Twisted - A Paisleywood Story

By sugarmeltsintherain_

21.9K 781 192

You'll have to read to know what the story is about, bae More

Wait, WHAT?!
Friendly Date Night?
Can't Do It No More.
Miranda Finds Out
He Cannot Wait.
A Bit Shocked
The Truth Exposed.
A Day Without Brad?
The Reality
The Reality Part II
Isn't It Surprising?
Starts With Goodbye
Starts With Goodbye Part II
I Know You Won't
The Next Day
Remind Me
A New Friend
Just Another Day
The Ellen show
This is it.
what now?
This is Just A Dream
Next step?
The Call ☎
Home Sweet Home :)
Thank God For Hometowns
I Love You
Back For You
Fun Fun Fun!
It Is A Lovely Night Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→
Stay With Me
Don't Keep Your Hopes Up
There's Good In Goodbye
Untwist It
The Future.

Get Out Of This Town

556 20 1
By sugarmeltsintherain_

Today I woke up by the sun peeking through the blinds. I'm not expecting Brad to be by my side since he just snuck out last night. I understand that, of course. I need to accept these consequences of being a .. a.... mistress? yeah. As bad as it sounds, i need to get used to it, I guess. Because that's what I really am.

Anyway, today I need to get back to work and write songs for my next album. That way, my mind would go off thinking about Brad, maybe. How about I write a song about us? nah! that'd be a bad idea.

It's 8:30 in the morning when I decided to get out of bed. I need to be at the studio at 11 so I still have a lot of time. But first things first, Ace and I need to have breakfast. I'm starving, since yesterday all I ate was pancakes and popcorns because of the accident. oh shoot! That accident!! I'm supposed to go back to the hospital and check on Ella. I can't believe I forgot about that.

I tossed some eggs on the pan and gave Ace his food. I took a shower and slid on some jeans, a white tee and a matching scarf. I put on a little make-up and curled my hair then dialed my manager's number. I need to reschedule work because I think i'd be spending the whole day with Ella and her mom.

After a long conversation, my manager already agreed. I immediately went out and drove to the hospital and headed straight to Ella's room.

"Good morning Mrs. Green." i greeted with a huge smile on my face.

"Good morning Ms. Underwood. and please call me Amy. I feel old when i'm called Mrs. Green haha." she said slightly chuckling.

"oh and likewise Mrs. Green, I mean Amy. call me Carrie. i'm not used to being called Ms. Underwood. it's too formal." i said as we sat down on the chairs.

"okay Carrie. by the way, thank you very much for coming here today. It really means a lot and it'd mean the world to my daughter. thank you."

"aww.. no worries Amy. it's my pleasure! Anyway how is she?"

"The doctor said she's gonna wake up soon.. so you're just right on time." she says as the doctor enters the room.

"Mrs. Green and oh Ms. Underwood. Ella's gonna be awake in a few. I'm here to tell you a few reminders. She may not be able to remember you or anything that happened before the accident but don't worry, it wouldn't take so long before she does. and it's best to tell her honestly what happened to refresh her mind. It will help her recovery a lot."

"oh okay, Doc. thank you."

"now, if you'll excuse me." The doctor says as he exits the room.

"Out of curiosity and if you don't mind, what really happened yesterday? you said you were looking for her all day. I mean, did you fight or something?"

"To be honest, Carrie. We had a huge fight yesterday. We've been fighting for days already. I'm asking her to break-up with her boyfriend because he's been a bad influence to my daughter. He smokes, drinks a lot and does drugs. I mean, how can I let my daughter be with a guy like that? But she wouldn't agree with me. She said she loves him very much. But I just can't stand seeing my daughter's life go to waste. His father and I raised her well and did everything we can to make sure she lives a good life. So we were feuding yesterday until she gets her things and stormed out. "

"Oh I see. I get your point a lot, Amy. I mean I'd do the same if I was on your shoes. Don't worry, I'll talk to her about that and convince her to do what's right. Let's just hope she listens to me." i say with a grin.

"I couldn't thank you enough, Carrie. And she will probably listen to you. She listens to everything you say on TV and every advice you give. She looks up to you so much that sometimes I get jealous because she tells you "I love you" even if she's just watching you on TV when she couldn't even hug me. She just loves you so much Carrie."

"awww. that's very nice to hear.. on my part tho. But she doesn't tell you she loves you or anything sweet?"

"haha no. as in NO N-O."

"OH. that sucks. I guess i'll have to talk to her about that too." just as I finished my sentence we heard Ella spoke.


"Yes, baby? I'm here. what do you need?" Amy immediately stood up and sat beside Ella. I just stayed on my chair.

"Where am I?" Ella asked.

"You're in the hospital sweetie. You had an accident yesterday. You got hit by a truck. You remember what happened?"

"oh.. and no i don't. all I can remember was You and I feuding and i'm so sorry Mom. i'm really really sorry. I should've just listened to you so then no accident would've happened." she says breaking into tears. She couldn't see me yet because Amy was blocking her sight.

"don't be. It's not your fault. It was and ACCIDENT. it was nobody's fault so do not blame yourself."

"I love you mom." Ella said which made Amy cry.

Boy, aren't they cute to watch? ugh. I miss my momma and daddy.

