House of Anubis [h.styles]

By asylumsfray

2.1K 154 1K

Sarah ventures into Anubis House looking for answers to her parents disappearance. Will she be able to get th... More

Side Note
Characters of Anubis House
House of Beginnings
House of Teachings
House of Curiosity
House of Correlation
House of Sibuna
House of Membership
House of Flashback
House of Horror
House of Nerves
House of Tragedy
House of Discovery
House of Fear
House of Tales
House of Information
House of Rendezvous
House of Trapped

House of Spooky

44 5 165
By asylumsfray


Sitting on the couch in the empty living room, I angrily tapped onto the keyboard as I tried to get my Drama research project completed. It was supposed to be handed in last Friday, but I didn't bother doing it. What was the point anymore? I was going to fail that damn subject anyway. However, my Drama teacher demanded me to do it for the first day back after half-term, or else he'd tell Julia and get me expelled. Therefore, this needed to be handed in on Monday, because I don't want to be expelled and disappoint my Mum even more – I disappoint her enough already.

So, I have over the weekend to get this shit done. I know I've had all week to write it, but I had (or should I say still have) zero motivation to do anything. For the past week I've been: lounging around eating anything I could find in the kitchen, watching tv shows on my laptop and napping. Lots and lots of napping. I haven't really spoken to anyone except Zavier and Lela, but even then I've not had a proper conversation with them, just small talk.

It would help to write this damn thing if my motivation was high. Right now, I'm feeling dull and I still can't get over what that weird monster (Amphis was it?) said to me. It's been bothering me ever since and it's really shook me. I don't even know why – I should just move on and get over it because it could be something completely meaningless. But there's just something about that look in their eyes...

Laughing could be heard and a door was closed. Peering up, there were the new, infamous Anubis House couple. Yeah, you guessed it folks: Asa and Sarah in the hallway. Fucking whoopee doo.

Rolling my eyes at the gross sight, I looked back to the laptop's bright screen. I just felt so... incompetent and naive. Ever since news broke out about Sarah's relationship with Asa, I've been a complete and utter mess. I hate the fact that I caught feelings for her when I hardly even know her... I'm so pathetic and stupid. I should've known better. She'd never like someone like me; I'm a literal piece of shit.

Trying to stay focused on this research project, I couldn't help but overhear Asa and Sarah's conversation. And no, I'm not evesdropping their conversation – they are simply nearby and I can hear what they're saying. That's all.

"Are you excited for the Halloween Bash tonight?" I heard Sarah question Asa. I peek up quickly and saw her smiling brightly at him, her arms were around his neck and he had his arms wrapped around her waist. Clenching my jaw at the repulsive sight, I forced myself to look away from those- fools and tried to get this dumb reasearch project finished. Although, I'm no where near finished. I still have so much that needs to be done... and honestly? I can't be arsed.

"Of course, because I get to spend some time with you." he (in my opinion, cheesily) replies to her and I hear Sarah giggle and I think I heard that ugly kissing sound. I slightly gag at the pair. Ugh, I hate couples showing off their pathetic love for each other in front of me. Who really cares? Because I sure as hell don't give a fuck about so-called love! Love is just a silly little absurd word that has no meaning to it. It means nothing: especially to me! Not anymore.

"Well I'm going to get ready. I can't wait to see you later on." I heard Asa mutter to her. And then, of course, another kiss. Wow, could they like, I don't know... get a fucking room or something? As long as they're out of my face, I'll be much happier. Trust me.

I heard footsteps walking away. And then I heard more footsteps enter the living/dining area and I gaze up and see Sarah making her way to the kitchen. She glances back and catches my eye, but I look away instantly. I haven't talked to her since that incident in her bedroom. And no, not the almost-kissing incident... the Amphis incident. Yeah, that tragic one.

Obviously she has tried talking to me about what had happened, but I'd just ignore her or walk away from her annoying rambling. And don't look at me like that, I don't care if it's 'rude'. I have every right not to chat to her right now anyway. And I mean, what is there to talk about? How's the weather? How's hurting Lela's heart? How's dating Asa? How's crushing my fucking heart everytime I see you kiss him? Yeah... there's nothing. Absolutely nothing to talk about.

