My Long Lost Prince : Complet...

By ChiFujiwara

67.1K 2.8K 2.5K

Highest Ranking: #2 in a slight comedy, #2 in Hawaii and #1 in Hawaiian. Book scene: He seemed to change deme... More

Crash and Yell (Updated)
Accidents Happen (Updated)
Unfinished Business (Updated)
Family friend. (Updated)
The Letter (Updated)
Oh No She Didn't! (Updated)
Aloha! (Updated)
The new house (Updated)
Roaming (Updated)
Hello stranger. (Updated)
In The Dark Of The Night(new chapter)
Oh boy! Here we go!( Updated)
Hello again..... ( Updated)
Stranger's Pov. Hello Stranger (Updated)
Afternoon drama (Updated)
Family (Updated)
As life goes on.... (Updated)
One last time... (Updated)
Little One.... (Updated)
Strangers Pov. Afternoon Drama and Present Day (Updated)
Present day (Updated)
Suspicion.... (Updated)
Soarin Flyin!(UPDATED)
Love and Support
A Father's Intuition [A New Chapter]
Wow! (Updated)
Stranger's Pov. They see me Roamin' (Updated)
Anything but a Lazy Day(UPDATED)
Dinner for twenty. (Updated!)
What happened? (Updated)
A new beginning? (Updated)
Sebastion: A little love (Updated)
She wasn't ready. (UPDATED)
Don't forget to smile(UPDATED)
Your Highness! (UPDATED)
Sebastian's Pov. Tretchery (UPDATED)
The Ending of a Chapter
Sequel!!!! (UPDATED)

They see me Roamin' they Hatin' (Updated)

1K 49 113
By ChiFujiwara

Previously on My Long Lost Prince

Lilly's bedroom picture above...

I blushed a bit thinking about it.

It was so sudden, no he has given me some hints, hasn't he?

I ruffled my hair.

Ugh. I'm so stupid.

I said my prayers and turned over to face the balcony as I drifted into a peaceful lul of sleep.

Uhhh!!! The accursed day light!

I groaned and moved, snuggling more into bed.

I finally moved my hand to cover my face and streched.

Exploring day!

I looked around the room and noticed that some things changed, I don't recall this blanket being in here, nor that desk or flower arrangements, but I digress.

I got up, locked the room door and searched for the bathroom. I had just about lost hope when I realized that there was a door that lead to a quaint bathroom.

It was roomy, but had a few 'secret' doors that lead to an escape. It was well crafted and thee map was hidden faintly on the back of the door.

I quickly started my day, showered, tamed my hair, brushed my teeth and got dressed.

Once I was done, I walked back into my room and saw a salavating spread on a silver tray. Bacon, sausages, eggs, toast and some orange juice.


I ate everything rather quickly and left a thank you note on top of the trey. I grabbed my sketch book and a few essentials before going on my way.

I walked pass Kali's door and stopped by the stairs.

I'm not allowed to go up, so I'll stay down. Simple.

I quietly walked behind the stairs and went straight ahead.

What part of the castle am I in now?

Behind the stairs, duh.

After walking for a little bit longer I stopped by a door on my left.

Maybe there's someone inside?

"Umm, hello?" I asked quietly as I peeped through the door.

"Hello miss. How may I help you?"

Oh! A kitchen!

"I'm sorry to disturb. I was just wondering where I was?" she turned around and showed me her nice brown eyes.

She looks a lot like....

"Excuse me miss, but are you related to Kali by any chance?"

"Why, yes dearie. I am. In fact I'm his mother, but you can call me Mamo love."

"Nice to meet you Ms. Mamo! " I said stepping inside and bpwing deeply.

"My name is Lilly! It's a pleasure to meet you miss!"

"So polite. It's lovely to meet you too dear!" she said chuckling lightly.

"You're a lovely one too." she said touching my hair.

"Thank you miss Mamo." I said smiling lightly at her.

"So... " she says sitting down on a wooden stool.

"How do you know Kali? Are you his girlfriend or just friend?" 

"Well, I just met him yesterday, but I feel a friendly connection to him, but it's not that strong."

She nods her head.

"Oh, I see. You're the new girl right?"

"Yes ma'am. "

I guess that she should know who I am. seeing how she makes all the meals.

"The prince was well, really, really serious about what types of food to give you. The ingredients to use and the way to prepare it, but I hope it was to your satisfaction."

"You did splendid. " I said and smiled.

" Did you ever meet him before?"

" The boss? I'm afraid not, but I'll be meeting him at the end of the month to decide whether I'm gonna leave the job or go back to Hawaii."

