The Adventure of a Lifetime|...

By _fanfictionfreakk_

43.3K 1.2K 123

Bonnie didn't tell her friends in Mystic Falls that she was actually in New Orleans helping Klaus defeat Marc... More

The Taste of our Fears
Sun on the Horizon
A Heart So White
Pale Fire
Masquerade Part 1
Masquerade Part 2
Farewell to Peace
You Make Me Feel...
Make no mistake
Pain in my side
Off to Portland pt.1
Off to Portland pt.2
Far from home
Witch Hunt
Eyes on fire
The Feeling Begins
The Dinner

From Here to Eternity

2.2K 65 3
By _fanfictionfreakk_

"I'm fine Caroline, I promise" Bonnie says gushing over the phone to her friend

Caroline and Elena had been calling Bonnie constantly and she was purposely avoiding answering their calls and texts. She hated lying to them and knew that she wouldn't be able to fool them for long.

"I know, I know. It's just that we haven't been apart from each other this long before."

"Caroline I've only been gone for like three weeks." Bonnie says laughing

"Yeah but it feels like three years." She hears Caroline sigh over the phone

"Well how is everyone?" Bonnie says getting up from her bed and going to her balcony

"Fine, I guess you know the usual. Stefan and Elena are inseparable so I've been you know...alone." Caroline states quietly

"I'm sorry Caroline, I'll be back when I'm sure she's stable. She's still in critical condition." Bonnie says hating herself for lying to her friend

"I'm used to it you know....." Caroline says on the other end

"Go on a date! Meet a cute guy do what Caroline usually does." Bonnie says looking at the flowers on her patio

"It's not that easy.... but speaking of dating. Jeremy came to visit Elena yesterday." Caroline says

It had been so long since Bonnie had heard his name. But it still brought up the same feelings every time she heard it. She and Jeremy ended on somewhat good terms. Life just had different plans for both of them. Jeremy wanted to leave Mystic Falls and become what he always wanted to be. A vampire hunter. He left with Tyler and the two of them hadn't had contact since.

"I have to go Bonnie. But please come back soon we miss you so much!" Caroline states breaking Bonnie out of her thoughts

"Bye love you too-" Bonnie says as Caroline cut the phone off

"Well that was touching" Bonnie turned around to see Rebekah sitting on the bed on her phone


Bonnie never quite hated Rebekah and felt more at ease with her that with any of the other Mikaelsons' including Elijah. Rebekah never seemed to have ulterior motives and seemed completely honest.

"Let's go shopping." Rebekah says casually looking at her phone screen

"I can't, have to go somewhere today." Bonnie says sitting on the bed next to Rebekah

"With Kol right?"

"I thought Elijah was taking me?" Bonnie says confused

"No Kol is, but don't worry he's in a good mood today"


And Rebekah was gone. Damn vampire speed.

Bonnie headed down the stairs when she heard that familiar accent that she knew all too well ring out.

"I'm bored." He stated his eyes darkening ever so slightly

"Go play outside." Bonnie states trying to go around him

"Come with me" he states smirking

"Your foul" Bonnie scowls

"You have no choice actually, Niklaus wants me to take you to meet someone today."

"Tell Klaus he's not the boss of me"

"Just do as he says, don't you want to go home anyways? To someone named Caroline was it?"

"Good to know you listen to my phone conversations. Now move Kol."

"Don't make me do something I'll regret, you are beautiful but I have no qualms making you go." He says seriously

"You can't make me do shit." Bonnie scoffs

"Is that a challen-"

"Kol please don't be so unmannerly with Ms. Bennett, she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to." Elijah's voice chimed out

"Thank you Elijah but I will go. But not because Kol made me." She says brushing past Kol


Kol and Bonnie arrived at a bar and took a seat across from each other as Bonnie avoided eye contact with Kol who seemed to be deeply interested in the young witch.

"You're treating me very curtly, considering I practically saved your life not so long ago." Kol says looking at the menu

"You hardly saved my life, considering your brother needs me alive." Bonnie says quoting his own words

"You seem to forget so easily that you volunteered to come here, Niklaus is not forcing you to stay." Kol says simply

"If I leave he may hurt the people I love." Bonnie says faintly

"Like your friend Elena?" Kol scoffs

Before Bonnie could respond the door swung open revealing three men who seemed to fit right into the crowd. But Bonnie knew better. Vampires. She could sense it and Kol could too.

She could see Kol watching them intently out of the corner of her eye and made a mental note that he seemed wary around all vampires.

The group was heading towards their table and Bonnie braced herself.

"Bonnie Bennett?" One of the men questioned

"Yes?" Bonnie replied

"Marcel has requested that we come and get you. He would like to talk with you in private." The man says ignoring Kols' glare

"That's not going to happen." Kol says standing up suddenly "Not without me present."

