~Understandable~ Jaeden Liebe...

By sunnylieberher

111K 2.2K 1K

"You're the only one that understands." "Really?" "Yeah...really." ☻Jaeden x reader sorta thing. (or you can... More

Mario Kart 8
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3.2K 81 52
By sunnylieberher

"OH SO YOU DECIDED TO GO AHEAD AND KISS THIS GIRL EVEN THOUGH YOU KNEW YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND??" I say starting to cry. Everyone stays quiet and I just couldn't take it anymore.
"I can't believe you right now." I scoff grabbing my purse and opening the door.
"Y/N please, don't go. I-I lo-"
"Don't say you love me when you obviously love someone else." I retort and run home.
Jaeden's POV
"Look what you did Jaeden!" Wyatt tells me and stands up. He grabs me by the collar and says "you'll pay for this you son of a guy." Wyatt leaves and the only person left is Sophia.
"You know Jaeden, if you really love her, you give her time to calm down and you do something that'll make her want you back." Sophia says calmly. That's what I like most about Sophia. 1 second she's angry, another second she tries to help. Sophia then leaves back to the Oleff's and I'm left all alone. I run to the garage and start thinking of ways that will make Y/N forgive me. I see my bike and I take it to buy flowers. Y/N loves daisies. I'll buy them. I ride my bike all the way to Target to get flowers and a card. There was a Starbucks in Target so I bought Y/N a Mocha Frappe. I go back home with the flowers, card, and Starbucks. I write the card, fix the flowers, and I put the drink in the fridge. I need to change. I look bad in these clothes. I change into a flannel shirt and some black jeans. I also put on cologne. I fix my hair and leave the house. The Oleffs didn't live far. Only a 15 minute walk.
Your POV
I sit on the couch and stare blankly at the wall. Wyatt and Sophia are in the kitchen making lunch.
Ding dong
I get up and open the door. It was Jaeden.
"What the hell do you want?" I say harshly. (sorry about the language)
"Can I come in, please." Jaeden asks ever so kindly.
"Fine." We walk to the couch. Sophia and Wyatt knew that he was here but they kept quiet.
"Y/N, I know what I did was wrong and I should be punished. I'm sorry that I did it. Emily is the one that kissed me. I love you, not her. You have a kind heart and you love others more than you love yourself. Emily, she's a brat. She only cares about how she feels, not others. I'll leave it up to God to punish me. Y/N, you can go ahead and hit me, slap me, or do whatever you want to me. I don't care. I just want you to feel better so I went and bought these daisies since I know you love them. I also got you a card and a Mocha Frappe because these things make you feel better." Jaeden says from the bottom of his heart.
"J-Jaeden." I say. "Do you really mean it?"
"Yes, I do. From the bottom of my heart. I love you more than anything in the world. I know I didn't ask you to be my girlfriend in a romantic way and I feel really bad."
"I forgive you Jaeden. Next time, be more aware ok?" I tell him.
"I will." We both give each other a hug and eat the food that Wyatt and Sophia made.
"I told you Jaeden, if you say something from the bottom of your heart, she'll forgive you." Sophia says tapping the left side of her head with her finger.
"I'm sorry for being rude to you Jaeden. I was just being an overprotective brother."
Wyatt tells Jae.
"It's fine dude. Don't worry about it, I deserved it."
We all finish lunch and sit on the couch. Oh that couch. So many memories on couch Oleff. I'll never forget this day. This one horrible yet great day.


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