"Well, I hope that you choose to stay. You seem like a sweet girl." she smiled. 

I mumbled a 'thank you' and started fiddling with my fingers.

"By the way, where were you trying to go?"

Oh yes!

"I was aiming for the backyard."

She nodded her head and got up.

"Well you're in the right direction, just go down this hallway a little more and you'll see a door that leads to the backyard."

"Okay! Thank you miss Mamo! I really appreciate it and I'll see you later!" she gives me a 'your welcome' before I dashed out the door with everything in hand.

I opened the door and came face to face with the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.


This is beautiful.

I walked closer to the-

-Is that a river?!

This is gorgeous!

I sat down under the tree and took a moment to take in the atmosphere.

I think that this is my favorite place on Palace grounds. I wonder how far this river goes.

I walked beside the lake for about twenty minutes and came across a huge cherry blossom tree.

Wow... She's beautiful!

I thought as I touched the hard, rough tree bark. I looked down and noticed the patches of grass that are flattened and ripped off.

Gee. It looks like there was fighting going on.

I heard a lot of 'war cries' and stepped a little to my right to see warriors training just on the opposite side of the tree, but still a far way off.

Speaking of which.

I better leave them to it before I disturb - is that who I think it is?

I stepped a bit closer to get a better look on the person's face.


A rough hand grabbed my right arm and pulled upward allowing my body to levatate.

Please don't drop me.

I came face to face with a tall, rugged looking man.

He's pretty buff and seems to be a captain, leader, warrior? Whatever.

He's pretty handsome too, but I'm good.

He looks at me up and down before speaking up.

"Now what's a fine cherry blossom like yourself doing here?"


"Um, excuse me mister, but I was just looking around. Do you mind putting me down please?" he chuckles at me amusingly.

"Yes. I do mind and what's that in your pretty little hands?" he said reaching for my sketchbook!

Oh No you don't!

"Just so you know this is my sketch book and what you're doing right now can be filed under sexual harassment and invading personal privacy. You can be fined with at least one thousand dollars and get fired from your job so let me go!" he laughs out loud and turns to his 'pupils'.

"Fiesty little thing isn't she?" he said making all of them chuckle.

These swines! I can't defend myself like this though, they're waaaay out of my league.

I sniffled lightly and pretended to cry.

" You're mean..." I said putting on my cutesy face and quivering my bottom lip.

They all froze and gave me this sympathetic look.

Ha! Even the leader looks shocked and, red?

"Can you please put me down? You're hurting me." he stiffens a bit before resting me down gently.

Ouch! My hand hurts!!!

I held my red wrist out in pain gave a little yelp.

"Sorry..." he said putting a cloth over my bruised hand and tying it lightly.

Man I almost feel bad for doing this, BUT I DON'T!!!!!

"I have something to tell you...." he looks at my face worriedly and I did the same motion before smirking at him cleverly.

He looks at me confusingly and I said "Sucka! You've been played!"

His face was slapped with realization before smirking at me. The others snorted and chuckled amongst themselves.

"Clever girl." he said patting my head.

" Yes indeed. Very clever...."

Is that?

"Ka'eo!!!!" I said running into his arms making us both topple over. We laughed and some of the fighters did too.

"I knew that I saw your face!" I said getting off of him and brushing off my clothes.

"Well thanks for helping me up" he said sarcastically, getting up by himself. 

"Oh so you want me a young lady to help you- a grown man get up off of the ground. Does that sound manly to you?" he raised his eyebrow.


Ka'eo smirked at me and ruffled my hair playfully.

"I missed you." he said hugging me tightly.

" I missed you too." I said hugging him back and smelling his sweaty aroma.

Ugh. After this he really needs a bath.



"You stink. You need a shower."

He chuckles at me lightly and nods his head.

"I know."

"But I was told that you got a job." I said looking up at him.

"Yeah, this is my job. I'm second in command in the Palace Guard along with warfare and battle." He said holding his head up proudly.


"Wow. That's awesome!!!!" I said giving him a little pat on his back as he smiled.

"But, be careful please. I don't want you getting hurt or killed." I said looking down.

He can do it, I know he can. I just can't ignore that.

He lifts my chin up and smiles at me lovingly.

" Don't worry. I'll be just fine." I nodded my head and smiled lightly.

"But captain Alemana..." he said turning to the leader guy.

Oh, so that's his name!

" You must be pretty embarrassed that you're wall was broken by a young woman crying, although you've killed thousands in that same state. Not very manly now was it?" he said teasing the captain.