"By the way, compose yourself, because you have a visitor."

"what? Do i really have to? it's not like it's Carrie visiting me."

"Uhmm. I really am visiting you Ella, anyway I really don't mind, even if you have a catarrh dripping on your nose. it's fine." Ella's face  is priceless. She couldn't speak nor move. She just have her jaws drop.

"I may not mind catarrh dripping but you should close your mouth before saliva starts to drip." i say chuckling.

"you are Carrie freaking Underwood! oh my freaking goodness. I couldn't cope. i'm gonna faint. i'm gonna faint. I can't believe you're standing in front of me. oh my goodness. somebody pinch me!" she says and I can tell she's still weak by the tone of her voice.

"Hahaha! come on, Ella! i'm real you're. not dreaming." i say laughing.

" you know my name? YOU KNOW MY NAME!! and you're talking to me? Carrie Underwood's talking to freaking me!"

"Yes I know you're name and I am talking to you! hahaha. calm down lady. I'm just another normal person like you."

"uhm nope. you're not normal. not that I mean you're abnormal but you're a fucking goddess. An angel sent from up above. God's greatest blessing. You are my world. Don't you dare call yourself normal."

I can tell she's fangirling. am I right? it's fangirling and They are all called fangirls.

"hahaha. thank you. i'm flattered. But no need for cursing. Hahah."

"I'm so sorry about that. I just.. i can't contain my feels right now. i'm gonna explode. oh my god."

Thus girl, she's really funny.

"oh and can I ask you something, Carrie?"

"shoot!" I replied then she motions me to come closer and whispers.

"Is the news about You and Brad true? no offense, i just.. I SHIP YOU TWO SO HARD, I'M GONNA DIE FOR #PAISLEYWOOD. and sorry i didn't mean to shout at you i. the ears. oopsy!."

"Girls, i'm gonna go buy some lunch. I'll be back in a few." Amy says as she exits.

I sat down beside Ella and said "don't be ecstatic or something okay? because yes it is true. but shush. I know it's the headline of every magazine in every corner of the streets but I only confirmed it to you."

"oh em geeeeee!" she said with the biggest smile you can ever imagine. "I can't. oh em gee. you two should just hook up and Kim and Brad should have a divorce and then You should have a PaisleyWood baby and then you would have the most perfect family!!!"

this kid, she imagines a lot. and a lot like my imagination.

"haha. you are so funny! we can't do that. They have kids. and it would ruin our reputation."

"oh, i see. oh well, just tell me everything about you two, pleaaaaaseee?" she pleads.

What can I do? So i told her every single thing. but not the PRIVATE sides. haha i wouldn't wanna tell that to anybody.

after a couple more minutes Amy came back.

"Hey, so I had a lot fun this morning.. but I think I should get going now.. You take care Ella, and shush." I say as I wink at her. "Amy, i already talked to her. and she told me that she already broke up with his boyfriend yesterday." I whispered to Amy preventing Ella from hearing it.

"thank you so much Carrie." she said as she hugs me.

"No problem."

I hugged Ella and bid goodbye to them. It's so nice to know how you can affect someone's life positively. It's amazing. .

I drove back home finding Brad sitting on the doorstep.

"Hey! what are you doing there?" I asked.

"I left my key inside so I just waited for you. Where have you been?"

"At the hospital."

"why? are you okay? are you sick? are you pregnant?" he asks worried.

"Brad, calm your tits. i'm fine. i'm not sick and neither am I pregnant!" i say as we head inside and sat on the couch " so.. does Kim know you're here?"

"nope. she has a shooting today." he says smiling.

"and the kids?"

"at school. So i'm all yours babe." he said laughing.

"shut up coz if you don't you might not be able to go home." i said smiling slyly. haha.

"ooooooh. cheeky. Why what would you do, Underwood?" he said leaning closer to me.

"this." I said then kissed him. Then he pulled away shortly..

"hmmm.. i really don't think I can go home.."

"why?" i asked.

"this." he said then kissed me.

We're laying on the couch still kissing. I got my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck. He stood up not breaking the kiss and headed to my bedroom. He sat me down the bed and removed my shirt as I unbuckle his belt. I laid down and he pulled off my jeans. Just then i felt his lips crashing into mine again. Then I pulled away.

"I need air, sorry." then he laughed and kissed me again. His hands intertwined with mine. He starts kissing my neck. oh dear goodness. i can't feel my stomach. my knees are going weak. I can't help but bite my lip. Then the next thing happened. You know what I mean.

"Brad, can I ask you something?" i said as I cuddled up to his chest.

"of course. what is it?"

"I just thought of it this morning while i'm eating breakfast. What do you think we just uhmm.. we run away you know. us two together and just leave all these troubles behind and start a new life.?"

"Carrie you know we can't do that. I have kids. We have our careers. And what about your parents."

"I know it's a stupid idea. I just wanna know what you think."

"don't worry, Care---" he got cut off by the alarm on his phone.

"oh shoot! I have to fetch the kids." he says jumping out of the bed putting his clothes back on. " I'm so sorry Carrie, but i'll be back tomorrow. I'll call you later when I get the chance." he says as he kisses me goodbye and left me alone i. the room.

this sucks so much. ugh. but what can I do? i just need to get used to it, I guess.

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