My Brothers Best Friend

By FiveSecondsOfDolan

74.2K 1.4K 91

It's hard to be the little sister from a famous drummer. He's always on tour and you really miss him, but you... More

• Part 1 •
• Part 2 •
• part 3 •
• Part 4 •
• part 5•
• Part 6 •
• part 7 •
• Part 8 •
• part 9 •
• Part 10 •
• part 11 •
• Part 12 •
• Part 13 •
• part 15 •
• Part 16 •
• part 17 •
• Part 18 •
• part 19 •
• Part 20 •
• part 21 •
Part 22
• part 23 •
• part 24 •
• Part 25 •
• part 26 •
• Part 27 •
• Part 28 •
• Part 29 •
• Part 30 •
• Part 31 •
• Part 32 •
• part 33 •
• Part 34 •

• Part 14 •

1.5K 33 2
By FiveSecondsOfDolan


We all stayed in our room to eat and watch a movie. The waffles and pancakes that we ordered are so good. "This is so good" I said before I do my last piece of pancake in my mouth. Everyone nods. Except for Noa, she didn't say anything since she is back. I need to ask her what's wrong. When we all are done with eating we wanted to watch a movie. "Okay guys, what shall we watch." Calum said. "FROZEN!" Noa and I screamed from excitement. Everyone is laughing. "No not Frozen" ashton said "why not?" I said with a sad face. "You guys are always watching Frozen" "then we are watching Mean Girls." Noa said "YESS" Luke said happy.

"NOOO" everyone else said. "Let's watch Frozen" Michael said and started to movie. "Yes" and Noa and I give each other an high five. Luke looks disappointed because we aren't going to watch Mean Girls. "Sorry Luke, maybe next time." I said to him and looked back at the tv. "I wish I could be Elsa" I said random. "What? Why?" Calum said laughing. "Because she has an amazing power and she has beautiful hair. That's why" I said "I want to have her powers too" Noa said with a smile. "You two are insane" Calum said. "Love you too" we both said to Calum. He rolls his eyes and looked back at the tv. When the movie ended it was 1AM. "Maybe it's time to leave guys, I'm sorry." I said.

"Yeah we are really tired" Noa said. "It's okay girls, go to sleep" Ash said and walked to the door. He wait for the other boys. We both gives the boys a quick hug before they're leaving. When I hugged Michael he gives me a little kiss on my hair. "Goodnight little" he said with a lovely smile "goodnight"I said back.  When the are gone Noa and I start to change into our night clothes. "Noa?" "Hmm?" " What happened after you and Luke ordered food? You didn't said something when you got back in our room" I said to her thoughtfully. "Well.." she said nervous.

"When we ordered food there was a girl and she tried to get Luke his attention so I got jealous, and when we walked back Luke and I almost kissed each other. But Calum interrupted us." I started to jump and clap in my hands like a child. "AAAHHH" I almost screamed from happiness. "You two need a ship name" I said determined "we need what?" She said shocked. "What do you think about Loa? Or not?" I asked her hopeful. Noa shakes her head. "You're crazy Amy" she said smiling. "I know you love me" I said with a pedo face. "Pervert" I laughed so hard I almost peed. "Amy stop, go to sleep. " Noa said laughing. "Okay mommy" "good girl" she said giggling. We lay down on our Kingsized bed. "Goodnight Noa" "goodnight Amy" and that was the last thing I heard before I fell in a restless sleep.
I walk in a dark forest, I look around. Suddenly I see Noa. "NOA" I screamed at her "WATCH OUT" she smiled at me before she walks back and gets caught by a wolf. "NOAAAA" I screamed as hard as I could. I tried to run to the place where Noa was. But I couldn't move. I looked scared around me and saw something. It came closer. When it was close enough I saw what it was. It was my mom. "It is your fault." She said with a creepy voice. I look scared at her.

"It iS YOUR FAULT! ITS YOUR FAULT THAT YOUR FATHER IS DEAD!" I am shocked  about what she just said, I always loved my father. "No its not" I cried.  "YOUR FATHER RISKED HIS OWN LIFE FOR YOU " She yelled at me. "IF YOU NEVER HAD PLAYED WITH FIRE IN THE TIME I WAS GONE THE HOUSE WOULDN'T CATCHE FIRE!" "it wasn't  me" I cried . "Yes it was" someone else said. I looked at that person, it was Michael. "Its was your fault that your father was trapped in the fire, only to save you. And that was a big mistake from him" Everything you do is wrong. Your fat, ugly, and no one loves you." He said with a dark voice. "No michael, please, don't say this" I cried. Everyone who I loved came around me "your not worth it to live. No one cares about you" everyone said. "Your right, it is my fault, everything is my fault" I cried. I start to believe that they are right, that it is really my fault that my father is dead. they came closer and are trying to touching me. "GO AWAY" I screamed. GO AWAY!"

Hey people. Amy's father died in a fire and they blame Amy, but is it really Amy's fault or not? And what do you think about the ship name Loa?😏😂
Hope you liked this part❤️

Xx A&N

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