By KatyFray

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She has everything she had, wealth,money, fame and beauty. But something is still missing in her life that sh... More

Meet The Characters:
Chapter One: First Encounter with the male gods
Chapter Two: The Revelation
Chapter Three: Moving to the Devils Lair
Chapter Four: At the Press Conference
Chapter Six : I Had Fun with the Help of EXO
Chapter Seven: They are Planning Something Creepy?
Chapter Eight: Luhan's Gift.
Chapter Nine: Unexpected Guest?
Chapter Ten: Sleep Sex with Baekhyun!
Chapter Fourteen : Confused and Jealous
Chapter Fifteen : A Moment with Baekhyun
Chapter Sixteen: A Great Disaster.
Chapter Thirteen: I'm Broken

Chapter Five: Morning Seduction

2.1K 15 2
By KatyFray

(A/N: Hey guys so heres chaptie no. 5 i hope u guys liked it)

(Luhan's POV:)

I woked up with a strange feeling. I can't forget the words that came out of Aquas voice when he came closer to me.

' Thanks for saving me Luhan, i know you can't hear me but i think i'm starting to have a crush on you goodnight ' then she kissed my cheeks and also sleeped peacefully.

I turned around and noticed that she's not their, where could she be, i heared laughing and voices of my members outside.

I stood up and went to my verranda to my surprise they were at the pool swimming and loud talking. But i can't see Aqua anywhere.

" Hey Luhan Hyung come here and join us its fun " Sehun said and gestured me to come down.

" Yeah i'll be their in a minute, i'll just wait for Aqua, hey did you see were she went " i asked seriously.

" No we haven't the mades also didn't see her going out " Sehun said again. Where  could she be.

I walked inside and found her in nice clothes. She was wearing a tube top and short shorts and a slippers.

" Hey Luhan you where looking for me well i just took a bath, are you going to swim with them " she asked. I smiled and nodded.

" Oh okay i'll just go down and prepare some foods for you okay " she said. I smiled and nodded and she went out. Oh that girl makes my day complete.

(Aqua's POV:)

I went out of Our room and went down. I went to the kitchen and prepared sandwiches and juice for the guys, they where at the

garden and they where all laughing and teasing each other.

Luhan came down with his trunks and his also topless.

" Are you going to join me later for a night swim " he asked seriously. I just shrugged and continued to fix this foods.

" Okay but make sure you look sexy and hot infront of everyone okay " he said. I turned around and smiled at him. I brought the tray with me and we went outside.

" Hey guys i brought you some snacks if your hungry just get what you want " i said and they all smiled and some of them smirked at me.

" Hey join as AquaMarine that sounds like a mermaids name right " Chanyeol teases.

" Yeah but maybe later okay, i'll just watch you " i said and sat down in one of the chairs their.

Luhan jumped into the pool and the water splashed on me. Now my clothes are wet.

" Ooh sorry babe i think you should change your clothes and join us you want haha " Kai said. I rolled my eyes on him and walked away.

I went inside and go to our room. I got my two piece swim suit but its not very revieling although they can see my cleavage and my back.

I went to the bathroom and change my clothes. When i was done i wear my bathrobe and went out of the room.

I got out our room and when i was out, they where all their waiting for me except Luhan and Sehun.

" Where's Luhan and Sehun " i asked. Kyungsoo walked towards me.

" Well their swimming over there,are you ready for the second round " he said and looked at my body.

I covered my legs and tie the rope on my waist.

" I'll just take a quick swim and don't you even their look " i said and glared to all of them. But they all gave me an evil smirk.

I just snob them and went out. And their i found Luhan and Sehun playing like kids while splashing the water.

" Oh their you are come on join us " Sehun said and smirked at me. Then the others came outside again.

" Oh their you are come on show us your sexy body haha " Kai said. Oh come on pervert guys.

" Uhm can all of you turn around for a minute i'll just take this off " i said but they didn't even turned around.

" Come on don't be shy, you can let us see it " Baekhyun said. Fine do i have any other choice.

I unwrapped my bathrobe and they were like this:

O__O << they were like that

>///< << i was like this.

" Wow you look hot realy hot hoo " Kai said. and wiped his sweat off.

And thats kind a hot. I mean what No! erase erase...

I just snob Kai and all of them and jumped into the water. And Luhan suddenly pulled me down the water and hold my arms tight.

He smiled at me and i did not mind him. I keep pulling my arms from him but his too strong. He pulled me closer to him and now are body and face are too close.

