When you are a girl (Nico Di...

By Zafirina_05

178 10 0

Hi! I'm Zafirina and this is my first fanfiction in English here on Wattpad. It's about Nico Di Angelo, my fa... More

1.-Mental Note, never date a demigod

2.- My ex's father is a god

28 1 0
By Zafirina_05

Pov Marcus

- ¡Witch, you're a witch! - I screamed while running all over the bedroom getting away of Jazmin

- That's offensive, Marcus - she crossed her arms - I saved your life, at this hour you will be on your way to the underworld.

- I don't know what are you talking about, Witch - I threw at her the first thing I found, a pillow - I want my body back ¡NOW!

- You think I haven't tried? - I talked to my father, but he insists in no give it you back.

- Your father.... Yeah, your father must be like you - I pointed at her - He threw that golden thing towards me

- Yep, and we're not witches. I'm a demigod, so are you - she said as it was the most common thing in the world.

- Don't play with me, ¡you're a witch! - I exclaimed - now let me get of here

I got to make her aside and get out of that room with her chasing me. I didn't know where exactly I was going, I almost fall by the stairs when I went down in a hurry. However, When I saw the same man the other night, I cried again. He was Jazmin's father.

- A beautiful morning. Don't you think, Lucrecia? - said looking at me with a smile

- My name isn't Lucrecia, what kind of horrible name is that? - I frown - you...you did this to me - I pointed myself - take it back, make your magic or whatever, but give me body body back

- Marcus, calm down or you'll end worst that last night - Jazmin warned me trying to touch me but I stepped away

- Go away - said taking the first thing I found, a chair - you're insane, both of you, I just want my body back.

- Be more careful with what you say, girl. My name's Dionysian and I'm the director of this camp to which, by the way, you belong, scandalous demigod.

- I'm not a demi... whatever that is, and stop using female terms with me - I said treating him with the chair

- Stop fooling around, girl

With a quick movement of his hand, the chair flew out of my hand

- ¡I knew it! ¡You two are wizards!

- ¡You never listen! - Jazmin protested - I'm a demigod and so are you. Dionysian is the god of wine and parties, my father. Simple Greek Mythology - she took me by the cheeks

- No, nothing that you're saying it's true. This must be a joke - I said getting her away from me - It's a really bad joke, Jazmin. Just because you didn't want to accept I wasn't your boyfriend? I considered very overreacting

- It wasn't because of that, I didn't do anything - she frown

- Then ordered him to give me my body back, I want my life back - I said angrily

- Listen, girl, you're very noisy, I'll tell you once and for all, that is your body now - he pointed at my dress - I sprayed the old one because you made me mad. And, even though I would have liked to see you die, Zeus, my father, doesn't let us kill humans just like that and Jazmin didn't look very fair either. - he rolled his eyes - So, I made the best I could, I transported your souls and memories to another body, one more....fragile, you couldn't get away without a punishment. And here you are. Call it karma or whatever. I'm very sure Nemesis considers it very fair given the life you led.

- No, you... you couldn't do that. What about my life? My family... ¡My mom! ¡She must be worry!

- She's okay, by the way. When I changed your body, I changed all the memories from all the people you know. All of them have always know that you were and are a pretty sixteen little girl and, now that the big secret of being a demigod was reveal it to you. You will spend the next two months here, in the Camp Half Blood. - he smirked - Now, I want you to leave, you interrupt my lecture. Don't thank me, I know I've been generous - he said and then move his hand and I show up out of the house

- What? ¡no! ¡open that door! - I yelled banging on the door - you're crazy if you believe that I stay here with cross arms. I'm not this person, I have a life, a body and it's not this

- ¡Come back when Chiron arrives, Lucrecia! - he yelled from inside

- ¡I'm not Lucrecia! - I replied bitterly - that's the worst name you could have come with

I baning at the door a few minutes more, but since it wouldn't open, I slipped on the door and sit noticed that there was kids of my age wearing orange T-shirts looking at me.

- What are you looking at! Keep walking! - I frown

That took them out of their trance and they keep walking muttering. At least my voice hasn't change. No, definitely I wasn't staying with my cross arms, and I didn't. I keep banging that door until, after a long time, Jazmin open it.

