The Diary of Emmalulu2

By Emmalulu2

5.6K 265 458


Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 4
Entry 5
Entry 6
Entry 7
Entry 8
Entry 9
Entry 10
Entry 11
Entry 12
Entry 13
Entry 14
Entry 15
Entry 16
Entry 17
Entry 18
Entry 19
Entry 20
Entry 21
Entry 22
Entry 23
Come hangout with me im answering Qs

Entry 3

461 20 34
By Emmalulu2

Dear fans,

Sorry I haven't updated my diary in a while. Most of you know about my friend's father and his fight against cancer.

I've constantly been with her and haven't had time to update any of my stories, nor did I have time for my diary.

Anywayz, ? Time!

Questions are from @Swissgirl10

Q: Favorite color? Why?

A: Green, it reminds me of summer time, plus it's a Slytherin color. :D

Q: Favorite food?

A: Aaah that's a hard one because I'm not a picky eater. Sooo... anything Italian mainly, with shrimp in it too.

Q: Favorite song as of right now?

A: Another hard one because I listen to so much music... I'd have to say Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift.


Thank you so much for your questions!

Now here is my question for you...

Favorite Dessert?

Thanks so much and don't forget to send me questions for my next diary entry!

luv ya,


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