Back To The Isle

MakiSakura által

28.6K 621 13

Another Descendant sequel Több

Ways To Be Wicked
Dress Fittings
Questions And Green Eyes
Picnic Fights And Not Belonging
Ben Finds Out
Makeovers And Chillin Like A Villain
Talking And A Kidnapping
Uma Vs Malia
Space Between
It's Goin' Down
Girl Talk

You And Me

2.1K 40 3
MakiSakura által

Later that night, the Cotillion was held on the Royal yacht. Everyone was dancing and after the music stopped, everybody cheered. Then the trumpets got blown and Lumiere stepped up to the top of the stairs.

"The future Lady Malia." Lumiere announced before stepping to the side to reveal Malia stepping out with a nervous look on her face. She looked down the stairs to see her friends with awed looks on their faces at the front of the crowd. "Work it, girl." Lumiere whispered to Malia causing her to laugh.

All of a sudden Evie started to clap with the rest of their friends following her lead.

"Go, Malia!" Carlos cheered.

"Malia!" Evie cheered while Malia grinned down at her friends. Malia walked down the stair and Adam, Ben's father, met her half way to help her down the stairs.

"Hi." Malia said with a smile.

"Hi." Adam said back as Belle came over to them. "Ben is on his way. And you look beautiful."

"Oh." Malia said as she looked down at her gown. "Thank you."

"I know we were shocked at first, but you are exactly what Ben needs." Belle, Ben's mother, told Malia.

"And lucky for me, she doesn't go by first impressions." Adam told Malia causing her and Belle to laugh as Evie walked over to them. "Of course." Adam said as he and Belle walked away.

"Hi." Evie said with a grin as she and Malia walked over to their friends.

"Hi." Malia said with a nervous smile.

"How are you?" Evie asked Malia.

"Uh, I kind of feel like I'm going to throw up." Malia told Evie.

"Yeah, okay, that's okay." Evie told Malia as they got to their friends. "Look, we're right here with you, okay?"

"Okay." Malia whispered back. The trumpets got blown again and Malia and Evie let out quiet squeals as they turned to face the stairs.

"King Benjamin." Lumiere announced before stepping to the side to reveal Ben as the crowd cheered. Ben looked down the stairs at Malia with a smile and she gave him a smile back.

"Go get him." Evie whispered to Malia before pushing her forward. Ben walked down the stairs to meet Malia with a serious expression on his face. Ben gave her a bow and Malia bowed back.

"Malia, I wished I had more time to explain." Ben told Malia as she looked at him, confused. He looked up the stairs as Uma stepped out in a blue gown. Malia looked at her in shock. Malia watched, hurt, as Ben walked up the stairs to meet Uma and grabbed her hand. Ben bent down and kissed Uma's hand that had his ring on it as everybody gasped. Ben led Uma over to where Malia was standing, confused and heartbroken as a single tear left her eye. "I'm sorry, it all happened so fast. Something happened to me while I was on the Isle with Uma. A connection."

"What are you saying?" Malia asked Ben.

"I'm saying-" Ben started to say.

"It was love." Uma cut Ben off with a laugh. "It was. I just, I realized how alike Ben and I are."

"We are." Ben said as he gazed at Um.

"I know." Uma said with a laugh.

"You're so beautiful." Ben told Uma.

"Ben." Malia said but he ignored her. "Ben." He then turned to look at Malia along with Uma. "Did you go back for her?"

"He didn't have to." Uma told Malia. "I dove through the barrier before it closed and I'm an excellent swimmer."

"You are." Ben said with a laugh.

"Thank you." Uma said with a giggle. Uma looked at Malia's heartbroken expression and grabbed her hand causing Malia to let out a gasp of surprise. "Listen, Malia, I just really want to thank you. I do for everything." Uma grabbed Malia in a hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much." Uma said as she released Malia before stepping back to Ben.

"Don't you see, Malia, you were right." Ben told Malia. "You knew that we weren't meant to be together, that's why you never told me that you love me. Thank you." Ben grabbed Uma's hands as music started to play and they danced while Malia started to cry.

"Come on, Malia." Mal said softly as she led her sister over to their group of friends.

"Not too thrilled that I risked my life for him." Carlos said angrily from his spot in between Jane and Malia.

Lonnie walked over to stand behind Malia as they watched Uma and Ben dance.

"We're with you, Malia." Lonnie told Malia.

Jane ran up the stairs towards Lumiere as Jay went over to Malia.

"Let's get out of here." Jay told Malia softly.

"Okay." Malia whispered as Jay grabbed her hand and led her up the stairs with their friends following behind them.

"Malia." Adam said as the group passed by him and Belle. He reached out to stop her.

"Honey, we're so sorry." Belle told Malia. "We had no idea."

"I'm going to talk to him." Adam said before Malia continued to walk up the stairs.

Jane got to the top of the stairs before the group and went over to Lumiere.

"Lumiere, unveil the gift, they need to see it." Jane rushed out.

"And now for the the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece designed especially for his Lady." Lumiere announced as the group paused on the stairs.

