By Octogirl123

50.3K 1K 358

~I don't know many of the characters in other games so I'll just try ~X reader ~Smut (Yes I do smut now) ~Gen... More

Requests needed
Shirogane x Shy!Reader
Yukisada x Reader
Idate x Witch!Reader
Idate x Injured!Reader
Samekichi x reader
Lowrie x Teacher!Reader
Ivlis x Angel!Reader
Justim x Goddess!Reader
Kcalb x Fallen Angel!Reader
Satanick x Bunny girl!Reader
Moge-ko x Reader
Lobco x Mysterious!Wolf!Male!Reader
Yandere!Wodahs x Reader x Yandere!Kcalb
Fukami x Reader
Fumus x Wife!Reader
Male! Rocma x Reader
Yandere!Wodahs X Reader X Yandere!Kcalb - Part Two
Shirogane X Orca!Reader
Taffy X Child!Reader X Olive
Kcalb X Reader
Sataneko X Bullied!Reader
Sal X Shy!Female!Reader

Licorice x Child!Reader

2.4K 64 64
By Octogirl123

Requested by BlankTides. I hope you enjoy! Also you are a devil from Vicer's world.
I didn't know what to put for the start of this. I never actually went to a sleepover as a kid so I don't know what young children do.

"Come on (Y/N), let's play a game!" Silhouette begged you, she was pulling on your arm.

"OK Silhouette." Was all you said. You allowed her to drag you to the gardens outside Blancblack castle where Crea Flankenstien and Licorice were waiting. Wodahs was watching from a window, you could feel his icy gaze on you.

"Let's play Hide and Seek. You all know the rules right?" Everyone nodded. "I'll seek first. You all have 30 seconds to hide. Go!" Silhouette covered her eyes and began counting.

You looked around for a good place to hide. You saw a wide bush and ducked behind it. Licorice and Crea had already vanished.

Silhouette finished counting and began looking around. She ran past the bush you were hiding behind and went deeper into the gardens. You sighed in relief and giggled.

"Why hello." You looked up and saw a smiling face looking down at you.

A tall man with black hair, indigo eyes and strangely shaped horns was squatting next to you. He wore a black suit with a white dress shirt underneath and he had a crimson, Victorian-style bow tie. He wore a black cape with red interior and red/black wings joined to the cape.

He looked weird.

"Hello mister." You said back. The man just smiled back at you. You briefly glanced around to see if anyone had found you. When you turned back to the man he was sitting right next to you.

"My name is Satanick. What's yours?" He asked. His smile grew even bigger.

"(Y/N)." You said. Satanick wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "You're so cute! Want some candy?" Satanick held out a lollipop, you hesitantly took it. "Thank you?"

Satanick just stared at you, you saw something strange deep in his eyes. Right then, you realised he was trouble. You looked around to see someone that could help you, no one was in sight. You needed to get away somehow.

"I'm sorry Mister Satanick but I need to go and find my friends. They might be worried about me." You stood up and smiled at him. Satanick looked disappointed but smiled back. You ran around the garden to try and find your friends. You eventually spotted them playing tag (when friends leave you hanging in the middle of a game while they go and play another game ;c ). Sadness engulfed you, but you shook it off and planted a smile on your face.

"Hey guys." You greeted them. Crea looked up and smiled. "(N/N) where were you hiding?" Silhouette asked.

"Behind a bush, you ran right past me!" You said jokingly. Licorice strode up to you and grabbed your wrist.

"Where did you get this?" He demanded. You looked at the lollipop that was still in your hand. "Oh a man with indigo eyes and strangely shaped horns gave it to me." Licorice's eyes narrowed. He grabbed the candy and threw it across the garden. "Don't accept anything he gives you, even if it's a job." Licorice growled.


After playing some more tag, the four of you decided to go back inside and draw. You drew you holding hands with your parents and added the 'devil' of the world you were in, Vicers.

You looked over to Licorice and he drew his 'mommy', Ivlis. Crea drew her father, Victor Flankenstien, Envi and Medouco and the same man you saw earlier. You wanted to ask her about him but with Licorice there, you didn't want to.

"Hello," You all looked up to see Etihw. Silhouette jumped up and hugged her parent. "Having fun?"

"Yea! We've played fun games and drawn pretty pictures!" Silhouette chirped. Etihw laughed, Kcalb walked into the room. "It's late, time to go to sleep." He said. You all groaned.

