Lost || Peter Pan.

By intensefangirll

193 5 0

"You're playing with things you can't control, Taylor" Pan warned her as a scowl appeared in his face replaci... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

69 1 0
By intensefangirll

Alexis' heart raced as she saw Henry fall unconcious to the hard grounds of the cave, she felt like crying but never in any world would she let the transparent substance fall down her cheeks in front of anyone but herself. Emma, Neal and Regina kneeled around Henry as they tried waking him up, but Alexis was to busy searching for a solution in her head to even move from where she was standing. Pan had just convinced Henry amongst lies to give him his heart so he could save magic, and Henry did as told because he wanted to save what he believed in, to him it didn't matter if that meant sacrificing his own life, and even though Alexis was trying not to cry her eyes out, she was proud Henry fought for what he believed in, she just wished he would've known it was all a pure lie Pan told him to save his own life.

"Oh my god, is he unconcious?" Emma asked as she had her hand in his chest, those words brought the brunette girl out of her thoughts and gave her the need to slap Emma across the face. She wasn't a violent person nor a bad one, if Alexis was known for something in the Enchanted Forest and Storybrook was for her kindness and how humble she was after all her bad past. She rolled her eyes at Emma's words and continued to look at Pan who was flying  on top of them looking as evil as he's ever looked, his green eyes were dark, his smirk was wide, and he was full of anger, pure anger and evil it made her wonder how a person could get to such point.

"Is he breathing?" Regina asked as she took off her bag from her shoulder, a loud sound could be heard making Emma turn around. Ahead of Alexis was Pan, he slowly desended from the air looking as confident as ever, and definetely with no regrets of what he had just done, but it's not like she expected him to feel something, to her he was a monster, he was heartless, he was repugnant and he had no excuse for being the way he is.

"What the hell did you do to him?!" Emma yelled at Pan, her eyes were full of madness as they stared at Pan's, but they had no effect in his, everyone doubted Pan even had feelings, or at least good feelings.

"Oh i didn't do anything to him, Emma. It was Henry, he offered me his heart out of his own free will" he spoke as his feet were placed in the solid rock floor, Alexis felt offended by his words, she wanted to scream in his face for being such a shamless liar, but as he said that an idea grew within her head.

"I have a deal for you." her voice was loud, it rang through the cave and it was filled of all the courage she had, which was a lot. All eyes landed on her as they watched each and every single move she could make, which were none existent considering she just stood in her place showing she wasn't afraid of the bloody demon -as Hook had called him earlier- that was slowly making his way closer to her. He stood inches away, his smirk making his way towards his face. "I'll give you all my magic in exchange of Henry's heart, you'll just have to figure out how to take it from me." she wished taking her magic was as easy as getting her heart ripped out of her chest, but Pan and her knew that wasn't possible and that it would be a lot more complex than anything.

"Alex what are you doing?" she could hear Neal panicking behind her, but she chose to ignore him and block any emtoion for the moment.

"Well, look who we have here, Alexis Taylor, Regina's lab rat" he offended her followed with a laugh, he started walking around Alexis, her hands couldn't help but become fists, he was perishing her patience in matter of seconds, and he knew that, but he just wanted to test how powerful her magic was. "Are you seriously whiling to die only to save the son of the woman who killed your mother?" And she was whiling to show him.

 With that her anger took over her, her hands made their way in front of her abruptly which made Pan fly away hiting his back with the wall before landing hard on the ground making the whole cave shake and the three adults who were watching open their eyes  at the sight of what had just happened, disbelief was written all over their faces since it wasn't usual watching her use her powers, not in Storybrook neither in the Enchanted Forest, in fact, it was the first time she had shown her magic in front of people, but it wasn't a secret her magic was powerful, everyone knew that whatever Regina made to Alexis several weeks before she cursed everyone was something that could be usefull to Alexis, she could be a threat to anyone who dared to go up against her, at some point there was actually a rumour that Alexis Taylor, daughter of a simple peasant now deceased, was almost as powerful as Rumpelstiltskin himself, which obviousy wasn't true. She was powerful, but not anywhere near Rumple.

"No need to get agressive, darling. It was just a simple question, perhaps you should learn how to control yourself?" he laughed as he slowly stood up from the ground and walked towards her, now more closer than before, he leaned in and pulled her dark brown hair away from her ear. "I underestimated you" he whispered and that couldn't help but send chills through her body, the fact Pan even got closer to her sent chills through her body. He stood in front of her, glaring into her eyes and piercing into her soul, he seemed to know all of her fears, but that didn't worry her, she had no fears.