Lumiere gestured to the other staircase as trumpets were blown. Everyone looked at the other staircase as a curtain was dropped and a beautiful stained glass window piece was revealed. It was of Malia and Ben. Malia had purple hair, her eyes were green, and was wearing a beautiful purple gown in it. Malia looked at it in shock as the crowd clapped.

"Ben did that?" Malia asked in shock.

"Yeah, he did." Evie said in awe.

"Evie." Malia said as she grabbed Evie's hand and they walked down the stairs slowly. "Ben's known who I was all along."

"He loves the real you." Evie told Malia as their friends walked up behind them.

"A true love." Malia said in shock.

"Yeah." Evie whispered with a grin.

"Told you." Carlos told Malia causing her to laugh.

"Cover that back up." Uma told Lumiere angrily as she walked over to the stairs.

"I will not." Lumiere told Uma as the crowd looked at her, shocked.

"Um, why don't you tell everyone the present you have for me, Ben." Uma told Ben with a fake smile and laugh.

"I have an announcement." Ben said loudly. "Uma will be joining the Court tonight as my Lady."

"Son-" Adam started to say.

"Not now, Dad." Ben shouted angrily. Everyone looked at Ben, shocked. "Uh, so as my gift to, uh, her, I'm bringing down the barrier once and for all." Everyone gasped after Ben said that. "Fairy Godmother, bring down the barrier."

"I most certainly will not." Fairy Godmother told Ben.       

"I am your King." Ben said angrily.

"Obey him." Uma agreed.

"Ben's been spelled." Malia said in realization.

"Uma found your spellbook." Evie said as they watched Uma force Ben to look at her.

Malia looked up at the stained glass window piece before walking over to Ben.

"Ben." Malia said causing both Ben and Uma to look at her. "Ben, look at me."

"No, look at me." Uma said angrily. "You love me, remember?"

"No you don't." Malia told Ben.

"Yes, you do." Uma said angrily.

"Ben, look at me." Malia said softly.

"Bring down the barrier!" Uma shouted at the Fairy Godmother. "Now!"

"I do not take orders from you." Fairy Godmother exclaimed.

"Ben." Uma said.

"Ben, I never told you that I loved you because I thought I wasn't good enough." Malia told Ben as he looked down at her. "And I thought it was only a matter of time before you realize that you're so.. But, Ben, that's me." Malia said as she gestured to the stained glass window piece. "I'm part Isle and part Auradon."

"Ben, eyes over here." Uma said.

Ben just glanced over at her before looking back at Malia.

"And, Ben, you've always known who we were and who we can be." Malia continued.

"Don't listen to her." Uma told Ben.

"Ben, I know what love feels like now." Malia told Ben softly. "Ben, of course I love you. Ben, I've always loved you." Malia told Ben before pulling him in for a kiss.

After a few seconds, Malia pulled back and Ben smiled at her.

"Malia." Ben said softly with a grin.

"True love's kiss." Evie said knowingly.

"Works every time." Mal added sharing a smile with their friends.

"Give it to me!" Uma shouted angrily as she tried to grab Fairy Godmother's wand but Evie stopped her.

"Guards, sieze her!" Fairy Godmother screamed as Uma ran to the railing of the yacht.

"No, don't. Wait, stop!" Malia shouted as everyone followed Uma. Malia held out her arm cautiously towards Uma. "Uma, I know you. You are so much more than just a villain. And you have to believe me because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something you really want."

All of a sudden, Uma's necklace started to glow and make a sound. Malia slowly stepped closer to Uma when all of a sudden, Uma jumped over the railing into the ocean.

"No, no, Uma!" Malia shouted as Uma jumped.

Everyone ran to the railing and looked down at the ocean to see if they could see Uma. They saw a golden light in the ocean when all of a sudden the water started to twirl really fast. Water shot onto the yacht as Uma shot out of the ocean, huge and with tentacles like her mother, Ursula. Everyone shot back as they were splashed with water.

"True love's kiss won't defeat this." Uma shouted from the ocean as everyone ran to the railing again. "The world will know my name." Everyone ducked as Uma got a tentacle at them.

They ducked again when she did it another time. Malia paced away from the people when she felt her eyes glowing. Malia looked at Uma who just laughed mockingly.

"Malia." Ben said, worried, and her head shot around to look at him.

Malia struggled to breathe when all of a sudden she was surrounded by purple smoke. The smoke cleared, and everyone could see that Malia had turned into a dragon, just like her mother. Malia screeched as she flew into the air. Uma just laughed right before Malia shot fire at her. Uma swiped a tentacle at Malia who just flew out of the way.

"Come on, Malia. Let's finish this once and for all." Uma shouted up at Malia causing Malia to shoot fire at Uma who ducked when Malia flew right at her.

Uma flicked a tentacle at Malia as she flew over the yacht. Malia shot fire at Uma again, who ducked into the water. Uma jumped out of the ocean, sending more water onto the deck of the yacht as the yacht rocked side to side. All of a sudden, Ben roared like a beast. He took off his crown and suit jacket before diving into the ocean an swimming in between Malia and Uma.

"Malia, Uma, stop. Stop now!" Ben shouted at them causing Uma to laugh evilly.

"What are you going to do, Ben? Flash me?" Uma asked Ben.

