the Journal // h.s

By harryCOWWW

661 23 7

in·trigue (verb) - arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate. fas·ci·nate (verb) - draw irresistibly the... More

the Journal // h.s
00. prologue.


50 4 0
By harryCOWWW

“Alright class, I expect an essay worthy thesis on my desk Wednesday morning, sharp! See you tomorrow.” Professor said as the, end of class, buzzer went. The some, 120 students filed out of the seminar room, the halls filled with chatter and disruption.    

“Hey Styles! What up!” I heard, the unmistakable voice of Jude holler from down the hall.

He only caught up to me once I reached to bottom of the building steps. “So what is your topic for this lovely assignment?” Jude asked, shoving his hands in his, brown, beaten up sheep-skin jacket; myself sporting one similar. I simply shrugged, not giving away my ideas.

“I personally think I am going to write about Professors giving massive assignments, the first Monday back into the year. I mean my resolution was to not stress, and guess who already failed? ME!” he exclaimed, cracking off about how his boss is tacking on a few extra shifts for him to cover, because he’s going on a cruise.

“Life’s a bitch.” I commented, a shit eating grin covering my face. “Yeah and then you die.” He finished, causing bubbles of laughter to follow.

“Hey, I have a bumped up English class right now, I’ll catch up with you later.” I said as we just dawned the Second Lit. building.

“Alright I’ll see ya mate – eh ya need a ride?” he asked, pointing his thumb up over his shoulder. I shook my head. “I have shit to do after class.” I replied and he flipped me off. My eyes widened as Mrs. Roy and her old little self came alone.

“Mrs. Roy how are you?” I heard Jude suck up, after quickly pretending to scratch his head to disguise his previous hand gesture. Classic.

English class was boring, I’m seriously thinking about dropping it, but then again it will show on any résumé I submit to a potential job position. Suck it up Harry. I contemplated my Thesis for my Journalism & Author course, thinking of how to get information as the librarian doesn’t like me and we need at least three book sources.

I walked into my Creative Writing Class and took my regular seat. This is without a doubt my favourite class ever, the professor and class is an over all ace. The class filled up as the buzzer went and Professor Collins started the lesson.

“Class today we are going to do a little assignment.” He started, the class groaning just out of habit. Even I let out a little sigh, sometimes school work can be a drag. “You will go out and do a small news article about anything you choose, school appropriate, right Lucas?”

The whole class snickered at Professors last comment. “Yes Sir!” Lucas, the smart ass, said back, standing and saluting Professor Collins who in turn dismissed us to go get started.    


“Hey Styles!”

The unmistakable voice of Jude called from across the campus, as I walked towards the student parking lot.

‘What is he up to now?’

I lifted my hand and waved to him as he made his way over to me. He fell in step with me just as I turned the corner and slipped off of school property. “So Jude, what are you doing out of class?” I asked him as we started down the street.

“I should be askin’ you that, not like you to skip, especially one of your lame writing classes.” Jude remarked, earning a light shove from me and a chuckle. “I’m out doing an assignment, but I doubt you are.” Jude mocked a hurt expression, holding his hand on his chest, causing me to laugh again.

He sighed, removing his hand. “You’re right, I skipped out, and no I’m not going to do my assignment either.”

One thing about Jude is that he is a great actor. I barely tell him that because, he is going to school to hopefully become an actor; wouldn’t want to boost his confidence to much.

I’ve known Jude since nursery school, so I guess you can say he’s the brother I never wanted. He’s the typical ‘British College Boy’, with his wool sweaters and collared shirts, and they definitely don’t fit his personality. He’s got this ‘I couldn’t care less’ attitude about him, and it sure got him into heaps of trouble throughout school, hell it still does; probably always will.

I’d say he’s about 5’11, and hi’s face is littered with freckles. His hair is a dirty blonde mess which he says are his movie star locks.

Not going to lie, he has had his fair share of luck with the ladies, and working at a pub does help him some. It also helps that he tells every girl that he’s in ‘acting’ school, they swoon over that load of crap; he is in two drama classes and one math.

“Hey you remember Avery right? The girl from the-“ “Yes I remember her!” I cut him off to fast, making him laugh at my embarrassment.

“What about her, asshole.” I muttered. He was still laughing and I was becoming angrier. “She was asking about you.” He said totally erasing my anger and making my whole body stop to face him. He took a few more steps before stopping, turning around and looking at me.

“Why’d you stop?” he asked, clueless to my sudden frozen expression. That’s another thing about Jude, is he isn’t that good at reading people, which is going to be one of his flaws in acting.

“You’re not being serious.” I said, thinking to myself that Jude is a jokester so this probably isn’t true. His torn apart poker face confirmed my thoughts when his face broke out in a smile. I shook my head and walked over to him and we started to walk again.

“Why would you care if she asked about you?” Jude asked, failing to hide his amused look.

“I don’t know. She’s just interesting. You never told me about her.” I said looking back towards Jude. Sometimes he is such a piss off; he was loving every minute of this situation, laughing his head off.

He stopped laughing though, when he saw his bus and took off down the street hoping to make it.

“Harry she’s different, not very friendly. I wouldn’t bother with her. See ya around!” he called to me from the door of the bus.

I shook my head and continued on my hunt for my assignment.


January, 5th 2014

Why would Jude say that she isn’t friendly? He seemed to be talking her ear off just a few days ago, and he introduced her to me as one of his ‘regulars’. I really want to get to know her, she seems like she has a story and its very intriguing. I think most people would think I’m absolutely crazy for saying all these things about a person who I have barley met, but that’s just who I am.

I know I am judging her, saying she must have this amazing back story and all these experiences, but I get that vibe from her. I think she has had a lot of amazing things happen to her and she doesn’t look older than me. I don’t know how I’m going to get to know her better; Jude says she comes into his pub a lot, but she is almost always swarmed by these big men.

I really just want to get to know her. People, especially Jude, don’t understand, and I don’t know how to explain such an unexpected obsession with this girl, Avery.


an; I’m starting this now, slow updates until Battle Scars is done, which is soon! –n. 

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