"You broke rule number one then..." she spoke as the rolls changed, now she was the one circling around him, she could play the same mind games he did, she was just as powerful as he was, she just needed to learn how to use her magic. "Never underestimate your enemy, thought you knew better than that, Pan." she stood in front of him, crossed arms and his smirk re-appeared in his face as he eyed her up and down, her black combat boots, her white v neck t shirt, and her black jacket, she found Pans gaze a little uncomfortable but didn't let show through it. 

Alexis, for once, felt powerful and that was an amazing feeling, she didn't want for it to ever go away. Pan on the other side, was fighting the feeling of knowing she could be a threat to him, she could be as powerful as he was, maybe even more, and he did not like that, he knew that if he left her go, it would be worse than making her stay.

"You're playing with things you can't control, Taylor" Pan warned her as  a scowl appeared in his face replacing his signature smirk, he crossed his arms and she suddenly found herself a little intimidated by the green eyed boy.

"i need her magic" he tought. "i need every single bit of it".

"I'm always open for new challenges" she answered crossing her arms and staring back into his eyes, she couldn't understand any of the emotions that were present there, but she knew that it couldn't be anything good considering she had just challenged Peter Pan in a battle she thought there was no way she could win.

"Then be my guest. You may stay here in exchange of Henry's heart." 

A wave of relief was felt in Alexis' body just to be replaced with another feeling of dread. The thought of living her last days in Neverland wasn't something she was happy about, in fact she was sad, she wasn't going to be able to go to Storybrook to say goodbye to all the people who once took care of her, she wasnt even gonna be able to say goodbye so Snow and Charming, they were the ones who took care the most of her, and thats when she felt her heart sink into her stomach and once again the urge to cry, but she wouldn't let that happen, Charming had teached her better than that and she was greatful he did. All of her memories of Storybrook were making its way towards her mind, and soon enough she zoned out diving into each one of them.

"No!" Emma yelled as she got a sword out. "Alexis is staying with us" Alexis felt frustration at Emma's words, the brunette left a sigh out and wished Emma realized Pan isn't one to obey anyone other than himself.

"Then what are you gonna do?" Pan asked her raising an eyebrow at Emma.

"I'm gonna take the heart from you" she said and with that tried to stab Pan with the sword making him vanish before that could happen. He appeard right behind her holding the Box in which Rumple was locked in. 

"Unfortunetely for you he can't hurt me anymore, neither can you." Pan stared at the box, so much hatred was within his looks.

"Really?" Emma slid the sword in his arm making a cut. "How did that feel?"

"Like a tickle" Pan answered, taking Henry's heart out and throwing it at Emma. Afterwards he suddenly grabbed Alexis by her arm and started to fly away without saying any other word. She wanted all of them to go away as fast as they could, none of them were safe in Neverland, but Alexis knew Charming wouldn't be able to go back to Storybrook without Rumple, and so she used her magic to make the Box that was in Pan's hand appear in hers and once it did, she threw it at Neal since she knew he was the best at catching stuff, Neal catched it in his hands and smiled up at her.

"We're coming back for you, Alexis. I promise." Emma yelled to the flying persons above her, and Alexis couldn't help but let out a sad smile, she never liked promises because she knew that the majority of them were never accomplished, or would most likely be broken at some point.

She took a last glance at the people below her, she watched as the red flanneled boy gasped and stood up, and she couldn't help but smile at him, she watched as they hugged each other before they became to little for her to even recognize, "goodbye" she thought as she treasured that last glance in her memories, she knew that could have possibly been the last  time she saw them. Alexis then looked ahead of her, to all the tall trees below her and the beautiful night sky filled with stars above her, she wished that the beautiful view would make her feel less misserable than she did at that moment, but she didn't demonstrate it, it was something Charming and Snow showed her, "never let anyone see you weak, show them you're not afraid of anything, and fight for what you believe and you think it's right until you can't do it anymore". Those two sometimes pissed her off and made her sick because of how lovey dovey they were, but she knew that they were right and ever since the day they told her that back in the Enchanted Forest before the curse, she's conserved that piece of advice in her head and she thinks of it every single day, even when they were cursed, she unconciously thought of that phrase but never really knew from where she heard it, but that never bothered her since she thought she probably had read it in some text book from school.

She felt her feat finally touch the ground and Pans tight grip loosen as she found herself somewhere in the forest, she was in an empty space surrounded by really tall trees, she knew Pan had something planned, and even though she didn't felt like doing anything at all, she had to show Pan that she wasn't that easy to defeat, that whatever he had planned, she could deal with it.

