In The Shadows (A Justin Bieb...

By dominicsccott

139K 4.7K 622

Love Never Dies. Unfortunately, Neither Do They. This story is mine and mine alone. If you want to transla... More

Chapter 2: Running
Chapter 3: Change me
Chapter 4: Tragedy
Chapter 5: Seeing through his eyes
Chapter 6: Discovery and Memories
Chapter 7: Learning the Alphabet
Chapter 8: You see me but not me
Chapter 9: Control?
Chapter 11: Hide and Seek
Chapter 12: Found
Chapter 13: Alone
Chapter 14: Attack
Chapter 15: Close
Chapter 16: Myrnin
Chapter 17: Him
Chapter 18: Home?
Not an update!!!
Chapter 19: Save Me
Chapter 20: Hold
Chapter 21: Finding Out
Chapter 22: Demands
Chapter 23: End

Chapter 10: Different Demons

4.9K 161 23
By dominicsccott


I watched the man run up the stairs of the hotel in confusion and fear. A shiver ran down my spine and I grabbed the phone in front of me. I dialled 911 and tapped my foot impatiently as it rang. Three rings later and a woman picked up.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"I think someone's going to be killed!" I whispered frantically into the phone. I didn't want anyone else to hear me!

"Ma'am, I can't hear you, are you able to speak up?"

"No!" I hissed a teeny but louder. "I said, I think someone's going to be killed!" I said more impatiently.

"What has happened?" she asked.

"A vampire came in and said he was my worst nightmare and that some matter was life and death!"

"Okay ma'am, where are you?"

"I'm in the Grace Hotel, 18 Range Street." I answered. I heard clicking. "Okay, and what's your name?"

"Lizzie," I said. I heard more typing. "Okay Lizzie, I'm sending help now, just stay on the line and you'll be fine. Did the vampire ask for a room key or tell you his name?" "Yeah, he made me give him a card to room 210. He never said a name, but he had green eyes and dark brown hair, he was around 6'2 and looked like he was at least 19 or 20." I replied. More typing. "Okay, they're almost there, be careful and everything will be fine." "Okay," I said, and then at least two dozen men swarmed into the lobby, armed and a man shouted, "Police!"

I stood on the desk and waved my arms. "Here!" I shouted. "Lizzie what in GODS NAME ARE YOU DOING? GET DOWN FROM THERE NOW!" My boss Derek roared at me. The men quickly came over to me as people scattered, screaming. "Everyone please remain calm, everything is ok!" a man called, raising his hands. They hushed a little, then completely. "Are you Lizzie?" one policeman asked. I nodded. "He's in room 210, but I want to go with you! Two girls called Jane and Arianna checked in there, I want to see if they're okay!" I said quickly. He frowned. "Ma'am I can't allow that, a vampire is dangerous and we can't risk the life of a civilian." he said. I frowned and folded my arms. "I'm going, I promise I'll stay out of your way and I will keep myself safe!" I said stubbornly. He sighed then nodded. "Fine, but stay close to us. LET'S MOVE!" He shouted the last bit, and I flinched. Damn, he was loud!



I jerked away from Natalie and stumbled away from the bed, tripping and falling over her quilt. "No," I gasped, still increasing the distance between me and my would be meal. "N-no, I won't!" I ran to the living room and slid the bolt back on the door with trembling hands. It took three tries and I finally wrenched the door open to be met with a face full of guns. I recoiled in surprise and a man shouted, "GRAB HIM!" That snapped my out of my shock and I snarled, showing fangs and letting my eyes turn black. I was tackled and I shouted when a substance was injected into me. I roared. "What is the meaning of this? Let me GO!" They hauled me up and shoved my out of the door. I looked up and the men stopped for a brief second to consult with another man. I locked eyes with the girl I had demanded the card off and I snarled at her. "You did this?" I demanded. She looked at me with wide frightened eyes. "I'll kill you!" I hissed. She stepped back and a man forced my head down. "Quiet!" he snapped, and I was shoved down the stairs. The substance was beginning to numb me, and I shouted weakly," No, I didn't do anything! This is a mistake, I was trying to save Natalie!" I yelled, kicking. "Damn, he's too strong! Inject him again!" "NO!" I shouted, writhing. "STOP! STOP THIS!" I was injected again and everything went black.