"He didn't ask for you Mikaelson. He asked for the lady." One of the men spat

"Well I'm going anyway. I'm sure Marcel will understand why." Kol says turning to look at Bonnie who was secretly thankful that Kol would be going

"We actually were supposed to meet someone here. I'm sure Marcel already knew that however." Kol says casually

The three men led Bonnie and Kol down the street to the compound. The three men walked in front as Kol watched closely not wanting to fall into a trap. When they walked inside the compound they were greeted by the current ruler of New Orleans himself.

"Welcome, Mrs. Bennett" he says kissing her hand as Bonnie tried to hide a disgusted look

"Mr. Mikaelson" Marcel says nodding to Kol who offers no greeting

"Whenever I seem to see you he's not far behind is he?" Marcel says to Bonnie amused

"What did you need to speak with me about?" Bonnie asks wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"I would like to speak with you in privacy, that is if Mr. Mikaelson is ok with that." Marcel mocks

"Listen here-" Kol says taking a step forward

"It's fine, Kol will be fine with that." Bonnie says placing her hand on his chest to stop him from going further.

"Follow me then" Marcel says spinning on his heels and down the hall. Bonnie looked to Kol and he nodded in exchange.

Once they were finally in Marcel's study he closed the door and sat on the couch.

"I want to offer you the chance of a lifetime." Marcel says getting straight to the point

Bonnie looks to the corner of the room and recognizes that Sage is burning. Meaning that the room is spelled so no one can hear what they discuss.

"And what would that be?" She says taking a seat across from him

"Come live with me here. While you stay in New Orleans."

"Why would I do that?"  Bonnie asks surprised

"Because you will be able to do magic whenever you please. And I know you must be tired of living with the Mikaelsons."

"What makes you think I don't like the Mikaelsons?"

"Oh I know you don't like them, but for some reason that I can't figure out you are staying with them. You aren't being completely honest about your reasons for being in New Orleans." Marcel says noticing the sudden change in the her demeanor

"I would never want to live here with your little vampire army" She says standing up turning to leave

"You would be foolish to turn down such an offer."

"I'll take my chances" Bonnie says sarcastically

"Your chances are slim. Don't let the younger one fool you. He's just as bad as Klaus, if not worse."

Bonnie paused for a moment and listened while her hand was on the door knob

"You think he cares for you, but the originals only care about themselves."

"I have found that the more you talk Marcel, the more you show yourself to be a fool." Bonnie spats

"They have had a thousand years to perfect the art of using people. They do it all the time, they won't hesitate to take your life if it means saving theirs.If I find out that your reasons for being here aren't what they seem Ms.Bonnie. You will see a whole new side of me."

"Is that a threat?"

"No, that's a promise."

Bonnie then turned and walked out of the door down the hall and saw Kol. He checked her over in his mind for any wounds but saw that she was indeed fine.

"Goodbye Ms.Bonnie I hope you think over what we discussed." Marcels voice rings out


"So I would like to show you something tonight before we go home if that's ok with you." Kol says a bit awkwardly to Bonnie on the walk home

"I'm not really in the mood Kol." Bonnie says defeatedly

"Oh come on, you might as well have fun while you're in the city. I don't bite." Kol says smiling

"Where are we going." Bonnie laughs

"That's a surprise."

The pair turned off the road they were heading down and to a completely different path. Down a few alley ways then into a crowd of people that appeared to be there for a festival. There were lights hanging off of the balconies of the houses and a jazz band playing on the street and dancers dancing to their music.

"Is this a festival?" Bonnie says turning to Kol

"An art festival"

"It's very beautiful, look at this." Bonnie says pointing to one of the paintings on display

"Romeo and Juliet" Kol recognizes

"Such a beautiful painting" Bonnie says to herself

"I found A Midsummer Night's Dream more appealing" Kol says looking at the artwork the woman had on display

"I can't believe you have read Shakespeare." Bonnie says surprised

"Oh please, those are classics. Everyone has read those."

Bonnie rolled her eyes and turned to see Kol had his hand outstretched for her to take.

"Dance with me?" he says

They move to dance with the other couples to the slow Jazz song that was playing.

"I should thank you for giving me your blood." Bonnie says swaying with the music "You didn't have to do that."

"No need to, your presence is all the thanks I need." he whispers into the exposed skin on her neck

Both relished in the moment and didn't want it to end. Swaying to the music in their own perfect world held an indescribable peace with it. Neither could describe what it was about the other that had them somewhat infatuated with each other. Though neither would admit to it. Infatuation didn't even come close to describing how they felt in that moment.

When the song ended Bonnie decided that it was time to go home after looking at a few more pieces of artwork.

"Thank you for tonight." Bonnie says looking at him as they began to walk home

"No, thank you for spending it with me." Kol says with a look in his eye that she could not recognize

"Who knew vampires had a soft side." Bonnie says teasing

"Not a soft side, just a human side" Kol says smiling a little "What did Marcel speak to you about?"

"Nothing really, just peppering me with questions really." Bonnie replies hoping her heart rate didn't give her away

"Classic Marcel." Kol sighs "Come on let's get home."
Comment what you thought of the chapter!❤️❤️❤️ More chapters to come!✨

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