The awkward tension within the room was discomforting and I needed to leave. I didn't want to be stuck in here with her. Not right now. I have too much to do. Like this trash research project that I have to do for Drama. Why did I even pick that subject? I'll never know, but I'm telling you now, I regret choosing it very much.

So, I pick up the laptop from my lap and exit the room. I kick the ajar door open to my bedroom and I see Zavier checking himself out in the mirror on the wall. He was dressed in a fairy costume and in all honesty, he really rocked that look. Also, his make-up looked incredibly flawless. I wondered where he got that highlighter from... asking for a friend.

"How do I look?" he twirls around and once he did a full turn, he threw his arms in the air to do jazz hands. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle and nodded at his outfit, "loving the wings, man." I compliment him, before sitting down on my bed and placing the laptop to the side for a few minutes, because I know Zavier's going to ask me a few questions. He always does. I think it's more of a check-up routine, you know?

"So..." he drags the 'o' along and sits down next to me on my bed, wiggling his perfectly shaped eyebrows. I raise my eyebrows at him. I wonder what he has in store for me. Oh boy, this is going to be tons of fun. He's probably going to make me come with him tonight to that dumb Halloween Bash, but I'm not going. Nope. Never. You'll have to see me dead going to such a thing this year.

"Are you coming tonight?" he asks, crossing his arms. Called it. I shake my head at him and this made Zavier pout, "why not? It'll be tons of fun! You can boogie all of your problems away just for tonight!" he tries to persuade me, but I shake my head again. I lean back on the wooden headboard, picking up the laptop and placing it onto my lap.

Zavier sighs, "you've been grumpy all week, what's gotten into you?" he asks me and I ignore him, pretending that I'm deeply concentrating by scrunching my eyes together and squinting at the screen as if I'm looking at something significant. When in reality, the only thing that was on the screen was the search engine. Zavier leans over and peers down at the screen, scoffing once he saw there was nothing cruical looking and shut the laptop lid harshly.

"Hey!" I shout, immediately lifting it back up and (thankfully) the websites I had and the document I'd been writing on were still there. Thank goodness it didn't properly shut down, or else that would've been another tragedy on my part. And I seriously don't need another one of those. Not today.

"C'mon man, it'll be a laugh! This bash could liven you up again." he's practically listing random reasons to me, but I shake my head at him again and I could see the disappointment in his eyes. It wouldn't be the first time I've let-down someone these past few months. "Fine." he sighs and gets off the bed, dusting himself off before going back over to the mirror again to check on something. Probably his make-up.

"What's so important anyway?" he questions, collecting a beauty blender from the bedside table and dabbing under his eye. I gesture to my laptop, "I have a research project that's due on Monday." I inform him. By the way, I've still not written anything else on that document since I was in the living room. I've been too distracted, but I know once everyone's at the party, I'll have all the peace and quiet I need to be able to get this done. Hopefully.

He scoffs, "so you're telling me you've had this whole free week to do it... and you've not done it yet?" I think that question was more aimed at himself trying to wrap the whole situation in his head. I don't blame him either, but hey, I'm the #1 procrastinator when it comes to shit like this. Seriously, I am. I just keep pushing and pushing until the deadline's near and that's when you know you've fucked up. I nod and he rolls his eyes, now using his finger to blend certain parts around his face.

Suddenly, I had an idea. "If you want me to come so badly, why don't you help me?" I question and he rolls his eyes again, knowing full well that he wouldn't be 'helping' me. In fact, he'd be doing it all for me. He's done it plenty of times before and I always say thank you. Manners cost nothing, my friends. Plus, I do assist him whenever he needs it too, so it's cool. We owe it to each other from time to time. It's a mutual agreement we've always had.

"Can't. I'm helping set up the Halloween Bash, hence being ready early." he gestures to his glorious outfit. I sigh and my shoulders slump. I could really use his aid right now, I'm struggling with this whole thing and it's infuriating me. Like seriously, I just want to get this over and done with so I don't have to look at it ever again.