The remaining policemen stepped into the apartment and the leading one stopped and turned away from something in the floor and puked violently. "James, what's wrong?" One guy asked, and James pointed. I came forward. Jared, his name tag read, saw me and made to grab me, but it was too late. I saw a girl lying dead on the floor, her throat slit and her clothes torn. Her eyes were wide and glassy and her skin was still oozing blood. Oh god. We were too late. "Can I help you?" I screamed again and we all whipped around to see Arianna standing in the doorway leading to the bedrooms. Her skin was paper white and her eyes had dark circles around them. She was wearing a pair of white yoga shorts and a white tank shirt. "Arianna?" I asked tentatively. She glanced at me. "What?" she asked. When she said 'what' it sounded like 'wot'. She was British. "Miss Arianna, you have to come with us. "Did I do something wrong? Where's Fa- Jane?" she asked nervously. She looked at the ground and screamed when she saw Jane on the floor. "JANE!" She screamed, and lunged for her. An officer grabbed her and picked her up. "No! Put me down, put me DOWN, PLEASE!" She shrieked, sobbing. "Arianna you have to calm down NOW." Jared said with authority. She didn't listen, and kept thrashing. "ARIANNA!" Jared shouted, and we all flinched. Once again, damn he was loud!


As a sleeping Justin was placed into the back of a police cruiser with silver wire mesh separating him from the officers, Natalie broke down. She cried and Justin moaned in an uneasy but deep sleep. As Natalie was walked down to another cruiser, she stopped and looked back at the hotel one last time. Her bags were loaded into the trunk and, at her request, Fawn's bags too. She wanted to keep something of Fawn's to remember her by.

Officer Sean

I glanced at the sleeping vampire nervously behind us as I drove. I was a newbie and everyone knew it. This was the first time I had dealt with a vampire hand to hand, and I guess it was only natural for me to feel like this. "How old do you think he is?" I asked my partner Caleb. He had been here for four more years than me and was much more experienced. He looked at the vamp for a couple of minutes in silence. "I'd saaaaaayy.... around 500. Did you hear the way he talked? 'Stop this, what is the meaning of this?'" he mocked his accent and laughed. I laughed too. "That is NOT how I talk." a low voice growled, and we both stiffened. "Oh shit!" I hissed. "How the hell could he have woken up so quickly? We dosed him with 500 grams of sleeping medicine!" "I can hear you, you know." Vampie smirked. "Ignore him!" Caleb hissed. So we did.

I kept glancing at him, not trusting the thick leather chains that bound him. He met my eye in the mirror and winked. I slammed hard on the brakes and we screeched to a stop. "What the fuck man?" Caleb yelled as we were all thrown forward. I unclipped my seatbelt and twisted around to face the vampire. "I-I can see you in the mirror! How can I see you in the mirror? That's impossible!" He raised his eyebrows. "I'm magic," he said sarcastically, and rolled his eyes. "That's a myth you imbecile! Good Lord, but what could I have expected from a mere commoner such as yourself?" he laughed and his hair fell off. He stopped laughing. "Oh bother," he said, and tried to pick it up and put it on, but couldn't because he was bound. I stared at his light brown hair. I got out of the car and opened his door. "Sean what the fuck are you doing? Do NOT let him out!" Caleb shouted. The vampire watched me with cool green eyes. I reached out towards his face, and he snapped playfully at my hands. I yanked my hands back. "Tut tut, didn't your mother teach you not to put your hands in a vampire's mouth?" he asked and laughed spitefully. "Sean I thought you weren't completely stupid! Get back here ! now! Get away from him!" I ignored him and reached out and grabbed his contacts out. He yelped and flinched away, but it was too late. The green contacts lay in my palm and I stared at his caramel brown eyes. "Shit," I muttered, before a truck slammed into our car and I was launched for the second time in a matter of minutes into Justin Loghan, and everything went black.

I woke up with a killer headache and a heavy weight on top of me. I felt cool breath on my neck and my eyes snapped open. Justin was on top of me, grinning at me with way way WAY too many teeth. "No Justin please!" I moaned, squirming underneath him. He smiled even wider. "Hmm, let me think. How about no." and with that he buried his teeth into my neck, and I screamed. My head was pushed to the side and I saw Caleb lying dead I the front seat. He was covered in blood and his hand hung limply towards me, dripping blood. I screamed until everything went black.

