A Right Hand Woman

By laidey_elm

751 28 4

Raven lived a happy life until her family are taken from her. After meeting a stranger in the road, she is gi... More

Part 1. A Right Hand Woman
Come on, I need a plan
Who said you can't con a conner
Old wood
Sweat an Tears
Nothing left but stinking death.
Stranger in the road.
A deal for a black soul.
Lost in a bath
News Travels.
Debt Collecting
Part 2. The Right Path.
A Fight, A Fight, My kingdom For A Fight.
One's Company, But Two's Annoying
Live, laugh, love.
Messed Up Plans
Crowded In.
A Little Fun
An Ashen World

A Good Lead

21 1 1
By laidey_elm

The tension between Elray and myself was so thick you could cut it with a knife. We barely spoke for the rest of the day after setting off from the cave. I guess I was the one to blame for that. I was angry and frustrated, and also sulking a little. Taking it out on Elray did not help, but it made me feel a bit better to see his discomfort. And just maybe, if I made him feel unwelcome enough, he might just leave me alone.

We arrived in Kulpress a little after the sun had fully risen. There were few people about but I knew within a few hours, the streets would be packed with shoppers and traders about their daily business. I had decided that I did not want to run the risk of running into Susanna or Matthew, so we headed for the rooming house the messenger had told us about. Paying the Inn keeper in advance for a few nights stay, I headed straight to my room for a freshen up, leaving Elray to sort out his own room.

After I had had a quick wash and changed my clothes, I put my hooded cloak back on and headed out the door to find Elray waiting for me. 'What are you doing skulking around my door?' I glared at him. 'Alright then, if you do not want to know what I found out about the recipient of our messages, I'll just go to the tavern and have a brew'. He threw me a wink and walked away down the hall. I realised what he had said and ran after him. Catching him on the stairs, I fell into him, knocking us both down to the bottom. I was sprawled across Elray, with him looking into my face, laughing like I had said a good joke. 'Well I did not know you wanted me that bad! But perhaps you could wait until we are alone' He winked at me again and shoved me off.

I could not help it, I slapped him in the face. He reeled back in shock and looked at me, with his mouth flapping open and closed. He truly looked like a fish. I cracked up laughing at him then and he must have realised how he looked and started to laugh with me. 'I am so sorry! I have no idea what came over me' I laughed at him, wiping a tear from my eye. I stood and helped hoist him to his feet. 'It is alright Raven, I will get you back later' he responded, after he had finished laughing. 'So, you have information I want. Do I need to beat it out of you?' I said with a smile. Elray grabbed me and linked our arms together. 'A good beating is not needed, but it would be nice... Just buy me an ale and I will spill the lot'. He laughed at me, pulling me out the door. 'How am I meant to stay angry at you? It is impossible!' I joked, poking him in the side.

Well one ale turned into too many to count, and by the time we returned to our rooms, we were both a little worse for wear. But Elray had come through for me. After purchasing his room earlier, he had paid the Inn keeper a fair sum for information on the man we were looking for. As we knew nothing about him, he gave a description of the messenger and right off, the Inn keeper knew who we were looking for. He told Elray what the man looked like and gave his own personal opinion, which was that the man was a dirty crook who always refused to pay full price on his room. He also told Elray he was due to stay again in seven days time.

Knowing how long I had to wait for the man, who Elray also found out, went by the name of Kinchant, I allowed Elray to help me learn the lay out of the Inn and learn which room he was likely to stay in. I begrudgingly agreed to let him keep an eye on me, if only to shut him up and went to planning. I had never had to set out a plan, I just usually ran in and killed who ever needed killing. But Elray insisted we had to prepare for the worst and to try and not draw attention to ourselves. I was hoping yet, that Kinchant would have a few of his friends with him, to make my job easier. Kill a few birds with one stone, so the speak. And my other problem was I would not be able to avoid Susanna and Matthew for seven days. Rose was the queen of gossip and would know of my arrival into town before the day was out. I realised with dread, it may be time to face them and deal with the consequences.

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