seventeen family | under co.

Da sunwooism

217K 7.7K 1.7K

Another seventeen family story, In which Seokmin and Jisoo start a family Parent!SeokSoo and Kid!Seventeen Altro

seven. (i)
seven. (ii)
nine. (i)
nine. (ii)
nine. (iii)
thirteen. (i)
thirteen. (ii)
fifteen. (i)
fifteen. (ii)
Note ♡
5K+ bonus chap.
twentytwo. (i)
twentytwo. (ii)
10K+ bonus chap.
hello !


9.7K 328 171
Da sunwooism

It was in the middle of the night when Jisoo woke up to a loud cry, he turned to face an empty side where his husband would lie. Jisoo sat up and pulled the covers off and began to make his way to the nursery.

As he got closer, the cries began to quiet down, while a calming voice sang an old lullaby. Jisoo stopped by the door to see his husband sing Jeonghan to sleep, meanwhile a now fussy Seungcheol was sat against the side of his crib, arms moving about as if he wanted to be carried too.

Jisoo giggled as he watched the scene, he walked into the nursery and stopped at Seungcheol's crib, picking up the fussy ten month old baby. The two parents were rocking their babies to sleep, the both of them singing a lullaby to help them sleep. Soon enough both babies were asleep, the parents gently placed the babies back into their crib before making their way back to their room.

It was eight am when the Lee family was up and ready to have breakfast. Seokmin was busy setting up the table while Jisoo was cooking their meal. A giggling Seungcheol was sat in his high chair, hands grasping a plastic spoon and plate as he began to bang them against his tray.

The parents laughed at their eldest who looked too cute while waiting for his food. That's when Jisoo realized how were they going to feed Jeonghan, the seven month old baby was still peacefully asleep in his crib but will be demanding food when he gets up.

Seokmin had suggested baby food like they'd give to Seungcheol, but Jisoo refused saying that Jeonghan is still a few months old, so feeding him solid foods wouldn't be the best idea. That's when they realized they needed to get powdered milk mix for the baby. Seokmin was off to the store while Jisoo stayed back to finish up their breakfast and watch their babies.

Seokmin walked into the house with a plastic bag full of baby milk formula and some more plastic baby bottles. Jisoo was busy feeding Seungcheol, who was babbling about while he ate, the baby's face covered with oatmeal. Seokmin switched places with Jisoo, making funny faces at Seungcheol before feeding him, meanwhile Jisoo got started on Jeonghan's bottle.

It wasn't long before a loud cry emitted through a baby monitor near Seokmin, which made the man jump. Jisoo was finished with the bottle and began to make his way to the nursery. The crying got louder as he neared the nursery, he pouted slightly as he neared the crib to see his baby.

"oh baby, baby, is Jeonghannie hungry? Is my baby boy hungry?" He asked the still crying baby, he picked him up and gently rocking him as he made his way back to the kitchen where he had left Jeonghan's bottle.

He reached the kitchen, making his way over to the baby bottle, he checked the temperature before pressing the nipple of the bottle lightly against Jeonghan's lips. Jeonghan quieted down for a moment before turning his head away from the bottle and began to cry again.

"Min-ah, he won't have his bottle." He said turning to his husband who had just finished feeding a very satisfied looking baby. Seokmin got up, taking the bottle from Jisoo before attempting to feed Jeonghan. The baby repeated his actions, facing away from the bottle to wail again.

"He doesn't like formula milk, what do we do?" Seokmin looked at his husband before motioning to his chest. "Try breastfeeding." Jisoo took a breath and nodded, he went upstairs to the nursery, rocking Jeonghan before stopping to carefully lift up his shirt.

Breakfeeding was working, Jeonghan was feeding. The baby was soon finished feeding, seeing that he turned his face away from Jisoo's chest. Jisoo placed Jeonghan in his crib so he could pull his shirt down. He picked up Jeonghan and began to make his way back to the kitchen.

"He fed?" "Mhm, a bit too much I guess, it aches a bit. But I'm okay." Seokmin chuckled and took the baby from Jisoo, telling the older to eat while he took care of Jeonghan.

Jisoo sat down beside Seungcheol who was feeding on the bottle Jeonghan had rejected. He smiled at Seungcheol, the baby giggling back at him. Jisoo began to eat all the while Seungcheol was speaking gibberish towards him.

Throughout the day was filled with so much laughter from Seungcheol, and whining and crying from a very fussy Jeonghan. Apparently Jeonghan loves to sleep, so the loud giggling from Seungcheol wasn't helping his ever-so-tired younger brother.

But Jisoo and Seokmin somehow made it work.

—author's note—
So the rest of Seventeen will eventually be added, but they'll be added slowly, meaning that for now the Lee family will be a family of four. I hope you're enjoying the story so far :)

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