Justin/ Ralph

I drank from him until there was nothing else, then climbed out of the car and I looked up to meet the eyes of a dog. I hissed at it, and it whined and ran off. I laughed and ran off towards my coven. On the way there I danced to music no one else could hear. It was a game I played. I would dance and if someone looked at me weirdly I would eat them. It was my favourite game. Sadly, no one was out on the streets. Damn curfew! I ran up to my room once I was inside and went to my wardrobe, opening it and looking through my clothes. I was going out tonight. I pulled a black button up shirt, a black tie, and a pair of black jeans along with my white Supras. I put my tag chain on top of the clothes and I went into the bathroom to have a shower. When I was done I dried my hair and styled it into my usual quiff. 'Bugger off Jason!' I snapped. Jason was the fashionista of Justin. 'I was only trying to help!' he snapped back. I got dressed and I grabbed my phone and keys and left.

I sprinted to the hotel to get my car. It was thirty miles to get there, but I was there in a matter of seconds. I ran into the car park and climbed into my car. I started it up and peeled out of the parking lot.

I drove along the streets, looking for a decent club. I saw a club called the Dark and Delicious Place and pulled into its parking lot. I made my way to the top of the line and nodded at the bouncer, who nodded back and let me in, much to the annoyance of the waiting people. I had saved his life once when it was Adrian in control. Adrian was the kind vampire of Justin. I walked in to see smoke. Lots of it. Then, flashing and strobe lights. Then, so many people dancing, grinding, kissing or making out and drinking. I saw a beautiful blonde and brunette sitting next to each other and smiled to myself. Perfect. I made my way over to them. 'Okay Mason, your time to shine.' I thought, and as Mason took over a humble smile crept onto my face.

Mason/ Justin

'I'm on it Ralph,' I thought, and made my way to the stools next to the girls. I sat next to the brunette. "Can I have... a tall glass of gorgeous brunette and a shot of sexy blonde?" I asked the bartender, and the girls giggled and looked me up and down. I smiled. "Like what you see?" I asked. They giggled and nodded. I smiled a flirty smile back. "I'll have Sex on the Beach," I said to the bartender, which sent the girls into another fit of giggles. The bartender handed me a glass of alcohol and I downed it, looking the girls up and down, taking my time. I slapped a twenty down on the bar. "Another please, and what would you girls like?" I asked. "I'll have a pink cocktail please," said the brunette, still giggling. "And I'll have a blue WKD please," the blonde said. I turned to the bartender. "You heard the ladies, one blue WKD, a pink cocktail and another Sex on the Beach." he nodded and got to work making the drinks. He put them down and I pushed them towards the girls. "Here you are gorgeous," I said, smiling at both of them. "Oh, where are my manners?" I exclaimed, which started the girls off again. "My name is Mason, and you two are...?" I said. "I'm liking what I'm seeing!" the blonde said, winking. "And I'm the one you can have any time!" the brunette giggled. I laughed and winked. "I'm Jeanette, and that's Kaela." said the blonde. I smiled, showing my perfect white teeth. No fangs, or blood. Of course Ralph licked the blood away, but I brushed my teeth just on case. Five rounds later, I put my glass down and said lowly, "well Jenette and Kaela, what do you say we get outta here and go back to my place?" licking my lips slowly after I did. I heard their heart rate quicken and secretly smiled. They nodded, standing up. I got a glimpse of Jeanette's lacy red thong as she stood. Jeanette was wearing a tight and short black dress, low cut. It suited her. She was very beautiful. Her brown eyes met mine and I winked. She giggled and smiled back shyly. She stumbled in her black high heels, and I caught her. "Whoops," I said, and kissed her. She tangled her hands in my hair and I regretfully pulled away. "Let's save it for later," I whispered in her ear, and she shivered.

We made our way to the exit, and I opened the door for the girls, Kaela went last and I got a good look at her fine butt in her shimmery short dark blue dress. She turned around and looked into my eyes with her electric blue ones. I kissed her and she did the same as Jeanette, and I repeated the pulling away and let's-save-it-for-later act. I pressed my car keys and the girls gasped when they saw my Ferrari and I chuckled. "Oh my god you must be soooo rich!" Kaela squealed. I smirked. "Well, not to brag or anything, but I am a descendant from royalty." I said, and smiled, showing off my white teeth again. They gasped and squealed. I laughed and opened the doors to let them in. When we were all in I sped off towards the mansion where my coven lived.