- He hasn't given me much time. What do you want?

- What do you mean by that? Give me my body back! - I said taking her by an arm - Don't you understand that I have a life out of here? I'm not what you think I am.

- It's too late, once you know what you are, the monster will follow you. If you stay here, you're going to be safe and could training. When my father calm down, I'll reunite with you.

- ¡No!, ¡I don't want nothing to do with you anymore! - I exclaim bitterly - You let him to do this to me

- Be careful, you're voice will start to change if you keep yelling that way

- What? What are you talking about? - I alarmed - didn't you have enough with my body? Now you'll change my mind too? - I look at her angry

- You're in another body, the more time you pass there....I'm afraid that the more your body and personality will adapt to it. I'll try to convince my father, but, meantime, avoid to make an scandal, that would only annoy him more.

- It's your fault, you put me into this - I crossed my arms - I'm not going to be a girl, I'm a boy

- And I'll do my best to fix you...later

- No, it won't be a "later" because you and I have nothing anymore. You never like me that way and I don't want you in my life - I started to walk away

I walked without know exactly where I was going, I needed a mirror; I have to see me more carfully. For now, I knew that I was wearing a damn dress and, by the pain on my feet, I was wearing high heels too, which ones I didn't know how to walk. I had to hold myself with some trees while walking around the camp. It was a kind of odd place, full of children with the same T - shirt and the "camp half- blood" description

I rolled my eyes and kept walking, I arrived to a place that seems to be a cafeteria. Then my stomach roared, I had hadn't eaten in all the night. It was daylight and I was hungry. I want to go there and ask for something, but the path was large and with those shoes walking didn't look attractive to me. Thing didn't get any better.

- What happened, darling? Are you stuck? - a boy with black hair talked to me

He was in a group of three boys, one with brown hair and the other was blonde. All of them exercised, too much for my liking and they had bullied faces.

- Call me "darling" again and I will punch your face - I muttered

- Hey, Luca. She's tough - the brown one smiled

- What a bad girl - the "Luca" boy tried to get close

- Be careful who you call "girl", you moron - I snapped - You're talking with a boy

- What are you saying, doll. You don't look like a boy

- But, I bet I can punch you face like one - I talk loudly, getting away from the tree to be closer - do you need more proves to know that I'm a boy?

- Your voice... shit, what kind of joke the Hecate's children are doing now? - he frown

- You better run away

The boys follow their way to the cafeteria and I didn't feel like going anymore. I walked towards what it looks to be a lake and took off my shoes because I couldn't stand them more.

- Damn shoes, damn night, damn day and ¡damn my luck! - I yelled throwing my shoes away from me and then I started to hit some trees - This can't be happening, what a trash of life, I...¡auch! - I stepped away and looked at my hand - Oh, no, no, this isn't possible. Since when my nails are so weak? ¡Aaah, I hate this bloody and fragile body! - I kicked the sand

I turned around looking for the shoes and I found with a black hair boy, same color for all his clothes. He was with cross arms and staring at me.

I rolled my eyes and gave him a bad look. Great, just great, another moron want to seduce me.

- What are you staring at? - I crossed my arms like him

- Just t a crazy girl who it's about to be hit by Driades - He said calmly without stop staring

- What?...

Before I could ask him what Driades were, a noise was listen behind me and when I turned around I saw 3 women with green skin and elf appearance staring at me furiously.

- They are Driadres - the boy answer by my confuse expression

- Campers here respect our home, you know - one of them get close to me

I stepped back instinctively and hid behind the black hair boy

- What's wrong with you? - he tried to get away, but I took him by the jacket he was wearing

- Ja! I should expect this. A friend of the god of the death - she look at us angry - You're so rude

- Just like Hades's son, but you won't get out of this easily - another of them talked

- Let's turn them into flowers - they grinned

- No, better in trees - one seems to be the leader spoke

- Wait, wait - the boy in front of me raise his hands looking alarmed when he saw that I wasn't letting him go - she's a new camper, she didn't know what she was doing

- New?, well, with her clothes it looks pretty obvious - the leader sigh

- Hey! What...

