Fairy knight

By witch_of_the_night

107 0 0

Ps winx club fan fic A dark fairy will finally see her brother again. A long visit will show her how to use... More

The meet of fate
Athours note
Shall they need her
Athours note
The mother
After practice
Athours note
Preparing for the party
Athours note again
Athours note

There back

4 0 0
By witch_of_the_night

Dear spell book
Well I am back time to tell you about the next day and the magic fight, it was awesome to see but it was hard to win. But with the help of my new friends,and Draco we win it.
" WAKE UP YOU THREE YOU GOT SCHOOL" mom yelled at us
" FINE WE ARE COMING MOM" chase yelled back sleepily
Ten minutes later
"Kids time for school" dad said as he ate an egg that was on his plate
" okay we are going love you dad" I said as I left
" bye sweetie" my dad says kissing my head and doing it to my brother and pushed us out the door
At school
" hey princess" Draco said putting his hands on my waist and kissed my neck
" hey Draco nice to see you again" l said as I kissed his arm
" you two need to stop we are at school" a preppy voice said
" yo eve what's up" I said annoyed
   " hey" Draco said a little mad
   " well me and Mal have a track compition  so we have to get ready and Draco your brother want a you" evie explained
    " ok eve lets go my dad will kill me if I am late to another one" I said a little sad I was likening that cuddle
   " bye princess you will do great on that meet" Draco said kissing my check
   " bye bye babe" I said skipping to the changing room
           With Draco
" what the hell do you want Derek" I said a little mad
" when I want you to now that you have to meet the new student today" Derek said with Mona tone voice
" why he heck do I have to" I said confused
" when you have to sad said you do" Derek said
" fine fine ugh" I said
With Mal
" yo eve I am done you done" I said not turning around till she answers me
" yes I am done M" Evie said
" ok then lets go out to the track and warm up before they meet" I said
" yup lets go" Evie said
We jog out to see the cheer brats waiting for us we jog past them they we mad. We did our 2 mile warm up then we got called for the meet, we then sprinted there not wanting to be late we were not. We got there and we did Stretch with the team and got ready for the meet.
" READY SET GOOOOOOO" cap yelled and we were off to win it
20 minutes later
" THE FIRST PERSON IS MAL BLADE NEXT UP, GENE DARK THEN, EVIE VILLAIN" cap yelled and then told everyone when they were back to get water
" THATS IT FOR TONIGHT" cap yelled again god he's anoying
Back at the parking lot
" hey princess" Draco said coming to me
" hey boy" I said
"STOP IT" Evie yelled me and Draco laughed
" hey how about we go get ice cream it will be COLD" I said I picked up my voice to say cold so gene and Evie would be tempted to say yes
" hell yes " gene said well maybe yelled
" ok then lets go " I said
Evie got her boyfriend to drive her
Gene road my bike because his brother took it with out him knowing
And I went with Draco
" we are here " I yelled that a little
" yup thanks Sherlock" gene said with  sarcasm dripping from his voice
" hah hah so funny" I said unamused
" MAL" a voice behind me said
" oh hey there bloom" I said shock she was here
" well we are all here but hi" bloom said as she moved to revile the rest of them
" hey there guys um these are my friends Gene, Evie, Tristan, and you know Draco" I said introducing them
" nice to meet you " bloom and the rest said
      " well we were going to get some ice cream do you want to come with us?" I asked them
       " sure we can come" Musa said
        " ok well we are aready here so let's go in" Gene said
        "Yeeeeeesssssss ice creammmmmmm" I screamed
        " damn don't scream girl" said Tristan
        "ok then lets go" Stella said
        " got the bill for the ice cream let just hope it's not too expensive" Draco said
        Ten minutes later
         " yummmmmm" I said very happy
         "well I lost 40 dollars from this ice cream trip" Draco said
         " well me, Gene, and Tristan have to go back home so bye" Evie said
         " bye" we all said
         "Mal we should all go to the park I will be fun?" Timmy asked
         " ok lets go" I said excited to go
          At the park
          " ok what do you guys want to do" I said sitting by Draco
          " um lets talk about how you guys got magic" Tecna asked
          " sure well I got my magic when I went a school in a magic realm not going to say names but they tought me how to use magic for good and bad like when they tought  black magic and curses then I went to cloud tower for a year then left because it was to easy for me that's how I have magic" I  explained
          " I got my magic from my father I went to the school Mal went to I got tought black magic and curses from my father me and Mal had to do a magic test so  we could get better wands then we graduated from the school and we still use magic here and there that how I got magic" Draco explained
          " that interesting we all were born with magic well the girls the guys don't have magic just magic weapons but we should  show you are school" Stella said
          " STELLA  miss faragonda is going to kills us if we bring people over" Musa said
          " yah your right sorry" Stella said sadly
          " oh its ok Stella don't be sad" I said hopefully to cheer her up
          BOOM SNAP
          " what was that?" I asked
          " I think it is the trolls there back" flora said
           " oh god no ok then let's take them there is only four" I said as I took my wand out
            " let's do this girls WINX BELIEVEIXS" bloom said
           * athour here they are in season 4 in this story so they are still on believeix  and they also did the transformation*
           " Draco protective curse together" I said
            " got it ready set go" Draco said
                      " protectimunigs" we both chanted
            " we got 2 but that took a lot of magic so can you guys get the other two we will try to help" Draco said
            " we got one girls your turn" sky yelled
             " died there all goon" bloom said
            " good now let me and Draco get rid of them" I said and Draco agreed
                   "Poofmix" we both said
              " ok there all gone but what or are they following" I asked
              " well we are thinking it is the trix that is three sisters there names are Darcy, Stormy, and Icey they like to cause trouble they don't like us that much" Tecna said
             " oh those brats yah most likely they are the cause of this" I said
              " Mal you know them ?" Flora asked
              " yah they we girls I knew when I was at cloud tower they are no good they also don't like me because I am better at black magic then them" I explained
        Hey sis where the heck are you mom is mad come home now before she get even more mad *chase*
          Ok I am coming home I was out with friends at the ice cream shop then we went to the park be they as fast as I can bye *mal*
       " well guys my brother just texted me so I have to go home" I said
      " wait I thought riven was your brother?" Musa questioned
       " yes he is I have adopted brothers and I treat them like my brother it is only far but I got to go my mom is mad" I explained I kissed Dracos check and left on my motorcycle
         Well that it spell book see you for the next day of my life.

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