"Well is Bea free?" I stare aimlessly at the bright screen in front of me. She'd definitely lend a helping hand. Also she's crazy smart, so she'll get this done quickly for me. And once this is done, I plan on catching up with my favourite television shows. Or maybe I could make an appearance to that Halloween Bash... just kidding! I'm just not feeling it tonight. Maybe next year though.

"Definitely not, Harry." he pulls a peculiar face, "she's getting some revision time in before she goes to the party. She's got this weird schedule she follows in which she has to have occasional breaks and then study... it's all confusing to me." he says, waving a hand in the air. But then he pauses for a minute or two thinking about something, "but I guess it's somewhat admirable for the amount of dedication she has towards her grades." he states (more to himself though, I think).

I shrug, "yeah I guess." I reply, twiddling with my thumbs. I was completely unsure of who else to ask for help or what to do. I'm struggling with this whole thing and I just want this torturous nightmare to end. I just want a nap right now.

"Is there anybody else willing to give up their free time to assist me with this?" I ask him and he purses his lips, thinking. "Well there is Sarah... she said she's going to be late to the party because she has a few things to do beforehand. But I'm sure she'll happily aid you even though she doesn't do Drama." he pauses, "although, she is pretty good with English because Cora is-" he stops, "-was her best friend and she taught her a few tricks. Plus, Drama and English are sorta similar, I guess." he explains with a small shrug at the end and I grit my teeth. I'm not doing anything with her. I don't want to see her, not right now. I'm still hurting and bitter.

Very, very bitter.

"Or not." he states, staring at my facial expression in the mirror. He turns around and places a hand upon his hips, "why are you two not on speaking terms? We were all doing so great!" he tries to press for me to answer for what was the third time this week, but I ignore him and he gets the hint, letting out another sigh.

"Why don't you just leave it for now and I'll help you tomorrow?" he suggests and I ponder for a few moments. It doesn't sound like a bad idea, but then again I'd probably forget or something. Or I'll just keep saying "later". I'm so predictable sometimes. In addition I don't want to feel even more of a piece of shit tomorrow than I already do today; so I'd rather just get it done now so I can nap all tomorrow. And also wallow in self pity, because we have to go back to school and do stupid mock exams. Which I haven't even revised for. Fuck.

Shaking my head for what felt like the twelfth time today, Zavier gives me a pity smile. "Well have fun tonight, I have faith that you'll get it done." he comes over and clasps my back. I give him a small nod, "you have fun too and stay away from the punch." I say, exaggerating on the 'punch' part as everyone knows it gets spiked. Happens every year. Typical.

He leaves and I'm left alone, gawking at the bright screen in front of me. What the fuck am I supposed to do now?


Surprisingly, I've been progressing with the writing and I'm pretty proud of myself. After searching online for answers within forums, I finally knew what to do and I'm actually almost finished. I've done so much work today, I could literally burst from stress. Then again, I could treat myself to a takeaway with my pocket money. Julia and Oliver are at the Halloween Bash anyway so they're not here to nag at me, which is great.

Just as I was about to dial the phone number for a nice Thai takeaway, there was a booming crash upstairs. My eyes immediately looked up to the ceiling and I scrunched my eyebrows together. What the hell was that sound? After a few moments of silence, I shrug and punch the buttons on my new phone. I'm glad that other one broke because I seriously needed an upgrade. As I put the phone to my ear, there was yet another noise.

Ending the phone call (though it didn't even go through) I save the document on my laptop quickly before heading towards the door. I quietly open the door, and place my face close to the cracks of it. When I saw nobody, I opened the door fully and stepped out into the hallway, checking left and right. Yet again, no one was in sight.

Shrugging, just as I was about to turn around and go back inside the bedroom, I heard footsteps. Abruptly, I leap inside the dining room part and pop my head around the corner. Sarah was walking down the stairs, in what looked like a Catwoman costume, (she looked hot in it too) carrying a large box in her hands. Why was she still here? Surely she would have left by now... it was almost 8. Once she got off the last step, she dropped the box making that same nosiy sound from before and she groans, picking it up. So that's what the sound was. Despite the fact that I wanted to go back to my bedroom and finish off that research project, I find myself staying put and spying on Sarah.

What on Earth is she doing with that box?