The boy covered my mouth and gave me a glare.

- We're losing our time, you better don't mess uo with our homes again - she said an then the three of them disappear into the trees, like merging with them.

- That was scary I spoke still behind the boy

- Don't touch me - he released himself from me - I almost get turned into a plant too because of you - he roared

- I don't know what the fuck are you talking about, but you would do me a favor if you go away now - I started to walk where I left my shoes

- Don't you think those are strong words for a girl?

- I don't think you'll notice, but I'm not one - I look at him angry

- Really, you must be a Aphrodite's daughter - he examined me - In case you haven't noticed, you have the appearance of one of them

- Will you consider my voice is like one of them? - I raised an eyebrow

- There are girls with deep voices

Well, I knew my voice wasn't so deep, but you would obviously recognized a boy voice

- You're crazy or you just don't want to believe anything I say. Anyway, you... what did you say was your name?

- Nico, Nico Di Angelo

- Great, and as I can see you don't have any interest on me, so we possibly get along well - I came closer to him - Now, you know who's Chiron and if he has come back from wherever he was?

- I don't have idea where he can be, it's not my job to know it - he crossed his arms again

- What a mood. It was just a question. I don't have any idea what is this stupid place - I move my head negatively

- What? - he said confuse

- I said that I don't know what is this place, not even why those horrible T-shirts are so popular here

- You have a point, they're terrible. - He agreed - But, how's that you don't know where are you? - he looked at me confuse

- I'm Marcus Stinson and thanks to an ex witch girl and her father I'm here

- No, seriously, do you really expect me to believe that? - he raised an eyebrow - It's already bad that I'm talking you, I don't know why I'm doing it

- I didn't force you to so and I'm not lying. Ii'm a boy - I pointed myself - well, I don't look like one right now, but I am one.

The black hair boy scowled and started to examine me , which was uncomfortable nut I guess it was necessary. Afer a while he shook his head and I growled frustrated. The other boys believe me, ¿why not him? Then an idea came up to my mind, so I decided to hit me as a prove

Huge mistake.

He took my hand in the act and his grip make squeal, and no precisely as a boy.

- Why? - I shout looking at the sky - I hate this bloody fragile body

- Don't you think your overreacting?

- That hurt me - I complained - and it shouldn't if this were my real body

I'm sure the by was about to leave thinking that I was crazy, but then a blonde boy appear next to a another black hair boy, by what I saw, they were Nico's friends.

They came running but their pace slow down when they saw me.

- Jasón no... - Nico started looking at the blondie

- What a surprise, who's your friend, Nico? - he smiled

I snorted and sent them a bad look

- I think we interrupted - the other boy said

- No, no, it's not what you think - I moved my head negatively

- I'm Jasón, Jasón Grace and he's Percy Jackson, we're Nico's friends

- Marcus Stinson and I've just met your friend - I shook their hands as a greeting

- Isn't Marcus a boy's name? - Percy raised an eyebrow

- He has the custom to change her name

- It's not true, I'm a boy, it's easy to notice - I said looking at his friends - I believe that you already saw it, right?

- Eh, sure - Jasón scratched the back of his neck

- Actually, I don't get it - said Percy

- ¡Oh, come on! - I said desperately - it's obvious, the guys at the cafeteria recognize me, how is it possible that you didn't? - I took a breath and calm down - ok, I have to prove it somehow. So, I've never said this to anyone before, but I'm desperate so here it go...I've slept with more than 10 girls in all my life, all right?

Their faces were priceless; sadly, it hasn't the result I was expecting.

- So...you're gay? - Jasón arched and eyebrow - because that's totally fine

- ¡Oh, for god...no! ¡Of course not! ¡I'm a boy!

- Chill out, It doesn't matter if you're different - Said Nico almost smiling

- Shut up, don't tell me that, I'm not gay. I'm not a girl, I'm a man. All of this is because of a fat guy with a leopard shirt - I covered my face with my hands

- Wait, do you mean Mr. D?

And that question was the beginning to fix my problems.

Hi, everyone! here's another chapter of the story. I hope you like it and you can tell me evrything on the comments. I'd really like to read your opinions. Until the next chapter :)


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