He suddenly kissed my lips full with lust and hunger. i too resist in this sensation his giving me. But no this is not good. The two of us went out of the water and the others jumped again.

" Huh! that was intense right " he said. I just nodded and bowed my head. My breasts was getting bigger and my body was getting slimmer than before.

Then suddenly they hit a ball on my head and that surprised me.

" Hey Aqua lets play water basket ball, the first one who can shoot that ball wins and the loser shall have consequences " Baekhyun said and smirked at me.

" Okay i'm it, and what is the price if i win " i said mocking them and smirked at them.

" Just wait haha, come on lets start the game " Kai said. And i nodded and smiled seductively to them.

I deep my head underwater and swim so fast so i can, shoot the ball, but Sehun and Luhan is following me, and they were blocking my way.

I pushed the two of them and they separated ways, but when i was already at the ring, someone pulled my feet and dragged me down to the deepest side of the pool. I looked around and i saw Sehun smirking at me.

I keep resisting my feet but he still pulls it until i reached him. He pulled my arms and now are bodys are so close.

He suddenly touched my flower and inserted it with his two fingers. He was fingering me and i cant help too hugged him tight and he went faster. I pulled his hair under the water.

Then he removed his two fingers on my flower and licked it. He let me free and i went out of the water.

Really i can't breathe in that position.

I shoot the ball on the ring and it went in. I win yes.

" So you win huh, guys surround her and will give her seduction haha " Kai said and smirked.

The others came near me. Chanyeol and Baekhyun hold my two arms tightly and Kris and Tao hold my feet.

" Hey what are you doing, i didn't do anything hey let me go, you bastards i don't want this Luhan help me " i screamed at the top of my lungs. But Luhan didn't came near us. instead he got off the water he looked at me and winked at me. What is the meaning of this is he gonna' leave me with his perverted friends.

" Suho, you and I will do something to her " Kai said. Suho nodded and the two of them smirked and came closer to me.

" Hey let me go, you perverts.....

hmmm " Chanyeol tied a rope on my hands and a cloth on my mouth. So i can keep my mouth shot.

" You keep quiet or something might happen to you, you got that slave " Kai said and smirked.

Luhan  came out and throw a condom at Kai and he catched it.

" Use that for protection guys oh and give her more fun " Luhan said. He looked at me and smiled then wink. What is wrong with him seemed so weird.

" You got it bro, now go inside and will start this sensation on her, Suho Hyung your the first okay " Kai said. He looked at me and smiled devilishly. Oh please lord save me from this horrible guys i mean perverts.

Suho came near me also with Kai, they were hugging me and then Kai started licking my neck and Suho was busy untiying my swimsuit.

" Hhhmmm.... " i said. Cause i kept resisting. And Kai deeped my head and removed his trunks.

He let me swallow his Dick, and i can say its kind of long and thick.

I just kept on pulling then Chanyeol and Barkhyun let go of me, they sticked their dicks at my back and i can feal their bulges coming out.

I can't take it anymore, so i brought my head out.

Kai untied the cloth on my mouth and their i can.breath easily.

" *Pant* Why are you doing this to me, this is not what i want i'm not ready to do this kind of thing, please let me go....hhmmm " i was cut off when Chanyeol and Baekhyun started to lick my neck and Chanyeol was trusting his dick.at my back.

" Please stop it, i'm begging you all i don't want this.thing to be done " i said and my tears started to fall.

" Stop crying you bitch, this is your job, your father sell you too us so you better do your job understand, now lets get started " Kai said and smirked again.

He dived into the water and started to lower my bikini, i started pulling and resisting but my feet was tied by Tao and Kris.

He successfuly untied my bikini and he begun insirting his three fingers on my clit.

And on the other hand, Suho was now licking at my breast while Chanyeol and Baekhyun kept touching my but and licking my neck.

" Ugh... Ah p-please s-stop it, it h-hurts " i said breathingly. But they didn't listen they kept on going faster and then i cum because of Kai did.

Kai brought his head out and smirked at me.

" Now its your time to do it, guys let her go, lets continue this inside later, let her rest first." Kai said. They all went out of the water and now i'm alone with Sehun.

H came near me and pulled me closer to him.

" I know you don't have much experience with this kind of thing but, surely enough you would love.it i think they are planning to do it to you, over and over again so i'm saying this to you, they are planning to do something against the rule so just stay by Luhan and my side okay " he said. I just nodded. Somehow i can trust Sehun cause he is also one of Luhan's bestfriend.