"You stole my box" Pan said, she could sense the anger in his voice, but at this point, she gave no damns about it, all she wanted was to get done with all of this, even if that meant dying.

"You can't steal something that for starters, wasn't even yours" she answered as she crossed her arms staring right back to him, blocking her emotions out. She wasn't going to be nice with him like she was with everyone else, she was determined to make things difficult for him.

"You should be greatful i haven't killed you by now" he scowled at her as he started walking around her, Alexis didn't move anywhere but she tensed when she felt him getting near, she didn't like it when people got close to her, or touched her, she didn't even like hugs, or any type of affection for that matter. 

"Oh you're so pious" Alexis' sarcasm filled the space and that pissed Pan off, he knew she wasn't scared of him, but he prefered  thinking the opposite even if it was a lie. The brunette turned around to face him since he was behind her, and she stared at him, so deep that Pan even felt a little intimidated. "I'd rather be dead by now than being with you the rest of my life." she spoke, no emotions showing through, she grabbed an elastic from her wrist and decided to throw her hair into a ponytail since she felt as if there was something coming soon.

The chill air brushed her face as she crossed her arms, her nose was a little red and she was amazed by the fact that Pan didn't seem to be bothered by how chilly it was. He smirked and looked around before  vanishing and re appearing a few steps closer to her making her more pissed. She rolled her eyes, she could do that too but she was never fan of using magic, but for Pan magic was like a toy, he seemed like a little kid it made her want to laugh but at the same time throw some maturness to him, Alexis and him were the same age, but she got so frustrated by him so easily.

"There's a reason why i left you here, Taylor" he said as he vanished and re appeared behind her, she turned around and he was now dead serious. "You're not just powerful, but i want to show you you're just as lost as any of us, perhaps the first lost girl whilst i find a way to take your magic from you."

"You know, Pan. I may be an orphan like you, i may have gotten my mom killed , i may have been a lab rat, and i may not be able to grow up thanks to whatever Regina made to me, but i'm not lost." Alexis told him, but in reality those words were what she needed to hear for her to feel convinced she wasn't lost.

Pan stood there, his head was slightly tilted to his left side and he was being so cautious on watching each movement she made, from her lips moving, to her straight posture, nevertheless for Pan that statement wasn't enough, he knew better than those bad lies Alexis had just told him, and he already knew a way she would unconciously tell him she is a lost girl. 

"Boys!" Pan yelled and almost immediately all of his lost boys appeared out of the dark woods surrounding the girl, but never once did she feared them. "I don't think we've welcomed you properly" he spoke as his smirk came back to his face, all of the lost boys smirking as well, except for one, out of them all he seemed like the youngest, probably about seven or eight years old, his eyes were full of fear and he definetely didn't seem to know what was going on, Alexis felt pity for the boy and wondered how did he even get here.

"I'm sure that whatever you do as a welcoming is everything but proper" he laughed at her words. Her hand quickly lifted itself up to her head catching the arrow just a few centimeters away from her left temple. Pan was atonished by the aciton, but on the other side the brunette was burning in anger, she turned to look at the boy who shot the arrow and the look on the boys eyes went from fun to afraid. "You're gonna be so done" she said calmly, and with that her hands took over her body and threw the boy away and only to hit against the tree and fall almost unconcious to the ground.

Her hands slowly made her way towards her sides, and as she looked back at every single person that was looking at her only one pair of eyes stood out of them all, the little kids ones. He seemed afraid of her, his eyes were watery and she could tell that he didn't want to cry, probably because Pan would yell at him if he did so, but her heart broke into pieces at the sight of that, if there was something she didn't want for people was to fear her, she was good, she wasn't a monster like Pan, but the eyes of that little kid said the total opposite, and that broke her even more than she already was. She hated Pan for that, Pan knew she was good to everyone, he knew that she didn't want people to see her like someone she wasn't, and he knew she had a soft spot for kids, everyone did.

"Well, i guess we aren't that different, are we?"


Hey everyone! So first of all thanks for clicking on my story and giving it a chance, i will try my best to not let you all down, let me know if you want the chapters longer or shorter or if you want it from the point of view of either Alexis or Pan(:

This is also my first time writing something so please forgive me if there's any mistakes within the story, like grammar or mispelled words or anything like that! Also if you want to creat a cover for the story or a trailer or anything as cool as that you can PM me so i can give you my IG or email so you can send it to me and i'll put it in a chapter, i'll obviously give credits(:

If by any chance you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to please vote and maybe comment? By the way, how was your day? mine was basic lol

I hope y'all enjoyed!!

-AT xx

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