Reluctantly, you all changed into pajamas and brushed your teeth. You were all sleeping in Silhouette's room in your sleeping bags.

"Wanna tell ghost stories?" Crea asked as you sat on Silhouette's bed. Licorice shrugged. "I guess."

Crea turned off the lights and turned on a torch she found. "I have a story. A scary story. It's about some humans who went to a camp!" (Sorry I can't actually think of anything. Ghost stories don't really scare me).

"Wow. So original." You said with a bored voice. Crea glared at you and continued with her story. You rolled your eyes and looked around the dark room, being a demon means you could see quite well in the dark.

Light flooded the room as the door was kicked open. "Helllllloooo~" It was the man from earlier. He walked into the room and turned on the lights. Crea ran towards Satanick and hugged his long legs. Satanick bent down (with difficulty) and patted her head.

"Hello Crea! Oooh! Etihw and Kcalb's daughter!" Satanick waved at Silhouette. She smiled sweetly and nodded. Satanick turned to Licorice and grinned. "Hello my son~" Licorice growled.

"Shut up!"

"Don't be like that!" Satanick faked crying. "I thought you loved me!"

"I would never love you."

Satanick seemed upset when he said that. He finally noticed you. "Ohohoho~ The little girl I spoke to earlier!" Satanick managed to free himself from Crea's grip and made his way over to you. He sat next to you on the bed, playing with your hair. "Such pretty hair!" He laughed. You felt uncomfortable but you knew you couldn't escape from a grown man.

"Leave now father." Licorice said. He glared at Satanick. The devil shook his head and continued playing with your hair. Licorice's cheeks began to turn red and he growled. Satanick noticed this.

"Is someone getting jealous~" He purred. There was a flash of light and a girly scream.

Satanick was pinned to the wall by his neck, a tall man wearing a black suit and a black cape was strangling him. His hair was dark and pulled back into a long ponytail that curled at the end. His cape had two wing shapes at the top and a purple interior.

"I told you to leave. You ignored me and continued harassing my friend. You know what happens when you harass mother when I'm near." The man growled. He let go of Satanick's neck and glared at him.

"Father, I will give you ten seconds to leave and go back to your own world or else." Satanick darted out into the hallway and jumped out an open window.

The man turned back to you and smiled. He picked you up and hugged you tightly. There was another flash of light and the tall man had transformed into... "Licorice?" You said, shocked and confused. You didn't know he could do that! The boy let you go and patted your head.

"Don't worry. If he ever annoys you again, I'll be there. I'll protect you from him." Licorice smiled faintly. Silhouette and Crea just stared at the two of you in shock.

"Well.... that happened." Silhouette said. She shrugged and walked over to the door, shutting it. Crea went back to her sleeping bag and pulled out some candy. Licorice glared at the bag.

"Don't worry! These are from Envi and Medouco!" She opened the bag and grabbed a handful of candy.

You looked back at Licorice and gave him a peck on the cheek to tease him. He snapped his head back at you and blushed.

"Aww!" Silhouette cooed. "Licorice and (Y/N) sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"Shut up!" You cried.

Wodahs opened the door (i actually forgot he was around). He glared at all of you. "Aren't you all supposed to be asleep?" He growled. You all shrunk under his gaze and went into your sleeping bags and closed your eyes (Silhouette just lay on her bed). The Head Angel turned the light off, glanced at all of you and then closed the door with a soft smile.

After a few minutes, you opened your eyes, sat up and looked around. Crea and Silhouette were sound asleep, snoring softly. You looked around for Licorice.

"Looking for me?" He whispered. You jumped slightly and spun around. He was sitting behind you. "Why aren't you in your sleeping bag?"

"Why aren't you asleep?"

"Good point. Anyway, Licorice, I wanted to thank you for helping me earlier." Licorice smiled.

"I protect the people I love, friends and family, from that creep. You are the one person, apart from mother, I don't want him to harm." Licorice blushed a bit while saying that. You hugged him, burying your head into his neck.

"I think you're so cute! And I ....." Licorice looked down at you, waiting for you to finish your sentence. After he heard your soft breathing, he realised you had fallen asleep on him. Licorice just gently and carefully placed you into your sleeping bag and crawled back into his own.

What a fun sleepover.

OK this took longer than expected.
So Poemi is not here because I actually just remembered her as I was half way through the story and I didn't want to add her into parts because I'd have to change a lot of stuff.
I hope you enjoyed!

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