" Thanks for warning, i should go now,thanks for the talk Sehun it helped me and i feel relified thanks a lot " i said and kissed hos cheeks. I saw him blushed and he swim away from me.

I got out of the water and got my bathrobe, i wore it and tied it up then i got inside.

The Maids where not there and i just decided to go to oir room and take a bath.

I reached my room and Luhans room. I opened the door and found him topless all over his body, like he is seducing me or what i just ignored him and went inside the bathroom.

I put on the shower and started taking a bath. I didn't locked the door cause it was really hot inside.

I was rinsing my hair when someone leaned his face on my shoulder and started licking it.

I turned around and saw Luhan, what is he doing in here.

" Ugh! Luhan stop why are you here " i asked then he wrapped his hands on my waist.

" Well i wanted to join you taking a bath is that problem Jagiya " he said in a seductive tone.

" But this is not good, please let me go " i said and i kept on pulling his hands of off my waist.

And i did it. I turned around to face him, and he puahed to the wall.

" You are mine only mine Aqua, and you said something last night to me that made me happy " he said straight in my eyes.

" What are you saying, do one i said to you last night that i have a crush on you thats true, but please let me...hmm " i was cut off when he kissed me agressively and pinned his hands by my side.

I kept pushing him but its no use his too strong and i'm.already weak.

He back off and smiled at me seductively.

" Now that was my Morning Seduction to you, Jagiya! " he said and moved away his arms and went out of the room.

My heart why is it beating so fast, am inlove or something. I wiggled my head and off the shower.

I went out and so him waiting their, i just smiled at him and Luhan smiled back at me.

I went to our walk in closet and found my yellow summer dress, i wear my undies first then my yellow dress and white flat sandals.

I just curled my hair and went out of the walk in closet.

When i was out, i found my phone and i have lot of text messages and missed calls.

27 missed calls came from my Mom

and 1 text message from Ella.

From: Ella

Hey Aqua, our shop its running out of customers and they are all looking for you, please come when you have some time, we need you so badly. I love you bessy please come here okay bye.

*End of Message*

So i decided to go to our shop, but i don't have any car, i looked for Luhan and i found him at his balcony looking faraway and watching those sceneries.

I tapped his shoulders and he turned around to face me. He smiled me a quick kiss on my cheeks.

" You look nice but, where are you going, can i come with you " he asked i just nodded and smiled at him.

" I'm going to my shop will you help me please, my store is running out of customers but when you came i'm sure lot of customers are going to come oh and can we bring some of your friends " i asked and hold his.shoulders tight.

" Okay sure i'd love to help you, where is your shop, lets go " he said and smiled joyfully at me.

We ran outside and Luhan knocked each room and all of his friends came out.

" What's with the disturbance can't you see where trying to sleep " Lay said and he really looks sleepy.

" And why are you dressed like that are you going somewhere we don't know huh " Suho was raising his eyebrows at me.

" Uhm will just go to my shop will you come with us please " i asked politely to them.

" And why would we come with you huh, is it important " Kris said with a cold tone and Smirked at me.

Luhan came infront and covered me.

" Guys lets help Aqua, her shop is loosing alot of customers lets help her win his shop again please " Luhan said and did his Aegyo to them.

They sighed and pathed Luhans head.

" Fine but stay here first will change our clothes then will go understand " Suho said. Me and Luhan nodded and all of them went in their room.

I look at my side and Luhan was.staring at me. I smiled at him and hugged him tightly.

" Oh thank you so much, for your help i promise when we come their i'll treat all of you thanks so.very much Luhan " i said. And he also responded my hug.

We broke the hug cause all of them went outside and they really look hot on their outfits and it suits them very well.

" So lets go, my friend is waiting for me their i hope you will cooperate with me guys " i said. And they all nodded and smiled at me.

This is the first time they smiled whole heartedly at me with no smirk at all.

We all went out and we used our own car. I ride with Luhan and Sehun. The Others used the Van.

I went in and buckled my seatbelt. Luhan was beside me cause he will be driving the car and Sehun is at the back sit with DO and Chen.

" Guys are we ready lets go " Luhan said. We all yelled excitedly.

" Yes we are, i want to eat i'm hungry all ready, hey Aqua do you have Bubble Tea at your shop " Sehun asked.

" Yeah we have don't worry i'll treat you all okay, seat back and relax " i said and the three of them nodded.

Luhan drived the car in Full speed.

(A/N: Hey guys next chapter is going to be fun i hope u like it)

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