The girls gasped and squealed again when I pulled up to the gates of the mansion, and I pressed a button where the cup holder should have been and the gates opened automatically. I glided through them and drove up the very large and long driveway. I stopped the car in front of the mansion and stepped out, opening the car doors to let them out. I put my arms around both of them and we walked up to the huge double doors. "Kaela, my keys are in my back pocket, would you like to open the house doors?" I asked. She shivered and had no hesitation in pulling them out, squeezing my backside as she did. I shivered and smiled at her. She smiled back and opened the door. We stepped through and Kaela put the keys back, squeezing my butt again. "Do you live here alone?" Jeanette asked. I shrugged. "Yeah, apart from the butlers and maids it's just me." "Well, we could keep you company," Jeanette said, and giggled. I smiled. "I'd like that very much!" I said, and the girls giggled again. We staggered up the stairs, all drunk and giggling. We went to my room and I opened it, closing it after we were in. "Kaela, you look a little nervous. How about you take a shower and once I'm done with Jeanette I'll come join you?" I said. She nodded and I walked her to the bathroom. I kissed her deeply and quickly before leaving her to go to Jeanette. She was already on my bed, lying in an inviting position. I climbed on top of her and kissed her deeply, then moving down to her neck. She moaned and gripped my hair. I chuckled. "Jeanette?" I asked between kisses. "Hmm?" She replied. "Didn't your parents.... Teach you... To recognise a... vampire better.. than this?" I said between kisses. She tensed and immediately started kicking and screaming, but I clamped my hand over her mouth. "Your turn Ralph," I said aloud.

Ralph/ Justin

"Thanks Mason." I said as we switched places. She looked at me, terrified, and I grinned at her, my fangs growing, pointy, long and deadly sharp. She screamed again under my hand but they were muffled. I laughed and my eyes glowed crimson in the dark. She started crying, but I bit harshly into her neck, tearing it out and listening, head cocked, to the sound of her last dying breaths. I held her throat up in front of her. Her eyes widened, then they rolled up and she was dead. I got to work quickly, chomping her throat and her main blood arteries. I carefully pulled her veins out and bit the end of them, sucking the warm, gooey blood out of them like a straw, then sucking the veins up completely, like spaghetti. I then looked for more veins, and ate them too. Hmm. AB+. Not my favourite, but still delicious.

I picked her body up and jumped out the window, landing lightly on my feet. I nodded at a few guards patrolling and they nodded back, not batting an eyelid when they glanced at the dead blonde in my arms. One guard, James, stopped me and said, "Was she nice?" I nodded. "AB+," I replied. He grinned, showing fangs. "I've got another one in the bathroom, she has no idea what's coming for her!" I said, and we both laughed. I went to our kennels, where we kept our guard dogs.

I went to Kennel 59 and opened the lath and stepped in. Mikayla's pups came running, yapping and licking, wagging their tails. They jumped at me when they saw what I had. "Mikaylaaaa!" I crooned. Mikayla was my dog, and I made sure she and her pups got enough food. Her mate, Jason, came padding out with Mikayla behind him. I patted the pups' heads and put the body down. They attacked it, tearing clumps off, and Mikayla and Jason joined in. When everything was gone, except for a pile of bones which the pups were now chewing on, I kneeled down and hugged Mikayla. She licked my face and jumped up at me, resting her front paws on my knees. Soon enough, her family came as well, and Mikayla moved out of the way as her pups Trent, Rad, Chad and Felilah tackled me, catching me by surprise and knocking me over. I laughed and hugged them all, then stood. All our dogs were German Shepherds. Not a lot of people liked German Shepherds, but I loved them. "Gotta go guys, I'll be back soon with dessert," I said, and closed the gate and made my way quickly back to the mansion.

I closed the door to the bathroom behind me quietly and pulled my clothes off. I stepped into the shower behind Kaela and hugged her. She gasped in surprise and jumped. I laughed and kissed her neck. She put her hand on the back of my neck and pulled me closer. I started nibbling in her neck, and she moaned lightly. "Kaela?" I asked. "Yeah?" she said breathlessly. "I'm a vampire," was all I said before I bit her, draining her quickly. She slumped in my arms and I held her up, not ceasing in taking her plasma. I gently pulled her veins out and ate them too, and moaned in delight when I realised she was a B positive! My favourite! Apart from Natalie's, of course...

I turned the shower off and towelled myself dry, then got dressed and put Kaela's clothes back on before carrying her to Mikayla and her family. They devoured her, and I smiled as I watched them. But I went tense as a cold and chilling voice hissed in my mind. 'Asshakrala focanto fe sianna! Very good my pet!' That voice scared the shit out of me.

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