It could be props for the dance. But I'm pretty sure that the party is in full swing and that they've set everything up already. So what's in that box and where is she going? She managed to open the front door and my eyes widened. For some reason I was hit with this sudden gut feeling, which was telling me to follow her.

So that's what I do. I sneak through the now closing door and it shut behind me, just in time. She was walking in the opposite direction of the school – which was where the Halloween Bash was located. I raise an eyebrow, even more curious. Where was she going? She's going to miss out on all the supposed fun.

Continuing to follow her, I then recognised the path we were on and where we were going. We were heading towards the crypt. Why is she going there? And more importantly, why is she going on her own? Surely she would've asked Asa to go with her or something... right? I mean, the crypt looks pretty scary at night, not gonna' to lie.

As we were approaching the entrance to the crypt, she pauses and my eyes widen. Quick, I need to hide. So, I dash to the nearest bush and crouch down, hoping she didn't notice. I peek my head up and see that she was searching around her surroundings, before shrugging and going towards the door. She places the box down gently, letting out a sigh of relief from her mouth and then opens the box to fetch a few things out.

Light instantly appeared and I recognised it was a flashlight. She also had a funny-looking key, which looked like the moon. She manages to open the creaky door, leaving the key in the door and gingerly enters. Instantly, I rush towards the opened door and manage to slip in. I'm not letting Sarah go in here all alone, she could hurt herself or something. I just need to know what she's doing and if she's going to be okay. And then I'll be on my way, back to the house, to finish off that tedious project.

Her soft footsteps could be heard from below and as I quietly tip-toed down the steps, I heard a few rustlings. What is she doing? I'm just curious, that's all. Almost tripping over a step, I manage to catch myself, however I had made a noise.

"Who's there?" I heard her ask. Her voice was shaky and I sensed that she was petrified about something. But what? And shit, I think my cover is blown. What should I do now? Tell her it's me? Leave? That's probably the best idea. I don't want to stay here any longer: this place is super creepy at night. I'm getting chills just being here. And not the good kind. But I can't just leave her here, and my gut it telling me to stay...

Rolling my eyes, I step out and noticed that the flashlight was now on me. Whilst I was trying to block the light from shining in my eyes, she lets out a frustrated groan and I could faintly see her crossing her arms. "Harry? What are you doing here? You gave me such a fright!" she exclaims, and her voice wasn't shaky anymore. I think I could actually sense annoyance though.

"What are you doing here, instead of attending that Halloween Bash?" I fire the question back at her and she bites her lip, gazing around the room. I noticed she was debating with herself to tell me what she was up to.

She throws her hands in the air, "I think I've figured something out. So Asa and I were going to check it out tomorrow... but I wanted to do it now. I need to be sure." she explains and I raise my eyebrow.

"Why haven't we been informed of this 'discovery'?" I ask her, quite irritated she's leaving Sibuna in the dark. We haven't had a meeting for a while and here she was, exploring on her own like it was nothing. Doesn't she know that the whole point of Sibuna is that we stick together to seek clues and complete mysteries? She's pissing me off. It's not fair on us.

"I-I don't know... I've been researching a lot lately and I-" she pauses. I look at her with a questioning gaze. But before I could even say anything, I was harshly pushed to the floor and the flashlight was flickering.

"Harry?!" I heard Sarah shriek. I was in a lot of agony and I wasn't sure why. I mean, I only got pushed over by something... or someone. But what or who? It couldn't have been Sarah because she was right in front of me... wait a minute. Amphis was here. Immediately looking up, I noticed that the flashlight was on the other side of the room and the light was now flickering more ferociously. I could faintly see Sarah frantically looking around in the dark and she kept repeating my name.

"Over... here!" I shout, wincing in pain when I tried to move. She sees me and gasps, jogging over to me. She helps me up and my ankle was aching terribly. It honestly hurt so much. What just happened?

"We need to get out of here." she states and I nod. As she wraps an arm around my waist to assist me to walk up the stairs, there was a random gust of wind and I heard something slam. I hope it wasn't the door, or we're fucked. Truly.

Sarah gently sits me down on one of the steps and runs up them, presumably to the door. I heard tugging and I turn my head to see her struggling to open the door. She gazes back at me with a worried look and I heard her gulp nervously.

"We're trapped."

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