"Shut up lieutenant." he said harshly making some of the guys to chuckle and Ka'eo smirked.


Everyone stared at me and I blushed.

"Sorry everyone, I'm just hungry." I said looking away shyly.

Everyone mumbled something under their breath.

"It's alright, we'll leave for lunch now." Alemana said placing his large hand on my shoulder.


" Thank you mister Adenina. Amlema. Alemelem. " I sighed heavily.

"Sorry I can't pronounce your name properly. "

I hope that I didn't insult him or anything.

I felt my eyes water and a hand patted my back.

"It's alright little cherry blossom. Just call me Al or Manny if you'd like." I nodded my head.

"K." and everything went silent.


"So are we gonna eat or something because I'm starving!" everyone laughed at me and led us to the dining hall.

Wow! this place is pretty huge too.

There's this long horizontal table in the center of the room for who I assume to be for the royals and their guests or something.

I sat to the left of the long table with the rest of the warriors.

I never realized how much bigger these guys are compared to me until this moment.

I look like a six year old amongst adults!

I sat in between Ka'eo and Manny, waiting patiently for food. In the meantime I looked to the right of that table to see what looks to be the brainiacs and next to them are the servants.

I think I get the system.

A lady that I didn't recognize took everyone's orders and she almost overlooked me at first, but when she started speaking, I felt my head spin.

I couldn't understand a word that she was saying... I mean she was speaking in gibberish! GIBBERISH!!!!

"Uh, yeah sorry but I don't speak Hawaiianeese." everyone chuckles at me and the lady grins at me.

"Here. I'll order for you." Ka'eo orders something called 'Poi' and the lady heads back into the kitchen.

"By the way Lilly, what brings you here?" Ka'eo asks facing me.

Oh yeah. I never told him.

"Well, I'm here for a job. Although I'll figure out what it is in two days, I'll be working here for the rest of the month." he nods and smiles quietly.

"I'm glad that you'll be staying over more often." Manny says ruffling my hair.

"I guess that we could all use a little feminine touch in our day to day lives." he said making the guys chuckle.

Oh yes...

"By the way, how many of you are there?"

It looks about eight to me.


What the-

I leaned a bit forward to see more people down on the left.

"Oh. Hello over there!" I said giving them one of my crazy waves.

They chuckled and returned the motion with a smile.

So... should I know there names?

"No. It's not necessary for you to know anyone besides Alemana and me unless necessary." Ka'eo says glaring at the guy in front of him and placing his hand on the smol of my back.

Oh? Ok.

"Here's your meals everyone." said a few ladies wearing chef outfits, handing everyone their food.

Well, this looks interesting.

There's something that looks like salmon, spinach, some kind of soup, pineapples and a brownish grayish thing in a bowl with a spoon.

I looked to Ka'eo and tapped his hand.

"What's this?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

He calls the brownish looking goop is 'poi' which is a root that was baked, then pounded into a paste, the salmon looking thing is 'poke' a raw fish salad and the spinach thing is Laulau.

It has fish and pork in the center and is cooked in the Laulau leaves with Kalua pork on the side. Lastly, that mysterious looking soup is Chicken Long Rice. It's like noodles, served with hot chicken pieces with rice at the bottom and soy sauce.

Okay! Let's give this a try! The poi tastes... different. I's like nothing that I've ever tasted before and I like it.

The Chicken Long Rice is pretty good too, the Laulau is nice and the Kalua pork!

But I'm not a big fan of 'Poke.'

By the time I'm finished eating everyone else was getting ready to leave.

"Ka'eo. What are you guys gonna do now?" I asked looking up at him.


I guess they train all day.

"Do you mind if I come too? I want to learn to defend myself at least."

Captain Manny chuckled at me and patted my head.

" Silly blossom. You can't handle the training. You are too delicate and merciful."

How dare-once I think about it he's sorta right, but.

"But if I'm in trouble I want to at least defend myself, so please?" He sighs heavily.

"Why? Won't your husband protect you?" He said making Ka'eo sent him a quick glare.

" What are you talking about? I'm not married. I've never even had a boyfriend before." I said raising my eyebrow.

Oh yeah, Hawaiian girls are usually married when young. He looks at me with a shocked expression and says a quiet, "Oh."


"Can I come?" I asked making him snap out of his daze and nod his head.

"Sure. Just try not to hurt yourself little flower."

"Yay!!!!" I said clapping my hands.

"Lets get going!" I said pulling Ka'eo's hands in the direction of the backyard before hearing a voice yell.

