Troll
The Other Weasley Girl
Lily and James
The Yule Ball
Zacharias Smith
The Surprise Party

Going Back to Hogwarts

1.1K 25 17
By wearetheavengers

Going Back to Hogwarts

Aria's POV

The train whistle blew and I couldn't seem to get away from my black haired, blue eyed parents. My mum, Marie Stevens, was telling me over and over again that she loved me and to have a good school year. My dad, Reginald, was telling me he'd see me November. He must've meant the Hogsmeade trip. Why else would he see me in November? I ignored their talking and told them a thousand more times that I needed to go or else I'd miss the train. Suddenly, I was picked up by a pair of hands and laughed as I knew it was one of my favorite two red haired boys. George Weasley was caring me over his shoulder and I waved to my parents.

"Bye Mum and Dad!" I called to them.

"Don't worry about Aria!" George yelled. "We'll take care of her!"

"That's what we're afraid of!" My mum called back as the two of us entered the train.

George put me down in the aisle and I sighed as I looked into his brown eyes. "Thanks for saving me." I said.

"No problem." He smiled. "Can't have my best friend miss her fourth year at Hogwarts." He walked passed me. "Now come on. Lee and Fred are wating in our compartment."

I followed George down the aisle and we pushed our way through the other Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry students trying to find their own compartment. We finally reached ours and went in to find George's twin brother Fred and our best friend Lee Jordan sitting in there. I took a seat between the two boys as George shut the door and sat on the opposite side of us.

"So, boys, what havoc are we gonna cause on the train this year?" I smiled at the three of them.

Fred grinned mischieviously. "Well, I bought some products from Zonko's that I think are gonna be great."

"Let me guess. Dungbombs, Hiccough Sweets, and Nose-Biting Teacups?" I looked at him.

"You know me so well." He winked.

"We'll start in a half hour. Let everyone settle in."

"No wonder your parents were worried about you." George laughed. "We've corrupted you."

I smiled. "That's the way I like it."

Exactly a half hour later, the four of us had out the joke products and made a plan of who we were getting. First, I was sneaking some Hiccough Sweets into Cauldron Cakes and giving them to Fred and George's younger brother (who was my age) Ron and his friends Hermione Granger and the famous Harry Potter. Once they left their corridor to get some water, I'd snatch Harry's Invisibility Cloak and give it to Lee. Lee would then use the Dungbombs against the Slytherin Prefect who was guarding anyone from getting onto the part of the train only Slytherins used. Once he was gone, Fred and George would use it to change all the teacups in their to the Nose-Biting Teacups while Lee and I kept watch. The plan was perfect.

George and I put the Hiccough Sweets into three different Cauldron Cakes and I then left our compartment. I walked my way down the aisle and got to the Golden Trio's compartment a couple minutes later. I opened up the door with a smile and the three of them looked at me curiously. The expression on their faces showed they were talking about something important like always but wouldn't tell me what it was. I just kept smiling as I closed the door and I took a seat by Hermione.

"Hi guys." I said happily.

"Hey Aria." Harry, Ron, and Hermione said. Their eyes were all on me and I felt like they didn't want me there.

"What's up?" Ron asked.

"I brought you guys these. We had some left over so I thought you guys might like it before Fred and George eat them." I answered.

"Great. I'm starving." Ron said and took one quickly and scarfed it down.

"Why not." Harry said and took one too.

"Thanks, Aria." Hermione smiled and took the last one.

"Well, I guess I'll go back to my compartment then." I told them and went to the door. "See you later."

I left the compartment and met up with Fred, George, and Lee in Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley's compartment. Apparently, the twins told them what we were up to since Ginny was laughing and pressing her face against the window; waiting to see the Golden Trio leave their compartment in a hurry. I sat by Neville and he started talking about Mimbulus Mimbletonia, which was a rare plant he's been wanting. I soon saw a flawh by the window and Ginny said, "There they go!" She started laughing and so did the twins.

"Aria, you're up again." Lee laughed.

"Harry usually keeps the cloak right on top of his luggage." Ginny said as I stood up. We all looked at her and she got red. "Ron told me."

I smiled at her, knowing about her crush on Harry, and walked out of their compartment. I quickly made my way back to Hermione, Ron, and Harry's. Harry's luggage was on the floor and I opened it fast and just like Ginny said, the cloak was on top. I grabbed it then closed the trunk and left the compartment. I passed Lee in the hall and passed it off to him and walked down to the twins. We then started walking the aisle and got to the Ravenclaw section that was right by the Slytherin one. We started talking to Cho Chang to act like nothing was going on. We heard a yell and then the Slytherin Prefect ran through the compartment towards the bathroom to get cleaned up. The Ravenclaws were laughing from the dung that was all over him and then Lee appeared by us. He gave the cloak to the twins since no one was looking and they went towards the Slytherin part.

Lee and I kept watch for the prefect while the twins were in with the Slytherins. We were still in the Ravenclaw part talking to Cho and avoided her questions about where Fred and George went. Soon, they came from the Hufflepuff part which meant they walked through Ravenclaw and made it look like they came from Slytherin. We soon heard yelling from the Slytherins and we ran to see if the teacups had worked. Once we opened the door, we found that it had indeed did and started laughing along with the Ravenclaws. Once we were done, we walked back to the Gryffindor part and I took the cloak back to Harry. He was back in his compartment already free of the effects of the Hiccough Sweets and so was Hermione and Ron. 

"Here you go, Harry." I smiled as I handed it to him. "I found it."

"Sure you did." He said and took it. "You could've asked."

"You would've said no. But good news, half of Slytherin including Malfoy have cut lips." I smiled.

"Sounds like a prank well done." Ron said.

"It was." I left the compartment and went back to mine, Lee's, Fred's, and George's.


Hey guys! Hope you like the first chapter of the Heart Scar series Prequel!! Aloe and I decided to write this together and I'm liking it. I'm gonna be writing all of Aria's chapters and Aloe will be writing George's. Tell us what you think by commenting and vote for the chapter! <3 Kayla a.k.a. HeartEye121

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