"That's enough!" Ben shouted as Malia flew closer. "It's got to stop, this isn't the end. The fighting has got to stop. Nobody wins this way. We have to listen and respect each other. It won't be easy, but let's be brave enough to try." Ben continued as he looked between them. "Uma, I know you want what's best for the Isle. Help me make a difference."

Uma looked between Ben and Malia, who was growling at her, before using a tentacle to give Ben his ring back. She smile sadly before diving back into the ocean and swimming back to the Isle.

Ben swam towards the yacht where the boys let down a rope ladder and Ben climbed up it. When he got to the top, his Dad helped him over the railing as everyone started to cheer for Ben. Ben looked up as Malia screeched and gently landed on the yacht before she was surrounded by purple smoke as she turned human again. She was now wearing the same gown that was in the stained glass piece. She quickly patted the smoke that was coming from her gown. Ben laughed as he looked up at her in awe.

Malia grinned before curtsying to Ben causing him to bow to her. Malia laughed as two stewards stepped up and grabbed both of her arms before leading her down the stairs as everyone cheered. The stewards led her down to where Mal was waiting for her.

"So, I did not know I could do that." Malia told Mal.

"Tell me about it, that makes two of us." Mal said with a grin. Mal looked down and saw that smoke was still coming from Malia's gown. "Oh." Mal said as she blew it out. "Shall we?" Mal asked as she held out a hand towards Malia.

"We shall." Malia told Mal before Mal led her over to where Ben was.

Before Malia could say anything, Ben grabbed her hips and pulled Malia into a kiss.

"Alright, alright, alright, alright." Carlos said as he pulled Ben back while everyone else laughed.

"How bout that son of mine." Adam said from where he was watching with Belle.

"Ours." Belle quickly corrected.

"Ours." Adam corrected himself.

"Yes." Belle said. "How about his girlfriend? I think we're in very good hands here."

"Very." Adam agreed.

"I owe you guys so much." Ben told their friends.

"Yeah." Evie agreed.

"You got that right." Carlos told Ben as the others laughed.

"If there was anything that you need or anything I could do for you." Ben told them.

"Um, actually." Evie said as she walked over to Ben. "There is, Ben. I know a girl who would really love to come to Auardon. It's Drizella's daughter, Dizzy. She's like a little sister to me and Malia."

"Then she should come." Ben told Evie.

"Okay." Evie said with a grin. "Okay, great." There was a pause for a second. "Actually, um." Evie said suddenly causing everyone to laugh. "Ben, there's a lot of kids who would really love it here in Auradon. Kids just like us who deserve a second chance. Can I, maybe, get you a list?"

"Yes, yes, absolutely." Ben said eagerly. "Please." Everyone cheered at that.

"Lady Malia." A steward said as he walked over to the group. "We found your spellbook below deck. Uma had it."

"Oh, uh..." Malia trailed off as she grabbed the spellbook. "You know, this seems like the kind of thing that belongs in the hands of Fairy Godmother." Malia said as she looked up at Ben. "Fairy Godmother."

"Oh, yes, that's me." Fairy Godmother said as she walked over to Malia. "Thank you, mmhm."

"This belongs in the museum." Malia told the Fairy Godmother as she handed her the spellbook.

"It does, yes." Fairy Godmother said. "And I'm going to take it."

"Go for it." Malia said as she and the others laughed while the Fairy Godmother walked away. "I'm not going to be needing it anymore." Malia told Ben causing him to smile at her.

Suddenly, Malia splashed him with water and Malia gave Ben a smirk. Malia screamed a little as Ben splashed her while everyone cheered. Malia laughed as she reached up to make Ben's crown crooked.


Lookin' back at yesterday
I thought I gave it everything
But still there's so much road ahead of me


When I looked into your eyes
I guess I didn't recognise
Who we are and all that we can be

Malia and Ben:

Sometimes it's hard to find yourself
But it's worth it in the end
'Cause in your heart is where it all begins


We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free
We gotta get loud
Makin' that change
You gotta believe
(Whoa, oh, oh)
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see

It starts with you and me
(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)
It starts with you and me
(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)


It starts with you and me

Evie, Mal, and Carlos:

There's something special that I've learned
It's together we can change the world
Everybody's got somethin' they can bring

Malia and Jay:

When you take a look inside yourself
Do you wish that you were something else
But who you are is who you need to be


We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free
We gotta get loud
Makin' that change
You gotta believe
(Whoa, oh, oh)
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see

It starts with you and me
(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)
It starts with you and me
(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)
It starts with you and me

Malia, Mal, and Evie:

If we all can do our part
We know that it can be the start
To bring about the difference that we need



Evie and Ben:

I promise we can work this out
I promise we can see it through
Don't you know it's up to me


It's up to me and you!
We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free


Wanna be free


We gotta get loud
Makin' that change
You gotta believe
(Whoa, oh, oh)
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see

It starts with you and me
(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)
It starts with you and me
(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)
It starts with you and me
(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)
It starts with you and me
(Whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh - hey!)
It starts with you and me

The crowd faced Ben and Malia who were standing at the top of the stairs before bowing to them.

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