"LILLY PAR!!!! " I turned around and Kali was there trying to catch his breath.

"Yes? Is something wrong? What happened?" I asked coming closer to him.

"Come with me." he said pulling my hand in the opposite direction. I felt something grab my other hand.

Huh? Ka'eo?

"Call me later." he said stuffing something in my hand.

I nodded my head and he let go of my hand.

Kali dragged me off into my bedroom and threw some clothes at me. " Try this on. You're day at work starts tomorrow. "


"But I have two extra days off! What's with the sudden change of plans?"

He stops and thinks about it and says    " That information is classified." making me sigh.

"Can I at least have one more day off please?" I said making my cutesy face.

He sighed and told me to keep that face on.

Uh... okay?

He snapped a picture and started typing away.

After a minute or two he sighed deeply and said that the boss agrees to one more day.

Haha! Yes!

I gave him a big thank you hug and then he left.

I unfolded my closed palm and opened up the piece of paper.

Why are there numbers on here? Is it some kind of code? Oh! I get it. Its his number, he passed it the way people do on tv.

I dialed the number and waited for him to pick up.



"Yeah, its me. You wanted me to call you?"

"Yes, I wanted to disinfect your bruised arm, but you seemed alright."

Oh. Okay.

"Okay. But I have some news...."

"What is it?"


"They cut my days off. I only have tomorrow off."

"Oh. Okay. So I guess that means no training."

Wait. A. Second.

"Who says that I still can't train!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well. I was wondering, can you teach me to defend myself please?" I heard a loud sigh coming from the line.

"Pwease?!" I said doing my pout lip even though he can't see me.

"Fine, but only when we both have free time."

Once I think about it, that is quite unlikely, but I'll give it a shot!

"Yaaayyyy!!!! " I said clapping my hands making Ka'eo chuckle.

"Alright Lilly. "

Was I disturbing him?



"Was I disturbing you?"

"No. Of course you're not. I'm just here chilling in my hut."


" Hut?! I thought that you lived in the castle!"

"What? No. Only the most internally needed positions are given the privilege to live there along with valuable guests."


Then... I must be a guest.

"But I don't live far from the palace, so if something happens I'll just be a run away." he said making me smile.

"Okay. Thanks. "

"Your welcome. And Lilly?"



"Goodnight Ka'eo." I said hanging up the phone.

Gee, it is getting late.

I got up, took a quick shower, turned off the lights, locked the door and sunk down into the warm inviting bed.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but I just couldn't!

Why is my body being so difficult today?

Is it still excited from earlier today?


Was that the door?!

But... I locked it.

I heard footsteps pound against the floor as the figure came closer to my bed.

I've got the element of surprise sucka!

I sat up completely and heard a mild sweeping sound on the floors.

Whoever this guy is, he's really sneaky.


I eyed the corner in between the door and the bare wall particularly.

I thought that I saw....

I took out a wire hanger and walked closer to the corner.

Hey! It was all that was in reach between the closet and my sight of the corner so give me a break!

Besides if I grabbed the lamp I'll have to pay for the lamp damages and I also risk getting injured by the shattered glass.

"Who's there?" I asked stopping a fair distance from the corner, but close enough to run if he tried anything.


"Can you talk?" I saw a figure of a head shake 'no'.

Oh so you are there...

"Can you come out?" he sakes his head again.


" Why were you in my room?" the figure ran for the door, but I blocked it and then being the smart Alec he is, he decided that it was a good idea to jump off of the balcony.



Is he alright? Oh. Yeah. There he goes.

He dashed somewhere under my balcony or something.

Uh... Okay. The guards will probably find him as soon as he goes to the front of the castle.

I locked the balcony door and went towards Kali's room.

Knock! Knock!

"Kali?" I heard a few thumps from inside.


"Umm... someone was trying to watch me in my sleep and he ended up falling off the balcony. Can I sleep with you?"

I'm scared....

"Uh, okay." I heard a click and the door swung open quietly.

"Here. Come in."

"Okay. Thank you. I was scared." I said stepping inside.

"Its okay. Go ahead and sleep on the bed. I have work to do." he said sitting down on a desk and chair, typing away as if nothing happened, not to mention that the lights are off.

I clicked on the lamp light closest to his desk and said "Here you go. It's bad to be on the computer in the dark. It-"

"Strains your eyes. I know. Thanks." he said giving me a small smile.

I nodded my head and got into the bed covers.

"Thanks for letting me stay for tonight." I said closing my eyes and drifting off into sleep.

"Your welcome." I heard him say before I fell asleep.

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